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Tomak Ohara
Jun 26th, 2002, 01:07:27 AM
Tomak stepped into the hot desert. The sand stung his eyes. He peered into the sun, this was where he had come from. The only truths he knew before the jedi were here. There were secrets here that not even the jedi knew of. Things Tomak buried in his past, things that still haunted his memory today.
Tomak looked beyond the sand and in the distance saw something he thought he would never see again.....the castle! This was his home. Where his father and sister had stayed. Where Tomak was brought into the world. This was the castle. This was his home. This was The Nimoceon. His one true happiness.
Around the castle and within it were.....stakes. Left over markers of the ancient war that took place there so long ago. Yet, it still stung in Tomak's mind like a nightmare that had not ceased. The blood from them had long sinced dried off, but to Tomak it was still there....and fresh. He placed his hand on one of the stakes. The holy water still burned as though it were fresh. It is true that the magic they used then would not ware off so easily.
Tomak walked into the castles courtyard. The spikes covered this area. Tomak rembered this like it was yesterday. The last assault from the vampire hunters. They stormed the castle early that morning while all the warriors were sleeping. They had no mercy. The arrows flew through the castles windows, and Tomak remebered seeing his sister. She was within his reach, and he could.....have saved her. She was standing there, so innocent, she had never harmed anyone. The hunter from the courtyard saw her through the window and fired. Before she even knew what had happened, she was dead. Her head had been removed by the force of the arrow. Tomak remebered watching it burn, and with it so did his hopes for a gentler vampiric race. The screams still haunted him, the holy water still burned him, and the memories were still there.
He walked up to the front gate. Sitting there was the symbol of his clan, and in his vampiric writing were the words, "Hufgrad Nomincin. The Warrior who stood to protect our prince." Tomak thought to himself, "Prince. I was nothing of the sort. If I were a true prince I would have fought beside my people. I am disgrace to myself and my race. I am sorry father. I have failed you. I am so very sorry." Tomak continued through the castle.
The next room Tomak came across was his sisters and his. They had shared so many memories here. It was magnificent. Although the curtains were destoryed and the beds were gone, Tomak could still see them. He looked over to the corner, and there he saw the one thing she treasured most, a ribbon. It was golden with red streaks through it. Tomak picked it up. The enchantment his father placed on it had kept it in perfect condition. Tomak removed his lightsaber from his belt and tied the ribbon to the end. This was his memory of his sister, and before this day was done he would find a memory of his fathers.
He ventured deeper into the castle. He came across his fathers room. The bed was still in tact. Although the sheets and covers were gone, the framework was still there. Tomak remebered the days he had seen his father and mother together here in this room. The miracles that took place here. A vampire king and his queen ruled here, but alas she was mortal. She died one day, or at least thats what he was told. She ventured off to go to market. No one knew of her marriage to the vampire king, she was very good at keeping secrets. She never returned that day. Tomak promised on the death of his mother that he would stop his violent acts of killing, and from that day forward he never harmed another soul unless necessary.
Tomak looked over on the dresser of his father. There were two things one was an amulet his mother once wore, and the other was a headband his father had. It was feiry red, with green stripes covering it. In vampiric writing were the words, "The one who will protect us from all evil, Our Vampire king." Seeing as how Tomak was the last living vampire of his clan, he reached over and took the band. He tied it to his head. As he secured the knot he felt a new sense of responsibility come over him. He was the youngest vampire king ever. However, there was not much to rule over.
He reached for the amulet on the dresser. He pulled it, and it did not move. The dresser did however move. It revealed a staircase leading to a courtyard Tomak had never seen. He walked the staircase and saw at the bottom three gravestones. He ran to them. They were all written in the ancient language of the vampires. He looked at the first, it was the smallest. It read, "Our vampire Princess, Leorna Ohara. May her peaceful soul find rest, and may she find he mother in the afterlife." Tomak moved on to the biggest, and the most elaboratley decorated. It read, "Here lies the great king of Vampires, Tomal Ohara. He ruled with two hands. A gentle touch with one, and an iron fist with the other." Tomak then read the third gravestone, and what he read he did not want to beleive. It read, "To our most esteemed and gentle prince, Tomak Ohara. He would have lead our people into a new age, one of peace."
Tomak cried over each grave. The person who had wrote these was very wrong. He knew that that person was dead, but still how could they think that all vampires were deceased. Tomak took his claws and ripped his wrist. He let himself bleed over each grave, and when he bled over each one, the writing on them glew with a deep red. They were enchanted and they took the blood as a sacrafice. Then waht happened was miraculous. Tomak looked at his grave and the writing upon it disappeared. The stone recognized that the prince was still alive. Tomak realized what he had to do now.
A distant scream of a Tusken Raider came from the distance. Tomak leaned down on his sisters grave and kissed it, "Goodbye Leorna, I shall return and fulfill our dream." He then leaned down and kissed his fathers grave, "Goodbye father, you were always the one who led me the right way." Tomak walked back up the stairs feeling a new sense of responsibility. He would return with his true love and create the new race. He would fulfill what that stone said. He would lead the vampires into a new age. He saw a raider at the top of the stairs it tried to strike at him, but Tomak drew his lightsaber blocked the strike, and then hit the creatures leg, only stunning it. He never changed the seriousness of his face the entire time. He walked up with his new memories attached to his body, not to mention his soul. He found a hole in the ceiling and flew through it. He looked at the unforgiving sun, the object that made all time pass. The object that led all things into the future. Tomak stared back down at the castle, and stopped in the air. He looked at the sun and said, "I promise to you great castle Nimoceon I shall return, and fulfill my destiny." Tomak turned and flew toward the horizon. The day would come when he would return and ressurect his castle. It was at that time that he would ressurect the vampires and begin a new age of his race with his queen. Tomak looked at his castle. He always thought that leaving home was when he left the walls of the jedi, but it was then that he realized that he had been away from home for longer than he could imagine. Tomak looked into the horizon and continued to fly towards it, flying towards nothing, and flying into his destiny.