View Full Version : practicing with Dios (Dios)

crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 05:17:22 PM
Crono sat on a box in an Alley waiting for Dios to show up. He sat there making sure he has all his gear so he can show Dios the full power of his style.

Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 05:23:51 PM
:: Dios jumped out of the cab as it showed up and he ran behind a tree. As he hid people could hear the driver yell, "You better have money next time ya bum!" Dios waited until the taxi left and then he walked up to Crono.::
How's it goin?

crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 05:26:44 PM
*laughs at the Cab driver yelling at Dios*

"At least you pay me"

*pulls out his light sabers*

"I'm fine"

Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 05:33:59 PM
:: Pulls out the prototype and checks it out.::
I only pay those who give me what I want and then if I feel sorry for them, which is most of the time, I'll pay.
:: The prototype was fine and in working order so he turned it on.::

crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 05:35:37 PM
*turns on his two sabers*

"you want to warm up first?"

Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 05:42:38 PM
Sure why not?

crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 10:26:30 PM
"Okay lets start"

He waits long enough for Dios to get ready. Then does a slash down that seems easy to block

Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 11:04:35 PM
:: Dios blocks the saber and jumps to the left and slashes at Crono with a slow cut to his stomach.::

crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 11:11:36 PM
*using his second saber Crono blocks the slash toward his stomach counters with an easy side kick to Dios side*

Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 11:19:01 PM
:: Dios took the kick and punched back at Crono and kicked low, followed up with a diagonal slash from his saber.::

crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 11:25:14 PM
*Crono weaves side ways to get away from the punch. Then swings his saber to block Dios but while doing so he got hit by the low kick. He stumbles back a bit and says
"I'm warmed up"

Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 11:29:06 PM
:: Dios held his stomach for a minute and then straightened up::
Me too.

crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 11:35:28 PM
*A smile slowly grows on his face as he pulls his coat off*
"Okay so I guess the whole point of this was to show what I was taking about in the bar"
*Drops coat to the ground*
"okay lets begin"
*Spins sabers into a holder straped to his wrest*
"okay...come at me when your ready"

Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 11:41:33 PM
:: Dios wasn't sure exactly the whole gist of the armor but he'd try it anyways. He launched himself at Crono and threw a hard slash at him from the right.::

crono katon
Jun 30th, 2002, 10:28:43 AM
*Crono takes a step back as the blade slashing down letting it grazes his skin just a little bit. Smiling from the small bit of pain he launches with fast counter attack toward Dios. Crono Sweeps his leg on the ground to try and trip Dios then jump back up on his feet to do a slash with his saber*

Dios Kane
Jul 1st, 2002, 03:32:41 PM
:: Dios hits the ground and then rolls back in time to block the slash. He comes up and slashes at Crono, clashing the sabers, he turns on the high frequency control and the saber seems to push through crono's and barely touches Crono's face. and then backs up::

crono katon
Jul 2nd, 2002, 10:59:52 PM
*Jumps back and rips the hanging bandages from his face. Then rubs the burn for a second*

"Close...glad you pulled back"

*laughs then looks at his saber and they begin to spin around in a Circle*

"Okay time to really start"

*closes his eyes to gain his strength for his next attack. After a breaf moment A box Files towards Dios then Crono Followed right after*

Dios Kane
Jul 4th, 2002, 09:51:51 AM
:: Dios knocked the box away and tried to block the sphere's of lightsaber blades coming at him.. Not good. He pulled out one of the other sabers by his side and he tried to block one of the sabers as it came around. He then tried to block the other with his other saber.::
That's crazy man. How do you stop it?

crono katon
Jul 4th, 2002, 11:40:48 AM
*looks back down at the sabers and they stop*

"Like that"

*Looks at them again and the sabers eject from there holders*

Dios Kane
Jul 4th, 2002, 12:20:38 PM
:: Dios didn't really understand how it worked but okay. He ducked down expectng the sabers to do something.::
You're a very unpredictable person Crono!

crono katon
Jul 5th, 2002, 11:53:47 AM
"At least I'm all ways Interesting"
*Steps back a few feet*
"So are we done or do you want to keep going?"

Dios Kane
Jul 5th, 2002, 07:50:11 PM
:: Dios slowed and stopped::
We'll stop, I would like to know more of this style?

crono katon
Jul 5th, 2002, 09:41:25 PM
*Pulls Chimp from his coat*
"like what?"

Dios Kane
Jul 7th, 2002, 10:52:34 AM
:: Dios looked at chimp for a moment and had to stop himself from laughing.::
Anything, how it works to how it's stopped.

crono katon
Jul 8th, 2002, 09:07:23 PM
*rubs his neck buts as he rubs it the skin on it seems to start to pill off to expose a wire running down his neck*

"Cool isn't it? I mean it makes me look all powerful and stuff to just be able to look at them and stop them. Plus it hides the wires so no one will try and cut them unless they hit them while there trying to cut my head off...that would suck"

*pulls out a note pad and a pen and Writes "work on a better whey to protect my neck" then puts it back in his coat*

Dios Kane
Jul 8th, 2002, 10:50:43 PM
What are the wires for?

crono katon
Jul 8th, 2002, 11:14:30 PM
"Yeah should probably tell you about that"
*Rubs neck again to chip away the rest of the fake skin and then pulls off a small chip*

"Well Basically this small chip can read some of my brain waves which makes the sabers among other things stop or go"

Dios Kane
Jul 9th, 2002, 08:16:24 PM
Cool, nervous control... what happens if their cut? No control? How good are you with out the nerve control?

crono katon
Jul 10th, 2002, 08:26:58 PM
"About the same just don't have any type of cool tricks"

Dios Kane
Jul 10th, 2002, 11:35:07 PM
:: Dios looked at him for a moment.::
Can you get me somethin like that too? And when are my weapons gonna be ready?

crono katon
Jul 10th, 2002, 11:45:52 PM
"Yeah you could get some thing like this but it would probably be cheaper to buy your own planet"
*laughs a bit before answering Dios next question*
"I'm doing to the last bit of work on them so probably be really soon....lets say tomorrow"

Dios Kane
Jul 11th, 2002, 12:09:42 AM
Sounds good, I need a drink. I'll meet you later Crono, thanks for the lesson.
:: Dios holstered his sabers and pulled out his flask, he took a swig then nodded towards Crono.::
Night, tomorrow then.