View Full Version : Meeting Azhure

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jun 30th, 2002, 02:18:04 AM
The Count walked into the bar and sat down. He waited to meet Azhure, they could drink and get to know each other.

Kack Mebuff
Jun 30th, 2002, 09:33:19 AM
Kack walked into Yog's looking for the one called Count Kindo. He had sent Kack a message via Kack's personal comm-link. He felt around the B&G with his mind and noticed him standing at the bar. He seemed to be waiting for someone.

Kack calmly strode up the the man and bowed. "I am Jedi Padawan, Kack Mebuff. You must be Count Kindo. It is my greatest pleasure to meet you."

Kack extended his hand in friendship.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jun 30th, 2002, 07:55:54 PM
The Count extented his hand and they shook. "Have a seat, friend. How is everything going?" the Count asked.

Kack Mebuff
Jul 1st, 2002, 01:27:59 AM
Kack took a seat next to Kindo.

"Things have finally been picking up for me. I recently was assigned a Master and have begun my training. It's a very exciting time."

Kack smiled.

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 1st, 2002, 03:46:57 AM
::Azhure walked up, the man who ahd clapped at her spar with Dios she was to meet. She had felt as if she ahd been rude when she had heard he was a jedi, and had come to get to know him, and perhaps aplogise. Dios had said to take a chance, she would take his advice::

Good day. Right on time

:;She looked at her digital watch on her wrist and allowed a small smile on her face::

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 1st, 2002, 08:05:40 AM
The Count saw Azhure walk up and a great smile came upon him, for he loved to meet people. " Azhure, how great of you to join us on this day! " the Count said. " Kack will be joining us today as well."

Kack Mebuff
Jul 1st, 2002, 01:11:51 PM
Kack quickly got up from his seat and bowed before the woman. Trying to be a gentleman he offered his seat to Azhure.

"Here take a seat."

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 2nd, 2002, 02:21:03 AM
::Azhure shook her head pleasantly and went over to an empty table to get her own chair. She did not mean this in any rude manner, not realizing he was trying to be a gentleman. This custom had not been in her own experience::

I thank you for your kind offer but I am capable of getting my own. It is a pleasure to meet you Kack.
Count Kindo I apologise for my icy greeting in the spar area, I did not realize what you were.

::She pulled her chair in and took a seat, ordering a water from the droid nearby, then looked at the two men::

What will you two be having?

Kack Mebuff
Jul 2nd, 2002, 03:05:31 PM
Kack sat back down on the offered seat. No offense was taken.

"I'll just have my usual Jawa Juice."

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 3rd, 2002, 02:31:27 AM
::azhure nodded softly, and looked at the two guys::

How long have you both been at GJO?

Kack Mebuff
Jul 3rd, 2002, 10:56:26 AM
A servo-droid rolled over to take Kack's order and quickly returned with a glass of Jawa Juice.

Kack looked up from his drink. "I've been here a little over a month now. Not very long. Yourself?"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 4th, 2002, 12:06:03 AM
" I've been the same time as Kack. Hey, isn't being a Jedi great?
To being a Jedi." The Count holds up a glass for a toast.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jul 4th, 2002, 12:26:10 AM
(In a deft move, Jubei removed the glass from Kindo's hand, setting it gracefully on the table. His face was calm, but his eyes looked fully into Ki-Adi's, imparting a seriousness that was palpable)

You are not a Jedi yet. Celebrate later.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 4th, 2002, 12:30:45 AM
" Being a Jedi Padiwan. I will not settle for Padiwan though, I will train till I become a Knight, but I must commend myself for coming this far, even if it is just Padiwan. Where have you been Master? I have had a hard time reaching you."

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jul 4th, 2002, 12:36:59 AM
(Jubei shook his head)

Your deeds alone should commend your journey, Ki-Adi. Pride is a vice that weakens heroes.

(Answering his student's question, Jubei clasped his hands behind his back)

I am always near, in solace and meditation. All you have to do is ask for my assistance. I will not deny you.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 4th, 2002, 12:43:33 AM
The Count let out a gulp of air relaxing, he walked off with Jubei. " Master, I have to rely on you to teach me the ways of the Force. I apologize for wrongs, but I need training to begin to learn. When will it?"

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jul 4th, 2002, 12:51:53 AM
(Jubei's lips showed a knowing smile)

Soon, Ki-Adi. Very soon.

Kack Mebuff
Jul 4th, 2002, 01:13:31 AM
Kack watched as Kindo and his Master walked a distance away. He looked to Azhure and just shrugged.

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 6th, 2002, 05:42:37 AM
OOC:sorry for my absense, as much as I love drama and as Im addicted to it, it takes too much of my time!!!!!!!!!! grr...
*kicks drama, then apologises for it*

:;Azhure watched then turned to kack::

A bit over two months, being around jedi teaches one many things. Where are you from?

Kack Mebuff
Jul 6th, 2002, 09:57:33 AM
"Me? Well, I was born on Naboo, but I spent a lot of my time traveling. So, I guess Naboo. Yourself?"

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 7th, 2002, 06:07:07 PM
::Azhure smiled softly, and replied her usual answer::

Everywhere and knowhere. I have never really had somewhere I'd call home. Naboo is a nice planet, I must admit that was one of my favorites, but due to business I didnt have much time there.

Kack Mebuff
Jul 10th, 2002, 12:07:57 AM
Kack nodded, he knew exactly what she meant. He was all too familiar with the act of going from star system to star system, never spending any time at your real home. It was a hard life, but at least back then Kack had his brother, Core.

Now ... now things were different. He felt surrounded by friends yet still very much alone. Without his brother he really didn't have any family left. That was a lonely thought.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 10th, 2002, 12:21:25 AM
The Count returned and sat down.

" My apologies. I had to have an important talk with my master. Now where were we...."

The Count put out a radiant smile.

" Are yall attending the Formal, and if so with who?"

Kack Mebuff
Jul 10th, 2002, 12:24:10 AM
Kack looked panicked ....


Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 10th, 2002, 12:27:45 AM
"Go take a look at Avalon Temple."

Kack Mebuff
Jul 10th, 2002, 09:38:40 AM
"Thanks for the info Count, much appreciated."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 10th, 2002, 01:03:09 PM
" No problem, friend. I love Formals, you can say im pretty much an elegant person being a Count and all."

Kack Mebuff
Jul 10th, 2002, 05:10:11 PM

"I'm a pretty rough and tumble kinda guy. Formals aren't generally my thing, but I sure as hell can dance."

Kack looks at Azhure.

"Do you have a date yet, Azhure?"

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 10th, 2002, 07:38:36 PM
::Azhure was about to say no when she stopped. The word Tomak came to mind, but was he one for formals? would he even ask her? For some odd reason it was important he did, was she becomign so weak she was starting to love someone? a formal? She'd never been to one accept for a very different reason.::

No, I don't go much for social gatherings. But if I do come, I'll make sure I have a dance with you. I'd like to see how well you dance. You too Kindo.

Kack Mebuff
Jul 10th, 2002, 07:59:21 PM
Kack sensed she wanted to go with someone else, but who? Kack searched Azhure's mind. Ah, Tomak, the vampire. A nice young man.

Kack smirked, "Well, would you care to attend with me? That is, if Tomak doesn't ask you, of course."

He smiled widely.

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 10th, 2002, 10:33:23 PM

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 10th, 2002, 10:33:42 PM
Lion was walking across the Bar and Grill when he heard the word "formal"...

"Well, a formal, huh? Sounds like fun...I'll need a date."

Lion took a seat at a table next to Kack and Azhure, trying not to look too obvious........

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 11th, 2002, 07:16:42 PM
" Come chat with us." Kindo spoke to the newcomer.

Kack Mebuff
Jul 11th, 2002, 08:05:09 PM
"Yes, please do."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 11th, 2002, 08:41:38 PM
" Everybody, im having a Coffee Party at my living quarters. I would love it if all of yall came!"

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 12th, 2002, 02:11:21 AM
::Azhure stud9ied Kack for a moment, annoyed he had gotten into her mind, she should be more cautious::

Of course I'll come with you if Tomak doesnt ask.

::The message was only to him and her tone told him to be quite silent about the Tomak thought. To the others she nodded::

It would be an honour, which is your room?

Kack Mebuff
Jul 12th, 2002, 09:18:10 AM
Kack spoke to Azhure using the Force, so that no one else could hear.

"I get the feeling Tomak will ask you anyway. So you have nothing to worry about. He was getting rather defensive about you in the Temple Avalon."

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 02:21:07 PM
Lion smiled at Kack at the man...Count, erm, Kindo was his name...all of his mercenary skills couldn't keep him from being detected by two jedi...

"Thank you." he said to the two. "Hey Azhure."

Lion heard the Count invite everybody to a coffee party at his room, so Lion definitely would go.

"Thanks" he said to the Count. "I'll see you all there, I hope."

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 13th, 2002, 02:01:03 AM
:;A small smile played on her lips at Kacks comment involuntarily before it was consiously wiped off. She nodded towards Leon::

Hello leon. Im sure Count Kindo would also perhaps have hot chocolate

::She winked as he sat down::

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 13th, 2002, 08:44:42 AM
Lion laughed, then said

"Inside joke...ask Sene one day" to the other confused people.

"Anybody been to the formal yet?"

Kack Mebuff
Jul 15th, 2002, 09:09:06 AM
Kack looked up from his Jawa Juice.

"Nope, not yet, I doubt if I'll go, it's not worth going stag. And, anyway, I'm not allowed to bring my significant other, due to personal, uh, issues. I'll probably spend my evening with her."

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 15th, 2002, 09:57:08 AM
"Ya, Kack, I see what you mean. I'm there, anyway. Lance, Plo,and Zeke are trying to break-dance...it's damn funny to watch, but give them some room or you'll end up with sore feet."

(ooc: Past 100 posts! YAY! lol)

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 15th, 2002, 09:20:47 PM
::Azhure smiled::

Sounds like most are having fun

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 15th, 2002, 11:31:10 PM
"Ya, most people are. If you go, you also might want to stay away from the speakers. They tend to generate sonic booms while they're playing Linkin Park..."

Kack Mebuff
Jul 16th, 2002, 01:38:38 PM
Kack laughed, "Good band. Maybe I'll show up after all."