View Full Version : Sith got your tongue? (open to anyone)
Jun 24th, 2002, 01:18:32 PM
An unruly lock of brown hair fell into his violet eyes. He brushed it back impatiently. It was a warm day out, too warm for him. He would have shed a layer of clothing, but carrying anything would have driven him nuts. And so instead he dealt with the heat, the occasional drop of sweat stinging his eyes every now and then, irritating him even more.
He hadnt been in a particularly good mood this day. He’d slept fitfully the night before. It was a year today since his mother had passed away, and his emotions were mixed. He had loved his mother, but was angry with her. She’d brought him into this world without a father, raised him for 17 years, then passed on, leaving him completely alone in the galaxy. For this, he was angry. Of course, her passing had made him spread his roots just a bit, and in this exploration he’d found the Sith Order. They had welcomed him, sheltered him, and they had been training him, and for that and many other things he was grateful.
But even having them as a family did not stop the grudge he held. Growing up without a father had put him in a category all to his own among his friends. It had left him without the knowledge of certain things that father’s often pass on to their sons. He hated not having this and occasionally, he dwelled upon it, brooding. The fact that his master hadnt called upon him for training this day left him with too much free time to think about things. As a result of this, he’d been unable to concentrate on any of his lessons on his own, so he’d taken the day to journey to a nearby planet to let off some steam, maybe get a haircut, and clear his head.
As he made the way through the alley, he was annoyed by the pushing and shoving of people. The alley was far too narrow, and littered with too many carts and vendors selling their wares. As a wiry man shoved by him, his patience was lost, and he gave the guy a good elbow in return. The man turned, gave him a dirty sneer, and muttered under his breath.
“Bastard.” He grumbled and turned to head on. But it wasn’t to be this man’s day. On a good day, Sasha wouldn’t have bothered with the man. He was too easy going to really have cared. But on a day like today, when he’d been focused on the fact that he was, indeed, a bastard, and with the confidence he had gained throughout his training, he let his anger guide him. He knew it wouldn’t be a fair fight. The man had coward written all over him. Sasha followed the man out of the busy alley, and when they’d entered a quieter one, and the man realized he was being followed, he began to run. But Sasha was younger, and in his youth, he was faster. He grabbed the man’s shirt, and using the force just a bit, shoved the man against the wall.
“What did you call me?” He growled. The man struggled, but against a younger, stronger person who was using the force, the man had little chance. He lost the sneer he’d had before, and it was replaced by a pleading expression. Sasha glared at him, his violet eyes narrowed. He didn’t want the guy’s life – he wanted his tongue removed, so he’d think twice before using such a word once again – if he was ever able to speak again.
Dios Kane
Jun 24th, 2002, 02:09:43 PM
:: Dios was walking down the street when he saw a man throw another against a wall. Knowing how it feels, Dios quickly moved up to where they were::
Uhh... Sir... I'm not sure that this should be done here, at this moment.
Jun 24th, 2002, 02:25:13 PM
Being called Sir was certainly not something he was used to. But he knew the voice was speaking to him regarding his conduct.
He gave the man he'd been holding another good shove against the brick wall. It was an effort to keep the struggling man there, and he wanted to send him a message.
"Keep still." He growled at his victim to be, and then turned his head enough to see the voice that was speaking to him.
"It's none of your business." He replied, his violet eyes staring intently at Dios. The sun reflected off the hilt of his lightsaber, which was attached to his belt, along with his blaster that he kept around as a 'just in case' measure.
Grey Riftblade
Jun 24th, 2002, 02:32:34 PM
:: Saw Dios go into the alley way and followed shortly there after::
Hey Dios what's goin on?
:: He saw a man against a wall and could sense the evil in the man standing in front of them::
Jun 24th, 2002, 02:46:20 PM
He stared for a moment at Dios. His day certainly wasnt getting any better. And now this guy had made it his business to interfere with what Sasha considered a personal vendetta.
Seeing that he had a protector, the victim struggled more against Sasha's grip. It was at this point that Sasha reached for his lightsaber and ignited it.
The man shrieked, terror in his eyes and dropped to the ground, curling himself into a ball. Sasha shook his head in annoyance. Not only had this guy insulted him, but now he'd dragged another into the fight. As the man seemed to think the turtle method worked, and didnt seem to be going anywhere anytime son, Sasha took this moment to answer Dios.
"Yeah, I have been." He replied.
"And you're right. It damn well doesnt tickle." He added. He could feel the heat of his anger rising to his cheeks.
Dios Kane
Jun 24th, 2002, 02:49:33 PM
:: Dios saw Grey walk up and sunk his head, this was about to get more complicated::
This is my business, I protect those in need. This man has a far disadvantage to you. It is not fair, you seem to be having a bad day. Why don't ya come with me and we'll get a drink or two.
:: Dios hoped to get away from here before Grey became involved in it::
Glad you know what it feels like to get run through, so spare the guy, c'mon.
Jun 24th, 2002, 02:57:13 PM
As another man joined them, his annoyance with his victim grew just a bit more.
So....this man attempting to keep the peace was named Dios.
"Perhaps, Dios, this man should have thought better of the possible disadvantage before he opened his big mouth." He replied, his tone somewhat of a growl.
He was growing impatient with all of this - for he'd meant only to teach the man a lesson and be on his way. The thought of a drink was somewhat enticing - for it had been a long twenty four hours - but something in him just couldnt let go.
Bastard.... The word echoed in his head. The sneer of the man. He'd used the word in a derogatroy way, meant to insult him. And no, the man knew nothing of him, had no way of knowing the truth to his words, but that he'd used those words as he had....No. He wanted the man to learn a lesson.
"A drink isnt going to teach this guy to keep his trap shut." He retorted.
Dios Kane
Jun 24th, 2002, 03:05:53 PM
You're right, a drink won't teach him to shut up but what you have done already will have finished it. He won't act like that to a stranger again in fear that they'd jump him and throw him against the wall. What a drink will do is make your day a bit better and hopefully dowse whatever fire there is for a little while. You're again right, this man should've thought before he reacted to you. What he said was wrong and every decision someone makes has it's consequences, good or bad. But the same goes for all of us.
:: Dios pulled out a flask from inside his jacket and he quickly took a swig before putting it back::
But like I said, a swig will do any man good.
:: Dios winked at him and as Grey began to say something he kicked him back and held up a finger to him::
Dios Kane
Jun 25th, 2002, 07:39:09 AM
:: Dios kept Grey shut up and tried to calmly talk to the man::
So about that drink... Ya wanna go get one?
Jun 25th, 2002, 08:02:16 AM
Everything Dios said made sense. The man did seem scared enough as he remained on the ground, trembling. After what seemed to be a long standoff, Dios again prompted him with the suggestion of a drink. A drink did sound like a good suggestion.
He sighed deeply, and making up his mind, nudged the victim with his foot.
"Get out of sight." He stated, his voice an irritated growl. The man scrambled to his feet and Sasha deactivated his lightsaber and returned it to his belt.
His victim, once beyond his protectors, turned back, an almost gleeful expression on his face.
"Bastard." He said, spit flying from his lips before he turned and with an almost maniacal laugh, continued on his way. Calmly, Sasha drew his blaster, and fired. Normally he wouldnt have shot anyone in the back, it just wasnt his style, but this man had asked for it.
Dios Kane
Jun 25th, 2002, 01:13:30 PM
:: Dios saw all that happened and went into a flurry of movement all at once. He used what little control he had on the force to immobilize the annoying man, people could say what they wanted, but to provoke anger was another thing. Dios let rocks fly at the man's legs. The man fell to the ground and wouldn't be walking until Dios could get over to him. As he focused he also got in the way of the blaster and let the laser take him straight to abdomen. This was going to suck. So much for that drink. Dios hit the ground and slowly got up with the wall's help.::
Dammit, man, this was a new jacket too.
Jun 25th, 2002, 01:54:13 PM
Sasha hadnt realized that Dios was a force user until this moment. The rocks that flew at the man's legs were no act of mother nature - but they did save the man's life. Had the blaster shot gone through, the man would have been dead upon the ground. Instead, Dios had stepped in front of it, absorbing the impact with his abdomen.
Sasha looked to the man with a confused expression. Was this guy crazy? Who willingly dove in front of blaster shots?
As the guy commented on the fact that his jacket had been new, Sasha couldnt help but grin a bit. He doubted he would have been able to crack jokes - or say anything remotely close to a witty remark had he taken that blaster shot. He wore no armor, and was relatively unprotected, save for his blaster and lightsaber.
"Are you crazy?" He demanded, impatiently brushing a lock of hair from his eyes once again as he stared at Dios.
Dios Kane
Jun 25th, 2002, 02:03:30 PM
:: Dios laughed and pulled out his flask with a slightly bloodied hand, crazy, this kid was catching on, sure, maybe a little. But not that bad, the wound was already to pull itself together:: maybe he could get a swig down fast and dull the pain. Dios tried to speak but coughed blood up. He tried again.::
Don't worry about it, I'll live, holy water acts faster than you'd think. Your name?
:: Dios stood up, shaking, and walked over to the man holding his legs. The man saw the hole in Dios and saw the muscles underneath reconnecting and tried to crawl away. Dios reached over and grabbed the man and pulled him up. Dios spit in the mans face, a lot of blood was in that. The man cringed away and yelled, "demon!" Dios thought for a moment then said::
Hey, shut up... when you are in the same position next time, someone like me won't show up and save your butt, there's only so many of us jedi in the galaxy and you can't have a personal bodygaurd all the time unless he's store bought. So buckle up, and don't open your mouth again when you run into somebody. If you do, say something nice like excuse me or pardon and walk away.
:: Dios dropped the man and he tried to crawl away but Dios put one foot on his leg and held him there::
Anything you want to say to this young man? Like sorry?
Jun 25th, 2002, 02:17:50 PM
Sasha watched as Dios coughed up blood, swigging from his flask to dull the pain. Or perhaps just because he liked to drink that much. It didnt seem to be uncommon in these parts of the galaxy, he was quickly beginning to learn.
Sasha answered as Dios asked him his name.
"Sasha." He replied, his violet eyes still staring with open curiousity at Dios as he gathered himself together and dealt with the man with the big mouth.
Demon! The man had screamed, fear in his voice. A demon? Sasha leaned back against the wall, and placed his blaster back into the holster. His hand came to rest on the hilt of his saber. It had taken some time, but slowly, his saber was becoming more familiar to him, and he was beginning to go to it for defense before he pulled his blaster.
He could help but release a small smile as the jedi asked the man on the ground if he had a statement he'd like to make. An apology. A jedi? defending him? This was turning out to be quite a day, indeed. Perhaps he would take up this guy on his offer to go drinking when this ordeal was over.
The man looked back and forth between Sasha and Dios. It was clear he wanted nothing more than to be free of this mess, but his own stubborn pride wouldnt let him apologize.
"You're all crazy." He whimpered pitifully.
"Crazy people!" He suddenly screamed at the top of his voice, his fear rising to a level of panic.
"They're trying to kill me, these crazy bastards!" He shouted as he struggled to get to his feet once again.
Dios Kane
Jun 25th, 2002, 02:18:35 PM
ooc: Hey, read the bio to me char sometime in the GJO if you want, he's not moding, he gets accused of it but he's not, it's like a living vamp thing
Dios Kane
Jun 25th, 2002, 02:26:22 PM
:: Dios laughed at the man for a minute and let him go::
Don't worry man, i'll be healed by the time they come to see my wound. You'll be the crazy one here, i'm sorry you didn't listen to me, we all make choices, I would've prefered not to do that but whatever.
:: Dios took a swig from his flask and felt the pain ease away, he'd have a scar for a while but that was okay. Sacrifices must be made and chicks can dig scars, even if they are perfect circles::
So Sasha?
:: Noticing the man's hand on the hilt, Dios waved his hand at him::
There's no need for that, don't worry about it. Life goes on, that man will be accused for being crazy and we'll be forgotten. Ha, so about that drink. I'm empty and need to refill, plus someone to talk to wouldn't be bad.
Jun 25th, 2002, 02:40:33 PM
Sasha watched as the man ran off down the alleyway. His anger from earlier had cooled off a bit, though the word bastard, as it was hurled at him for the third time, still stung just a bit. But Dios was right, the man wasnt worth it, not really. Not now, anyway.
As Dios turned to him, suggested he wouldnt need his saber, he paused for a moment. It did seem that he had nothing to worry about, though, he did think Dios was still just a bit insane.
Finally he grinned. It was a lazy easy going grin. The one that came out every now and then when the kid forgot to brood about the things that troubled him. It was a grin that made him look like the eighteen year old kid that he was. Young and perhaps even a bit innocent, though little by little, his experiences were chipping away on that innocence of his.
"A drink sounds good." He finally replied. He stood up a bit straighter and stopped leaning against the wall. His hand slowly left the hilt of his saber and he took a few steps in Dios's direction, as if to join him.
"You a regular at a place around here?" He asked, referring to any of the local drinking establishments.
Dios Kane
Jun 25th, 2002, 02:46:51 PM
:: Dios laughed at that last statement::
Kid, I'm a regular at every bar, the mood i bring with me is what really matters. Hey, don't worry about that guy, his life will only get worse if he goes around talking about some guy who healed from a shot to the stomach.
:: Dios looked at Grey for a moment then shook his head and pointed away, Grey got up and ran off. Dios motioned towards Sasha and started walking towards a bar.::
Sasha, i figure you're dark side, who's your master?
Jun 25th, 2002, 03:00:08 PM
Sasha fell into stride alongside Dios as they headed towards a local bar. The whole way, Sasha was slightly on guard, trying to feel for any ill intentions on the part of Dios. One never could be too cautious. Most Jedi, he knew, didnt attack - but this one seemed a bit different, and he hadnt completely figured him out just yet.
As he asked of Sasha and his affliction for the dark side, the young boy shrugged.
"Yeah, I guess you could say that." He replied in answer to the suggestion that he was of the dark side.
"Dark Lord Dyzm is my master." He added, his thoughts reverting back for a moment to his training with his master, and then back to the situation at hand.
"So you're a jedi?" He asked, his voice clearly carrying a questioning tone.
"Are you with the GJO?" He questioned as he stepped over a drunkard lying face down on the dirty streets.
Dios Kane
Jun 25th, 2002, 03:19:37 PM
:: Dios thought for a moment, the young man was tense, like he expected Dios to lash out or something. Dios wondered what he would lash out with since he had no weapon. This kid could use a drink, desperatly.::
Yeah, i'm a jedi, Dios Kane, drinking angel of the GJO. You're master, Dark Lord Dyzm, no offense, never heard of him. I'm new to the deal, sorta. What are you with? TSE, TSO, or the Hand?
Jun 26th, 2002, 08:17:29 AM
He couldnt help but grin at the proclaimed title of 'Drinking Angel of the GJO'. Last he heard, angels didnt drink. And this guy certainly was no angel.
As they moved through the alleyways, through empty ones into more crowded ones, Sasha kept stride with this new drinking companion of his.
"The Sith Order." He replied. It wasnt a boastful tone, but it clearly carried the fact that he was grateful to be a part of them. It hadnt taken long for him to feel a sense of loyalty to them. They took good care of him, and he liked having them as a family - no matter how dysfunctional some of them were. ;)
"Whats the name of the place we're going to?" He asked, shooting an annoyed look at a rude passerby who had shoved by them. His hand instinctively went to his lightsaber and his blaster, just to be sure they were still there.
Dios Kane
Jun 26th, 2002, 08:37:38 AM
:: Dios was watching the guy, people could be annoying but this guy was a loose cannon::
We're going to a bar called the Asteriod Field, not far. Sith Order huh? Cool. We should be there soon.
:: Dios took a left into an alleyway with less people, small detour, didn't want to bother with anyone messing with anyone else until he got a drink.:
Jun 26th, 2002, 09:28:12 AM
It took only a few more back alleyways, and they came to the back entrance of the bar. It didnt seem like much from the outside, but then, appearances could be deceiving.
They ducked under the heavy curtain that kept the dust and the heat of the day outside, and found themselves in the Asteroid Field.
Sasha let Dios lead them further inside. Afterall, this guy was the expert. Hell, he was the Drinking Angel.
It was nice and cool inside, much better than the heat outside, and it made it a bit easier to not be so irritable. Several waitresses passed by the two of them, on their way to serve drinks to customers, and here and there heads turned, checking out the newcomers out of mild curiousity, then turning back to their drinks, losing interest almost immediately.
Dios Kane
Jun 26th, 2002, 09:36:09 AM
:: Dios came to a seat near the middle, between the two doors, easy access to anywhere, of course, Sasha wouldn't notice that unless something happens. Dios sat down in a booth and got two tall glasses of a drink only few could catch the name to, Dios couldn't even pronounce it, but it was one good thing to take your mind off a bad day. Dios caught attention of one of the waitresses. A very attractive waitress at that.::
Hey Dolly, when's your off hours? Give me call when you get off okay, we'll share a drink.
:: The girl blushed for a minute then hit Dios on the head with her serving tray as she left. Dios smiled::
She'll be back. So, how's your saber work? Color?
Jun 26th, 2002, 09:49:03 AM
Sasha tried to catch what it was that Dios had ordered. The last time someone had ordered a drink for him, he'd been trying to force down the worst firely liquid he'd ever tasted. He hoped this wasnt going to be as bad. He was only eighteen, and his drinking this far had been pretty limited to ales and whatever else could be easily pilfered from the liquor cabinets of parents. He was no stranger to drinking, but the variety of drinks that were available to him now that he had more of an income and time to hang out at bars certainly was.
He watched as Dios made a halfhearted attempt to pick up one of the waitresses. He shook his head and rolled his eyes, a slight expression of amusement on his face. He wouldnt ever have been so bold. It just wasnt his style, but he gave credit to those who could pull it off.
As the jedi asked him about his saber, he shrugged.
"It works ok." He replied, his answer somewhat guarded. It worked more than ok, for Mu had expertly put it together for him.
"Do you carry one?" He asked. He assumed this jedi didnt, for he'd thrown his body in front of the blaster shot, not a blade of any sort. But then, assuming anything wasnt exactly safe in this galaxy, and he knew better than to rely on an assumption.
Dios Kane
Jun 26th, 2002, 10:07:15 AM
:: The drinks came and Dios took a drink before he spoke, the liquid was like a coolant. It made your whole body feel like you were under a refreshing waterfall. He laughed at the effects, that would definitly fix a bad day, he'd enjoy it. The waitress came back in a minute with a card and slipped it to Dios, it quickly disappeared into his sleeve. He gave Sasha a wink as the waitress walked away. He reached into his coat and pulled out what looked like a 3-D puzzle that had wires and was missing more parts then deemed it safe.::
That's Genesis. My prototype saber. It's not even close to being a finished prototype. It's decked out I just need a few more things. It's too dangerous to use yet so I have to save it for special occasions.
Jun 26th, 2002, 11:38:48 AM
He watched as Dios took a drink from his glass, and then slowly, he raised his own to his lips and took a healthy slug. It was much better than other drinks he'd had, and he relaxed ever so slightly back into his seat in the booth.
As the waitress returned, he grinned to himself. She was all eyes for Dios and Sasha hadnt missed the card she'd slipped to the Jedi.
"You made that look pretty easy." Sasha commented lightly as she walked away, but then his attention was diverted as Dios pulled out a strange looking contraption that he claimed was going to be a lightsaber.
Sasha eyed it for a moment. It looked worse than the lightsaber he'd tried to construct. But hey, it didnt take a good looking piece of metal to make it dangerous. And it was only a work in progress.
"Why dont you just carry a normal one?" He asked, as he leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table to get a better look.
Dios Kane
Jun 26th, 2002, 12:06:36 PM
:: Dios laughed::
I want one that won't fail me and until then I don't like to bother with fighting if I can, I just use this one for practice. These are the main parts, I also need a sun ruby that is somewhere inside a sarlaac I'm told. The plans for the indestuctible shell to it are in a temple I'm investigating soon, and the blast control is taking a lot of money to get all the way from Coruscant. It's my "Saber Quest."
:: Dios laughed and took another drink as he slid the saber hilt to Sasha::
Here take a look, but be careful not to touch, pain is not something you want to go with the drink.
Jun 26th, 2002, 12:23:55 PM
He listened intently, for he was really quite a serious young boy, particularly when it came to learning something new. He'd grown up without a father, and while his mother had given him all that she could, there were just some things that she knew nothing about - and weapons were one of those things.
His face lit up slightly as Dios slid the saber hilt in his direction. He looked closely, and as advised, did not touch.
"Whats the sun ruby for?" He asked curiously, his violet eyes leaving the saber hilt for a moment and looking to Dios.
He picked up his glass once again and took another drink. The liquid was just as refreshing as before, and went down a bit smoother with the second slug of it.
Dios Kane
Jun 26th, 2002, 12:32:51 PM
:: Dios picked up the saber and pointed to a several crystals inside, they were small but there were hundreds of then inside the chamber where the main crystal belonged::
The sun ruby is the only one big enough to amplify my saber strong enough to make it equal to what we would consider a light weight broad sword with a saber density stronger than a knight's force push, that is an average knight, but we don't see many of them do we?
Jun 26th, 2002, 12:52:21 PM
It was true. You didnt see many average knights. Perhaps it was because they didnt survive through battles with those who were above average in their mastery of the force.
He looked to the chamber of crystals and nodded in understanding.
"So how are you going to get this ruby out of the sarlaac?" He asked.
He'd only heard of these pits, and had never actually seen one. But he knew enough to know that getting a ruby out of one wouldnt be an easy task.
Dios Kane
Jun 26th, 2002, 12:58:04 PM
:: Dios pulled out a holopad and turned it to a certain page with words on it::
Look, I've got a plan to jump down inside with these EMP generators. The sarlaac will get pissed off and everything but it won't want to touch us cause any physical contact immediatly sizzles the nerves. That hurts like no tomorrow and the digestive acid won't do much with the suits that I've got. The ruby is inside a case held by someone who's probably still being digested. I don't like causing the pain to something so huge beacuse i've gotta respect the strength that goes along with surviving in a desert but what's gotta be done has gotta be done.
Jun 26th, 2002, 02:23:09 PM
He followed the plan on the holopad. It did sound like it could work - but then, he wasnt an expert on these kinds of things at all, and he still had his doubts.
"What kind of suit do you need to have to be protected from the digestive acid of a sarlaac?" He asked, leaning back in his seat, drink in hand.
It was nearing the end of the day, and the bar was beginning to fill with people ending their day of work, and heading out for a drink to take the edge off.
Every now and then, an attractive woman or two would pass by, and Sasha would send a quick glance in their direction, but little else. It wasnt that he wasnt interested in girls - because he certainly was - but he was a bit shy when it came to dealing with them, and besides, he had his training to concentrate on.
Dios Kane
Jun 26th, 2002, 02:34:37 PM
:: Dios looked over the suit's stats as he brought em up. But before he could say anything Dolly the waitress came by and he reached out and pulled her into his lap::
Now Dolly, I want you to meet somebody, Dolly Javin meet Sasha, I met this man on the street today making a deal with another man. What do you think?
:: The waitress looked Sasha up and over and checked under the table and replied::
Nice bod, cute face, like the eyes, but too serious. Sorta like you before that whole rain thing Dios. Oh yeah, sorry hun, nice to meet you. Well Dios. I'll see ya later tonight okay.
:: She got up and walked out the resteraunt and Dios smiled as he turned back to Sasha::
Okay... well back to what I was saying, I don't know much about the chemicals soaked into the suit but they itch like hell and the acid doesn't effect em.
Jun 26th, 2002, 02:58:27 PM
The surprise was clearly written on Sasha's face as Dios snagged Dolly and pulled her onto his lap. As she checked him out, at Dios's request, his cheeks flushed a deep shade of red and he took a rather long sip of his drink.
"Nice to meet you too." He managed to mumble as she scurried out of Dios's lap and towards the exit after promising she'd see Dios later that night.
His eyes narrowed slightly. Him? Too serious? He sighed slightly after she left. He supposed that maybe he was, but was gladly distracted from thinknig about it as Dios brought the topic of their discussion back to the suits. He tried to listen, but Dolly's words had gotten to him.
"How do you know her?" He finally asked.
Dios Kane
Jun 26th, 2002, 04:12:33 PM
:: Dios pulled out of his concentration on the plan and blinked at Sasha for a minute. Why was he interested?::
How do I know her? I stayed at her house the night of my redemption after I became jedi. She felt sorry for me. Now we're friends... She's a nice girl, a little too blunt though, she doesn't have a way with words if you know what i mean.
:: He took another drink and looked at Sasha for a minute::
Don't mind her, she's like that... She said the same thing to me the first night. She's carefree and doesn't worry about much, other then the money she can make to pay rent.
Jun 26th, 2002, 04:33:14 PM
He nodded in understanding about Dolly. He knew she was harmless enough, and her words bothered him only because others had said the same thing before. It was a direct hit home with him.
"Your redemption?" He questioned, unclear about this sort of thing. He was a curious kid, and had led a relatively sheltered life until now. If this Jedi was going to share information with him, he was more than willing to learn.
Dios Kane
Jun 26th, 2002, 05:05:05 PM
:: Dios laughed, kids shouldn't learn this kinda stuff until they were parents and could tell their kids not to look but Dios would tell him anyways, it didn't matter. Just another person that knows the tale of the drinking angel. He laughed before he put up his holopad. He came in closer to the table and a serious look crossed his face as he remembered the night::
I had been Sith, not an official but bad enough the GJO didn't like me too much. I was after a vampiric jedi named Tomak Ohara. He had killed my family a long time ago and my old fashioned honor drove me crazy and I wanted to see him burn. I chased him through time and and spent 117 years after him. I finally arrive here to find he's repented and he's jedi. I don't believe him and get an idea that he's tricked the jedi so I chase him down and we fight back and forth. A few things happened and I got in my head that I didn't know what I wanted so I figured that I needed to clear my mind.
If you remember, there was a dangerous acid rainstorm about a week ago. I figured that was good enough. I sat through that and let the acid eat my skin off. I didn't know until later but Dolly had watched me burn. She thought I was dead until she saw me heal. She was scared out of her daylights like that other guy had been. But after she saw me get up and get a new pair of clothes, she figured I was okay when she saw me come back later that night to here.
I had become a jedi, I called it redemption because I was forgiven and i returned to the light i was originally trained to fight for. Now I'm laid back because I know what i'm doin, sorta. I don't find it as much fun being bent on hatred and anger. I can be just as good if I trust in the force, not rule it.
The night of the rain I was spoken to by my master and he told me to turn away, so I did. And I was forgiven for what I did. So no much was against me.
Now I just get a limb cut off everyonce in awhile and I get beat up here and there but I come out on top every once in a while. Hey, you any good with that saber?
Jun 27th, 2002, 05:58:24 AM
He hadnt touched his drink during Dios's tale. Instead, he had listened thoughtfully, letting all of it sink in for a moment.
But when Dios asked him about his skills with his saber, he lifted the glass to his lips, finishing off the cool liquid. It was almost calming. Almost.
He shrugged and sighed.
"Im ok, I guess." He admitted quietly. This was something that bothered him. He'd only had it gifted to him a couple of weeks ago, and he was learning to use it. But he'd received no formal training with it just yet.
He eyed Dios for a moment. So he had been a Sith as well. This was the second Sith he'd met who had switched sides to become a jedi. Xazor had been the first one he had met.
Dios Kane
Jun 27th, 2002, 10:27:51 AM
:: Dios watched the sith apprentice as he drank down his drink. He needed the experience and this wouldn't be something to pass up.::
Wanna spar?
Jun 28th, 2002, 07:55:15 AM
He stared silently at Dios for a moment, as if trying to decide whether or not agreeing to spar would be a good decision or not.
He didnt know how extensive Dios's skills were with a lightsaber, but he knew the extent of his own. If things got a bit out of hand....
But he brushed those thoughts aside. He was impatient to learn, and if this was an opportunity, he was going to take it.
A slight grin came to his features and he nodded.
"Yeah. I do." He replied.
Dios Kane
Jun 28th, 2002, 08:36:54 PM
:: Dios grinned, here was his chance to learn more. He wasn't the best lightsaber master, haha. He barely knew anything but a few things he learned from the academy and a few other duels. This would be a chance to learn from somebody out of the jedi area. He'd fought sith before but that was serious. This was only a spar.::
Follow me, we'll spar in the back. They never lock it just in case I don't have a ride out and I need a place to sleep.
:: They walked out into the open room. It was their storage room and had a big ring in the middle for loading things. It was empty so it made a perfect spar ring. Dios drew his saber and turned it on, the lack of crystal let it come out silently and slowly. It flickered for a moment and then came back on. Dios smirked as the orange blade washed over his face. He let the force flow through him as he let his sword become an extension to his arm.::
Jul 1st, 2002, 07:41:38 AM
Sasha stood from their table and followed Dios towards a back room. As they walked in, he looked about just a bit, taking in the surroundings and making every effort to memorize and become comfortable with them. Knowing ones surroundings was always helpful in a battle - as he had learned with his encounter with a bounty hunter weeks ago.
As Dios ignited his lightsaber, it flickered slightly, slowing powering up. Sasha eyed it for a moment, then pulled his own from his belt and ignited it. The blade hissed immediately into action, the orange blade mirroring Dios's.
He brought his blade up in what felt like a natural defensive position, and when Dios asked if he was ready, he nodded. And then he swung the orange blade. It wasnt a violent, anger filled swing, but it wasnt a halfhearted effort either.
There was anger and tension deep within him, and this was the perfect activity to help release it.
Dios Kane
Jul 1st, 2002, 03:13:11 PM
:: Dios blocked the saber and threw a force blast at him to knock him off balance. He threw his arm out at his chest as he came in with a slash diagonally.::
Jul 2nd, 2002, 12:52:55 PM
Sasha stumbled back from the force blast. It had been unexpected, as he'd never had it done to him, and his experience battling with sabers was limited, at best.
As Dios's saber came slashing down at him, before he'd truly had a chance to recover, he did all that he could to get his saber out there just in time to deflect the blow that was coming to him.
When he regained his footing, his violet eyes expressed the resentment he felt. This was a spar....or so he had thought. Perhaps he had been wrong. Anger, at the fact that perhaps he'd been a bit stupid in accepting the challenge to spar fueled him, and he rushed at Dios, his orange blade swining with anger this time, not thehalf hearted gesture of before.
Dios Kane
Jul 4th, 2002, 10:00:00 AM
:: Dios sensed the dark side flow through Sasha as he came at him again. He had been caught off gaurd,Dios didn't believe it would happen again. Dios couldn't sum that much force for a while anyways. He blocked the slash and was knocked back from the momentum. He really was angry. It was just a spar to Dios but he hoped it wouldn't become more tham that. Dios tried to slash back but Sasha's anger was speeding him and the man had blocked his attack before he could even get to it. Dios came in with another high cut this time as he kicked out low with his foot and came in with a punch to follow up. He was remembering the time he had cut Tempist and the knight had used the pain only to make him faster and stronger. Sith had a tendecy to do that when they became angry.::
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