View Full Version : RP Staff: Proposal to clarify the rules of infiltration.

Jun 24th, 2002, 08:23:11 PM
The rules of infiltration are in need of further clarification as now instead of getting explanations as to why or how another community member obtained private information, we are being argued to death by their grasping at minor technicalities to try and excuse it. These technicalities do not make the case invalid IMO, but just further prove that the ones who are guilty have poor ethics and instead of realizing their mistake and admitting to it, they would rather try to mold the rules to their own benefit.

So With some discussion between Yog and I, it was thought that perhaps the definition of Infiltration should be more clearly laid out so as to possibly help avoid such instances of what is happening in the world of IM now in the future.

Here is what I submit and would like to have us work together on in making it as absolutely clear as possible and not leave loopholes for the guilty to try and exploit:

What is infiltration?

In February 2000, the leaders of the roleplaying groups decided that infiltrations should no longer take place because of frequent OOC conflicts as result of discovered infiltration/spying and leaking of information. You are infiltrating when you create an account for the purpose of spying on another group.

Infiltration: Also known as spying. Creating a character with the purpose of retrieving restricted information from another group of roleplayers. Among such restricted information is any conversation that takes place in private forums, email or any private messaging programs like AIM, ICQ, MSIM etc. [Strictly forbidden]

Leaking information: Revealing any non-public information to other individuals, given to you in trust of your loyalty to the group you are member of. This includes any conversations taking place in private forums, email or any private messaging programs like AIM, ICQ, MSIM etc. [Highly unappreciated and forbidden]

Hacking passwords: Obtaining ezboard or vBulletin username passwords or forum passwords in order to get access to restricted areas. [Strictly forbidden]

* You are infiltrating when as a member of group "A", you create an account for the purpose of retrieving information from group B. This involves a roleplayer creating an alternative character purely to infiltrate another group and spy on that group for information.

* Leaking, posting, quoting or describing information found in private forums to individuals not having access to said information qualifies as infiltration. The same applies for information given in trust of your group membership through email, Instant Message services as AIM, ICQ, MSN or otherwise.

* Hacking or accessing others accounts in order to view private forums clearly qualifies as infiltration.

* Don’t talk about private material, even if it seems unimportant at the time. Experience shows such talking leads to OOC mess.

* Avoid gossip on AIM or other IM services about confidential or sensitive material that was intended for discussion in threads within private forums.

* Don’t join groups just to get access to private forums.

* Be open about who you are and current memberships when joining other groups.

Any form of infiltration is seriously looked down upon by the majority of roleplayers and has serious consequences. The reason is because the roleplaying community is built on trust and infiltrating when uncovered can destroy the trust between roleplayers in addition to cause great OOC conflict. Infiltrating a group of roleplayers or hacking into private forums is a serious offence of the SWFans.Net roleplaying rules. Any roleplayer caught infiltrating may be banned from the SWFans.Net forums and may also be banned from any of the group forums as well. Any roleplayer who is given private information of any form is encouraged to report it to forum staff with as valid a form of documented proof as possible.

Master Yoghurt
Jun 24th, 2002, 08:26:43 PM
Ok, there will need to be some additions and slight modifications/clarifications, but it is a good start.

Jun 24th, 2002, 08:27:55 PM
Yep, I agree and didn't expect it to just be accepted as perfect right away. :)

Jun 24th, 2002, 10:33:41 PM
hmmm, once we think it finalized, we might have some of the non RP staff look at it and see if they understand it. An opion of someone not involved in the RP community could be very helpful in determining and or refining the definition's clarity.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 27th, 2002, 10:14:56 PM

Sanis Prent
Jun 30th, 2002, 05:48:08 PM
(gives Fonzie thumbs up)