View Full Version : I wish to join the great Sith

Darth Rath
Jun 29th, 2002, 09:04:13 PM
Darth Rath approached the recruitment room.

" I am Darth Rath. I wish to be a Sith Warrior. I have seen the Jedi, and they make me sick. I crave perversion and domination. I want to destroy them they make me sick! Could a Sith Master take me as an apprentice and teach me the ways of the dark side?"

Lady Vader
Jul 1st, 2002, 02:07:23 PM
*LV appeared from behind the new arrival, walking around him to face him from the front. As she did so, she spoke.*

Well, your zeal to destroy the Jedi is apparent.

*She stopped in front of him.*

But becoming a part of this group is not just as easy as asking.

To be a part of this group, you have to become one with it's family. We here at the Sith Order are like a family.We have rules. nd oce you become a part of this family, you remain loyal.

now, if at some point you feel you mst leave the Order, pray it is on good terms. We will not keep you here, locked up, against your will. but betray this family, and it will be the last mistake you ever make.

*She looked the man straight in the eye, borrowing deep into his soul, getting a feel for his sencerity.*

Do you still wish to join?

Darth Rath
Jul 1st, 2002, 02:24:06 PM
" Of course. I will be loyal to my death. You have my word. If I betray you, destroy me."

Lady Vader
Jul 1st, 2002, 02:49:26 PM
*LV smiled.*

Good. That's what I like to hear.

*She led the way to the Palace's second floor, where the Apprentice's quarters were kept.*

Come, I will show you to your quarters. I will take your request for a Master to the elder Sith, and one will be chosen for you.

*She turned to look at Rath as they walked, and smiled.*

Welcome to the Sith Order.

Darth Rath
Jul 1st, 2002, 04:59:14 PM
" Excellant, just excellant." He gave a smile.