View Full Version : Acid Rain

Dios Kane
Jun 26th, 2002, 11:12:39 AM
-Time: The Night Of Dios' Forgiveness-

:: Dios walked into the night. He didn't care what the city was, he couldn't remember. He needed something, pain... he wanted something to take his mind off his failure. He wouldn't make it to the sith, he didn't seem right there. He had heard of the acid rain tonight here and had come. Through pain maybe whatever it was that was blinding him would be washed away.
Dios sat in an alley way now and he could hear the thunder, irregular clouds gathered over the city. The windows were closed up and sealed. This acid was supposed to be deemed deadly and powerful enough to eat through skin. It started to drizzle and the ground was sizzling. The rain ate through Dios' clothes and started to wear away at his skin. He could feel the pain, immense amounts of pain as his hair fell out and his skin came off in pieces. He didn't know how to feel. Should he enjoy it and bask in the pain or should he shun it. He didn't have enough time to even sort out his feelings because the rain stopped as adruptly as it had come, Dios didn't know that though. He was fast asleep and not alone there.
Dios was having visions, he saw him bowing before Xazor Leo Dwanstrider, a smile upon her face, him holding his arm in front of the Sith Knight Tempist, he saw himself in a temple of darkness with a man out of legend, in a bar with Azhure Darkstone, he saw many other things and then he saw himself standing in the street. He was there with someone else. He didn't notice until he saw the man's face. It was his master from the past. Dios knew he was dead but many things are possible with the force. The man put his hand on Dios shoulder and spoke::

Dios, what are you doing? You have been blinded by yourself! You choose your destiny, the outcome can be predicted with every action because for every choice there is a consequence, good or bad. Don't forget that. Return to the Jedi and do as I have instructed and trained you for. Protect those in need and live your life as a good man. Let us rest Dios, your family and I are tired of walking with you, walk alone and live well, we give you our blessings but let us sleep. For the sake of God and the Earth! Do what is right in your heart and let no evil tempt you further! Now awake this night and go, forgiveness is the first step to your redemption!

:: Dios awoke in the alleyway, it was still night and he didn't know how long he'd been out. It had been long enough to let his wounds heal because all of his hair was back and his skin still showed some scars but those would leave eventually. He looked himself over and noticed most of his clothes had been destroyed. He stopped by at a store and got a new pair of clothes, a red leather trenchcoat and a black high collar shirt with white pants that were stain free. He was a new person, he felt great regret at what he had done and wanted nothing else but to be forgiven first. He looked forward to the visions he had seen.::