View Full Version : Halloween 8

Jun 30th, 2002, 07:21:23 PM
speaking of crap :).

This is the only other movie (other than AOTC) that I have been longing to see since 1999.It will also be the only movie I will PAY to see while AOTC is out. I'm really upset that that rapper is in it (can't believe I cant think of his name :( ) and tyra banks :(. I am really stoked that it will be MICHEAL MYERS in it this time not some imposter. It'll also be good to see MM kill lori strode this time :rollin . I just wish they were not doing the stupid internet thing with it . But it really does not matter it's Micheal Mayers the greatest horror man ever !!!

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 30th, 2002, 07:28:38 PM
Cant they just PLEASE STOP with the rehashes already?????

Jun 30th, 2002, 07:31:33 PM
NOOOOOOO!!! :mneh

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 30th, 2002, 07:32:52 PM
H20 was amazing and would've been a wonderful end to the Michael Myers trilogy - Yeah, I know about the others...:x but as far as I'm concerned it was only a trilogy: 1, 2 and H20 - as it is, I hate the idea of Halloween 8. Wasn't the real Michael Myers? What a load of nonsense, I don't like that at all and if what you say about Lori Strode is true I will go crazy because that is a spoiler!!! :cry

If Jamie-Lee is not the star of the film then I'm not gonna watch it, certain horror movie sequels should not be watched; ie. Halloween 8 and The Blair Witch Project 2. >_<

Jun 30th, 2002, 07:43:35 PM
Other than halloween 3 (which had nothing to do with Micheal)

H20 was the worst of the series, IMHO . It left out everthing that had to do with the other films. Jamie loyd said Nothing about her daughter , which would have tied the other's together with the h20 and the guy who got killed was either a police man that micheal switched with or the whole time was a imposter obsessed with Micheal. Or A former cult member from part 6. The films as far as story wise is not all that bad . If someone was to watch 1-6 minus 3 and watch them and forget the gore factor i think they would really injoy them.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 30th, 2002, 09:28:47 PM
H2O? Whats so scary about water?


Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 30th, 2002, 10:56:33 PM
I think that "Alien 3" was one of the worst sequels Ive ever seen. And as much as I love Indiana Jones, "Temple Of Doom" wasnt good, either. "The Last Crusade" was everything that the second should have been.

(Is it me or does Sean Connery just keep getting HOTTER every day?? ;) )

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 1st, 2002, 02:25:19 AM
It's just you


Jul 1st, 2002, 05:31:17 AM
WTF? Alien 3 was EXCELLENT, an easy 4 star film, one of the best sequels ever. Aliens was better, sure, but Alien 3 kicked major butt. DAVID FINCHER directed it! He's the man. It was a great film.

Temple of Doom was great, but that was the third film I thought. The Last Crusade, despite "last," I thought was the 2nd movie. The one with Connery, yes. Temple of Doom was 1989 and it rocked. All of the Indy films rock. The first, IMO, is the worst of the three.

Sanis Prent
Jul 1st, 2002, 06:13:41 AM
WTF? Alien 3 was EXCELLENT

Thats it....Lock this pixie up, and throw away the damn key!

Alien 3 was so bad, I was wondering if it was some kind of secret psychological weapon designed by the Germans to cause America to spontaneously kill themselves to ease the trauma. I cried, and went to church for the next three months, trying to figure out how to get the horror of it out of my mind...like Lady MacBeth and her hand-wringing. There were only 3 Alien movies...but no Alien 3 ever existed. Just as the Necronomicon must never be read again, this abomination should never be watched.

Temple of Doom was great, but that was the third film I thought. The Last Crusade, despite "last," I thought was the 2nd movie. The one with Connery, yes. Temple of Doom was 1989 and it rocked. All of the Indy films rock. The first, IMO, is the worst of the three.

No. Temple of Doom was like in the mid-eighties. Last Crusade was 1989. And to think Raiders of the Lost Ark was the worst of the three....

....do you eat Chernobyl Flakes for breakfast?

Jul 1st, 2002, 06:32:44 AM
My 7-Year-Old son saw the poster for Halloween Resurrection and asked me "How did he get his head sewed back on?" :lol

I guess I've been spoiled now. Oh, well. I'll still be in line to see some more hacking from Michael. :evil

Jul 1st, 2002, 08:00:50 AM
I've never seen a Halloween movie. But Buff, is that Lorie person you said they were killing off Jaime Lee Curtis?

Temple of Doom was 1984, Last Crusade was 1989.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 1st, 2002, 11:27:58 AM
and the guy who got killed was either a police man that micheal switched with

I like that theory a lot, but I like this one more....Josh Hartnett isn't in Halloween 8 is he? :D

Jul 1st, 2002, 04:15:58 PM
But Buff, is that Lorie person you said they were killing off Jaime Lee Curtis? yup that would be her :D

And thank Goodness NO, Josh hartnett isn't in it :rollin

Jul 1st, 2002, 04:18:47 PM
Sorry , Quadinaros :(

Had I know someone other than me would be seeing it, I would have used a spoiler tag .

Jul 1st, 2002, 04:25:01 PM
Next up - Pongo's review of Rocky 5... THOUSAND... :)

I have only seen Halloween 1 and 2. The first one is one of my favorite horror movies. Second was so-so... After that, I just haven't had any interested in any of the others...

I think the worst sequel I ever saw was Caddyshack 2. Everything that made the first one such a comedic masterpiece was just gone...

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 1st, 2002, 04:54:54 PM
Lamelien 3 blew chucks. It was FOUL

Gav Mortis
Jul 1st, 2002, 06:36:05 PM
I was about to spoiler-tag what is below but it is no more than just me speculating.

What I meant that by Josh Hartnett not being in it is: If the man she killed was at the end of H20 actually a normal innocent guy - then do you think it may be possible that Myers actually managed to make a switch with Lauri Strode's own son and as a result it turns out that she had actually beheaded her own son? That would be excellent! :D

Jul 1st, 2002, 08:52:23 PM
Ah gotcha!! that would have been WAY cool. But I'm sure they wouldn't do that :(

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 1st, 2002, 10:04:21 PM
Bah! Why ever not? I mean, it's only Josh Hartnett! :)

Jul 3rd, 2002, 08:07:00 PM
Just to fill you guy's in................................................ .....
Missed a film or two? In case you haven't caught all of the previous HALLOWEEN movies, here's a quick crash course to fill you in on all the details of the Michael Myers saga.

Halloween night, 1963. Six year-old Michael Myers kills his sister Judith in her upstairs bedroom. Myers is locked away for 15 years and put under the care of resident psychiatrist Dr. Sam Loomis.

Halloween eve, 1978. Michael escapes from the Smith's Grove-Warren County Sanitarium and travels back to his hometown of Haddonfield, Illinois. He follows 17 year-old Laurie Strode around and finally attacks her. He's stopped by Dr. Loomis, who fires 6 shots into the unstoppable menace. But that's just the start - Michael survives and follows Laurie to Haddonfield Memorial Hospital. As he gets closer to his prey, Dr. Loomis finds out that Laurie is actually Michael's sister! As the Shape finally comes close to catching Laurie, Loomis shows up. In a fury, Loomis ignites gas tanks, causing a huge explosion in the hospital. Laurie escapes as Michael and Loomis burn.

The end? No way. Loomis somehow survived the event - as did Michael, who spent 10 years in a coma. Meanwhile, Laurie Strode was killed in a car wreck, leaving behind her daughter, Jamie Lloyd, in the care of the Carruthers family. Halloween eve, 1988 - Michael awakens and returns to Haddonfield after his niece Jamie. The chase ends with the state police gunning down Myers as he falls into a mineshaft. As the evening ends, Jamie violently attacks her stepmother - somehow the powers of Michael have transferred to her!

Michael killed? Of course not. He crawled out of the mineshaft and took refuge with an old hermit. Meanwhile, Jamie was put under doctor's care at the Masterson Clinic. Jump to Halloween, 1989 - Michael awakens again and continues his killing spree trying to get to Jamie. Jamie and Loomis foil him and trap him in the Myers house. Michael is jailed, but a mysterious stranger, dressed in black, blasts him out of jail and kidnaps Jamie.

Jamie is held hostage by a mysterious cult, known as Thorn, for several years. The mysterious Man In Black has Michael strangely impregnate her, leading to the birth of Steven Myers on Halloween Eve, 1995. Jamie escapes, but Michael quickly finds her and finally kills her. But the baby is gone - Steven is now in the hands of Tommy Doyle, who was under the care of Laurie Strode the night Michael first attacked Laurie Strode. Tommy discovers that the Man In Black is actually Dr. Wynn, the head of Smith's Grove sanitarium, who has been trying to control Michael. In a showdown at the sanitarium, Dr. Loomis confronts Wynn and allows Tommy and his friends to escape with the baby.

The terror isn't quite over yet. Michael manages to find out that Laurie Strode had actually faked her death and gone into hiding under a new name - Keri Tate. Myers tracks her down to Summer Glen, California, where she runs a private school - with her son John enrolled there. Myers shows up on Halloween night, 1998. An all out battle to the end occurs between Laurie and Michael. The authorities think that Laurie killed him, but Laurie knows better. She steals the coroner's van and manages to decapitate her deadly brother.

However, she made a mistake that could cost Laurie her life...

The story continues in HALLOWEEN RESURRECTION - in theaters July 12th!

Jul 3rd, 2002, 08:29:53 PM
Great post, Ravishing. I just felt my life pass before me. :evil

Jul 4th, 2002, 08:25:15 AM
I have no idea how you could not like Alien 3. What, you were scared when the main character DIES in the end of the movie? Oh boo-hoo-hoo. Well some directors actually have the guts to make something major happen in a movie and throw in a big plot twist; Fincher is that type of director. The dark, moody atmosophere in Alien 3 is creepier than any of the other Alien films, even though I think Alien 3 is the least of the first three. If you think Alien 3 is worse than Alien Resurrection, you're absolutely crazy. The fourth movie was the only one that was a letdown. It was still pretty good, as in 2.5 star good, but the first three were so excellent.

I really don't understand how you could not like the third Alien movie. It is totally awesome. It goes back to the horror of the first movie and away from the action of the second. I love the second, but it's more action than it is horror, which makes sense with James Cameron directing. The Alien series has three of the greatest directors in Hollywood history, then there is this random Alien Resurrection movie with some French hack who thought it was a good idea for there to be this stupid baby alien that is ten feet tall and looks all messed up. That was so retarded. The movie was really good up until that point, then it plunged like a rock in free fall.

Raiders is the worst of the three. I found the other two quite a bit more enjoyable, but they all get 4 stars in my book. Just because Raiders is the first doesn't mean it's the best. The AFI only put that on the list and not the other two because it is the first, and that theory is proven by the fact that ESB was not on the AFI list either, yet every critic considers it a better movie basically. However, the first movie is always the most influential, well except in the case of the Terminator series where T2 is really the biggest breakthrough technologically and made far more money.

The Temple of Doom was my favorite Indy film, then Last Crusade, then Raiders.

Jul 4th, 2002, 09:45:29 AM
So what the hell gave Myers this ability to cheat death over and over again? The whole thing sounds like a silly soap opera. :x

Gav Mortis
Jul 4th, 2002, 10:23:05 AM
I don't think that question has ever been answered or will ever be answered, deliberately too because that is one of the biggest mysteries behind Michael Myers; Dr. Loomis more or less says he is a devil, void of any knowledge of right or wrong with no compassion for life. There's definatly something unnatural/supernatural about him.

Jul 4th, 2002, 10:59:51 AM
well Micheal has never been killed. Stabbed , shot , burned, poked in the eye but never been killed.

Hallowen 1. at the end micheal gets shot out of two story window/balcony and disapears.

hallwoeen 2. Micheal/loomis gets burned.

Halloween 3 what ever

Halloween 4: micheal gets shot ALOT, and knocked down old well shaft.

halloween 5. micheal gets beat/drugged.

halloween 6. micheal gets beat drugged.

Halloween 7 :( Micheal get s beat, shot and Never gets head cut off.

You see the reason Micheal is so powerful is The curse of thorn. he has a demon.

the reason he does the killing is due to the curse that makes him kill. he hears voice's his head that he thinks will go away IF he kills all his family memeber's. That's why in Halloween 4 he comes out of his 10 coma(so to speak) when he finds out he has a niece.

I could explain it better , but I'm on my way to the movie's to see............................................... .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...................AOTC"S

Tianje Xhu
Jul 4th, 2002, 11:33:36 AM
why didnt i like "aliens 3"? it sucked. i dont care who the director was, it sucked. newt died, it sucked. hicks died, it sucked. the whole underground thing with only 3 smart inmates out of the whole prison, sucked. ripley sacrificing herself to kill the critter inside of her, awesome. the rest of it sucked.

raiders of the lost ark, awesome. temple of doom, sucked. the last crusade, awesome. sean connery HOOOOOOTTTTT!!!!!, and awesome.

not having snappy, witty comebacks like sanis, sucks. not caring what ppl think, priceless. :)

Jul 4th, 2002, 12:11:56 PM
All of the Indy movies are awesome. End of story. :D