View Full Version : Rant time

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 27th, 2002, 12:20:27 AM
There are certain things I believe GJO stands for. I beleve ot stands for a Jedi order and standard of quality roleplay that other Jedi groups dont come close to.

But I believe it is more than that and GJO means much more than just roleplaying. I believe it stands for friendship, it stands for togetherness, it stands as a group in the whole and not cliques. It stands for giving everyone, whether you like them or not, a fair go and a welcoming attitude. It stands for respect and for a long time these ideals have made us a great group to be with.

It thence disappoints me I have to address the fact this place's atmosphere is being poisoned. I dont know the root cause and I dont know why it is persists or if the pot stirrers think that it has not been noticed. Well I hate to say it has been noticed and not by just me. I bet I'm not the only one who shares what I am going to say now.

And to be honest, I just dont give a f**K. I dont give a F**K about chips on the shoulder, I dont give a F**K about power games, I dont give a F**K about OOC conflicts. You can take that crap and you can as of right now leave it at the door. I for one LIKE the peace and calm and the freedom to associate wwith whom I want and also the freedom to roleplay how I want (Within reason of course).

For the love of whatever you call on, If you have personal problems with someone, dont drag others into it and dont let the issues fester! I want to have a clean and fresh atmosphere here and I just do not like getting PM's and AIM's of complaint - He did this! or I dont like this! or I'm being picked on! or Snot nosed unwelcoming bastards!

i hate addressing this issue, but I'm going to before the issues get more out of hand.

Bad attitudes - leave at door
OOC disagreements - leave at door
Unwelocming attitude - leave at door
Not accepting people for who they are - leave at door

Just damn well stop it and re-read what GJO DOES stand for. I've done my level best since last November to to do as I say, God knows I'm not perfect and I louse things up now and then. But I am striving for the ideals I posted. i want the best for GJO

And that is my bottom line. I declare now I will aspire to the ideals I have put down. Please join me in that and together, we will keep GJO the fantastic place it is and should be

I'm not interested in who or what caused this to be said. I dont want to discuss it. I'm saying it is going to stop and it will stop now.

(How many bloody times have I said the same frekking thing in the last six months??? I swear, I'm jack of having to repeat this rant)

Morgan Evanar
Jun 27th, 2002, 12:37:57 AM
No. I reserve the right to call a spade a spade during any time at any place.

I won't adhorn a person, but I will rail them on various other points if I feel its needed, and striping the right to criticize someone else's opinion is a dangerous notion.

Being a happy family is great and all, but a lack of diversity of opinion is absolutely sucktastic.

Generally speaking, I assume almost everyone in here is mature enough to accept legitimate criticism openly, IC or OOC. If they exhibit signs that they aren't prepared for such a thing, I'll take it privately if need be.

OOC disagreements must simply be handled with a little more curtesy on whatever sides exist. There really isn't more you can ask for. Its not going to dissapear.

Ryla Relvinian
Jun 27th, 2002, 01:06:31 AM
Marcus, I agree with you. Morgan, I agree with you. But what both of you have to remember is that not everyone has the ability to separate out their character(s) from themselves. I know that doesn't seem like much of a root cause, but I think that it is at least a bit of the reasons behind the animosity. I have been, both IC and OOC, very much the Jedi Den Mother, and have tried to avoid getting in to messy little bits. I share your confusion at the situation. The fact remains that this is a game. This is, last time I looked anyway, FUN. Not serious. That's not to belittle your onservations, but sometimes people are just mean and nasty OOC. Despite my limited experience, I have seen all too often people getting personally offended at things that were directed at their character, and it stinks. The last thing I want to do is throw people out, or make this some sort of an elitist clique but sometimes bad apples need to go, or at least seriously talked to. I love this group. I have made a lot of friends and have enjoyed all the fun that goes on around here. I don't want that changing just because someone couldn't take a joke.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 27th, 2002, 01:08:28 AM
If it's apppropriate for some thing open, then yes, say it. If it is appropiate and right, then yes say it.

I would much prefer to think that people are mature enough to solve a dispute and to not allow said dispute to overflow and begin to affect others, and that is what I am up in arms about. I'm noticing disputes are not being settled. That is wrong. Clearly there are parties not doing what you say should be done.

And I'll, state clearly why I said what I did with an example. It's not the only one pertaining to me by any means.

For some time now I have taken Xazor under my wing. I dont deny that. I believe she is a wonderful roleplay, maybe a bit ditzy at times, but a very good writer and in the few months I have talked to her, a wonderful person to boot. I certasinly will not deny she gets all the support and words I can give her. I willingly admit I pay more attention to her, cause we do get along and I just plain think she is cool.

So, why do I feel I have people disliking me for whom I choose to associate with? Is that not just a bit wrong? why is it I get a AIM flame if I choose to speak civilly to Gue? Or outrage if I say associate with Vis? And if I associate with General Ceel or Itala..... that's up to me.

It also works another way - others are disliked and shunned because they associate with me.

I really, really hope I'm wrong, I really do. Because what I have exampled is just plain wrong and there is no excuse.

Ryla Relvinian
Jun 27th, 2002, 01:13:27 AM
Honestly, I think that there will always be people who don't appreciate what a community we have here. There will always be people who tear down good things with their actions. I personally think that Xaz is a great chick, both IC and OOC, and can't imagine why said people would object to your associations with her. Who better to be training people, right? :]

Don't be too discouraged. Be frustrated, but not angry. You can only control your actions, and if you are acting right nobody can fault you for that. The bad kinks will work themselves out.

Dios Kane
Jun 27th, 2002, 01:15:36 AM
I'm sorta new to this but I think Ryla was right, we are here to have fun, but this is also a free writing place, sorta. People have the right to state their opinions. Argue over it in a reasonable fashion, yes but if it causes disruption among a large group of people then I think it should be dealt with. People can have their disputes ooc and all, that's cool. But I guess as long as it doesn't go overboard because a lot of characters are parts of their owners in some way or another and those grudges could be passed on to their char. It's all up to you if you can ignore that and rp, ya know. I'm new to this kinda stuph so excuse me if I sound a little green in the ranting area.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 27th, 2002, 01:16:54 AM
Good words :)

Sometimes I wish I was a calmer person in RL. I certainly aint no angel, but there is none thing I will do - defend my friends and wife to the last. I'm a loyal person. Maybe a bit too so/ It's gotten me into trouble before, but I could not call myself a friend of someone and not give them my 100% support.

I could never be a RL Jedi. I'm too passionate and involved. I would much prefer to be a comic and make everyone laugh.

Thinking about laugh - I'm going home and having a long hot bath

Kelt Simoson
Jun 27th, 2002, 02:01:58 AM
I agree with you guys wholeheartidly and with Marky-Boy the most. I think if we are going to have people in the group that are going to disrupt the fun and RP's of us guys then we need to stop it before they completely rough everyone up. There is a few of us here, for instence so far in the thread, me, marcus and morgan that have been at the boards a year or more and have seen those kind of people many a time...

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 27th, 2002, 03:12:22 AM
I think also that in addition to some of thes points here, we have to be prepared to admit mistakes and to say sorry.

I really, really hope I'm wrong, I really do

In all I say, I must say that. God, I hope I'm wrong there has only been some bad communication. I truly take n pleasure in rant anymore. I really just want to do my own thing and be left alone to do it. I stated that in November last year and I have strived to prove that. I know Morgan thinks what I have done sucks - and blievee it or not I'm okay with his opinion cause I know I dont go for the standard, logic or consistency I used to, but I will say I have never been happier at GJO or SWFans. That to me is now more important. I'm truly just having a lot of fun. That means more to me, especially given what goes on in my real life.

And as I said if I'm wrong.... yeah okay, I hope I am. I want to be proven wrong in these issues, I want to believe it's nothing more than mistakes, miscommunication and paranoid delusion. Dont mind being wrong, been wrong before and I'm sure I'll be wrong again ^_^

Hehe, I feel better now. I hugged a kitten. Ever tried that for stresss relief? Damin it's good.

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 27th, 2002, 05:40:07 AM
I was hoping this thread would turn nout to be a little bit more honest about the current situations. I'm not gonna talk in code, if no-one else will, I'll raise the precise issues that have been pissing me of with this place and why:

First of all, I am now of the impression that a djivide is beginning to form between two groups:

<LI>Marcus, Helenias, Xazor and co.
<LI>Whoever is left over at GJO.

I have to admit, I've noticed that Helenias and Marcus do have a tight circle of people with whom they've liked to roleplay which is a shame because they are bloody good roleplayers. But it can also give off wrong impressions amongst the members in this community; I for example admit to having felt annoyed that I've never been invited into this trifecta. I mean why not? It's a perfectly reasonable question that anyone is entitled to ask.

Continuing with this notion is the following - appart from the seemingly exclusive roleplays in which they partake with each other and their choice roleplayers, the only other contribution that appears to made to GJO is the NRSF and the Warriors - this is exclusive once again and if a Jedi doesn't want to become a warrior or fire guns then they are excluded once more. I am being honest with you guys so that you are able to appreciate what is occasionally a commonly shared feeling, so I hope you can respect what I'm doing because it really does seem like there's you guys and there's GJO and whenever the two sides meet for discussion there's perpetual (maybe even deliberate disagreement) and I'm sorry if this is a shock to you guys but it does feel like you've alienated yourselves from the rest of the group.

In general, I have my point of view on this sore issue and I'll raise it now. NRSF - we all know what it is and some if not many of us know why (IC) it was really started, to provided a strike force supposedly capable of wiping out the Jedi. To begin with, I think that claim is nonsense; from a roleplayers point of view the NRSF is still a prop and needs to blossom on it's own - ie. not at GJO then it's true potential will be recognised and accepted. And until then, there's no way the NRSF can live up to those claims.

In short, the NRSF needs to be completely detatched from GJO, they are two separate bodies and until that is fully recognised, everyone is going to feel uncomfortable because the presence of the NRSF is intrusive. As for Warriors, I have to ask why are they so important as to have their own forum and once more be alienated from the rest of this group - we are meant to be a community of Jedi, not of cliques. In which case, why don't healers, or seers or elementalists have their own forum?

Then one more issue I am going to raise for now: Sanis and Xazor, you're issues - sort em. No if's or but's, I am sick to tmy back teeth of the squabbling of any sort, same goes for anyone else who likes to be petty. Sanis - give the girl some breathing space. Xazor - listen to him for God's sake. When he criticises you, he does know what he's talking about, he's been doing this roleplaying thing here a lot longer than you. Learn to appreciate and learn from criticism - don't get angry at me for saying this for I am being honest - remember you and I had a big fall out when I had criticised you.

I better not be the only person who's willing to get everything up in the air. Some of these views are not 100% my own - I have formulated a common perspective from what I've been listening to layely. So don't get pissy at me, I'm calling it like I see it.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 27th, 2002, 05:43:07 AM
Doing your own thing = a good thing.

Making your own thing into policy = not quite such a good thing.

I won't argue that you shouldn't exercise your creativity in RP, but temper that with your responsibility here, if it can be called that.

Okay, I'll out and say it. Yes, you've done more for GJO than anybody here, or at least as much as any other. But to look at things currently...you aren't on the council. This is no insult against you...but you just plain aren't. In the system we established for the Jedi to discern how to run things, you should have say, but no power. But what it seems is that you've established some sort of unwritten rule to make you some kind of GJO Caesar. Its unsettling, frankly, that you bring forth an idea here and proceed to tell us "this is how its going to be". I think its a severe end-runaround. Hell, I don't even know what your character's stance is to this place anymore. Your RP's are extremely long, extremely confusing, and extremely exclusive, and when somebody asks for a straight answer in brief, you tell them to figure it out. Therefore, you've pretty much managed to baffle the council beyond all recognition. And because of this, there seems to be a trifecta between you, Helen, and Xazor. I may be spot-on. I may be dead wrong. But the way things are now, I just don't know, because nobody's been concerned enough to ask.

Well I guess there's a first time for everything.

Kelt Simoson
Jun 27th, 2002, 06:15:18 AM
To be honest i agree with everyone in this thread so far. What you all seem to be missing which Ryla pointed several times is this is all fantasy RPing, i cant say ive every seen a speeder bike scoot down, down town.

If we argue over petty things like some RP areas do," you can't use that Saber its green!" then of course arguments will burst into flaims. In some points of RPing you have to be fair and let a few points such as Marcus' Sword of ice go through this is fantasy not total sience fiction and who says it cant be possible?, but you have to place a brick wall up in other parts, infiltration, lies and godmoding and general opinions are allowed such as what Morgan is saying, butif somone comes into GJO with a all out intention to start a fight then it should be stoped, a fight/argument to nearly insults is not a opinion its insulting and that type of "opinions" has to be stoped...if you want to point out a opinion go ahead...but like an adult and not a 4 year old kid and swear and bicker.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 27th, 2002, 07:02:44 AM
Originally posted by Loki Ahmrah
I was hoping this thread would turn nout to be a little bit more honest about the current situations. I'm not gonna talk in code, if no-one else will, I'll raise the precise issues that have been pissing me of with this place and why:

First of all, I am now of the impression that a djivide is beginning to form between two groups:

<LI>Marcus, Helenias, Xazor and co.
<LI>Whoever is left over at GJO.

I have to admit, I've noticed that Helenias and Marcus do have a tight circle of people with whom they've liked to roleplay which is a shame because they are bloody good roleplayers. But it can also give off wrong impressions amongst the members in this community; I for example admit to having felt annoyed that I've never been invited into this trifecta. I mean why not? It's a perfectly reasonable question that anyone is entitled to ask.

Yes there is. It's formed by accident than any deliberate Hey, lets have a powerblock . It came about because I and Helenias are not paying attention to anythign else other than our own storyline. That is all. If there was no Xazor, it would be Helenias and me. I'm going through a set of logical steps. When I walked out of SWFans in October last year I had no intention coming back - when I was persuaded to do so I simply said to myself I'm going to do things for myself. Not others. I smply was completely and utterly sick to death of the OOC BS so I simply withdrew and played things the way I want to. Helenias is my co-planner and she too has an allergic reaction to OOC BS too. If you think there is some uber conspiracy or clique mentality, well your quite frankly wrong. I've gone into my own shell becuase of past events and I strictly do my own thing.

If you want to be part of what we do, well you could have asked. The reason I dont make it a general invitation is simply because I personally have been burnt too hard and I simply find it hard to trust. Helenias I know would not even be here if I wasnt and I do not presume to speak for Xazor.

It's only really been the last few weeks where I found the self belief that I can come out and merge back into the community.

Continuing with this notion is the following - appart from the seemingly exclusive roleplays in which they partake with each other and their choice roleplayers, the only other contribution that appears to made to GJO is the NRSF and the Warriors - this is exclusive once again and if a Jedi doesn't want to become a warrior or fire guns then they are excluded once more. I am being honest with you guys so that you are able to appreciate what is occasionally a commonly shared feeling, so I hope you can respect what I'm doing because it really does seem like there's you guys and there's GJO and whenever the two sides meet for discussion there's perpetual (maybe even deliberate disagreement) and I'm sorry if this is a shock to you guys but it does feel like you've alienated yourselves from the rest of the group.

See above. I have. I wont deny that. It's what I feel comfortable with. But actually I'll tell you something maybe you havent noted - guns are gone from my makeup. And slowly, so's the Warrior as well.

If you want a Marcus spoiler, there were a lot of things I felt I need to do to come back into the fold as what I saw as a proper Jedi. There still is, although I'm finally seeing the end of that process. Your not telling me anything I havent seen for myself and I am gradually straightening.

In general, I have my point of view on this sore issue and I'll raise it now. NRSF - we all know what it is and some if not many of us know why (IC) it was really started, to provided a strike force supposedly capable of wiping out the Jedi. To begin with, I think that claim is nonsense; from a roleplayers point of view the NRSF is still a prop and needs to blossom on it's own - ie. not at GJO then it's true potential will be recognised and accepted. And until then, there's no way the NRSF can live up to those claims.

In short, the NRSF needs to be completely detatched from GJO, they are two separate bodies and until that is fully recognised, everyone is going to feel uncomfortable because the presence of the NRSF is intrusive. As for Warriors, I have to ask why are they so important as to have their own forum and once more be alienated from the rest of this group - we are meant to be a community of Jedi, not of cliques. In which case, why don't healers, or seers or elementalists have their own forum?

As far as I am convcerned, the NRSF is out of my hands. It's done for me, it's finished. Why? Becuase I know Marcus can't be what he should be and run around shooting the crap out of stuff, as fun as that is. It's the reason why I am going through the process I am. I'm finshed with a lot of stuff and I'm beginning others. Sound fair?

Simply to summary - any grouping is accidental and your not telling me something I knew for a while and I'm not in the process of making right.

Helenias knows a lot of this as well.... why do you think she refused the nomination and didnt tell me? To big note herself? Or the fact she realisedthe distaster potential of two Q'Dunn's anywhere near the Council? And add a Xazor? and maybe someone else? Why do you think she said only one family member should be allowed on at a time?

So waht's the solution? The issue is two very strong willed people who have been burnt by past actions and are unwilling to come out and be burnt again. They rely on whom they think they can trust and stay to themselves. Helenias doesnt speak to anyone because she doesnt think she's liked and I dont trust hardly anyone. I pour my soul out into what I write and what I do and I will continue to do so.

Ahhh fsch it, I'm rambling again. I hope that was legible. I'll shut up until brain is engaged again

Helenias Evenstar
Jun 27th, 2002, 09:01:41 AM
I will comment on two items. No, make that three.

a) A cartel of roleplayers does not exist. Mark and I always intended to role play resonably exclusviely between each other for a period of time and I state there is nothing wrong with that. We always wanted to bring forth what we are in real life into character. That is out priority and if others feel excluded - well I'm sorry, but this is a bit personal, dont you think? When we are finshed and are moving on, then we will want to be more involved.

b) I'm seen as a Marcus drone I think. That has stopped me from venturing out more or to say more becasue that is what I feel I get dismissed as. You think I find that enjoyable?

c) As Marcus stated, we have both been burned and we stay out of other player's ways and keep to ourselves. That I understand can be seen in a bad light, but understand this - I forced Mark to leave in October last year as I saw no way he was ever going to get fair treatment. I was very, very reluctant to return. Since he was persuaded to return quietly, he stays to himself and doesnt discuss things with anyone except I think Arya Ravenwing.

This is not about a cartel or a political group. Marcus and I are simply two roleplayers with a story to tell and that is what we what to do above all - and come whatever, that is what we are doing.. I as well will not speak for others but I suspect Xazor is the same.

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 27th, 2002, 09:20:54 AM
I'll not add to this yet, I'll let others have their say however, you are both (Helenias and Marcus) are focusing on the points I raised but have failed to identify the problem. Link what has been raised in my post with what Anbira has said then you have a clearer idea of what the problem might be.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 27th, 2002, 11:00:24 AM
My opinions pretty much echo Anbira's.

Sejah Haversh
Jun 27th, 2002, 11:57:31 AM
I'll now give my nickel, because that's all I've got.

I've seen this happen before, and I was prettymuch in Loki's shoes at the time. I'll not tmention the board, but it basically crashed and burned after this argument came up, and then the "eliete few" re-formed it again abotu three months later. I'm not saying that will ahppen here, but I am afraid that it might.

Int eh two and a half months I have been here, I have seen many different writers, and many different storylines. I have only finallly become a padawan last week (take that all you newbies! Two and a half months!) and so I lurked just abotu everywhere to see who I might be able to convince. It ended up being Marcus.

Not that I'm complaining, but now I have noticed that I'm beginning to look more at his and Co,'s posts more than everyone else's, just so I don't miss somehting. But, if I were, say, Anbira's padawan, or Amazon Babe's padawan, I suppose I'd be looking at theirs more.

All I'm saying is that here, as in real life, you do end up making stronger aquanitences with some than others. I don't have a good solution for this, sadly, as I couldn't prevent my first baord form utter collapse and infighting. But, please, take a bit more leniencey with others. I know I've been short on people, but, that's just who I am RL sometimes. Hoever, I think we all need to remember that we CHOOSE to play this game, we don't have to. And if we do have problems, we shouldn't let our characters' personality blind us in RL decisions on how to fix something.

Yeah, I know, I'm not a very good debater, but, I can't tell you how bad I felt when bickering and confusion destroyed my first board. Please, if you ahve a problem, just take a step back, punch a pillow, or hug a kitten, or whatever your thing is, and get over it. Odds are, it won't matter a month form now, IC, or OOC.

I also am never able to come across how I mean, so, heck, just ignore this, I probably said it wrong.

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 27th, 2002, 12:10:16 PM
I disagree Sejah, keeping things in is what has got everyone to this point in the first place - best thing to do is if you have a problem, voice it - I don't know about your old board but I am more than confident in the roleplayers at this board that we can discuss these issues maturely and openly.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jun 27th, 2002, 12:12:52 PM
I agree with Loki. The worst spats come from loooong periods of just saying nothing, but letting grievances and problems seeth under the surface.

Kelt Simoson
Jun 27th, 2002, 01:06:03 PM

Chase Starwalker
Jun 27th, 2002, 01:30:53 PM
Your right Loki.

Dios Kane
Jun 27th, 2002, 01:36:22 PM
I agree with Loki also

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 27th, 2002, 02:04:23 PM
Right now...I wholeheartly agree with Loki. We must air everything to try and settle any misunderstandings or grievances. Being here a long time, I have also seen a lot of OOC matters play into affect. I can't tell you how many times I would get 10 IMs sometimes...all different problems. I felt like a peace maker. I know a lot of you have gone through similar things. It finally took a toll on me and even Obiwan2 saw the same...all this OOC problems just didn't make the game fun anymore.

I also...agree with Anbira on a lot of things as well. This is a group and should be treated as such. EVERYONE..I don't care if you are NOT on the council should have fair share and input at GJO and NOT be afraid to voice their opinons. I certainly applaude it. I hate when someone shoots another players ideas with out keeping an openmind that one it would help the group and two...hey it would be fun.

Marcus..I know you like to rp w/who you want. That is fine. But it would be nice to see you treat us as a family as well. That is what GJO is. I never really had any problem with you OOC wise. Although, I may not agree with you always. But such as life. No one always agrees with everyone unless they are a puppy dog. (excuse the term, :lol didn't know how else to put it)

Anyhow...lets talk guys. I think this is good. :)

Sejah Haversh
Jun 27th, 2002, 02:42:13 PM
Heck, I agree with Loki, now.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 27th, 2002, 03:03:23 PM
I'll not add to this yet, I'll let others have their say however, you are both (Helenias and Marcus) are focusing on the points I raised but have failed to identify the problem. Link what has been raised in my post with what Anbira has said then you have a clearer idea of what the problem might be.


Then I dont understand what your getting at. Actually now I'm totally confused.

Jun 27th, 2002, 03:40:11 PM
I know for myself, I have one example that kinda made me feel somewhat left out. It most likely wasn't intentional... anyways...

Remember that thread started waaaay (not too way, but plenty way as RPs go) back called Stone Cold in Love With You? Yeah, well, at about the same time, a post was made here to have more NRSF participation in there. I actually created a character for that sole purpose thinking "Cool, I can finally actually maybe ROLEPLAY with Marcus and Helenias". Hell, I'd never really before (except on opposing sides) and I thought it'd be fun to actually be on the same side for once.
You wanna know how many times I actually posted in that thread with my Intel character? Three times... maybe four. Frankly, I felt VERY left out. I was told I'd be told what would happen and where I'd be needed, but the explaination never came and the RP continued forward.
Now, I don't know if the RP finished or fizzled. But that's not the point. I felt very much left out of the loop for that RP even though I was invited to participate.

And, maybe it's coincidence, but it was mainly a Marcus/Helenias/Xazor RP. Still, if you're going to invite someone to participate, it'd be nice to acknowledge them every now and then. At least my PMs for the RP were answered.

Ok, this isn't suppose to be a pointing of fingers YOU YOU YOU type story. But it is to point out what some ppl here may be feeling. I'm not upset with anyone. Just want to make that clear.

And just for the record, in recent RPs, I haven't been neglected. So, maybe that whole thing before was a fluke? Either way, at the time, it made me feel... well... set aside.

Liam Jinn
Jun 27th, 2002, 04:17:11 PM
Eh I don't have a problem with Xazor, she seems pretty willing to RP with other people. Anyway, I don't like how Marcus has his own powers over GJO, just like LL said. Why is it that only you can decide who's ready to be promoted to master or not, Marcus?

Oh and Loki, there were supposed to be more forums created for the healers, scholars, and etc. I don't know what happened to them though.

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 28th, 2002, 12:46:24 PM
Forget it - I don't even know why I bothered.

Kelt Simoson
Jun 28th, 2002, 01:36:02 PM

Kelt Simoson
Jun 28th, 2002, 01:40:18 PM
I must stick for Marcus right there, i like RPing with a group of peeps myself, with Sieken i RP with Vega, Blade and eve and such, with kelt i RP with Jennys jedi Character.....just recently have i ever ventured off with my Bounty Hunter to RP with others such as Josha and Taylor....Even i like to RP in a small group of RPers i like to RP with....is whoever you feel comfitable with....but then again with all my chracters, Sieken, Kelt and Lucifer. BUT i have RPed with others inbetween i didnt completely split myself from the rest of the board as you are accuseing Marcus of...so year i can see both sides here...but i agree with Loki on many points.

Morgan Evanar
Jul 1st, 2002, 08:32:39 PM
Hrm.... since this thread seems to have drifted, lets nail all the important stuff.

A) the "some kind of GJO Caesar" issue.
-more definitively, the implimentation of policy without being discussed or ratified by any of GJO.

B) decide who's ready to be promoted to master

A, obviously, is the big thing. It ties into B pretty tightly, too.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 1st, 2002, 09:05:23 PM
This happened while I was away so I was avoiding it ... I don't like threads like these but I know they need to be done so ...

... everyone has a group of people that they RP with. That will never change. Sometimes it takes a brave person to just jump into a thread with someone you never met before and just go with it.

But when you know familiar its nice and secure. I know, I feel that way but being in a certain group you post with constantly ... you gotta remember there are other people too. Especially when you belong in a group like this one.

It's important to be able to express opinions and ideas openly no matter what it is and to accept criticism .. as long as it isnt outward bashing.

I know it's hard to accept our flaws, especially pointed out... but sometimes ya gotta do it. Another thing I learned ^_^

As for Master promotion .... should be more then just one person. I agree there.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 1st, 2002, 09:18:22 PM
One thing about this Jedi Master promotion issue: I have to admit, I'm yet to see the council up and run with one single master promotion yet. Nevertheless there are complaints about who is taking the responsibility of these promotions, which should not be the case because otherwise there'd be no master promotions taking place at all.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 1st, 2002, 09:20:19 PM
Well, maybe that is the case because since no one had the chance to do a promotion for Jedi Master?

Don't hurt me ... I am new to this :lol Far as I knew Marcus always did the promotions... I have no idea what it was like before that

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 1st, 2002, 09:58:06 PM
Lets clear a misperception - Master's trial are DM'ed by me, but who gets put up for them sure as hell is not just my call as your making it out. it is down to GJO members who have been here and been the backbone fo the group for a long, long time. Leia, Yog, myself, Figrin, couple of others if they are about. You rember how GJO admin was shut off to all but those and Sage?

I'll withdraw that paragraph that was here. I was posting with a good deal of anger and I should not have. Not at you Loki or Nav, definantly not.

I couldsay more on that, but I would als be gving away a current Master's trial now in setup, which is being discussed and has the input of a lot of players.

And one of the other things about the trials I personally put a lot of work into them, to make them inventive and good and worthwhile. Work no one else has volunteered for either. Master's Trials are one of those things that I have always DM'ed, longer than I can remember now... must be at least two years. Not like it's only been now. It's just always been a resposibility (and I view it as such, not as a authority symbol) that I've been willing to take care of. A decent Trial aint a easy thing to do.

I' would also say that I appreciate almost all and sundry saying something, even if it's something I have done wrong, I dont mind Loki's posts at all because as I have already said, quite a few of the issues I know of. Dont mind constructive critism either.

I wish I didnt feel I had to say almost. I also wish I could put this in a constructive way as well, but I know I cant find the words to do so right now.

Jul 2nd, 2002, 02:32:25 AM
Im not really sure I know what all the problems are here. Ive got to stick up for Marcus though I think. Lets talk about the issues here.

The Caesar issue. I have to admit that I have viewed Marcus as the leader of the board if you like. Im not sure why really. Its simply respect I think. In my opinion he is among the best roleplayer here, if not THE best. Any rp that im involved with Marcus I enjoy and really look forward to. His character is dark and mysterious and is the type of person people whisper about. Hes a complex character and one the majority of the board would love to meet. Its because of those things ive always thought of him as a sort of leader. I know hes been here for a long time and he has a lot of good ideas, so whatever he says usually goes. If he made a suggestion and everyone disagreed with it then I dont think it would follow through.

Deciding on a Master. So far since ive been here I havent once seen Marcus say, right such and such is a Master now. Hes usually said, what about blah for a Master? and people have replied. Same when it comes to knights promotions. I know he sets the tests for Masters and I have no problem with that.

Finally I would just like to say that everone here posts with certain people. You simply dont have the time to post with everyone. Whenever I come here I always check the last posts Ive done to see if anyones replied. Then the ones by my Master, then my friends then certain people I regard as good roleplayers and then if I have time anything else. People should have the right to post with who they want. I know I select who I want to post with.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 2nd, 2002, 01:59:59 PM
His laurels are well known. Thats not in dispute. Sure he's a great RPer and a hard worker...but he hasn't even been in GJO for the longest of times. So therefore he shouldn't even be involved in its processes, let alone run them. Thats my concern. Its like "Who is this guy?" to some of the new people. Most see him as the defacto leader of GJO, when in actuality, he's more of a renegade rabblerouser. As far as the master thing...I never said he picks and chooses. But he does organize it, and does create the tests, etc. My point in this is that he shouldn't because he's not even in GJO at the moment. When/if he comes back, and wants to get involved with that...I'd support it wholeheartedly. But to have a hand in GJO affairs when not even a member...its just something thats been a big concern of mine for a while.