View Full Version : An 1900 hours meeting (Maximus)

Estelle Russard
Jun 29th, 2002, 07:30:43 PM
The room was empty. Many at this time had gone for supper or study. Training equipment was all still and the lights out. The room looked deserted.

Jun 30th, 2002, 12:46:46 PM
Maximas had recived a message from Estelle asking him to meet her. He arrived at what seemed a deserted room. It was dark inside as Maximas peered in. He didnt take a good look before comming back out of the room. He stood by the door and looked down the hallways.

**Funny, she did say today at 1900 hours, im sure of it.**

Maximas decided to wait outside for Estelle who he assumed must have been running late.

Estelle Russard
Jun 30th, 2002, 02:03:46 PM
The large ornate Chrono-time peice that hung suspended at the corridor entrance showed almost 2 hours since the appointed time that Estelle had arranged to meet Maximus. And still she had not arrived.

There was no movement in this wing of the academy as the Padawan stood outside the training room door.

And then his ears caught the faintest sound . The light tread of footsteps on the gleaming floor preceeding the slight shadow of Estelles form as it bent its way around the corner as she approached.

She herself came into view right after it and walked the short distance to where Maximus waited.

She caught his eye breifly and then entered into the training room.

Jun 30th, 2002, 04:07:34 PM
Maximas stood there in complete shock for a brief moment. He was stunned that she had turned up so late and when she did finally arrive, she never uttered a word to you young padawan.

He had contemplated leaving but kept saying 10 more mins to himself. He entered the training room after Estelle and came face to face with her. He had a very sour look on his face.

**Did I get the time wrong, Jedi Master Estelle?**

He asked sternly with a frown. It was obvious he was less than impressed.

Estelle Russard
Jun 30th, 2002, 09:08:29 PM
"You seem annoyed, Maximas..."

she arched an eyebrow in question,

"..perhaps it is I who should be the angry one."

Estelle pointed to a small datapad sat atop a table in the corner of the darkened room. It was small and easily overlooked. Only if one came in and checked the room carefully would it have been noticed.

"There is a message on there for you, advising you I would be late and for you to send a transport to pick me up from the North hangar."

She kicked off her shoes, her feet now aching. "As it is, Ive had quite a long walk."

She leaned close and spoke softly and not unkindly.

"Perhaps your first lesson is that a room is not necessarily empty just because it seems to be so."

The Jedi knight watched Maximas keenly for his reactions.

Jul 1st, 2002, 04:11:00 AM
Maximas's frown got worse. He didnt like the fact that she seemed to be having a go at him.

**Well, im trully sorry. Although if you had left something a little more obvious, perhpas I would have seen it!**

Maximas looked down at the datapad with a face like thunder. He looked like a child saying 'well, its not my fault'. This was not a great meeting between himself and the person who would hopefully take him on as her Padawan learner.

Max shook his head and looked up at Estelle with a more refreshed aproach.

**Perhaps we should start again. My name is Maximas.**

He extended his right hand in order for her to shake it. He hoped they could both put the little incident behind them and start again.

Estelle Russard
Jul 1st, 2002, 01:35:17 PM
She watched as emotion moved across his face. The obscurity of the datapad's placement had been deliberate.

In these short few moments, she had learned alot about her new padawan.

He had been patient enough to wait for her. Even when he asked if he had the time wrong, he knew he hadnt - he remained at the appointed place, not second guessing himself. This showed confidence.

He also was not one to be treated unfairly and take it quietly. But rather, approached the problem directly than brood about it in anger. This showed strength.

And finally, he brought his emotion under control and chose rather to try get things off smoothly. This showed discipline.

She smiled at him, and took his hand, shaking it warmly.

"Hello Maximas, I am Estelle. I apologise for keeping you waiting."

Jul 1st, 2002, 02:04:31 PM
Maximas shook Estelles hand. He looked into her eyes as he did so and noticed how pretty she was. A smile overcame his face as he looked at her and finished shaking her soft hand.

**Its quite alright, I was only waiting...**

Max checked the time and noticed how late she really was. He looked sort of embarassed.

**two hours!**

His face went a shade of red but quickly regained his composure.

**So, am I right in assuming you want to train me?**

Estelle Russard
Jul 1st, 2002, 02:23:58 PM
Laughing at his response to the time, she nodded.

"It would be an honor, Maximas."

She let his hand go and turned and began walking, he walking with her heading towards the door again.

"Lets walk the grounds a bit - you can tell me about yourself a little as we go. Where you are from, what your background is. That sort of thing."

Jul 1st, 2002, 04:35:13 PM
Maximas walked along side his new Master. She wished to know more about him so he felt obliged to tell her a bit about himself. It was one of his best subjects. Oh how he loved to talk about himself. He smiled as he bagan.

**Where to begin... My full name is Maximas Duranion. I was born on the plannet Htrae twenty standard years ago and im an only child. My home plannet, Htrae is a very beutiful place. There are large buildings everywhere you look and of such archetecture it would put the greatest of buildings on courasant to shame.**

He paused for a moment remembering. He spoke with a soothing tone.

--There was only a very small population of people on my home plannet. about 240 when I left I belive. My name swiftly became known by everyone on the plannet as they descovered I possessed certain powers, shall we say. I think the people were frightend of me. I was always singled out by people. Always given what I wanted all because they were scared of what I might do to them. By the age of 14 they named me thier king. They treated me like a god. People then began to rely on me for things. If anything went wrong it was always my fault. I was constantly losing my temper with my people. I guess I just felt trapped. I felt as if everyone relied on me too much. I had to get out and thats when I ended up here at the greater Jedi Order.**

Maximas's face was now one of bitterness. He was saddend by his life on Htrae.

Estelle Russard
Jul 1st, 2002, 04:46:43 PM
She opened the door to the outside grounds and waited for Maximas to pass through ahead of her.

She smiled, "a god, huh?...."

Following out behind him and then taking her place again beside him, she listened attentively as he spoke.

He was a passionate person. She could tell that about him. He wore his emotions easily, didnt hide who he was. She liked that about him. He was honest, up front. A valuable trait.

She asked him quietly, the question was a profound one.

"And how do you feel about people relying on you as one does a Jedi. Being a part of the GJO is to serve. Wont you find this difficult?"

Jul 1st, 2002, 04:54:34 PM
Maximas thought for a moment before answering Estelles question.

**I have come to the GJO to increase my abilities and to push myself as far as I can. My biggest problem with my home plannet was that I could never do the things they all belived I could.**

He thought for a second

**One of the main things I feel I need to learn is patience. I have been known to be somewhat arogant too. Apparently!**

Estelle Russard
Jul 1st, 2002, 05:02:29 PM

She said it in such a way as to say this was not difficult for her to believe. He could see her grinning by the light of the stars.

"Dont worry, the Force has its own way of humbling us. This is not and obstical for me teaching you, so much as it is for you to learn inspite of it."

The night air was cool and fresh. The stars were out in their millions and the sky above was an open expanse of hope and opportunity.

"Your homeworld sounds lovely...What is it your people expected of you, exactly?"

Jul 3rd, 2002, 04:48:17 AM
Maximas's face turned to one of thought for a moment.

"Everything really. If crops didnt grow well it was my fault. People came to me asking to settle arguments about the smallest things. People were always asking me to do this for them and to do that for them. I never had any time to myself. They were all a bit to much. They couldnt do anything for themselves because they relied to much on me."

Estelle Russard
Jul 3rd, 2002, 11:38:38 PM
"Such expectations aren't realistic - It is only natural you would feel so trapped."

She came from a simple background - a farmers daughter - and such burdens were never hers to bear. She could never really know how he felt, but she could appreciate his frustration.

"It sounds to me, though, that they also had great hope in you. That you were a focus for them for answers in their lives.
There will be times when I will rely on you, and you on me. But somehow, I dont think this will be such a burden. The force will equip us to go beyond what we are capable of in our own natural selves."

In a sharp change of topic, Estelle stopped midstride.

"Do you carry a weapon?"

Jul 8th, 2002, 07:50:21 AM
Maximas seemed less than impressed when Estelle went on to say it seemed his people had great hope in him and that he was a focus for answers in thier lives. He felt she was having a bit of a go at him which he didnt like. He felt the Jedi Knight had no idea what it was like and so wasnt in a position to make any reasonable comments. Then he thought he was over reacting. She was only trying to see it from their point afterall.

She then changed the subject suddenly.

--I have a basic blaster but thats about it. Oh, and a small dagger I keep for emergancies but Id rather you didnt tell anyone about that.--

Estelle Russard
Jul 9th, 2002, 12:24:20 AM
She smiled, a dagger was a handy thing to have tucked out of sight.

She resumed walking after momentarily watching him.

He seemed annoyed with her. She wondered why that would be.

Estelle had been sincere in her comments and found perhaps she was unintentionally rubbing Maximas the wrong way.

Their personalities were both quite different, she mused. She was passive to a large extent, and he seemed more on the aggressive side. The difference, she thought, was a good thing though it would be something they both would have to get used to. They would have to find balance.

She smiled to herself. This was going to be a new experience for both of them. One she was looking forward to.

She decided however, to ask him directly.

"Are you annoyed with me Maximas? I sense some unsettled feeling from you"

ooc: Max, can you tell me if you RP much at SWForums? Im just wondering, cause I wanna do a thread there with you soon and want to know how comfortable you are with it.
You seem to me like you are not new to RP at all, but if you are, we have a FAQ forum that is good to take a look at for rules etc of the boards.
Any questions etc, just let em fly k?

Jul 9th, 2002, 05:04:07 AM
Max looked to the sky and moved his head ever so slightly from side to side. He found the question awkward.

**Im not anoyed. I just felt that you dont know enough about my home plannet and about my situation to make any sort of fair judgment. I know you were only seeing it from my peoples point of view but really, id rather not talk about it now.**

His head lowered again to face Estelle.

OOC: Ive done a little rp before. Im pretty confident I know what im doing anyway! lol. Id love to a rp at SWForums with you, just let us know where and when and I'll be there.

Estelle Russard
Jul 10th, 2002, 12:31:38 AM
His answer was fair and she took it to heart.

"Perhaps you well feel more like talking about it as we travel to Tr' Nuva. "

His face crinkled in confusion for a moment at her statement as he looked down at her, (he being quite a deal taller than she was) and Estelle continued in explanation.

"I need to collect some things from my home there and would like you to come with me, along with Plo Koon, another padawan.
I would like to understand more about your homeworld, Maximas, but only when you feel you want to explain more to me."

She felt she needed to get to know Maximas better and this would be a good opportunity. He could tell her as much or as little about his homeworld as he pleased. She was willing to learn of places and people she didnt know. And knowing about the place he was from would help her to know him also.

"We will meet at the "Hangman's Noose" (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=20588) bar 3 days from now, if you wish to accompany me. From there we will gain transport to Tr' Nuva. We will travel light, anything we need, we can get along the way."