View Full Version : To Hell and Back Again......

Xazor Elessar
Jun 28th, 2002, 03:27:01 PM
When we were young the future was so bright
The old neighborhood was so alive
And every kid on the whole damn street
Was gonna make it big and not be beat
Now the neighborhood's cracked and torn
The kids are grown up, but their lives are worn
How can one little street
Swallow so many lives

Chances thrown, nothing's free
Longing for what used to be
Still it's hard, hard to see
Fragile lives, shattered dreams

Jamie had a chance, well she really did
Instead she dropped out and had a couple of kids
Mark still lives at home cause he's got no job
He just plays guitar and smokes a lot of pot

Jay committed suicide
Brandon OD'd and died
What the hell is going on?
The cruelest dream, reality

Chances thrown, nothing's free
Longing for what used to be
Still it's hard, hard to see
Fragile lives, shattered dreams

"The Kids Aren't All Right" by The Offspring


Kotharedar. A lone planet located on the outskirts of the Outer Rim. Pure hell, it is....a firey planet consumed with turmoil. It is said that one faces their worst fears....their past and possibly their future on this particular place. Roughly translated, the name even means, "Demon Earth". It was our mission to go there. Peace needed to be restored there...for the Force felt unbalanced. The turmoil was brought about by a helacious battle that took place not too long ago...now all of the souls that wander the planet are forced into a sort of bondage to their own lies and deceit. Pain, anguish....and pure torture lay ahead for any who dared to venture forth and step foot on the planet's soil......


7 A.M.

A young woman stands at the side of a beautiful ship in the docking bay of Arcan IV. Her face and body are hidden by blue robes....except for her hands and the silver gleam of her eyes. She scans the perimeter of the shuttlebay, and then absent mindedly looks off as a few people hustle around her ship. Sighing gently, she eyed the crono on her wrist and then sent a quick comm-message somewhere. It was relayed to the few whom would accompany her on this mission....for she dare not go alone.

Without any sign of them, The Knight, Xazor Dawnstrider, lifted her few bags into the open cargo department on the back of Escape. She then turned her attention back to watching and waiting for those that had volunteered to go with her. This mission would be difficult, no doubt about that.....and she could use all the help she could get. It would be a true test of strength, both physical and mental.....as well as courage and self-discipline. She was ready for it, though, as were the others who were going.....

"Mrs. Magus, are you sure that more are coming? You have been waiting an awefully long while now...can I get you anything?"

A tall man approached the woman and asked. She gently shook her head and smiled.

"Patience is a virtue, my friend....I'll be alright. But thank you anyway...."

The Knight said softly, and then let her eyes drift to the perimeter of the shuttlebay once again as she waited.....

Sene Unty
Jun 28th, 2002, 05:49:08 PM
As Sene Unty awoke from his bed with a start, he tried with all his might to stifle the scream that emerged from his throat. Tears flooded his eyes as he thought back on the dream that had passed. The tunnel and the babies......

A shudder shot down his back. Flinging his legs off the edge of the bed, he was startled by how cold the ground was. As he stumbled in the darkness toward the bathroom, he tried to erase what he had just seen. It had been so horrible.....

Blistering hot water shot down from the shower head above him. He leaned his face down and accepted the warmth. It filled him, easing his tense muscles and clearing his mind. The dream was fading.....he didn't hold on.

After the showere was complete and the breakfasted eaten he focused his mind on the days activities. He was to go to a planet today. From what he had heard, it was going to be a test of everything he had been taught before. It was most definently not a good time to have a bad dream. Too late.

After his clothes were on and a small bag filled with essentials, Sene proceeded down to the docking bay. As he walked he wondered who was to be going on the trip as well....

His master and probably a few other padawans to be sure, but Sene was hoping more would come. If there were more it would probably be better. Sene always worked well in groups. He was definantly a people person.

Sene suddely found himself in the bay and staring directly at his master. He put on a smile and approached.

"Where's the paty gonna be?"

That was just like Sene.....always with a joke. Fear came quickly as he realized jokes wouldn't save him on Kotharedar......

Xazor Elessar
Jun 28th, 2002, 06:00:54 PM
Xazor lofted a brow at Sene and shook her head. It was definatly not a time for jokes....not today. Bowing her head in greeting, she smiled anyway.

"Good morning my Padawan...just place your things in the back of my ship....you're riding with me today."

She motioned to the X-Wing Fighter sitting beside her. Smiling slightly, her eyes went back to the entrance as she awaited more people.

Sene Unty
Jun 28th, 2002, 06:05:37 PM
Sene threw his bag into the back of the ship and turned around quickly. He walked over to where his master was standing and stood next to her. He too looked at the entrance, waiting for the arrival of others.

"Master....I had a bad dream last night."

He knew that the words would not cause any big reaction from her and so he turned and faced her profile.

"It was very bad......"

Xazor Elessar
Jun 28th, 2002, 06:10:23 PM
Xazor closed her eyes and took in a deep breath of air before turning to face her Padawan. She nodded gently and simply smiled.

"Do not fear, young one....that is the path of the Darkside. This day and the days to come shall put forth a great deal of pressure on you. Stay strong and use all that I have taught you. I cannot teach you much more. As for your dreams....I know. Many have nightmares and such things, but it is possible that it is a reflection of things in the past. You must let go of those things or you will never be able to move on in your future..."

The Knight said gently as she squeezed his shoulder in comfort. Smiling once again, she turned to watch for the arrival of others. According to her cronometer, they would be arriving at any time now....

Maia Tharrinn
Jun 28th, 2002, 07:31:59 PM
Maia made her way to the docking bay where Xaz had told her to meet her. Maia had an uneasy feeling about this mission. Something was not right where ever they were going. Leaving Ari with a friend had been a hard thing to do for Ari but she didn't think that he would be safe on this one.

Closing her eyes she stopped taking a breath. Her mind going back to her brother and when she had last seen him. It had been more than a bitter parting. She had tried to draw him from the darkside, tried to tell him that what he was doing was wrong. Mikal had not taken a liking to what she had to say. He had called her every kind of a fool. tears burned under Maia's closed eyelids. Mikal meant the world to her, he was the only one in her family that would even speak to her or even knew that she was alive. She had not heard from him since they had fought. Knuckling away the tears that had pooled in the hollows under her eyes she sighed softly.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you Mikal." She whispered. Looking around she spotted Xazor a smile lit her face, at least she was going on this mission with a good friend.

"Xazor, thank you for inviting me. Can you fill me in on what we are doing? I don't know why but something about this makes me uneasy."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 28th, 2002, 07:52:31 PM
Xazor smiled and hugged her friend, Maia. Nodding slightly, she took a deep breath.

"I'd rather explain when everyone gets here so that I don't have to say it over and over again...but I can tell you now that it will not be easy. We'll be visiting a place to help others...and help ourselves..."

She said softly. Suddenly from the cockpit of her starship, a large grey wolf bounded down. Smiling as much as a wolf could, he came over and obediently sat beside Xazor. Looking up at her, he seemed to wink.

"Hello Kaukauana. It is good to have you on this trip as well...."

She signed, spoke, and said it through the Force to him. He nodded slightly in reply and looked on, his eyes looking in the direction that Xazor's were. She then thought of something.

"You did not bring Ari? That's probably a good thing.....I'm only bringing Kau because he can aid me in ways that the others on this mission cannot."

She said with a warm smile. The wolf knew what she had said, and smiled toothily once again.

Jun 28th, 2002, 08:17:54 PM
Clip, Clip, Clip

Behind Xazor, Chance steadily walked from another door with his boots steadily making the clipping noise and undernegth the belly of Xazor's X-wing. In one hand he held a small leather breifcase and in the other was the illusionary wyvern.

"Hi." He spoke, nodding to each present..

Xazor Elessar
Jun 28th, 2002, 08:25:52 PM
Xazor turned around and smiled brightly at the sight of another one of her Padawans.

"Greetings Chance....put your things in the back of my ship, you and Sene are going with me this day."

She said gently, motioning for the open hatch on Escape. A smile danced upon her lips as the numbers grew....and she expected more. She then recalled something. Sene and Chance had not formally met.

"Sene, this is Chance, another of my Padawans. Chance, this is Sene. I am sure you two will have things in common...."

She winked at them and then turned to watch for others once again.....

Sene Unty
Jun 28th, 2002, 08:56:49 PM
Sene held is hand out toward Chance offering a handshake.

"Hello Chance."

After the introductions were concluded, Sene turned toward the door once again.

"I think we'll be our masters only padawans in attendance."

Jun 28th, 2002, 09:01:44 PM
"Hello Sene." Chance replied with a friendly smile and took the shake, after the introductions Chance placed his satchel (along with a hidden rapier) inside the ship and hopped back down.

"I belive so."

Sene Unty
Jun 28th, 2002, 09:32:10 PM
Sene sighed as he thought of all the padawans that his master had that had left mysteriously. It hurt her and in turn hurt him. However, he could tell Chance was different. He was a fine Jedi from what he had heard and had been learning at the speed that Sene had. Sene turned to look back at Chance.

"So, are you nervous about the mission? I hear this planet we're going to is bad news."

Jun 28th, 2002, 09:46:02 PM
Chance's head cocked sideways, one ear perked up and one drooped. "Nervous about the mission? No, I am nervous though.. about leaving."

He chuckled abit, "The ride up always makes me nervous, maybe it's because of the thought of nothing solid under my feet?" It was really the first time Chance had mentioned about his zero-gravity-phobia. He didnt have it as much while inside a craft, but the thought gave him queezy feelings. "Are you?"

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 28th, 2002, 10:46:50 PM
::Azhure had heard of the mission. She had not asked xazor if she was invited, had packed and would see if she would be able to come or not on the day. There had been no time to ask.
Nodding to xazor in greeting she checked the surrounidng area and people out.::

Greetings xazor. There is more room in your ship I hope?

Sene Unty
Jun 28th, 2002, 11:27:34 PM
"About the mission....yeah. From what i heard its not a very fun place. It's like a ten on the creepy scale."

Sene shuddered.

"But space travel is great. I've always loved being out in the middle of the void, with nothing between oblivion and me but a piece of metal."

He winked at Chance.

"That'll be the easiet part of the whole mission."

Maia Tharrinn
Jun 29th, 2002, 02:24:46 AM
Maia sat down next to her bags. She didn't know how long the wait was going to be but figured she might as well meditate to try to get rid of the uneasy feeling. She listened as Xazor's padawans began to talk. It filled her with a sense of peace to have other Jedi around.

At the sound of Azhure's voice she opened her eye's and smiled. "Hello Azhure, glad to see you are to coming along." Patting the ground next to her she asked Azhure to sit.

"Care to join me in some meditation. It seems to help some." She grinned. "Are your Padawans coming to? Maia could not wait until she had a padawan of her own to care for and to train in the ways of the Jedi....

Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 04:32:05 PM
:: Dios came running up to the docking bay and saw some people he recognized but ran past them to Xazor. He stopped in front of her, gasping for breath he reached inside his jacket and pulled out his flask and took a swallow. He looked up at Xazor and smiled.::
Much better, Hi Xazor, mind if I come along? I need the experience so I thought it'd be good to take a vacation. But I've heard the rumors and this mission is a 100% scare-a-thon. I'm prepared to do whatever I'm needed for in the force and for the order, so if you could put me to use where you see fit.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 29th, 2002, 05:15:47 PM
Xazor lofted a brow and looked up into Dios's eyes. He did not seem very serious about this mission.....if he only knew.

"Yes, you may come along.....though I have a bad feeling about it. You must keep your emotions in check, young Padawan...."

She said in a serious tone. If he were to fall because of her, she would feel so badly....

Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 05:21:03 PM
:: It was strange, the face that Dios had on was one filled of the joy of adventure, but when Xazor spoke it seemed to peel off into a face of made of stone.::
Don't worry Xazor, no games on the job. I'm jedi and I will not give into the dark, the light is my heart now.
:: The face seemed to melt off as he reached inside his jacket and pulled out his signature flask. He took a sip and went back to his face before. He bowed to Xazor and winked at her.::
I'm gonna go mingle now if you don't mind?
:: Dios turned around and headed over to Maia and Azhure.::
Hello ladies!

Jun 29th, 2002, 06:37:45 PM
With an almost silent thud, the rest of the group turns to look at Satine, crouched down from the landing. He had jumped from the rafters to the floor...quite a ways to go, but a nice way to travel.

"Heya guys," the Warrior Knight says, smiling and straightening. He turns to his sister. "Sis, do you mind if I take Dark Nova along? It might help depending on how many people are going with us. I can take six people on board." He was referring to the small, and fast ship that was of his own designm recently made to keep from being recognizable with a Nova-class Cruiser as his personal ship.

Putting his bags down, Satine winces, the bullet wounds Eve gave him almost healed, and his rigth arm still a bit sore from Malice almost biting it off.

"So, when do we leave?"

Xazor Elessar
Jun 29th, 2002, 08:29:31 PM
Xazor grinned when she saw her Brother. Smiling brightly she nearly tackled him with a hug.

"That is fine......it would be nice if you took some of the others along with you. I am so glad that you're going with us.....we'll be leaving soon."

She said gently. He had grown up so much since the time they had met. She gently touched the necklace she was wearing, given to her by him...and then turned to Kaukauana's side to watch for others. Of course the wolf recognized Xazor's kin and bounded over to see him. He licked her brother's hand gently and looked up at him with adorning eyes...

Jun 29th, 2002, 09:25:47 PM
Satine scratches the wolf and smiles.

"Heya Kau," he says, using his nickname for the animal.

"Ok, who wants to go with me?" Satine asks the ones already assembled.

Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 09:31:30 PM
:: Dios waved his hand and pointed at Xazor::
I'm going with her! Sorry man, chicks drive faster than guys, proven fact ya know, and I'm not too fond of space travel so the sooner the better!

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 29th, 2002, 11:39:15 PM
::azhure smiled amusingly at Dios's greeting, truning into a ladies man was he? She nodded to Maia and joined her in meditating::

Hello Dios, come meditate with us, it does good for the ego

:;She winked at him jokingly::

Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 11:47:37 PM
:: Dios hung his head and sat next to them::
okay, hello to you to. I guess i'll meditate now.
:: Dios sat down and laughed. He'd meditate with them, she probably was right anyways. Resting kept you from enlarging your ego anymore. He'd have to watch it on this trip. He wasn't in a bar anymore, he was on a mission.::

Maia Tharrinn
Jun 30th, 2002, 08:51:42 AM
Maia opened one eye and smiled at Dios. He was full of life and energy and to her that always helped in tense or strange situations. She also knew that when it came down to it Dios cared and would help any one of his fellow Jedi and that's what mattered the most.

"I can ride with Alpha if you would like Xazor. Where ever is fine with me." She said as she closed her eye's and went back to meditating...

Xazor Elessar
Jun 30th, 2002, 07:05:42 PM
Xazor smiled gently and thought about it for a moment. She had souped up her X-Wing so now it could seat six as well, and her wolf companion, Kaukauana.

"Well, my Padawans Sene and Chance are coming with me for sure. Dios, if you wish you may come with me as well. And Azhure will fit, Maia if you wish to go with me, that's fine unless you want to go with my brother. I expect that there will be more coming, so whoever wants to go with me is fine.....and I am also expecting more pilots. I must warn you.....I like to fly a lot so I have been practicing some...well, different manuevers to say the least."

The Knight grinned slightly, trying to lighten up the mood as they waited. Her flying was great, but she was a little wild at times....

Jun 30th, 2002, 07:35:53 PM
Satine chuckles.

"I don't think I've shown you my Dark Nova yet, have I?" Satine asks his sister, pointing at the jet-black vessel nearby Xazor's X-Wing. It had wings that were tucked into the main body, the engines inside the trailing edges of the wings. Bristling with weapons, one of the most unusual features on the ship was the piloting seat. The other seats were splayed behind it, while the pilot sat in what basically was a bubble of armored transparisteel, giving him a view of the sides, top, bottom and front, with HUDs holo-projected onto the transparisteel, and moved where the pilot looked.

"I might as well make it clear that I'm piloting Nova. It has some...Interesting...features that would take a while to explain."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 30th, 2002, 08:44:44 PM
Xazor grinned and eyed her brother's ship. It was beautiful and meant a lot to him, as did hers. She looked it over carefully, walking around the perimeter of it until she returned to her X-Wing Fighter.

"And I'll be piloting Escape....it too is a very interesting ship and I would need to explain things as well."

She said with a grin, crossing her arms over her chest as she smiled down at Kaukauana. Her eyes drifted to the doors once again as she was still expecting others.....

Jul 1st, 2002, 06:35:05 AM
"So, how many more people are coming? And are you going to explain all this when they get here?"

Liam Jinn
Jul 1st, 2002, 12:30:23 PM
Liam shook his head. This was going to be a hell of a trip.. he thought as he walked closer to the people around the ships. He tightened his gear as he approached Xazor.

"Sorry for being late, had to grab a few things."

The Jedi Master hugged Xazor before she had time to respond. He looked around and smiled at the others.

"Are we almost ready here?"

Xazor Elessar
Jul 1st, 2002, 12:41:52 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled at her brother.

"Yes...I will explain everything once all arrive. I do not know how many more to expect...but we have a time limit to meet."

She said softly, eyeing the cronometer on the wall. The Knight was happily surprised to see Liam finally arrive. He greeted her with a hug, which she gladly accepted.

"Yes, we are almost ready. It is good to have you with us, my friend."

She said warmly to the Jedi Master. He had been so kind to her since his coming back to the Jedi Order. Now they were good friends and she viewed him as a source of protection....especially on such a trip.....

Jul 1st, 2002, 12:54:09 PM
"Heya Liam," Satine says in greeting. "Xazor convinced you to coem along too, huh?"

Liam Jinn
Jul 1st, 2002, 01:17:48 PM
Liam laughed slightly.

"Yeah, something like that."

He looked at the black ship.

"That thing yours? Mind if I ride in it?"

Jul 1st, 2002, 01:31:48 PM
"Sure. It's called Dark Nova." Satien says, smiling.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 1st, 2002, 01:34:21 PM
Xazor smiled slightly, they were getting really close to their time now.

"Okay, all who are going with me, get your things in the cargo space and gather around. All who are going with Alpha, do the same. We need to leave soon. He can take six as well as I can."

She announced loudly, hoping that if anyone else was to join, they would hurry.....

Jul 1st, 2002, 02:05:00 PM
Satine quickly puts his things in the small compartment he normally carried excess weaponry in, and then directed everyone else who was going with him to put their bags and things in the small cargo bay right across from the access ramp.

Maia Tharrinn
Jul 1st, 2002, 02:15:00 PM
Maia stood up and greeted the new arrivals with a bow. Picking up her bags she glanced from Xazor's ship to Alpha's.

"Well, where do you want me?" She said with a wiry smile. If Alpha was anything like Xazor it didn't matter which ship she rode in. They were all in for a wild ride....

Xazor Elessar
Jul 1st, 2002, 02:27:04 PM
Xazor grinned gently and motioned for Maia to put her stuff in the X-Wing beside them.

"You can ride with me.....I have room."

She said with a gentle smile. Oh indeed....both she and Alpha had...similar.....flying habits.....

Dios Kane
Jul 1st, 2002, 03:01:01 PM
:: Dios got up from his quick meditation::
Alright! Let's go! Onto the mission, in the back of the X-wing... Wait... How much room's in an X-wing?

Jul 1st, 2002, 08:02:27 PM
"That'll be the easiet part of the whole mission."

Chance grinned, "For you mayhaps.."

He walked around to the other side of the X-wing mildly boredlike then came back from the rear of the ship and waving hello to the the others he had not met before.

"This mission is going to be interesting. I can tell already!" he exclaimed, running a hand down Xazor's X-wing and feeling the cold metal..

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 2nd, 2002, 06:01:28 PM
It had been a while since Loki had been on a field assignment with a large group of Jedi and as a result couldn't resist but take advantage of the opportunity before him. He had packed quickly having been informed of this mission at the last minute, he had developed his skills marginally since his last mission away from the Jedi Order.

He'd fed Protius, his plant from Kashyyyk that had now almost reached the ceiling of his personal quarters. "Dad's gonna love Protius when he sees how well he's grown!" He thought on the way to meet the others. He then quietened his thoughts, he didn't want them to dwell on his parents for now, an important mission was at hand and the last thing he wanted to do was distract himself.

"Hey guys!" He called out, running over to the group assembled about a number of starships. "Sorry I'm late."

Jul 2nd, 2002, 06:14:44 PM
Satine turns to Loki.

"No big deal. Nice timing though..."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 2nd, 2002, 07:21:02 PM
Xazor grinned as Loki approached the group.

"Oh be nice Alpha...welcome Loki....I am expecting just a few more now that you're here. I do hope that they arrive soon....we're nearing our time cut."

She said, motioning for the crono on the wall. It was nearly time to go...just a few more minutes and they would start loading everyone into ships.

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 3rd, 2002, 02:49:50 AM
::Azhure looked at the ships, both looked fast, and if the driver liked speed then speed was what they were going to get. She did not mind either way, and she awaited the others as her eyes opened to have a look at the new arrivals. Nodding politely she closed her eyes again, she found this exercise hard as her mind did not like shutting out the world like that, being not fully aware of the dangers around her. Opening her eyes again and deciding to watch the others quietly, she sat up a bit straighter and nodded to Xazor. Perhaps if they needed another ship they could also use her Correllian 2400, but it would depend on how many came::

I have a ship to offer if you may have need of it.

Maia Tharrinn
Jul 3rd, 2002, 04:01:25 AM
Maia placed her bags into Xazor's ship. Turning she smiled at Loki. It had been sometime since she had seen him. Maia thought back to the last mission they had been on together and smiled. He had been very brave and made a wonderful Jedi. It was a pleasure to see him coming along.

"Hello Loki, it is good to see you again."

Jul 4th, 2002, 10:58:16 AM
Satine looks around, and then turns to Xazor.

"Sis, is that everybody? I don't think anyone else around is part of this little group..."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 4th, 2002, 04:16:10 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded to her brother.

"I do think so......if anyone else comes, there are other transports that they can catch."

The Knight said, realizing that the crono on her wrist was beeping. It was time to leave....and there was enough people to fill both of their ships without needing another.

"Alright everyone, gather around and be quiet I need to explain what is happening quickly for we must depart now. We are going on a serious mission to the planet of Kotheradar. After a helacious battle, the planet has been thrown into a state of limbo......fire consumes the planets surface and it is pure hell there. The souls of the people walk there, stuck for they must face their sins and trangressions. The conditions are terrible and we will be put through the same hell that they are experiencing. I will not lie to you when I say that I almost did not wish to go when it was described to me....but it's our jobs to restore balance to the Force....for it is a great evil that consumes this place. We need to help the people face their transgressions and their pasts.....and possibly we will have to do the same. It is said that one may see their past, present and possibly their future there. If anyone wants to back out now.....I understand, but on the other hand.....I do not. We are Jedi.....fear is of the Darkside. Do not be afraid of this place for the people there need us. Please join me.....I can't do this by myself."

The Knight paused for a moment, realizing that her briefing had become more like a speech than anything else. She sighed slightly and looked down at the ground before looking up to meet the eyes of everyone gathered.

"It is time for us to depart.....if you wish to go, load onto your respective ships. May the Force be with us all........"

Jul 4th, 2002, 11:52:46 PM
Chance's ears drooped as Xazor breifed the group on the location of their mission. Having to work with ghost's worried the young boy greatly, but nevertheless he grabbed hold of one of the lower latter and pulled himself up into one of the X-wing's six seats.

The illusionary wyvern pet dissapated back into sand as Chance dropped the illusion to leave his concentration tip top for the ride up.

"Oh man.. I hate flying.." Chance mummbled under his breath.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 5th, 2002, 06:24:43 AM
Loki walked up to Maia, wearing a smile and held out his hand to shake hers, "Hello again, Maia. It's good to see you again, too. Excuse me, just a moment--"

He picked up his belongings, the one's he thought were neccessary to bring anyhow which wasn't anything more than a few changes of clothes, food rations, a medpac and a datapad with "History of the Force by Master Mino Thartis." That should keep Loki occupied. Other than that he had with him only what he was wearing; a white tunic made of layered fabric under a beige leather surcoat and standard issue brown field boots. Hung from his utility belt were more food rations, a portable scanner and a small cloth pouch.

He looked at the two starships, a modified X-Wing and a somewhat larger black vessel, it looked rather ominous but more spacious than a starfighter. Shortly after he returned having loaded his belongings onto the "Dark Nova." He dusted his hands off as he neared Maia once more, trying not to think about the trials that lie ahead of them.

"--so, how have you been?"

Jul 5th, 2002, 07:39:05 AM
Satine nods, not showing much of a reaction to the news of the planet. They were going, so what use was it to worry about it?

As the people split off to their respective ships, Satine jumps into the pilot's chair, beginning his warm up sequence. Looking around through the dome his chair was suspended in, Satine smiles. He had a great view of the docking bay bustling with activity, other Jedi going about their business.

Activating his hug, Satine looks at the readouts, nodding as their come back satisfactory. Flipping on his comm to Escape, Satine also puts his weapons on standby...Just in case.

"Dark Nova is ready for action, just waiting for the passengers. Ya know, Xazor, we could probably have a kick race through the asteroid belt nearby, but I think that would just waste time today...Maybe later?" he asks, smiling, even though he petty much knew his sister couldn't see it.

Liam Jinn
Jul 5th, 2002, 07:44:21 AM
Liam walked into Alpha's ship, giving it a quick look over.

"Smells a little odd but it's a nice ship.."

He said, giving a quick smile as he approached Alpha.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 5th, 2002, 08:22:53 AM
Xazor smiled as people began loading into the ships. No one seemed to object to the mission despite what they had be told by her. It was good to see such committment....even in the Padawans. Hoping up into the cockpit, Xazor began to run the prep sequence of Escape. One red light after another lit up on the counsel as it progressed with no problems. Once finished, she too opened the comm link to Dark Nova and heard her brother's words. A grin lit up her face, but then she became serious once again.

"Maybe later bro....maybe later....."

The Knight grinned as she strapped herself into the safety harness. Two diagonal bands stretched across her chest and were held in place to the counsel seat.....then brought across her lap and fastened to the seat once again. The others in the ship had the same sort of system....and they may need it with her driving.

"Alright everyone.....fasten your safty harnesses...and hold on tight. For the first little while, it's going to be a bit....crazy."

She said to all of them and the turned back to look out the window of the counsel. Her finger flipped a switch in front of her and suddenly the X-Wing's air tight shield came down. A buzzing could be heard on the counsel that alerted her of the fact....it was needless, but by Intergalactic Law, she had to have the sensor. Sighing slightly, she pressed the comm on again.

"Okay Alpha....I have clearance as do you.....hopefully they alerted you. I have my radar up for any inferior traffic out there...but we should have no problems before we go into hyperspace. Let's do this....."

A smile danced upon her lips as she looked over at her brother. Finally they were flying together....it would be a great time until they got to their destination....

Dios Kane
Jul 5th, 2002, 07:52:18 PM
:: Dios looked around as they ook off and not seeing much closed his eyes and smiled as he tried to get some sleep.::

Jul 5th, 2002, 08:09:48 PM
Satine nods, and hits a switch, activating his repulsors.

"Let's rock!" Satine says, grabbing his joystick, and slamming the throttle wide open, the slightly larger ship gaining just a bit on the X-Wing. Turning to look at Liam, Satine grins, not bothering to look as he piloted, trusting in the Force.

"Might smell wierd, but I like the new ship smell."

Jul 5th, 2002, 09:08:11 PM
Chance's knuckles tighted and turned white on the safty straps as the X-wing shot out of the hanger. "Oh man..." He moaned, closing his eyes.

What would the place they are going to acctually be like? his mind questioned it'self. Managing to open one eye, Chance glanced out into the blackness of space before returning to trying to keep from falling deep into his zero-gravity-phobia.

Maia Tharrinn
Jul 5th, 2002, 11:52:20 PM
Maia Strapped on her harness and sat back. Smiling slightly as Xazor prepared them for the wild ride ahead. She was used to crazy flyers and it didn't bother her at all. Her brother had jaded her to anyone else trying to scare her.

Turning to Loki she smiled softly at him. "I have been fine Loki and how have you been? How is your training going?" Motioning to the seat next to her. "Please sit next to me so we can talk on the way there."

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 6th, 2002, 05:19:10 AM
::Azhure strapped in, and watched the screen and pilot, Xazor.
She was not nervous or excited, but she was not relaxed. This mission was going to be far harder than any she had ever undertaken.::

Xazor Elessar
Jul 6th, 2002, 09:03:21 AM
Xazor grinned as she sat there for a moment, downshifting on her joystick. They were not moving...yet. Suddenly a loud roaring, growing in intensity, could be heard....and the small X-Wing began to violently shake. With that, Xazor pressed down hard on the joystick and the craft went sailing down the run way toward the hanger door. People were knocked over by the force of the wind eminating from the craft. A smile crossed Xazor's lips once again as she saw her brother, already out of the hanger. They reached the hanger door and shot out into the air....but then Xazor pressed down on the joystick again....and they went plummeting toward the lakes below. She giggled as the tail end skimmed across the surface, and then pulled up on it again in time to land in mid air beside her brother. She glanced over at him and giggled again before turning her attention back to piloting.

With the flip of a few switches, suddenly another loud grumbling noise could be heard. The ship began to shake furiously as they were nearing extreme speeds. The rpm's were almost off the meter and then suddenly two loud booms could be heard one right after another. It was the loudest thing Xazor had heard in a while, and it shocked a few in the ship.

"There's no problem! We just broke the sound barrier!"

She informed those flying with her. A grin spread across her lips yet again as another set of switches was flipped and a button pushed. She pulled up hard on the joystick and they blasted out of the gravity hold of the Yavin System. Now all around them were stars and various uninhabited moons. Suddenly all of the stars began to slowly transform into streaks as they entered hyperspace.

"Catch up little bro!"

She yelled to him over to comm unit. Sitting back, she placed the X-Wing under auto-pilot to take them to the planet that they sought.....now she might be able to get some rest....

Jul 6th, 2002, 05:45:40 PM
Hearing Xazor's taunt, Satine grins.

"Hold on peoples!" he says, flipping a few switches, and smiling, hearing the engines embedded in the wings of the ship roar to life, pushing the ship past the atmosphere, and into space. As Xazor's ship feeds his computer the coordinates, Satine hits a button, and the wings sweep back, connecting with the ship, turning it into a smaller, more compact ship. With the touch of a button, the Nova speeds off, hitting hyperspace, to the planet...

Sene Unty
Jul 7th, 2002, 06:35:33 PM
Sene was floored by the speed at which his master was flying. From the dips to the hair-pin turns, Sene couldn't believe his master would be crazy enough to put the people on the ship through these kind of maneuvers. Then again.....no one said his master was sane.

As the ship finally leveled out for the trip through hyperspace, Sene was able to think on the upcoming destination. Fear would have gripped him if he had not pushed it away so quickly. This planet was going to be anything but a cake-walk.....

Liam Jinn
Jul 7th, 2002, 06:53:07 PM
Liam put his hand on one of the walls to steady himself. Kids.. he thought as he watched Alpha fly..

Jul 8th, 2002, 06:16:36 AM
As the ship hits hyperspace, Satine turns his chair around, and grins at Liam.

"Fun, huh?"

Jul 9th, 2002, 09:33:27 AM
Flipping a switch, Satine turns on the comm. "Sis, how far is this place?" he asks, looking out at the hyperspace effects...

Xazor Elessar
Jul 10th, 2002, 11:32:49 AM
Xazor turned the comm back to Alpha's ship and grinned as she spoke.

"Well.......we'll be in hyperspace for at least twelve hours. It isn't the farthest I've ever been ya know...just a little inward from the Outer Rim..."

She stated and leaned back again to look at her crew. A few of them were in meditation.....and a few were still gripping their seats in fear. A smile danced upon her lips as she observed this and then looked over at her Brother....waiting to see what he had to say....

Jul 10th, 2002, 08:05:09 PM
"Hmmm...Kirin Taq isn't so far away from this...If needed, we can stop by Dragon's Roost--that's the space station in orbit--after this mission to get supplies, or repair damage. How are your passengers holding up? A couple of mine are slightly out of it...Nice flying, by the way."

Dios Kane
Jul 11th, 2002, 01:22:45 AM
:: Dios opened his eyes, sleep hadn't come well but he had quickly gotten a swig from his flask down before the acrobatics had started. He'd slept fairly well, just woken up a little rough.::
Hey! Xazor! Are we there yet?

Xazor Elessar
Jul 11th, 2002, 11:30:35 AM
Xazor grinned and cued the comm once again, a smile dancing upon her lips.

"That sounds like a great idea, bro.....and thank you, your flying is pretty good as well. My passengers are holding up....though a few appear to be a bit...queezy to say the least."

She giggled slightly and looked back at Dios, lofting a brow. She shook her head and laughed then looked back out the window at the streaks that were flying by...

"No, Dios...we won't be there for at least another eleven hours. I suggest all of you get some sleep....it is going to be a very tiring mission and you won't be able to sleep once we get there."

She informed them. With as rough as this planet was, no one would be able to rest at all......not even a Force induced sleep would hold up against the Hell that they would be facing in the coming days....

Jul 11th, 2002, 03:32:19 PM
Catching Xazor's thoughts, Satine activates his comm once again.

"Gonna get some rest. Catch you later."

As he shuts off the unit, the Knight closes his eyes, and enters a Force induced sleep...

Jul 11th, 2002, 05:13:53 PM
Chance, very shortly after liftoff, had passed out do to his little phobia. He awoke off and on watching the stars pass by and Xazor chatting with Satine.

6 hours into hyperspace, Chance reawoke perminately and pressed his face to the glass gazing out as the streaks of stars passed by...

Sene Unty
Jul 11th, 2002, 06:19:17 PM
Sene smiled as he noticed Chance staring out the viewport. It was something he was about to do....

"Anything interesting out there Chance?"

Jul 11th, 2002, 06:33:18 PM
Chance turned away from the vewport and returned to grasping his harness.

"Nothing much really, I just thought I saw something that wasnt a star." It was true, he had saw something. And he knew it was not Xazor's Brother's ship.

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 12th, 2002, 03:47:21 AM
::azhure watched the screen silently, feeling no need to sleep, knowing exactly why she did not sleep. She shut her eyes, still concious of the waking world and tried to meditate. This ride was long, but not as long as some were::

Xazor Elessar
Jul 12th, 2002, 11:00:00 PM
Xazor smiled and closed her eyes, then fell into a very deep meditative sleep.....delving very deep into the Force. Her senses were heightened beyond what they were naturally....and her mind was fully active, but her body rested. She tried not to think about anything but the peace and calm that the Force brought upon her.....

Several Hours Later.....

Suddenly a huge BANG!!! awoke Xazor from her coma state. Her head shot forward from the seat as she looked all around her, the light stinging at her eyes....but it was not a white light....it was red. She looked all around until she saw what they had come for...what they dreaded, yet knew would come.....


She whispered to herself as she eyed the great mass of fire and hell that was the planet they sought. Her eyes widened at the size of it...and she looked over at Alpha before turning her attention to the crono on her wrist. Twelve hours had flown by and they were out of hyperspace....hence, the loud booms that were heard. She sighed to herself and leaned back against the seat, allowing the manual piloting system to take over until she had to land the ship....

"Alpha...you might want to look at this..."

She said over the comm...but he couldn't get the message for it was shut off. She placed it back down and looked at the passengers in her ship, then back to him...trying to remain as calm as possible. She knew it would be bad...but the sight of the planet gave her goosebumps...

Alpha....wake up...and look at this...

The Knight said loudly in his mind, hoping to wake him from his Force induced sleep. This was something to see alright....

ooc: WOW!! Look at my post time!! :D

Jul 13th, 2002, 07:01:13 AM
Satine was already awake, and was about to turn his comm back on when Xazor yelled into his head. Flipping the unit on, Satine looks over at his sister's ship.

"You don't have to yell...So, this is the Hell planet we're supposed to try and save, huh?" Putting down the mike for the comm, Satine glances over his shoulder at the passengers he had.

"Ladies and gentleman, we have arrived."

Sene Unty
Jul 13th, 2002, 07:49:21 AM
Sene hadn't truly understood what he had gotten himself into until he saw the planet of Kotharedar for the first time. As wide eyes saw flames emerge off the planets surface, Sene quickly wondered how they would be able to land the ship. There didn't seem to be any safe place to do it....

"Master...where will we land?"

Jul 13th, 2002, 10:44:04 AM
The sea's of the planet boiled with heat, flames licked up from crevices in the surface. Buildings lay in ruines.

"Oh my god..." Chance gasped, His face once again plastered to the veiwport. There were places to land, not too safe for two ships though, but there were spaces.

As they neared the planet, Chance scanned the surface as fast as he could..

Xazor Elessar
Jul 13th, 2002, 11:22:20 AM
Xazor closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She knew that there would be a place to land....there had to be. The Knight brought the blinder down....and looked through the pin sized hole to find a place...but with her eyes, she saw none. Suddenly it hit her. She quickly brought the finder back up and then closed her eyes again and gripped the joystick controls.

"I won't be finding the place this day....the Force will guide me..."

She said with full confidence. Now she knew that people on board would think she was fully insane. The Knight concentrated deeply in the Force....delving into its endless depths to find where it was taking her. She slowly moved the joystick in a downward to the right fasion....and began their descent....

Liam Jinn
Jul 13th, 2002, 04:33:01 PM
Liam walked forward a bit, taking a glance out the viewport. As soon as he caught sight of the planet, it was if a thousand souls crept into his mind and all screamed at once. He stumbled away from the window, and managed to find a seat.

"Great.." He said before closing his eyes and letting himself fall into the serene flow of the force. Though it felt like the souls were still with him...

Jul 13th, 2002, 05:15:16 PM
Satine brings his ship down in a sharp dive, following his sister.

"Hold on!"

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 14th, 2002, 03:52:21 AM
::Azhure watched as the ships view went to ground, and felt the sting of minds, more voices to add onto her own.::

There is much pain here

::Her words were not the usual not-very-emotional kidn but a strnage voice that held a feeling of fear in it, and of a newfoudn sadness, understanding. Strange::

Dios Kane
Jul 14th, 2002, 07:23:15 AM
:: Dios had gone into a state of rest and was having dreams... of pain. He understood it to a point though, so many voices in his head that weren't his own... how interesting, more pain to share with him and his drinking, even in his dream he had a drink in his hand. It was blood wine and he could seem to see just people stnding there, grey looking and just standing in this seemingly Hellish purgatory... he raised his glass to them in a salute and then they all began to talk, it was like a storm of people crying of their life's pains. He took the drink in one swallow and turned... he was on an edge of a cliff... very interesting. He stepped off... and woke up. He looked out a window after seeing the looks on everybody's faces. He wasn't surprised to see a planet that looked very similar to the place he was just dreaming of, he wondered if there was going to be the people like he saw. He heard Azhure and nodded.::
Inside and outside the planet...

Jul 14th, 2002, 08:00:55 AM
Satine winces from the pain, before he shuts himself off from teh Force, concentrating on his flying.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 14th, 2002, 09:01:04 AM
Xazor couldn't shut herself off from the Force...it flowed so deeply through her now...to aid her in flying. She swerved and dove in a tight manner until they neared what appeared to be the planets atmosphere. Pressing a button she sent a shockwave of power through her ship which lurched forward and slammed through the atmosphere. Again, two loud sonic booms could be heard as they broke the sound barrier. The Force continued guiding her hands as she searched with her mind's eye for a place to land. Finally she "saw" one and let the Force take her down to it.

The ship finally touched down and skidded along a rocky run way, not suited for her type of space vehicle. She opened her eyes and suddenly a huge wave of pain rushed over her....making her grasp her head with her hands. She winced and looked out the window for a moment.

"We have arrived....."

Dios Kane
Jul 14th, 2002, 09:47:02 AM
...In Hell
:: Dios took a swig from his flask before putting it back. He wouldn't touch the stuph again until he got off this planet.::

Jul 14th, 2002, 04:55:50 PM
Satine brings his ship in close, right beside Xazor's, and then lowers the ramp, jumping out, and waiting for Xazor's to open. Looking around, Satine wonders how this had happened to a planet...

Maia Tharrinn
Jul 15th, 2002, 01:05:56 AM
Maia's eyes were tightly squeezed shut and tears had leaked from the corners of them. She had been meditating when they had arrived at the planet and the pain had hit her in waves. She had tried to pull herself back from it but it held her tightly. The horror in the screams that echoed through her head was utterly dreadful.

Opening her eyes she glanced round and saw the same looks on all of there faces, sadness. This Maia knew was going to be a hard battle for all of them. Looking over at Dios she gave a worried frown. She knew he must be hurting very badly by now.

"If I'm feeling all of this suffering, What is he feeling?" She muttered under her breath. Siting up she unclenched her hands. Her nails HAD bitten into her palms and little moon shaped crescents filled with blood. The pain in her hands was nothing compared to the pain she felt from the fire filled planet...

Dios Kane
Jul 15th, 2002, 03:29:58 PM
:: Dios stood up as they landed and bent ove to Maia, his face was stict and cold but then he warmed up and gave her one of his genuine smiles as he reached over with a gloved hand and wiped away her tears.::
Not yet... you'll need those later.

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 18th, 2002, 04:26:18 AM
::Azhure felt the pain, and felt her emotional stance sway, the pain imbedding itself into her own heart. She pushed it away and knew the time would come for later where things would only become harder. None of them came here because it would be an easy mission. This place smelled of pain, of peoples personal demons::

Good luck to us all........

Jul 18th, 2002, 05:39:11 AM
Yes...Good luck...For we are gonna need it... Satine thinks to himself.

Liam Jinn
Jul 18th, 2002, 10:28:29 AM
After a while, the Jedi Master shakes his head, seemingly to clear out all the other people in his head. A smile crosses Liam's face and he slugs Alpha in the arm.

"Think quieter, will ya?!"

Jul 18th, 2002, 02:51:34 PM
"Sorry buddy. Ya know me, can't talk quietly, and rarely think quietly." Satune turns to Liam, and grins.

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 19th, 2002, 01:27:05 AM
::Nodding to nothing in particular she turned to the others silently, regarding them, the people she would travel with here, comrades in this mission. It was going to be hard but may as well start sooner than later.::

Are we to begin? What is our orders?

Xazor Elessar
Jul 21st, 2002, 10:39:55 AM
Xazor hopped out of her X-Wing and helped her passengers out. They offloaded their things and then gathered together in a small huddle. It was hot....no, boiling, just standing there. She sighed to herself and her eyes met those of Liam.

"Alright...these people.......this planet, needs our help. First we will catch a speeder to the Outlands......a place not to far from here, but it is a good place to begin. If you notice, there is hardly anyone here in town. Well, that's because they are wandering, out there in the Outlands. We will not split up, for if something major happens.....we have to be there for eachother. We are a team and I expect all of you to act as one. Understood?"

Slowly everyone around her nodded and she smiled, but it was a grim smile. The Knight began to lead the way toward an abandoned fleet of speeders. Here they would have to split up and go in groups of four.....but their speeders themselves would stay together. Xazor hopped into the drivers seat of one as did Alpha, and Liam. A few would have to tag along as extras, making the number of people, five, in some speeders.

They sped off, leaving the spot behind. The group seemed to fly for several minutes....leaving the abandoned town in the dust. Soon they came up to what was pure hell. People aimlessly walked about.....crying out to beings that were not there. Their skin boiled and bubbled in places.....leaving some of them unrecognizable. Houses were all around and were burning. Old markers stood where small villages once did. The ground was rough and destroyed as were the souls of those before them. Many lay on the ground in heaps.....begging to die so that their suffering would end.....but it was not possible. One would try to kill themselves, but it would only intensify their suffering.


The Knight whispered to herself as she looked out over the land. Fire lept up from various places in the ground in large waves, consuming whatever was in the way. She witness a man become engulfed in the flames.....but come out alive, still.....but with burning and boiling leasons on his body. The smell of burning flesh was prevalent in the air. Her eyes shot to those around her, wondering what was going through their mind at this minute....knowing that they too would have to endure this hell to help the wandering souls here.....

"May the Force be with us all......"

Jul 21st, 2002, 11:09:16 AM
"By the Force..." Satine whispers, then sends a Force message to his sister.

What did this to an entire planet? I've never seen anything this terrible...

Xazor Elessar
Jul 21st, 2002, 11:36:12 AM
Xazor recieved her Brother's Force message and sighed.

A helacious apocalyptic battle did this......it's been done no where else before. And now, it has thrown off the balance of the Force......if we don't save this planet, it will also disrupt the planetary system it's in.....and in turn, its galaxy...the galaxies around it....and then, the universe.....

Maia Tharrinn
Jul 21st, 2002, 01:22:03 PM
Maia watched each person she passed with an utter look of horror. She had never seen anything like this before. The devastation and the agony that filled the peoples faces was horrendous. Maia cried for each person she saw, she cried for there home. She cried until she thought she had no more to give.

"Dios why? How could such a thing happen?" She knew he was feeling the pain and The minute she sent the force message her connection to him grew stronger. His pain was almost as bad as the people that they had come to help. Sighing softly she reached out and grasped his hand. Maia found more tears to cry.

Dios Kane
Jul 21st, 2002, 03:14:40 PM
:: Dios pulled Maia close but kept silent. He didn't know what to say. He had toasted to these very people in his dreams. Would he toast to them now, knowing that they were real? Dios had to let her go as he ran to sop two people fighting. He used the force to hold one back as he pushe one against the wall. He looked into the man's eyes and saw only a primal instinct there to live and fight for survival. But his pain was reflected there too.::
Man! What the bloody hell is wrong with you? Calm down!
:: The man closed his eyes and opened them, displaying a weariness that hadn't been there. He relaxed.::
Tell me what's going on?
:: Dios had to force it out to speak, the man's face had been torn by the other man. Dios was using a lot of energy to place a calm feeling in the other man also.::

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 22nd, 2002, 05:11:01 AM
::Azhure was used to dead bodies, but this made her feel like all she had eaten would be hurled up. Forcing the feelign down she closed her eyes and then opened them to the same image. The image of dispair so terrible it made her petty nightmares seem like nothing. it gave her a big picture almost, a realization what the job of a jedi was, what she had promised her life to. Reality had kicked in and she looked at Xazor, forcing the dispair from her mind to concentrate on the mission on hand.::

Jul 22nd, 2002, 06:55:22 AM
How can we help though? It seems like this is just two big for us...

Dios Kane
Jul 22nd, 2002, 08:27:30 AM
:: The guy obviously wasn't going to speak. He let go of him and walked away. He heard the two get back up and start fighting. This was crazy. He opened his comm to Xazor.::
What do we do? We're in Hell Xazor and we're the angels sent to redeem these people. How do we do it?

Xazor Elessar
Jul 22nd, 2002, 10:55:05 AM
Xazor was a bit discouraged by the group. No one was willing to dig right in.....and it was a bit disheartening.

"People....we are Jedi! What does your heart tell you to do? If we begin to help them.....they'll help themselves and then eachother. See....we have to make them face their wrongdoings....and in doing so, we too must face our own transgressions. It will not be easy. This planet is one big curse, honestly. There are many things that are both real, and false...but they have all been placed here to torture these souls! We have to help them see that they were wrong but that they can move on! Talk to them....look..."

Xazor walked over to a young girl of about fifteen. She was sitting on the ground with tear streaked cheeks and dirt all over her body. Her clothes were ripped and torn and she wore an angry expression. The Knight Xazor placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and looked into her hurt eyes. Pain seemed to pour from her soul out of those beautiful blue eyes. It hurt Xazor inside to see such suffering. She turned and looked at the group for a moment.

"She'll die without your help....the suffering that has been put upon her body will kill her!!!"

Xazor turned back and saw tears welling up in the girl's eyes. The Knight shook her head and wiped the fallen ones away. The girl would not speak, though....

"Young one....I am Xazor and I wish to help you but first, you must help yourself. Your suffering will end once you realize the wrong things that you have done....face your past and let go of it! Find peace and bathe in it....all of this is possible...trust me..."

She held her hand out to the girl. She was hesitant for a moment, but then took the friendly offering. The Knight helped her to her feet and then took her over to the group.

"It all starts with one...."

Dios Kane
Jul 22nd, 2002, 11:15:35 AM
:: Dios watched Xazor and was lost. It sounded just like his life. She could've been talking to him for all he knew. He turned from her, and walked over to the men that had begun fighting again. He stopped them and held both back by the shoulder.::
You are men, not animals. Face yourselves and know pride in each other that you are not animals. That you are sentient beings. Fighting will only make the pain worse. We must forgive each other and ourselves to start. Come, come with me.
:: He slowly tried to bring the men in the direction of the group. Getting these people closer to humanity might hep them. They needed a place to stay. All the building were a wreck around here.::
Xazor, I think we need something like a communiy building. We need to get these people together instead of apart. Apart, I think they will slowly eat upon themselves.

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 23rd, 2002, 07:31:54 PM
::Azhure saw a little girl on a step. Red tears stained her cheecks, and yelling could be heard, yelling at her. Swaer words, telling her she wasnt good enough, telling her to do as she was told. Useless, pathetic, there were red marks on her, from beatings. The girl didnt look at Azhure but it reminded her of somethign not exactly the same but similar. Sitting down beside the girl she put the girls head up, trying to think of what to say. Your a jedi.....Listen to your heart.....::

He's angry.

::The girl looked up as if to say it is her fault. Azhure knew there was no words, nothing to say to that. it wasnt her fault, but unless he stoped yelling...Getting up she squeezed the girls hand and opened the door to the ruined building, only half a room standing, with the door and step the girl sat next to. The man was angry, but there was a different anger, not at the girl, but at somethign else he wanted to blame someone for::

Your hurting, but don't punish her. it's not her fault. OPen your heart and come with me, take your daughter by the hand and come with me

:;Looking at nothign she sent a message to the other jedi::

This had better work. How else do I be a jedi? What does a jedi do? Am I dpoing the right action?

Jul 28th, 2002, 07:35:42 PM
Chance was utterly shocked to the point of speechlessness. The people moaned and roamed, bumping into each other and yelling curses to the gods. The land was torn, ripped, destroyed.. to the point that none of the Jedi here could repair it alone.

Not with these people like they are... miserable, torn, angered.

Peace and love had to be given in this time, Chance moved over to a young five year old who was gripping tightly to an older man who looked dead but moaned and screamed periodically as blood poured from sours on his skin, softly speaking Chance put his own hands on each of the soul's body and spoke softly;

"Hey, shhh, don't cry." He spoke to the boy, patting his head. Then to the elder, whom began to moan words.

"I killed hi....mo...ther... It... was......... accedent... I meeentt to do it.." the elder cried, tears running down his face in rovels. Images of a man trying to save a woman from being shot in the head flew into Chance's mind.

"No.. It was not your fault. Release your pain, She is waiting for you.." Chance spoke back, taking both of the soul's hands into his own small ones and closing his bright golden eyes, "... I hear her voice... She isnt mad at you.. she is happy you tried to take care of her son.."

OOC: Bummmmp!

Xazor Elessar
Jul 28th, 2002, 08:34:17 PM
Xazor looked to the young girl whom she had brought to the group. Sighing, she took her hand and led her away.....sitting down on a rock and motioning for her to do the same.

"Young one.....open your heart and love yourself....."

She could sense the girl's thoughts before she even spoke the words that rested so heavily upon her heart. It broke Xazor's heart to hear what she had to say....

"I don't eat because I'm fat....I don't sleep because I can't.....I have no friends.....no family......no life. What am I good for? Nothing.....I might as well down all of these....."

The girl took a bottle of pills from the pocket of her ripped tunic. She shook them in front of Xazor's face as if saying, "I'm untouchable no matter what you say....." Xazor sighed and extended her hand.

"Please......you don't need those! You're polluting your body with that garbage. Trust me.....I know......"

The girl was very hesitant at first and shook her head...holding the bottle close to her. Then she looked down at the ground and then up at the Jedi Knight. Sighing, she passed the bottle to Xazor....tears welling up in her eyes. The Knight took the bottle of pills and put them in her cloak. She smiled gently and and eyed the young girl.

"You must stop this destructive behavior or you'll end up killing yourself. Please listen to me......you need help.....we're here to help you.....all you have to do is help youself."

The young girl pondered the words of the Knight and then moved closer to her.....wrapping her arms around Xazor. She began to softly cry into the Knight's shoulder.....and all Xazor could do was hold her.

"I'm here sweety.....it's okay......."

Liam Jinn
Jul 28th, 2002, 08:39:34 PM
Liam shook his head. This was not right.

"What happened to these people? There's something here driving them all mad...yet..what is it?"

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 29th, 2002, 04:30:15 AM
::Azhure took the girls hand and as she came to the group she heard Liam's comment. The man behind that door had been humbled by a few words, and surprised azhure herself by it's effect. Some form of brain/heart changing? What was the extent of the force's power?::

Perhaps we should send a few people to find out as a major mission and make the helping a section of the mission statement

::Two at most. Finding the main cause would mayhap stop the rest of the ripples of effect that made these people behave this way. Unknown her skin changed to the brown of a house behind her, then back to normal as a wave of fear passed through her. What would have this much power to do this much damage? fear was new, but this fear was age old. This fear was...personal in many deep deep ways. If they stayed too long would it effect them too?
The grip on her hand tightened and she looked at the girl::

Do not blame yourself for something that is not your fault. Go and give your father a hug. Feel loved, for you have a family.

::Watching the child go, she felt a shiver race through her as millions of others cried out all over the planet. What exactly was happening, it was a good question.::

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 30th, 2002, 08:11:15 AM
Ever since he had woken up after taking a nap which quickly turned into a long sleep, Loki had remained deliberately silent. He had woke up to the sound of disturbed voices which trembled and cracked with sorrow, it was his Jedi friends who had been affected heavily by what they could sense. As ever Loki kept the pain distant in his mind, he didn't allow it to affect him like the others; to begin with he wasn't as sensitive to the Force as a Jedi Knight however he knew how detrimental to the mission it could be to allow the pain and sorrow affect him so.

The air was stifling and thin, every breath he inhaled was laced with a thick smoke that poisened the ground and blackened the skies. Thick, black cloud streaked with a fierce red taint blocked out the sun and for the inhabitants of this demonic world, they knew not of night nor day. The young padawan was unsure of the specifics, but it looked like a major war had only just ended, the small town in which they landed was in ruin and not even the spirits of the dead would have the courage to haunt such a ghastly location. He was happy to leave the ghost town in those speeders, all the while he remained silent knowing exactly why he was here.

Once at the wastelands, the place that Xaxor referred to as "The OUtlands" he decided to sit up and take a good look around amongst the sea of people. They walked without purpose, without direction or thought; it was as he had imagined, they were lost folk without faith or any memory of hope. It was a sad sight but as his mother always said, "Where there's a will there's a way!" And there was a way, Loki would show it to them.

Suddenly his eyes caught sight of something that caught his attention and without hesitation he leapt out of the speeder and ran of about a hundred yards away where he came to a woman. Just like everyone else, this particular lady was draped in ragged, filthy clothes, ripped and frayed at the edges, worn and thin just like that skin of hers. The skin which was visible; her hands, arms, bare feet, face and nack were all charred from burns. It was course and fragile, they were third degree burns and no doubt agonizing yet the woman didn't cry, she didn't speak.

Upon arriving at place where the young lady knealt, he likewise knealt in the filth and waste opposite her and got a closer look. Across her stomach were two deep wounds, several inches across, the bleeding had stopped as they were old wounds, but her old dress was crisp and red where it had once been soaked by blood, but was now bone dry. Her black hands drenched in crimson, her fingers and palms were shredded by large, deep cuts from the large piece of broken glass she held in her hand. All the while, the little boy didn't stir, his soft features looked upon hers, and in silence waited with the woman, his gentle gaze meeting her empty stare, a hauntiong look that depicted a person who had gone beyond hopelessness and had lost all sense of identity and reality.