View Full Version : The Chosen One?
Ki-Adi Kindo
Jun 28th, 2002, 08:42:01 PM
Here goes my theory, it may be wrong, but ill let you know:
Anakin was the chosen one until he turned to the dark side. In order to be the chosen one, you cannot turn to the dark side. So that would make Luke the chosen one.
Ilyn Pyke
Jun 29th, 2002, 01:21:49 AM
Nope, Anakin is the chosen one first he destroys the age of the lightside and establishes the age of the darkside while serving the Emperor. A necessary key because the lightside was so overpoweringly present throughout the galaxy... the Force imbalanced. The prophesied Balance of the Force is finally is achieved once Vader kills the Emperor and dies himself.
Doc Milo
Jun 29th, 2002, 01:32:35 AM
The Force was not unbalanced because the lightside held sway. It was unbalanced because of the existence of the Sith corrupting it. As the dark side grows more powerful, the Force becomes more unbalanced, as the line that separates good from evil becomes blurred -- the black and whites become grays -- the moral absolutes become relative.
Anakin restores that balance by destroying the Emperor -- by destroying the corruptive influence.
Luke is the vehicle to Anakin's redemption, but not the one who brings balance. Anakin is the one who brings balance. And thus, Anakin, not Luke, is the Chosen One.
Jun 29th, 2002, 08:26:09 AM
I think I've seen at least 17 different theories on this one. ;)
Ilyn Pyke
Jun 29th, 2002, 09:32:01 AM
So have I, CMJ. ;)
What if the Balance of the Force by definition transcends all notions of good and evil? Yes, the age of the lightside represented virtuous and good things to sentient life in the SW galaxy but what did it represent to the nature of the Force. Because the Force has two faces like a coin and both may be equally important. Thoughts?
Jun 29th, 2002, 10:00:28 AM
There hundreds on balance :)
My personal opinion is balance is brought by saving Luke, but Anakin was always the chosen one.
Oh, and in EP2, the darkside is winning, as it clouds the Jedi. In ROTJ, the lightside is winning, as it clouds Palpatine. Afer ROTJ, neither is clouded. It is balanced :)
Jun 29th, 2002, 04:07:24 PM
The whole saga is about Anakin, not Luke, although the OT certainly focuses more on Luke as the protagonist, but Anakin is the chosen one and always has been.
Jun 29th, 2002, 04:27:14 PM
I'll always look at the movies as a father and son & story. The Prequels are Anakin's story and the OT is Luke's. Aside from the end of ROTJ, Vader doesn't really change much. Yes he has his revalation in ESB, but that effects Luke more profoundly than it did Anakin/Vader. As the OT was being made the focus certainly was on Luke, just as the prequels have revolved around Anakin. Father and son, that's how I'll always look at it. My view maybe clouded by the fact that Luke is my favorite character, but hey, it's my view. :D
Jun 29th, 2002, 04:31:56 PM
It's part of what makes SW so great, it means many different things to many different people. Like a great Desperado. :p
Jun 29th, 2002, 05:34:03 PM
The original novel of Star Wars had "From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker" on it I hear. Lucas didnt appear to envisage it as Vader's story. But then, this is the way with Lucas, says one thing than completely changes it moments later.
Jun 29th, 2002, 05:43:50 PM
Exactly. In the interviews for the SE's on VHS, he was saying that this was the definitive edition of the Star Wars saga, but do you think that there won't be any more changes? No way. Once the prequels are done, he'll go back and make more changes to the OT and then say that THAT is the definitive edition and find some evasive wording to excuse the fact that he now has 2 "definitve" versions out there. Like "Well, the SE's are definitive for their time, because I hadn't done the prequels yet..." Yeah yeah, he knew he would be making more changes all along....:D
Ilyn Pyke
Jun 29th, 2002, 11:12:37 PM
Just to add another thought on the Balance of the Force, which I define as neither lightside nor darkside overly dominate the galaxy.
If the lightside dominating the galaxy is the definition of Balance than the Jedi golden age just before the universal troubles began arising around the respective TPM/AOTC timeframes means that it had already been achieved. Standing for many, many years... and yet is slipping away inch by inch with increasing momentum.
Why would the blinded Jedi, who did not see the Sith coming even though perhaps they saw their own powerful presence decreasing in a galaxy growing increasingly restless, look forward to the Chosen One while living in an age of Balance? IMHO, that seems redundant. Thoughts anyone?
Doc Milo
Jul 1st, 2002, 12:55:27 AM
I pretty much look at it this way:
The first trilogy is about Palpatine's rise to Power
The second trilogy is about Luke's Hero's Journey.
The Saga itself is about the Rise, Fall, and Redemption of Anakin Skywalker.
This is because each Trilogy has its own plot. The Saga has its own plot. And each movie has it's own plot.
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