View Full Version : Daily Spar(Open)
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 27th, 2002, 02:06:49 PM
:: Lance got up from his bed in his room and looked over at his clock. It was very early in the morning but Lance on that day felt like excercising and decided to head for a shower and to the academy. He quickly got up and went in front of his closet.::
"Hmm..what shall I put on"
:: Lance had too many cloths to actually decide what to put that quickly. But he decided that he was gonna put on some Jedi cloths for once. He gripped a black cloak and the rest of the set that comes with it. He also took his lightsaber and a couple of credits to buy some lunch later on the day. He ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower as soon as he got up he put on his cloths after drying his body and ran out of the room running towarded the academy. As soon as he entered he noticed the calm and silence that ruled over the academy and searched for an appropriate sparring room. The large doors opened right in frotn of Lance as he entered the circular room. He took off his cloak and started excercising with some push-ups and running around the room. When Lance felt warmed up and took out his lightsaber the ignition of his lightsaber was done and Lance grabbed it to warm up his moves his ran around the room slashing in rounds to practice the speed and timing of his attacks. He was waiting for an opponent to come.::
Tomak Ohara
Jun 29th, 2002, 12:52:34 AM
Tomak enetered the room, "Your good, but are you good enough. Lets see if you can keep up with a vampire." Tomak drew his saber and ignited it. "So shall we begin?"
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 29th, 2002, 10:16:31 AM
::Lance titls his head a bit to the side as he felt a presence enter he was sweating a bit but he was heated up and ready for battle. Lance heard the word "vampire" and thought to him-self::
"I hate vampires..........they SUCK!!............................................ .................................................. ......................blood.........."
:: He then looks at the newcomer and speaks::
"Very well then it is good to see a new figure"
:: He says as he swings his lightsabers in rounds to start running towarded him. He sends a quick slash leftwards::
Tomak Ohara
Jun 29th, 2002, 04:49:50 PM
" Same to you." Tomak blocked the slash and knocked him off balance. He kicked out to Lance's stomach and then threw up a high kick to his shoulder. He then jumped upwards, slashing upwards as he went, his wings pumping powerfully.
Jedi Anakin Skywalker
Jun 29th, 2002, 11:36:18 PM
:: Anakin getting out of bed walked sluggishly to the bathroom and stepped in the shower. The cold water striking his body woke him up immediatly and shocked him for a quick second. Taking a step out he grabbed the towel and dried himself quickly. His fresh tunic with clean black vest was waiting for him and he quickly dressed. Walking out of his room he forced pulled his lightsaber from the shelf above his bed and hitched it to is belt. Walking down the stairs he figured out he had nothing to do today. His master was away at the time and there was little to do but move things around in his room for fun. Nearing the bottom of the stairs he figured hed find Lance. He was one of the only friends he had at the Academy. Straighting his vest he made his way to the great hall and took a left walking to the sparring area. Looking from door to door..not very many people where sparring at the time. Anakin heard the clash of lightsabers from a few doors down and walked to the room. There was Lance and a unfamiliar face sparring intensly. Anakin keeping his presense unknown, walked in and sat down cross legged watching them spar. ::
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 30th, 2002, 08:06:44 AM
:: Lance was knocked in the shoulder which made him baclflip in the air but with the aid of the force he came on his feet quickly without damage, Lance saw his opponent was stronger then expected so he said to him-self maybe he should give a piece of what he really can do.::
" Alright watch this"
:: With the aid of the force he force speeded towards the vampire sending his legs to his to make go off balance he then sent a force blast with his hand which made the padawan fall and struck down on his left arm and stomac leaving two small burns since his lightsaber was at it's minimal power, he quickly backflipped on his defensive stance waiting for his opponent to come.::
" Sorry bub."
:: Suddenly he felt a presence a familiar one he scattered the room and his sight struck on the padawan sitting crossed-legs on the floor, it was Anakin one of Lance's good friends here at the GJO, he sent a message through the force to Anakin.::
"I presume you have nothing to do right?"
Jedi Anakin Skywalker
Jun 30th, 2002, 02:11:09 PM
You know that Master Kenobi is away right now so yes i am left with nothing to do...But dont mind me im only here to watch and be entertained. If I feel the urge to jump in ill do so..:)
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