View Full Version : Why does Dooku ask Obi Wan to join him to destroy the sith?

B-LoVeD AssAsSiN
Jun 26th, 2002, 09:57:56 AM
That was about the most confusing scene in the movie. Dooku pretty much reveals the entire plan to Obi Wan doesn't he?? He says that Sidious has control over the galaxy, wouldn't it be prettty easy for Obi wan to work out their plan?
Their plan was to throw everyone off guard and start a civil war to cause a disturbance so that two sides could pretty much go at it thanks to them so that Sidious would get emergency powers which makes him pretty much a dictator, so he can use those powers to destroy the only people that could stop him-the Jedi.
So why does Dooku reveal that the separatists are fighting because a Sith lord rules the galaxy?

B-LoVeD AssAsSiN
Jun 26th, 2002, 10:02:39 AM
I mean does he try to win his trusOk, i think i kinda messed up there.

Dooku claims that the separatists want out because a Sith lord rules the galaxy and makes it look like the Sith Lord told Dooku everything and asked for Dooku's help while Dooku is going to screw the Sith ruler behind his back.
My question is why he wanted to tell Obi Wan this...it gives PAlpatine away.

Sanis Prent
Jun 26th, 2002, 11:22:45 AM
The best way to throw somebody off your trail is with the truth, especially when its too incredible to believe.

Admiral Lebron
Jun 26th, 2002, 11:27:13 AM
Exactly. And its a win win situation for dooku. He becomes top-dog or the Jedi become skeptical of the Senate and no longer believe them thus breaking apart from them.

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 26th, 2002, 12:47:08 PM
I was thinking that Dooku did that to try to get Obi-Wan on his side maybe for an apprentice to destroy his master, that is why he brought up Qui-Gon.

Jun 27th, 2002, 09:33:36 AM
I'm not sure what to think, but I think JMC is partly right. Whatever Dooku was really up to, it was at least half and attempt to get Obi Wan to join him so they could overthrow Sidious.

B-LoVeD AssAsSiN
Jun 27th, 2002, 09:40:36 AM
Don't you think Sidious would have seen/forseen that with the force? hmmmm maybe he does find out that Dooku is treacherous in EP3 and gets rid of him and takes Anakin as his next Apprentice. Either that or I'd figure Mace Windu kills him.

Figrin D'an
Jun 27th, 2002, 11:13:44 AM
I agree with multiple points here...

I believe that Dooku was legitmately trying to recuit Obi-Wan. Lucas loves to use repetition of some basic plot points, so this 'offer' to Obi-Wan mimics the offer Vader makes to Luke in ESB. Vader was loyal to Palpatine only so far as it ensured his own power. There is a lot of evidence to support the prospect that Vader was planning to overthrow the Emperor, but he needed/wanted Luke's help to do it. The Emperor suspected that Vader was up to something, and as a result, kept him on a much shorter leash after the Bespin duel. Supposedly, the Emperor felt that Vader was somehow different after his confrontation with Luke on Bespin, and trusted Vader even less after that point.

Dooku maybe loyal to Sidious in terms of being an apprentice, but Dooku wants power for himself. I think we'll see him make a move in Episode III to take out Sidious, but Anakin will be the one to jump to Sidious' defense. A big duel will ensue, Anakin will defeat Dooku, and Sidious will give Anakin the same choice he gives to Luke in ROTJ: Strike him down and take his place as the new Sith apprentice. Whereas Luke resisted, Anakin won't. He'll kill Dooku, and become Darth Vader.

But, to agree with the other point, if Obi-Wan didn't join Dooku, the Count knew that the story about Sidious would seem so outlandish to the Jedi that they wouldn't believe it. So, either way, he wins in that scenario.

Jun 27th, 2002, 11:22:09 AM
I would love to see Anakin take out Dooku at Sidious' whim. Then he could reveal himself as Palpatine, and Anakin would be putty in his hands because he already trusts him, and now Palpatine has made Anakin powerful.

Doc Milo
Jun 27th, 2002, 12:37:16 PM
Here's something else to throw out there -- don't know if it makes any sense or not.

Lucas has said that the balance of the force has slipped because it has been corrupted, the line between good and evil is no longer clear, everything is a shade of gray.

Could Dooku be representative of this? Could Dooku, seeing the corruption of the Senate, and in some way the Jedi that support it, have come up with a plan whereby he tries to take out the Sith from the inside. So, he becomes Sidious' apprentice, and once the dark side has him, it has him fully -- "once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny." So, Dooku's offer to Obi-Wan might be partly his delusion that he can turn to the dark side for a good purpose -- to destroy the Sith. But, since he has turned to the dark side, he now wants all the power he can get, and thus, even if he did succeed at killing Sidious, he would still -- in his thinking -- want to control the Republic because it's corrupt, and (like Anakin said) someone wise should make them agree on what is best for the people; Dooku could, now that he's turned, see himself as that "someone wise." ...

Jun 27th, 2002, 09:03:15 PM
Yoda will take down Dooku on Dagaboh. The tree , remember the tree ;)

Jun 28th, 2002, 07:17:43 AM
I like that idea Doc. I've always wondered if a Jedi would use the dark side for a "good cause". No doubt they would also fall victim to it and just become greedy and power hungry. I think this is what will happen to Anakin. After his mom died, he promised to not fail again. I think he will use whatever methods necessary to "not fail". If that means using the dark side, then so be it, regardless of what Obi Wan says. I also think that Anakin will kill Dooku by the urging of Palpy. Someone else said this, but I totally agree with it. It will be the opposite of what happens in ROTJ. Basically, Anakin will still think that Palpy is a good man and have total faith in his advice. Once Anakin takes out Dooku, Palpy can reveal himself as Sidious and offer Anakin to be his master. Of course Anakin will accept because it will allow him to be as powerful as he wants and he won't have to listen to Obi Wan squawk anymore.

Jul 2nd, 2002, 04:26:54 AM
In my opinion its all part of the bigger plan. Sidious needs the Jedi to know that the sith are in control of the senate. Or at least not be sure if they are or not.

This way the Jedi turn on the senate, saying they will not do what is requested of them. Making the Jedi out to be the villans of the galaxy. Therefore making it ok for palpatine to wipe them out.

Jul 2nd, 2002, 10:19:57 AM
Those were my exact thoughts way back before AotC was released, but I didn't know how or why the Jedi would learn about the senate. Now with Dooku's chat with Obi, we know.

Jul 4th, 2002, 08:20:57 PM
You gotta love the fact we have nearly 3 years to debate this kind of stuff. ;)

Jul 4th, 2002, 09:21:42 PM
How many more times will this come up in the future before Episode 3? ;)

Jul 4th, 2002, 11:54:41 PM
I'd say a few hundred at least. :)

Ciara Myst
Jul 24th, 2002, 09:46:57 AM
Originally posted by B-LoVeD AssAsSiN
Don't you think Sidious would have seen/forseen that with the force?

Maybe. Then again, Yoda himself states that the dark side isn't so easy to read or see, it's clouded. Wouldn't that also hint that the dark side is clouded to those who use it as well?? Which would also explain why the Jedi Knights and Masters don't foresee all the gloom ahead of them at the hands of Sidious and the Sith.

Lucas has said that the balance of the force has slipped because it has been corrupted, the line between good and evil is no longer clear, everything is a shade of gray.

We have the balance between light and dark. I don't think it really matters which side has more, the gray is the area that tips the scales of balance. The gray areas are the ones that are vulnerable. Those can either go light or dark. Therefore, the gray would be the areas that tip the balance between light and dark.

Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve; and without light and dark, neither side could survive. Light and Dark feed and survive off of each other. Yes, yes, there I go, babbling again. Anyways, I've always loved reading the different views every SW fan has on the this whole light/dark/balance thing. Thanks for letting me put in my two cents of nonsense :lol

We strive to destroy the evil around us. Yet, we often forget that there is no light without darkness, nor darkness without light. Perhaps a plant it the best analogy. A plant realizes that too little light is deadly, but it also knows that too much light is equally deadly. It is the balance of the two that makes the world."