View Full Version : Waking Life: A Review...

Jun 30th, 2002, 07:59:56 AM
Last night I got to see Waking Life at work, since we just got in a 35mm print of it.

So many people told me that this film either blew their minds or changed their life. Did no such thing for me. In fact, Waking Life is the most pretentious movie I've ever seen. A lot of it seemed extremely forced in the delivery of this overly deep dialogue. It sounded written, not natural, not dream like.

I've never had a dream where people were quoting Nicci, or Cant, or other phylosophers. It was all things pretentious.

The animation is awsome. Thats what makes it worth seeing. Its really beautiful. Always moving, floating, its just beautiful.

Some of the points made in this film about dreams and reality are really cool and they made me rethink my perception of the part of my life I spend awake and the other I spend asleep.

Over all a decent flick, but way, way to pretentious.

RATING: B- C+ split.

I'll be seing The Devil's Backbone this evening most likely, so I'll review it ASAP.