View Full Version : First Night Out (Azhure)

Tomak Ohara
Jun 29th, 2002, 01:01:29 AM
Tomak ordered a bottle of wine for tonight. Hopefully, the tips Dios gave him would work. Just relax, be yourself, and when the time is right....strike. Oh yeah and don't forget that she has to drink alchohol too. Tomak looked around, "Those women. I swear they aren't good at being on time. Thats okay, she is cute enough to take her time." Tomak looked at the droid sitting next to him and thought he would let his humor take a role,

What would you like to drink?

"You see that guy over there," Tomak pointed to Dios, "he wants twenty bottles of the most expensive drink you got. Be sure to put it on his tab." Tomak laughed. Dios woud get mad, but hey it would not be the first time. Tomak looked around again. He had the table prepped and the candles lit. He also had the gift in his pocket.

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 29th, 2002, 01:12:18 AM
::Azhure ahd been given an invitation to the bar by Tomak. It had said to dress up, she took that as wearing black.
So she had her black leather pants on and blood red top with no sleeves and black cords that twisted around each other. Her wardrobe was fairly limited so this would have to do.
Walking up to him she smiled and sat down, then noticed the candles. She looked at Tomak and laughed softly::

twenty bottles? Im sure he'll appreciate it

Tomak Ohara
Jun 29th, 2002, 01:20:49 AM
"Well, it is always fun to play a joke on a friend." Tomak stood and hugged Azhure, "It is good that you came. You look very nice tonight." Tomak looked at Azhure, "So what have you been up to?" Tomak looked at her and just decided to wait on her answer.

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 29th, 2002, 01:40:37 AM
::Azhure laughed ironically and hid her stained right hand behind her, for what reason she had no idea but somethign made her feel like she had to do that anyway::

Fixing my ship. I fell like getting a new one, this one breaks down so many times. What about you?

Tomak Ohara
Jun 29th, 2002, 01:45:59 AM
"I am in the middle of purchasing one. I have been training with Master Liam. He is a very great man. I have been making new friends and new enemies, but tonight we will not think of our hardships tonight we will have fun!" Tomak got out the wine bottle and poured himself and Azhure a glass. He handed the glass to Azhure, "A toast to no troubles and good times."

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 1st, 2002, 05:37:56 AM
:;Azhure nodded, and took the wine. She sipped the merest amount, unused the the taste of alcohol. There had ony ever beenone time she had had alcohol in her life before, and she blamed her twin Matthias for that one. Smiling fondly at the memory for one moment she went back to real life, the only person who she had conencted with was her twin, other than that she was a robot. Her twin had never really understood her either, how could he have? Now she had friends who were teaching her the art of acting human::

A toast to what people can teach you, and to what you have taught me. For that I thank you.

Tomak Ohara
Jul 2nd, 2002, 02:03:31 AM
"Youtr thanks are appreciated. So what would you like to eat this is all on me." Tomak looked at Azhure, hopefully tonight would be the noght he opened her heart and kissed her. Hopefully tonight would be the night that love planted its seeds in their hearts.

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 2nd, 2002, 02:14:04 AM
::Azhure thought, she did not want to spend too much of his credits, or want to owe anyone too much so she chose the chicken Parmijana, wondering what it tasted like. She was used to military-like food and these foods people took fro granted were sometimes still new to her.::

What is chicken Parmijana, chicken in pajamas?

::To many this might seema joke, and Azhure did not like sounding stupid so she glared around the area to see if anyone was laughing. She looked at Tomak, noticing he had a nice smile and awaited the reply.::

Tomak Ohara
Jul 2nd, 2002, 02:32:13 AM
"Well I am not sure myself. I think I will have the same. So then what do you think of this bar? I have always wanted to go to others, but I do not feel safe when I leave here." Tomak told her. Tomak put some credits on the table and poured some more wine. He poured Azhure a glass ad then took a sikp from his, "So what is a girl like you doing in a place like this."

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 2nd, 2002, 02:41:49 AM
::Azhure thought about the ubsurdity of the question, and looked at him with confusion, unknowingly allowing her emotions on her face to show in his presence as she began gettign more comfortable and trustign around him::

You asked me. There are many bars, some are good, others are not. Most I have been where the darker areas of life are, you fade away easily and no one asks questions.

Tomak Ohara
Jul 2nd, 2002, 02:44:42 AM
"Alas beauty like yours should not be put into such darkness that you speak of, it should be broguht into the light." Tomak looked around, "You will have to take me to one of those bars one day. So have you been in good health?"

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 2nd, 2002, 02:49:23 AM
::Azhure laughed::

My beauty eqauled my deadliness back then, dark areas were of great need and necessity, not choice. One day perhaps I will but dont go around causing trouble because someones going to get hurt. As for my health it goes as it will

::That was her usual answer, you went on with youe duties, no matter what health you had. True, she needed more sleep and outwardly she was becoming warmer to others but that was unnoticed to her. Right now she was noticing his eyes before she hit herself mentally to wake-up. What was wrogn with her? Maybe she WAS sick::

And your health?

Tomak Ohara
Jul 2nd, 2002, 02:52:15 AM
"I am fine. I recently fed from a blood pack and felt a bit woosy but that is all." Tomak stopped for a moment. She had stared at him in an odd manner. This was becomng odd indeed. He took a swig from his glass and then poured another.

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 2nd, 2002, 03:00:09 AM
::Azhure nodded, she wondered how much blood he needed. How would that effect his energy level and health?::

Im glad to hear your well. How is your training going?

Tomak Ohara
Jul 2nd, 2002, 03:05:21 AM
"Excellent, Master Liam is wonderful. I am sparring some people now, and I would find it an honor to spar you. For if your fighting is anything like your looks than you must be deadly." Tomak looked over and saw the food, "Ah yes the food is here." Tomak took a bite and swalloed, "Not bad, not bad. What do you think?"

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 2nd, 2002, 03:15:05 AM
::Azhure looked at the food, a big piece with chiciken on it and cheese and tomato. Tasting she swallowed and nodded approvingly::

Yes. Tasty.

::She looked at him again, wondering why he kept commenting on her looks.::

I am not that beautiful, you are far more good looking than I. I do not see why you repeat that word so many times

Tomak Ohara
Jul 8th, 2002, 09:08:47 AM
Tomak looked at her,"Do not say such things you are beautiful. I am a vampire, you would be suprised at what most think of me. This is a very lovely dinner. Dinner is always better when you have someone to enjoy it with. Why is it that I can hear your voice, yet your mouth never moves?" Tomak waited for her answer.

Dios Kane
Jul 8th, 2002, 09:28:26 AM
:: Dios got up from his table after he'd downed twenty drinks that had mysteriously appeared. He turned as he saw Tomak Ohara and Azhure Darkstone. How quaint. I think I know where the drinks came from... He walked up to the table and stopped before he reached their vision, he got a droid and ordered tons of food and drinks and placed it on Tomak then he closed his own account after paying his tab off and then ran out the door::
Eat that sucka! HAHAHAHA

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 8th, 2002, 07:14:11 PM
::Azhure smiled, a question no one had ever before bothered to ask::

I find it easier to speak through the mind. The voice I can, but even as an assasin I never really used it accept for singing.
I suppose it is neglected a lot. Do you want me to use my voice for this dinner?

::Azhure looked at him and noticed again he had nice eyes, what was wrong with her tonight? She was acting like a fool.
Shaking her head in disgust at herself she avoided lookign at his eyes before that thought came to attention once again, only to notice he had nice hands. getting up for a minute she apologised and went outside, then came back inside sat down and felt better. Normal again. ::

Sorry about that.

Tomak Ohara
Jul 8th, 2002, 10:50:16 PM
Tomak looked at her,"You sing!!! I sing too. Would you like to fly out to that field again and sing together? I would very much like to hear how you sound." Tomak thought to himself. She must have a beautioful voice. "So what do you want to do?"

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 9th, 2002, 02:19:30 AM
::Azhure paniced for a few minutes, outwardly it showed. Her skin colour changed to a slightly darker colour for a few seconds almost unnoticable, something she used to do as a child when she felt fear::

Sing? What would I sing? I only know battle songs and death songs. You would have to teach me a song.
I dont sing in front of crowds.

::She had never sung in front of anybody, not after............................
She had been caught by someone once, and asked who had taught her. That person was dead, just like any who threatened the 'well-being' of an assasin attitude::

I suppose it would be ok, but sometimes I still feel that if I do something, someone else is going to get hurt. It's silly I suppose.

::She laughed then, loudly and clearly, something that hadnt happened before. But she wasnt in CrimsonSun anymore, though it still felt like they were watching her back. That was something that would not have been said a few years back, it felt good.::

Tomak Ohara
Jul 27th, 2002, 09:13:28 PM
Tomak looked at Azhure, "Well I can sing maybe I can teach you a song and you can sing it with me. It could be our song." Tomak waited for Azhures answer.

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 4th, 2002, 03:50:18 AM
::Azhure nodded, not sure of how she felt right now. It was a feelign she had never felt before and in some ways she didnt like it, it made her feel vunerable. AS if he had the power to suddenly control her emotions. No she did not like it at all, but the song sounded nice. Somehow she couldnt say no though her sensible side was telling her too::

I'd like that...

::She used her real voice, it came out soft, as it was rarely used, and the soft and quietness in it was like an opposit to her mind voice, the voice that reflected what she was really like. WHo she knew she cared about unwillingly, yet willingly. Somewhere Tomak had crawled his way inside her heart, she would have to think over later how he did that.::

Tomak Ohara
Aug 4th, 2002, 11:56:20 AM
OOC: Azhure im not sure if you heard yet, but Tomak is part of the Shrine. I am really sorry. I hope this does not affect our friendship IRL. I hope you will like my new character Ansatsu. I hope I will see you on AIM sometime. Sorry again....Ben.

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 7th, 2002, 04:34:09 AM
OOC: the evil side huh? ;) hmm...some interestign things could happen here. prepare to die! :-P joke.