View Full Version : NEED a new car!!! Grrr
Jun 25th, 2002, 04:00:26 AM
I cannot get to any of these movies lately because nobody wants to see the stupid things like Lilo and Stitch, Scooby Doo (still not seen it), and Juwanna Mann. Plus I've not seen Minority Report and everyone else has, so I cannot get them to go with me. My AOTC count is suffering too, but I'll break the bad streak Tuesday with AOTC...
This is what I really want to get, though, for a new car soon:
I want a red Toyota Celica, tinted windows, rear spoiler, very nice interior, fast acceleration, pretty high performance, but above all, it looks dang cool and it's affordable. I am sure I could get what I want for $20,000. I built it online and it said it would be about that much, but I wouldn't be surprised if I could get one a bit cheaper. Ron Tonkin is a big car dealer here and my dad knows him well, and his son who runs it now, Ed Tonkin, who was at my dad's 60th birthday. I'm sure we can get a good deal :)
*drool* I really want that car. Just the idea of having a car again is good, let alone something cool for once. The Montero was an embarrassment. Just driving it ruined my confidence. I need a real car, something that feels cool to drive. This is what I want, hehe.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 26th, 2002, 02:30:02 AM
I can sell you a grey Datsun Maxima for $2000 dollars. :)
Jun 26th, 2002, 02:31:45 AM
That's ok, I'd rather get a BIKE! ;) lol, j/k
I really want this car. I hope my dad lets me get it. Man I'll be really pleased with that. I won't say I'll be "really happy," because a material possession like that will hardly make me happy, haha, but it'll be pleasing at least. It'll be a nice way to get around, I just want a car, so I can keep seeing AOTC.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 26th, 2002, 02:39:10 AM
:cry My car is better than a bike!
Okay, maybe not. :lol
Jun 26th, 2002, 02:49:21 AM
I'm just giving you a hard time. Your car is about the same price as my best friend's car. His is actually not too bad, but I think he paid $1,000 for it. It's a Volvo with like 187,000 miles on it I believe!!! LOL. It does have its problems from time to time, like emergency lights being stuck on now (I think he is getting this fixed soon), and it has had other problems, but his old Volvo was a '77 model and it SUCKED hard. Sometimes it wouldn't even start. It was horrid. Finally, someone SLAMMED into him running a red, he was fine, but the car was totalled. Not hard to total a car that is worth only $1k, though (that one was also like a grand).
I mean, if a car is only worth a thousand dollars, then a friggin fender bender could total it. LOL, because really "totalled" never means "car cannot drive anymore." It simply means it's more expensive to fix it than to get a new car of similar make and model, lol.
Like my Montero. Hell I drove the thing back to my house, but the damage was assessed Monday at $10,000+. They were not sure exactly how much it would cost, but they said very firmly, "At least $10,000 to fix this." We said screw it, we're selling parts of it as scrap and that'll be that. It's useless.
I want a red Toyota Celica with rear spoilers and tinted windows badly, did I say that already?! ;)
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 26th, 2002, 02:53:19 AM
Well I never said my car was WORTH 2000, just that I'd sell it to you for that much. :angel
Severen Morkonis
Jun 26th, 2002, 03:17:39 AM
prolly a rust bucket mate :) :p *runs from LD*
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 26th, 2002, 03:43:52 AM
Nah, very little rust, just a tiny bit on the back bumper. :)
Admiral Lebron
Jun 26th, 2002, 08:42:49 AM
I'll sell ya my purple ford tarus LX. Notice its an LX and nto a gl. Its in fairly good shape. Air conditioning ain't working right now though. Need to fix it.
Severen Morkonis
Jun 26th, 2002, 08:55:12 AM
What if the guy lives in cooking the guy alive...:lol
Jun 26th, 2002, 09:17:17 AM
I'll gladly sell you my Ford Probe LX. It may not look like much, but it's got it where it counts kid. I've made alot of special modifications myself!
(ok, repairs, not mods).;)
Admiral Lebron
Jun 26th, 2002, 11:31:24 AM
Well...if he lives in flordia...umm he can make it a convertable?
Lady Vader
Jun 26th, 2002, 11:41:31 AM
Hmmm... I'm aiming for a jet black Z28 Camero.I'll probably buy it used, but at the Chevy dealership, I know the car would be in good shape, plus I'd get a helluva cool discount, plus the reduced price of used cars. All in all, a sweet deal.
Of course, it'll probably be another year before that happens. :rolleyes
Jun 26th, 2002, 12:47:27 PM
What I *REALLY* want is a McLaren F1, but I know that's a BIT out of my price range for now ;)
Anyway, the car I get MUST be cool looking, that's an absolute requirement. I don't want to drive around in another normal car. Actually, the only thing I found that matches that description IS the Toyota Celica. I do not see many of them on the road at all. My friend Gabe has one. That is it. Not seen any others around here. Not sure if people here just don't get them or what, lol, but I do not see them. Most cars are just so... blah. Totally ordinary, wouldn't even notice them among the rest of the ordinary ones.
I especially hate blocky cars, though. Nothing bothers me more than a blocky car. They ALWAYS should be rounded and smooth, even if they are bigger cars or SUVs or whatever, that is not an excuse to be ugly and bulky and look like a big block. It's a car for crying out loud, not a ship crate.
There are tons of cars that are totally awesome looking, but unfortunately the Celica is the only one that is moderately affordable. It's not that powerful of a car really. It is a high performance car given its engine and whatnot, but man oh man, my dad's Aston would smoke that car so badly. Now the Aston Martin, that's a real car. People look when you drive that around.
Admiral Lebron
Jun 27th, 2002, 08:51:00 AM
Get a hot pink car. That's bound to turn some heads. :)
Jun 27th, 2002, 10:09:07 AM
The new Tiburons are pretty damn sweet too. They're much nicer than the first model and I'd probably get that before the celica, but the celica is nice as well.
Jun 27th, 2002, 10:16:58 PM
For the price, the Celica is the car for me. If I had a lot more money, I can think of at least 25 other cars I'd get, but hey, it's a nice car for any age, especially for someone in college. It'd be better than anything my friends have, except Gabe, who drives a 2000 Toyota Celica, so that's roughly equal to what I'd get...
"Get a hot pink car. That's bound to turn some heads."
Yeah, if I drove it in a gay pride parade!
Jun 28th, 2002, 08:38:20 AM
No, then you'd fit right in!
How much is the celica? The Tiburon can be had from $15,000 to $18,000 for the fully loaded v6 edition, or roughly the same amount you spend on TPM & Aotc tickets! :p
Jun 28th, 2002, 02:28:50 PM
ROFL, nice. :)
Nah I've only spent like $400 on TPM and AOTC tickets, haha. Well... no, more like $450 I guess.
A fully loaded Celica can run you $28,000 new, but the base price is $17,000 and I'm looking at $20,000 new, though I doubt I'll get a new one, so realistically more like $18,000 maybe? I hope somewhere around there.
Jun 28th, 2002, 07:15:43 PM
Hmm, well I think there is good news and bad news with getting a new car. My dad is like, "I will buy you this," which is a brand new, red Toyota Celica GTS, which is the better of the two (versus the GT model). The car kicks total @$$ and this particular one is decked out. It's got an MSRP of $28,000, but because my dad knows Ed and Ron Tonkin and because you can always get them to knock off a bit from the retail price, it'll probably be like $22,000. Still, my dad is like, "But we'll have to look into insurance because I think you should pay gas and insurance," but I cannot very well do that as I have no income that is mine. If he forgave my debt on the Websites I owned and let me use the profit I make there for it, that'd be one thing, but otherwise the money I make online goes to debt reduction. Grrr...
My bank account is pretty huge actually, it's not all that far from reaching 5 figures, lol, but all of that is NOT really mine. It's money I've personally made, yes, but I owe it to my dad and my mom from the business anyway. Dang, so frustrating. I wish the humor site had been cheaper and had done better, or just one or the other. Ah well... :(
I'll be really happy to get a Celica, dang, that would be great. They had 2 on the lot, but both are stick shifts with six speeds. Screw that. I cannot drive a stick. I gave it a try and it's got to be the most inconvenient thing I can imagine doing. Oh sure, you COULD drive a car like that, but you couldn't listen to music while trying to do that, you couldn't talk to friends while doing that, you'd have to pay total attention to what gear you are on, make sure the clutch is down or up or whatever, it's a MAJOR pain. Automatic is superior for people who actually want to relax when driving. If you want to put the extra effort and time into a slightly better performance, sure, stick is great I guess. But no thank you.
So I'm waiting for them to get the automatic GTS one in.
Marcus Telcontar
Jun 28th, 2002, 08:06:33 PM
WRX. Mmmmmmmmm. That will be the next car I get
Jun 29th, 2002, 04:15:31 PM
That's what I've been riding around in Gran Turismo 3 Marcus. Metallic blue with gold mags, lowered suspension, Turbo boost. I'm smoking everyone with it! I think I'll get one too! :D
Jun 30th, 2002, 04:18:43 AM
I have been hearing about the WRX, and although I like the specs a lot and it seems to have a lot of power, especially for the money, it's a lousy looking sports car, if that's what they wanted it to be. If not, it's still lousy because it's got features a sports car should have, so if that's not what it is, then what does this car want to be?!
Let's start with the good...
More than 220 horsepower. This is very good for the price range. The car is clearly powerful, and could probably beat the Celica hands down in any race, though it's hard to say on windy roads, I don't know how the WRX performs compared to the smooth handling of the Celica, but I assume it is similar. All wheel drive is a huge plus, a big advantage, and a reason I looked into the WRX today just to see what I'll be "missing" when I get my Celica. I like the engine, I like the fuel capacity (15.9 gallons beats the Celica's 14.5), I think it gets good gas mileage too. Performance-wise, in terms of actual speed and power, there can be no doubt the WRX is a superior car to the Celica.
That being said, the Celica gets slightly better gas mileage, which is not a bad thing for someone like me who is eventually going to have to start paying for his own gas, lol.
As far as looks, yikes, where do I start with the WRX? Ok, the car is too tall. It doesn't have a sporty, sleek, or elegant look to it. It's 6 inches taller than the Celica and it shows badly. The front headlights look way too ordinary. They are square and small. The car itself looks not much different from any other ordinary car on the road, regardless of its power. Front is dull looking, not very sharp, too square for me. I hate square cars. Windshield is awkward and, again, square looking, not sleek. The car itself lacks aerodynamic value. The hubcabs are pretty sorry too, jesus, you wonder if the people who made this had any idea how to make a car LOOK great as well as perform great.
It's just a simple car, it's not a futuristic looking head-turner, but simply another car. I've seen better looking cars go for half the price, but with lower performance. If I want to pay more than $20,000 for a car, I want looks AND performance, and the Celica is the best balance of the two. It's not as sweet as, say, an Aston Martin, a Corvette even, or a Ferarri, but it still has a unique look that will make people notice your car, assuming it is well kept and clean. The four door look of the WRX is not effective. It makes it go from possible sports car to definite boring car. Four door cars are fine, but do you want a sports car or do you want a car? My dad's Mercedes has four doors, I love it, it was $100K when he bought it in 1993, but it's a luxury transport car, not a cool car like his Aston Martin.
So I guess it really just comes down to what you are looking for. I'd either want a cheap $10,000, new, ordinary car, or if I'm going to pay the extra money (probably this money comes out of my trust fund?), then I want a car that really sets itself apart from almost anything else on the road. I want a speedy looking car with good performance, doesn't need to be able to race because I'm not a racer, just a driver, but I like to wear sunglasses that look cool, I like to wear shirts that are of the highest quality, same with pants, and I like nice cars that also look great.
The WRX simply doesn't fit that. It doesn't seem to know what it wants to be. The designers didn't have a clear vision, I don't think. Is it a normal car for families or a sports car for teenagers and young adults? The Celica is clearly a sports car made for teens and young adults, not so much middle age people, but it's still within the price range of the young adult crowd, maybe 20 to 30 primarily. The WRX is... what?! A sports car? No. It has a rear spoiler, it comes standard with 5 speed manual transmission, yet it has four doors, doesn't look sleek, and is basically boring. Yet it's also quite powerful for the price. I don't get it.
If I could choose, I'd like the WRX's power with the Celica's design, but that is not possible obviously, so give me looks over power in this case because I do not plan to race illegally, simply go the speed limit, and for that, the Celica is the winner because it accelerates just as fast basically and can handle extremely well. I love the feel of the car, love the sound of it, and it DOES perform faster and better than most any other ordinary car on the road. It has great pickup and maneuvering plus it can go fast if you need it to, especially the GTS model I mean.
Not to mention the interior is better on the Celica, I think. It's got a wonderful interior and, although both are comparable (I like the bucket seats on each type of car), I still prefer the Celica's inside.
I trust Toyota more than I trust Subaru too. I just think Toyota is the more reliable car.
There really isn't any question which looks better at least in those photos. You'd have to do some amazing work in photoshop to, uhh, somehow make the WRX look "cool," lol. I've seen both in person, though, driven the Celica, and I saw the WRX before I knew what it was called. I still think the WRX is a neat car, but it's not a sports car, and it's definitely not what I'd want for my money.
Marcus Telcontar
Jun 30th, 2002, 02:42:09 PM
A WRX may not look the part and yes, it is a family car turned into a sports sedan..... but what a sports sedan. And I mean Sports Sedan. It's no teenagers car this thing. It's the type of car you can put four people in easily for the shopping or church - and then on Sunday go solo and terrorise the neighbourhood and the mountain roads. No doubt a WRX will wave bye bye to a Celica anywhere, but no doubt the current model WRX is a shocker to look at.
We have had WRX's of various models in Australia for nearly 10 years. All I can say is when the turbo boost comes on.... its like a drug. You need more. :)
Jun 30th, 2002, 03:01:16 PM
For those purposes you just mentioned, sounds perfect. That way you don't have to get a dorky family car, but you can get a family car with some power, i.e. the WRX.
I still think it is fairly good looking compared to most other cars. Great for the price too...
A Celica would be inappropriate as a family car. It's really more of a car for a young adult or a teen because it does have the room for four people, if you really need it, but mainly it's built for cruising with one or two.
Jun 30th, 2002, 04:23:24 PM
They're both built to induce cardiac arrest, especially the deceiving WRX!
Marcus Telcontar
Jun 30th, 2002, 04:40:55 PM
Take the wing of the WRX and spend 100 dollars on a few mods - and you have a car with 260 hp that will scare anyone and as well be a real Q-Car.
If I wanted a family car, the Subaru B4 would be it. twin turbo Liberty. OMG....... that thing rules
Jul 1st, 2002, 08:03:24 AM
My GT3 car now has about 500 ponies under the hood, and I won a slick RX-7 which I've got at about 450 hp now. I don't even bother touching the brakes now. I just go careening into walls and take off from a dead stop every time, and I still blow the doors off the competition!
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