View Full Version : Hanging out at the Bar
crono katon
Jun 28th, 2002, 07:07:52 AM
Crono walks into the bar and Grill and finds a seat off in the darkest corner of the bar. He waves over the drone and orders two waters, one for him and one for Chimp.
Pulling Chimp up to his face he says some thing very quitely so others can't hear him.
Dios Kane
Jun 28th, 2002, 07:12:25 AM
:: Dios enters and sees Crono and Chimp and walks up to em.::
How's it goin guys?
crono katon
Jun 28th, 2002, 07:18:01 AM
*Throws the Rubber Chicken Chimp into his Coat*
"Were doing fine, WHAt"
Dios Kane
Jun 28th, 2002, 07:21:17 AM
:: Dios laughs::
I'm doin good, how's your sister?
crono katon
Jun 28th, 2002, 07:27:44 AM
"Shes fine I guess. I don' really ever talk to her busy"
The Drone comes by and gives Crono his drinks
"So how is your light saber coming along"
Dios Kane
Jun 28th, 2002, 07:36:56 AM
:: Dios pulled out what looked like a puzzle missing half the pieces.::
This is the prototype Genesis, it works pretty well. Thanks to both of you, it should be done after I get a few more things to it. I've used it a few times now.
:: Dios picks up a drink from one of the droids that came by.::
crono katon
Jun 28th, 2002, 07:46:23 AM
"Nice...should be rather good when your done"
Reaches into his coat and pulls out two Jet Black sabers and lays them on the table
"These two are mine. They don't have a name or anything but they are specialized to work with my form of sword fighting."
Dios Kane
Jun 28th, 2002, 07:48:09 AM
:: Dios looked them over::
Very nice, what kind of sword style would that be?
crono katon
Jun 28th, 2002, 07:54:16 AM
"Its kind of one I made up my self. With it you have speed and power. Plus you add in force powers and other stuff and it can be pretty bad if you used it right. Its really made for just those two swords though."
ooc-I haven't looked over the 7 Styles so I'm not sure if its in there.
Dios Kane
Jun 28th, 2002, 07:57:09 AM
:: Dios thought that was pretty cool and downed more of his drink::
Nice, what makes those swords the only ones that can form to it?
crono katon
Jun 28th, 2002, 08:05:45 AM
"Really I guess anyone could use the basic form with out the sabers but its mostly the extras that really makes the form work....I don't have them on me at the moment sense I don't ever really use my sabers... but with out the other gear its a little harder to do it right."
"maybe I can show you some time"
Dios Kane
Jun 28th, 2002, 09:04:55 PM
:: Dios smiled at crono's offer and downed more of his drink::
Sure, send me some stuff on the basics and I'll practice while you're away. What's it involve?
crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 09:45:01 AM
"Its kind of hard to tell you about it but its a short sword style"
*Picks up sabers and stands up. Hold the handle so the blade is pointing behind him*
Only bad thing about holding your saber like this is your hands are free to be least if your not fast enough. But that shouldn't be a problem once you learn force speed. Plus about 60% of the time you don't use your hands any ways. Like myself I use a Device to get the blades spining around in a circle so once you get the sword going pretty fast it will ether knock the sword from there hands or just hit the sword sideways which gives you time to attack him with the other hand.
*puts the swords down right in front Dios*
That is all I can really show right now sense were not aloud to use weapons in here and from here on out its a pain to just explain.
*sits back down*
Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 09:51:04 AM
:: Dios sat back, playing what crono had said in his head over and over again.::
No, not at the moment. It's interesting though, what if your opponent has so much strength you can't knock his sword back?
crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 10:03:12 AM
"You mean like if your fighting some one like Tempist well in that case you can shut off the spining and do quick jabs or slashs plus I can eject the swords at the other person....I don't do that very often though. Plus theres a few other things I don't really want to tell you no just in case I ever get in a fight with anyone here"
Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 10:16:56 AM
:: Dios grimaced at the thought of his fight with Tempist. Yeah, like Tempist.::
That's cool, don't worry about it. Totally understandable. So how's life? You seem like you're doin pretty well, just on the edge a bit.
crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 10:22:51 AM
"Fine I guess. Me and Chimps been making weapons and stuff non-stop the last month or so. What about you?"
Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 10:25:35 AM
:: Dios grinned at the mention of Chimp::
Sparring, training, drinking. Ya know, the regular.
crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 10:28:10 AM
"Have you meet Chimp yet?"
*Pulls Chimp out of his coat*
"This is Chimp the Rubber Chicken"
*looks at Chimp*
"This is Dios"
Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 10:31:00 AM
:: Dios took the rubber wing and shook it::
Nice to meet you Chimp, so where did he come from?
crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 10:41:43 AM
"He's from around here I think. I heard him yelling in the street one day after this one thing happened so I picked him up and he's been with me ever sense"
Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 10:42:56 AM
:: Dios laughed and drank some more::
Cool, you guys make weapons together?
crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 10:49:10 AM
"yeah pretty much. He helps me come up ideas ands that kind of stuff. He helped me think of the Plasma Net Gun thing I have and just about every thing else sense I found him."
Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 10:50:47 AM
:: Dios listened for a moment then asked::
What kind of gadgets do you have? Do you have some kind of catalog of em or what?
crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 10:58:02 AM
"Sorry but no but if you tell me what you want theres a chance I might have some thing like it or can make it for you and I will sell it to you for dirt cheap. Oh and by the way if you want those two light sabers you can have them..I have extras"
Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 11:02:32 AM
:: Dios looked at him for a minute::
Are you sure? They seem really nice.
:: Dios reached across for the sabers but stopped::
How much will they cost me?
crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 11:05:54 AM
"200 credits"
*pulls out a 3rd saber from his coat*
"got extras. Plus I was going to upgrade them anyways"
Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 12:01:18 PM
:: Dios slid across a credit card after typing in 500 credits to it::
That much for the two sabers. 200 each and an extra 100 cuz you're one of my friends.
crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 01:47:15 PM
"Hey can't say no to that"
*starts to check the pockets in his coat for any thing that might be even some what useful. Then he raps his finger around a mid-size ring so he pulls it out and throws it on the table*
"Sense you gave me extra have that as a please come back again reward thing....Truth is I don't want dangerous to have around"
*Pulls out a peace of paper and writes the words "Night Fall" and slides it in front of Dios*
"If you say that the ring blows up and it has enough boom power to blow off your hand and if your touching someone a chunk of them. Might come in handy....till you have no hand for it to be handy. Its yours if you want it"
Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 01:55:07 PM
:: Dios liked the little ring and took it and put it on::
Nice, fits well don't you think?
:: Dios slides the two sabers into one of his several empty holsters.::
They look pretty good, you said they were short sabers?
crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 01:58:43 PM
"Yeah they are but if you want theres a switch to raise the blade up or down"
Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 02:05:44 PM
:: Checked one of them::
Nice, any maitanence I have to give em on a basis? These are well made and I'd like to keep them in a good condition.
crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 02:09:46 PM
"Yeah kind of...but there pretty strong and if they get broke just tell me and I can fix them or give you new ones..there made different then the Jedi blue Print ones so it might be kind of hard for you to fix them"
Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 02:11:17 PM
Good, I don't wanna bother with bugging with em. It's bad enough trying to build this prototype. You got anything else nifty that I might like and you're willing to sell?
crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 02:14:01 PM
"We talked on the wronge day. For once I don't have much on me"
*takes a drink*
"But if you want I can make a list of what I'm willing to sell and get back to you in a few days"
Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 02:19:09 PM
:: Dios wouldn't mind to have an unexpected advantage on others with Crono's toys::
Sure, just send it to my room sometime.
crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 02:23:38 PM
"What kinds of stuff do you what...Swords, Guns, Things that go boom, Armor? Knowing that might help me keep the list smaller"
Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 02:27:38 PM
:: Dios looked himself over and thought for a moment on what would be most fitting.::
Guns, close range combat, and things that can make me unnoticed. Does that sound possible?
crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 02:33:38 PM
"oh yeah its posible, I could get you a gun that looks like tree branch if you wanted. Only thing that might be a pain is the "things that can make me unnoticed" part because I can get it where normal people shouldn't be able to see you till your close but when it comes to Sith, Jedi, Dark Jedi and people that can sense some one with the force...I can't do that"
Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 02:44:19 PM
:: Dios wondered about things as they danced in his head::
What about something that can replicate the Ysalamir's force blocking? But i'd still like things that keep me hidden from non force sensers too. I'd like a good gun that won't fail me. I've seen pictures of one and have been longing for one for very long.
:: holds out his holopad,
Ignore the guy in the back, I like the gun.
crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 03:02:13 PM
*looks at the Holopad for a few mintues talking in every detail of the guns picture*
"Yeah...I should be able to do it....for more than a small fee"
*takes a drink*
"About the Ysalamir's force blocking thing I will look stuff up on it and if I can figure it out I will get hold of you...I will tell you this now though it won't be cheap by any means"
Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 03:06:58 PM
:: Dios smiled and laughed::
Sure, you name the price and I'll cut low on the drinking for a while to pay you when it's ready. Don't worry too much about the force blocking, if you get to it, sure. But don't waste too much of your time on it. Thanks.
crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 03:10:17 PM
"Hell that force blocking thing would be a really hot item...Every one would want one"
*Throws Chimp back in his Coat then starts drinking Chimps water*
"Probably be a few weeks before its done"
Dios Kane
Jun 29th, 2002, 03:23:25 PM
:: Smirks as Chimp is stowed away.::
Sure, take your time.
crono katon
Jun 29th, 2002, 03:35:11 PM
*ties up one of his lose bandages*
"okay I will do that"
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