View Full Version : Temptation...and Revenge. (Lady Vader)

Chase Starwalker
Jun 25th, 2002, 07:16:04 PM
Chase left the Bar and Grill. (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=20163&perpage=20&pagenumber=3) He took a turn toward his quarters. His emotions ran wild over him, taking him with them. The small starship was used for emergencies only. It was hidden out back in the woods of Temple Avalon. The engines screeched to life as it shot towards the atmosphere. He had disobeyed. Why couldn't the Jedi see what was happening? Well he could.

- - - - - - - - -

The small craft landed at the base of a large building. Courcant's lights shown brightly into the darkend night. He knew LV usually conversed on Courcant, he would find her. And then, she would pay. In a matter of minutes he was at the top of the building, overseeing the planet's bustling scenes. His emotions were full-throttle. His breathes were short and quick. The adrenline surged from his pores, engulfing into the force. He felt powerful.

He used the Force to reach out. Lady Vader.

He pulled the green lightsaber from his belt. He had taken it from the Acedemy without asking, but he would need it.

She would pay for what she did to Xazor and Sene. With her life, if it is her destiny Chase thought. His mind was clouded, thoughts became blurred, nothing......just anger.

Lady Vader
Jun 25th, 2002, 10:29:24 PM
*The Force was endless... powerful. And though only one mind had called silently to her, she had felt it through the miles and parsecs that made up planets and deep space.*

*Unbeknowest to the young Jedi, his call had reached her ears, though she was nowhere on Coruscant. No. She had returned home to Corellia. And she was not one to come to the call of a Padawan.*

*Instead, in her private chamber, she closed her eyes and opened herself fully to the Force, sensing the anger the young Jedi was radiating. This brought a smile to her lips.*

And so... the Jedi send their pupils to call out to Sith Masters.

*There was a chuckle that rattled through his mind.*

No, young one, I will not come to you. YOU will come to me.

*A slight pause.*

If that is your intent...

*She chuckled again before the connection was cut. She didn't care whether he showed or not. But she had a good idea as to why this young upstart was seeking her. And she had a pretty good idea he was out for blood.*

*Unfortunately for him, it would not be her blood spilt.*

Chase Starwalker
Jun 25th, 2002, 10:59:12 PM
He had heard her.

Overwhelming she spoke, it echoed in his mind.

He reached back out to her, now focused on her very exsistance.

Coward. Was all he managed to say. He released the Force, and proceeded to his ship. She under-estimated him, and he would destroy her for what she had done.

"R6, set coordinates for Corellia (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=20220)."