View Full Version : ::Walks in, sets down her sword and searches for a spar partner::

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 27th, 2002, 02:52:27 AM
::Yes, she needed much practise, there was no denying that and sparrign was the best way to do it. Her saber was near, her sword, perferrign steel was on the rock and she watched silently, seeing who was available::

Dios Kane
Jun 27th, 2002, 03:00:15 AM
:: Dios came up from behind her, she seemed like she was expecting to spar and he needed the trainging so he walked past her and stood in front of her. This would be awkward for Dios but he'd learn. He pulled out his unfinished prototype saber Genesis ::
Hi Azhure, nice day huh? Wanna spar?

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 27th, 2002, 03:05:37 AM
::Azhure's sense alerted her to a familiar presence, Dios.
She nodded and returned a friendly expression::

Gladly, steel or saber?

Dios Kane
Jun 27th, 2002, 03:12:32 AM
:: Dios looked at her then replied::
Saber if you don't mind? I don't have any steel with me yet.
:: Dios flicked on his saber and the the inside parts that could still be seen from the outside lighted up as the beam flew out and he stood in a defensive stance::

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 27th, 2002, 03:17:49 AM
::Azhure nodded wordlessly and took out a fairly standard looking saber, besides the fact it had a strange ending to the handle. Two buttons, one more like a catch was on it and it was black. Life was turned on and the red light sizzled in the air as she nodded. She stood straight and bowed her head, honouring her opponant, then readied her body and muscles for battle::

Very well.

Dios Kane
Jun 27th, 2002, 03:25:14 AM
:: Dios pulled out of his stance and bowed also. It had been so long since he had bowed in a duel, even sparring. This would be different. She was trained to kill, fun. Dios resumed his defensive stance and started off by sidestepping slowly and watching how Azhure's body tensed so he could anticipate an attack. He opened himself to the force. Anticipate, don't react, focus!::

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 27th, 2002, 03:42:24 AM
::azhures breathing slowed, her mind calculated the spaces her feet should take with each step to stay perfectly balanced. Her mind became far more aware of what was happening around her, and the concentration was on the 'mission' or the subject Dios. A fellow jedi. Opponant. The air around her seemed to make a louder sound and her body and muscles were controlled. The weapon in her hand became part of her and as the warrior sate became complete she smiled and flipped into the air, landing behind Dios and her elbow hit him in the back, momentarily putting him off balance as as she twisted swiftly to land in stand in front of him and turn and aim a kick into his side, hard enough to off balance him to land on the floor, but not enough to hurt him badly. She was not here to hurt him badly, and never underestimate your opponant, this case being Dios::

Dios Kane
Jun 27th, 2002, 04:14:35 AM
:: Dios was astounded but yet not at how agile she was, she had been a trained assassin. She had flipped behind him, and had knocked him off balance only to appear in front of him and land a kick to his side sending him spralling to the ground. Dios smiled as he looked up and flexed as he pushed himself off the ground and backed away from Azhure. He had to focus. He saw an opening in her possibilities of movement and took his chance. He lunged forward with his saber and brought it back fast enough to duck below Azhure and punch her straight in the thigh. He had hit on the nerve and she would be feeling that for a while. He came up with his saber and slashed upwards at her and had it set to spar so it wouldn't hurt, only tingle. The saber singed her shoulder and he backed up from her. He smiled as he took a deep breath::
Nice legs.

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 28th, 2002, 01:50:27 AM
::Azhure looked at him, because of the comment and shook her head, she wasnt one to speak during a fight. Getting up and being trained to deal with pain she bore it, it would hurt a bit more doing flips and such but she would deal.
She turned her saber onto stun, and shortened the length of the saber's glow, more precise to use. Turnign to avoid antoher attack. She took her chance and used this stance to her advantage, her right foot went to his ankle and her left foot kept balance. A swift strogn movement from her foot brought him down to the ground, but before he hit the ground she turned and her knee conencted with his stomach... a small jump allowed her distance enough to allow him to get up and as their sabers clashed, her mind conecntrated on her opponants breathing, muscle movement, concentration area.
Her left hand held her saber and her right caught his right shoulder as she slightly pressed on the right shoulderblade, making the muslces slightly tighter, the effects would not last long, but long enough if the spar did not last half an hour. If he wanted to play that way, she was more than ready. A genuine smile lit her face as she felt the thrill of battle, felt at home, comfortable. Loss or winning didnt matter, each loss you learnt::

Dios Kane
Jun 28th, 2002, 06:08:10 AM
:: Dios backed up farther this time. She had dealt him a beating just then but she was expecting him to react like a human, sje was watching his entire body and how it moved. Dios laughed shortly, he probably couldn't be considered human anymore. If she was going to watch for signs Dios wouldn't give her any. He quickly loosened his robes and shirt so they hung loosely off his body, she wouldn't be able to anticipate his movements. He watched her and moved in, he focused so that his sword was merely an extension to his arm. He slashed out with his sword and twisted around and punched her in the shoulder. He wasn't trained as well as she was in Martial Arts but he was good enough. He threw the fist holding his saber into her side and then pulled a high kick down into the shoulder he had punched her in. He backed away and prepared for a defensive action. She had shook her head ealier, did that mean she didn't want to talk or she didn't approve of his fighting? Nevermind that, he had to focus on the force. He sent out small probes in the force to maybe feel something that she might do next. She didn't look as bad as he thought she might but like he had said about himself. Ignore the pain, you'll feel it later.::

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 28th, 2002, 10:27:02 PM
::Azhure noticed the clothing and dumped the idea of checking muscle movement but that still left breath. Her ears became supersensitive to the area and sounds around her as she let the idea of watching his muscle movement go.
The force in her mind focused on one person and her instincts concentrated on the surroundings as she flipped towards him, her saber catching his own in a glowing X. Her slow breath regulated her heart more as it slowed down further. The further it slowed down the more her senses became stronger. As long as it wasnt dangerous low....
She did not flip again, bided her time as he waited for a move, expecting one. After a long while, she begfan to notice him looking at her almost questioningly and she took her chance, runnign forward, kicking him in the stomach and twisting, feeling the pain in her leg, but landing soundly. Swiftly she went lower, aimed an elbow to the right side of his back, and as he turned to fight back, she grabbed his arm and with all her strength, flipped him onto the ground, falling hard. He was heavy and it took a lot to get him down. She cursed inside, ntocing she needed more strength training, but otuwardly moved back in a defensive position that also allowed smooth attacking leeway::

Dios Kane
Jun 28th, 2002, 10:36:33 PM
:: Dios fell to the ground and jumped back up. This was fun, he was learning and getting kicked around at the same time. He launched into the offensive and kicked out with his back leg and slashed up with his saber. He used the force to speed him up and hit her in the stomach before she could react but he went so fast he became off balance and began to fall backwards::

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 28th, 2002, 11:09:55 PM
::Azhure felt the stomach being hit, and groaned inwardly but did not show it outwardly. He had gone fast, she nodded, impressed, but he had not left room for balance. She took the opportunity and twisted leaning to the right and gave him a high kick near the jaw, and watched as his face turned the direction of her foot, then she used his blind spot. As he turned to look back at her she aimed a punch at his side, flipped and aimed a kick at his back before landing at a safe distance.::

To keep your balance, it is handy to try and keep balance in the mind also, and before you move, try and plan where your feet are going to land. You have good strength.

Dios Kane
Jun 28th, 2002, 11:15:10 PM
:: Dios grinned as he stood up and faced her::
Thanx, you've got good endurance but you sorta suck at hiding a hit. You cramped inwards after I hit you in the stomach and a sith will recognize that. You are super fast, I have to focus with the force just to catch up with you.
:: Dios launched himself at her and slashed in an upward circle twice before coming down with a strong overhead slash and kicking out hard to her shin::

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 28th, 2002, 11:34:26 PM
::Azhure nodded, taking in his words. She had become to soft. It was time to harden up again, she was letting things get to her.
The shin was hit, and she looked at the shape of his body, straight accept for a slight arch to the back due to the lunge and in one swift movement, ignoring the pain in her shin she twisted, and aimed a hard elbow in his back, near a pressure point but not on it, and the force was put behind that move. She stepped back from him, and her arm caught his hand, and she held onto it as she twisted it slightly and his grip on his weapon faltered, her saber which she had switched off was turned on and stunned his saber hand for a second and she watched it drop as she flipped back, the saber once again turned off and in her belt::

Dios Kane
Jun 28th, 2002, 11:43:01 PM
:: He picked the saber up in his other hand and laughed. The nerve she had struck had felt funny after it seemed to go numb. He quickly stopped though and turned to Azhure. He turned his saber back on and looked her in the eye.::
The training I received taught us how to fight with steel in both hands and change often.
:: He held up his limp hand and the other::
I'm not used to such a light object but such is life and it feels like I'm hitting you with a stick on fire.
:: Dios walked a little slower now, fighting with the saber in the other hand was harder but he could manage. He walked to her side then moved forward. He didn't know what to do next. Learning experience.::

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 30th, 2002, 12:19:59 AM
::Azhure didnt respond but let out a genuine smile, the first one she had given him. She put her hand on her belt and patted the hooked saber::

The way I see it, I have things I can learn from you and vice versa. I suggest we could not have a spar next time, but a lesson in which we can learn from each other constructively.

Dios Kane
Jun 30th, 2002, 12:34:19 AM
:: Dios put his saber back in it's holster and smiled::
Sure, I'm up for that. We could make more progress in different areas doing it that way. I think it would work out well. I look forward to that time Azhure.
:: Dios shook his hand trying to get the feeling back into it. He picked up what few things he'd brought and he prepared to leave.::

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jun 30th, 2002, 12:39:20 AM
Clapping was heard all through out the arena. The Count approcahed the two. " I was watching from the window, great jobs to both of you. Both of you are very good swordsmen. Keep up the hard training! ", the Count smiled as he walked off.

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 30th, 2002, 12:56:19 AM
::Azhure looked up at the man who spoke, not speaking a word. Who was he? She didnt know his face. Azhure was known to eb very wary of people she did not know and was probably beign a bit harsh. Her face was hard as she watched him go. Slowly she relaxed and looked at Dios.::

It's settled then I too, look forward to learning from you

Dios Kane
Jun 30th, 2002, 01:00:23 AM
:: Dios walked up to Azhure noticing she had tensed and the arrival of the Count.::
Don't worry, that's Kindo, he's a cool guy. Gung ho for the force and everything. If he stays with it he'll be great. Did you sense something?

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 30th, 2002, 01:08:09 AM
::azhure shook her head::

No, I just do not know him and are unused to appraisal. Normally when someone appraised you where I used to live it meant they wanted something. Maybe I am being too harsh.

Dios Kane
Jun 30th, 2002, 01:16:58 AM
:: Dios thought for a moment about what she'd said.::
You're not too harsh, just being safe. It's okay to have your gaurd up sometimes, but not all the time. You have a right to stay cautious. But you must open yourself to others or you yourself will be shunned.

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 1st, 2002, 05:42:10 AM
::You yourself will be shunned. Laughing harshly she shook her head::

Then it is no different than usual. Who wants to know an assasin? Who trains an assasin to never trust anyone? I've only ever had one friend in this world before the jedi and that was Matthias. Are you telling me to take a chance?