View Full Version : Zack Tyrel

Zack Tyrel
Jun 26th, 2002, 03:17:28 PM
Full name: Zack Synton Tyrel
Age: 30
Home World: Corellia
>Father- Richard Pilkan Tyrel(deseased)
>Mother- Sara Beth Tyrel(deseased)
Physical description:
>Well built, yet not bulky.
What are your goals and aspirations: To learn the truth about parents death and become a powerful member of the Empire.
What is your species: Human
Height: 6' 2"
Weight : 179 lbs
Hair/eyes: Dark Brown hair cut to 2 inches and drawn back tight to scalp./ dark icy blue eyes.
Favorite things: Piloting a Fighter
Music: Imperialist tunes mixed with a slight wildness of rebellious behaviour, only if it gets the job done.
Equipment/vehicles/toys: E-11 Blaster Rifle, TIE/Defender(Standard)
What is your occupation/past occupations: CorSec Officer and member of the Corellian Defense Fleet.
Honor code and personal beliefs: Glory for the self then others
What are your hobbies: Shooting stupid people, torturing Stupid people
Prejudices or racist beliefs: Pro-Imperial, Has a hate for all those with criminal backgrounds.Rebels are not unlawful in thier beliefs but are stupid to attempt to fight the Empire.


Zack grew up on the planet Corellia, born to an average family his father was unemployed well his mother was a higher up in the Corellian Engineering Corporation's Executive Branch. They got by, but Zack dreamed of greater things. When he was 18 years of age he returned from work to find both his mother and father dead. An autopsy later revealed them as having a micro cut through the stomach. His father was missing his right hand and his mother was later revealed to have been raped before the murder took place. DNA testing was unconclusive not revealing who it was that murdered his parents but he vowed to find out who murdered them. He joined CorSec and later took a position in the CDF hunting down Pirates and Smugglers in the System,. Attaining the rank of Captain he commanded the Corellian Gunship "Unity" for a period of 3 years before leaving to join the Empire.

At the time of Endor, Zack was stationed at Balmorra, his assignment was a Technical Supervisor of the AT-ATs stationed there. Deciding this wasn't enough for him Zack proceeded to Carida to take courses on Military Tactics and other related courses to recieve an Imperial Commission. Graduating third in his class after using his experience on Corellia he was given a commissioned rank of Lieutenant in the Imperial Navy. After three months service on the Nebulon-B Frigate "Aurora" he gained a position as XO and a promotion to Lieutenant Commander. The promotion was graciously welcomed and Zack did his best to serve aboard the Imperial ship. It wasn't an Imperial Star Destroyer but it was still a powerful vessel and he took pride in the times he commanded her. After the break up of the Empire into warlord states in the wake of Grand Admiral Thrawn's failed campaign, he was transferred to the Imperial Star Destroyer "Impecable", he took a position as Chief Tactical Officer that openned aboard the vessel and proceeded to a second promotion to Commander and XO of the Impecable after an incident where the former XO was killed during shore leave. Zack's experience impressed the Captain and he made an excellent XO pushing the Impecable through many hard battles. His extended career as a starship Captain gave him a taste for the battle field though a Corellian Gunship was no Imperial Star Destroyer it was still a great experience.

After 3 years as XO of the Impecable Zack was transferred to the Super Star Destroyer "Fabius" where he took a position as the Chief Security Officer he worked his best to advance to a higher position on the vessel and to be noticed by Warlord Sevon. During a slight skirmish between crew members he discovered a traitor and brought it to the Captain's attention, not knowing what would happen he also knew his job and he wouldn't make a production about the skirmish but how he found the traitor so quickly was the mystery, he didn't know the man was a traitor but he somehow knew the man was lieing and there was a sense of danger in the back of his mind...

Note: welll this brings me too now, I guess having Zack talk to Sevon would probably be the next big step.