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Dasquian Belargic
Jun 24th, 2002, 12:35:54 PM
After having been assigned Lion El' Jonson as one of the five new Padawans he was to teach, Dasquian had gathered up a few items and set out into the wild-lands surrounding the Jedi Order. On Yavin IV he had located an area, at the foot of a mountain, which was wreathed in forest and foliage. After placing down the duffel-bag of equipment he'd brought, the Knight sat down to rest atop a boulder. Now all he needed to do was wait for Lion to arrive, then he could begin their training session.
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 7th, 2002, 02:56:39 PM
Lion hurried through the forests that covered Yavin IV. He had been running through the forest for almost an hour now, and still he had not found his new master.
"Ughhh, I'm really going to need a shower after this" he groaned to himself, as he walked through another heap of bushes.
Finally, after another few minutes of minutes of searching, he sat down on a rock. He had learned little of the force, but he knew enough to find people that were very gifted in the force. His master would certainly be one of those people. Closing his eyes, he reached out and cleared his thoughts as Mistress Jedi Xazor had shown him to, and tried to locate the man. Just as he got a lock on Master Belargic, a piranha beetle stung him on the arm.
"Ahhh!" yelled Lion, and he tumbled off the rock...
"Gah, shoot! Owww!" he called as he rolled down a hill....
Only to land at the bottom of the hill, at the feet of Master Belargic. Picking himself off the ground and dusting off all of the dirt that had clung to his dark green cloak and his long blonde hair, Lion said:
"Good afternoon, Master Belargic. I'm Lion El' Jonson, one of your new padawans. I didn't plan on arriving like this, but things happen..."
Lion noticed the duffel bag, and then turned his eyes back to his new Master, waiting for a response.
(ooc: sorry, I've been on a cruise near Mexico for the last week.....I would've answered sooner.)
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 10th, 2002, 06:26:42 AM
Dasquian chuckled quietly as he saw Lion dashing into the area. He rose up from where he had been sat and bowed softly to the Padawan, smiling somewhat.
“Greetings, my apprentice. It is good to finally meet you,”
He held his hand out and gave the man a firm handshake.
“Before we start your training, have a seat, and let’s hear a bit about you and your life,” the Jedi Knight said as he sat back down.
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 10th, 2002, 09:40:33 PM
Lion took a seat on the same rock that he had crashed into, then thought about what to say....might as well start somewhere...
"I'm also very pleased to meet you, Master Belargic...Is there anything you would like me to call you?"
Lion pushed himself up on the rock a bit, because he had started to slide off...
"Well, Master Belargic, I got to the Jedi Academy about a month ago, after 8 years of trying to get to it. I must have taken 20 freighters before I got to the Yavin system, most captains are reluctant to travel to this area. I've lived my life as a mercenary. I know that my grandfather, and others in my family, were Jedi from some records I came across while doing a job for the Black Sun. After that, I decided to become a Jedi."
He slid off the rock and landed on the ground.
"It's been an odd life. I don't really remember my grandpa at all....he was killed during the purges, more than 50 years before I was born...By the way, I'm 22 years old. My mercenary years were interesting. I've worked for Black Sun, the New Republic, the Hutts, even the Empire, once...I've been through space battles, ground battles, even battles underwater. I used to have a scar down the side of my face from ejecting from my starship when a bunch of pirates jumped me, but it's gone are hundreds of other wounds I received."
Leaning against the rock, he recalled the times he'd come so close to death: Being hit with a blaster bolts during the revolt on Marquez VII, being hit with an amphistaff from a Yuuzhan Vong remnant...
"My parents live on Corellia, and I went to see them just before I left for Yavin. They gave me the money to charter a ship here, and that's my story...I've been training a bit with Xazor and some of the other padawans. I like hot might find me walking around the East Wing, where I live, with a few drinks at 3:00 usually starts some pretty odd conversations, just ask Azhure. I have a few friends here, and I finally bought a ship, which I named the Black Dawn. Besides my skills with a blaster and swordfighting , I'm guess that I'm also a pretty good mechanic..."
Lion suddenly realised that he had been babbling on about his life for 30 minutes. Blushing, he said:
"Sorry for speaking so much, master, it must have been very boring listening to me drone on and on about my life. Anyways, I don't even have a lightsaber yet, and I stashed my other weapons in one of the drawers in my room. I usually hang out in Master Yoghurt's bar, a lot of interesting things happen there."
Lion sighed before jumping back onto the rock.
"Anyways, enough about me, master. I'm very interested in hearing about you, if it isn't too much trouble..."
(ooc: My character is 6'4", fairly thin, and has blonde hair and green eyes. He usually wears a long dark green cloak over a blue *cough* hawaiian shirt *cough*, a green t-shirt, and dark blue shorts...hey, it's basically me! I NEVER write this much, but there's nothing to do today...)
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 11th, 2002, 02:13:01 AM
Dasquian nodded after listening, and began with:
“You may address me as either Dasquian, Master or whatever you wish, Lion. As to saying too much, I would not say so… everything you have said has been very informative.”
The Knight shifted on the rock and paused before speaking once more.
“My past is one of the more unusual ones you will find. I was infact born some hundreds of years ago. My existence here is due to pure fluke. I was held in cryosleep on a ship for centuries.
“You see my life was led primarily back in the Old Republic, under the tutelage of Jedi Master Yoda. I and my twin brother, Aaron, trained there with him.”
To him, his history was painful. The thought of his dead family caused his smile to fade a little.
“Back to you though… your time with the Black sun and as a mercenary sounds interesting. Did you learn any useful skills whilst acting as a rogue?”
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 11th, 2002, 09:01:16 AM
Lion gasped when he heard that his master was 100s of years old...and that he had trained under the legendary Master Yoda...
My master's terrible...
"Focus" he thought to himself. "He asked you a question, answer it!"
"I believe I learned a lot while I was a mercenary. It teaches you to be self-sufficient and to improvise. I was stuck on an asteroid with a broken arm for 3 days before a cargo ship picked me up...that is an interesting story."
Yet again, another beetle stung his arm...
"GAHH! Stupid bugs..."
"Anyway, I had gone undercover for an entire year so I could catch a mechanic...I learned a lot about servicing vehicles and starships, which was useful during my job. I rarely pulled into space-ports for repairs, so I had to repair my old ship myself. My old starship was cluttered with, well, pizza boxes and instant noodle cups, but that was before it was destroyed. My new ship is much easier to take care of. I also learned how to use most ranged weapons, and how to fight with swords and staffs."
Lion layed down on the grass, then lept back up when he realised there was a poisionous Arkanid next to him. "I've really gotta look where I'm going" he thought to himself.
"Besides skills with weapons, I learned how to track, how to tend to my own wounds, and generally how to survive alone. The life of a mercenary is hard, and definitely doesn't leave you with a sense of accomplishment, but it is profitable. Before I bought my new ship, I had enough credits to buy some land on a out-of-the-way planet and just kick back while the war raged on...but I couldn't."
Lion knew that he should probably shut up now and listen to his master, but he had one question:
"Master, what is Yoda like? Is he like the stories say he is, a wise and powerful warrior?"
(ooc: is there any star wars equivalent to instant noodles or pizza?)
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 11th, 2002, 09:11:52 AM
It seemed of all of the Padawan’s Dasquian had been assigned to, Lion was the most talkative. Of course, this was not a bad thing, infact the more Lion said the better as it would give Dasquian a better impression of his student. In the end, too, they two were not only tutor and pupil, but friends too.
“Master Yoda was the wisest creature that I ever met. I studied with him for a full year, and have to agree that all that is said about him is true.”
The Jedi Knight rose up to his feet. He folded his hands behind his back and looked upwards into the sky for a second or so.
“Perhaps our first session should be one of survival,” he murmured.
Turning to look down to Lion, he nodded to both his apprentice and also in agreement with himself.
“Alright, we’re going to take one of two roads here,” he said. “The first leads up the mountain and the second deep into the forest. It is your choice where we go.”
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 11th, 2002, 09:26:41 AM
"Well..." Lion thought to himself "This should be interesting..."
Pictures raced through his head as he thought of the forest: huge trees, thousands of predators, crazy weather...Maybe the mountain wasn't such a bad idea, after all...but then, Lion remembered that he should challenge himself, like Xazor had told him to...besides, his master would protect him. Still, without his trusty Heavy Blaster at his hip, Lion felt very vulnerable.....
"Master, I think we should go into the Jungle...I've never been into it before, though I've heard a lot about it, and what lies within."
He leaned against a rock and stared into the Jungle's dark depths...
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 12th, 2002, 02:26:47 AM
“Nice choice,” he said with a nod before turning and trotting down some of the steps that lead to a path into the woods.
“What we’ll test out tonight is some improvisation using new skills. Think of it as development with immediate cause for action.”
By this Dasquian meant that as he taught Lion they would also be having to use the new skills to ensure a safe night in the forest.
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 02:02:13 PM
Lion grinned. He would have thought of the forest as anything but "a nice choice", but no turning back now.
Lion turned towards his master and said:
"What is it like in cryosleep? I've never been in it...and neither has anybody else I know."
Lion leapt up from the rock and followed his master down some steps, wondering what those "new skills" would be.
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 16th, 2002, 02:03:06 AM
"It's unusual, to say the least. When you enter it, your mind just ... well, falls into a sleep. When you wake up from it, your body is stiff and limbs won't function for some time."
Dasquian kept on walking, recalling the time when he'd arisen from the sleep. He and Aaron had been blind for some hours, and couldn't move at all for a whole day.
"It's not a pleasant experience, but I am somewhat thankful for it - as it is what has brought me here today."
He smiled somewhat, turning to look to Lion before pacing off the last step into a dirt track that lead into the thickets of the forest.
"Do you know much about the creatures that inhabit this planet, Lion?"
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 16th, 2002, 09:50:15 AM
", master" Lion ansered truthfully. "I've been studying, but besides these stupid beetles, I've only found reference to Exar Kun's dark flying creatures. I have heard rumors, though, about other terrible predators."
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 17th, 2002, 02:52:14 AM
As they paced through the tall violet-barked Massassi trees, Dasquian took in the smells of the flora. There were blueleaf shrub all around, which enhanced the height of smell and of seeing for anyone who caught their smell. Around his feet, vivid nebula orchids sprouted, and he knelt down to pick one up - popping it in his pocket, to give to a special friend later.
"Exar Kun has left behind two-headed lizards, that is correct, though there presence is now unknown to us..."
He looked around as they walked further through the plants.
"You will find many creatures here, Yavinian runyips, lizard crabs, whisper birds, reptile birds, stinger lizards, crystal snakes, armoured eels, stump lizards, crawlfish, stintaril rodents, piranha-beetles... they are all fairly harmless, in the most part, albeit somewhat odd looking."
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 17th, 2002, 01:26:28 PM
"Harmless? Oh, okay. Their names seem to suggest otherwise, though."
Lion had been starring at the ground trying not to trip over any tree roots when he ran into the branch...
"Ughhh, this is not my day."
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 19th, 2002, 02:40:48 AM
He chuckled quietly.
"Watch where you're going Lion. You have to be aware of your surroundings or else you'll end up getting yourself very much in trouble."
They came to a small drop at this point, which Dasquian jumped down with flighty ease. He landed with a soft thud and looked around - they were in a small gulley, clear of foliage, yet surround by hills which lead back up towards the Order.
"What do you think of this area as a campsite?"
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 19th, 2002, 10:12:45 PM
"I'll keep that in mind, master. I certainly have enough run-ins with physical objects. I remember at the dance...I ran straight into the door."
Lion was still rubbing his forehead when he looked around at the area. It was...beautiful, to say the least. A lot like the rest of Yavin IV.
"Well, I've definitely seen worse, master...and stayed in places a lot worse, too."
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 20th, 2002, 09:49:22 AM
"So you see no weakness with this area?"
Though the Knight did not face his apprentice, it was obvious even without a look at his face that he was up to something.
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 20th, 2002, 10:29:38 AM
Lion did not miss his master's tone.
"Well, Master, from a mercenary's point of view, there's a few things wrong. There's no cover, and we're sort of trapped on both sides...I am sure I missed something, though."
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 25th, 2002, 10:03:52 AM
"Exactly. Lion, lead me to an area which you think would be secure," Dasquian said with a nod.
"Then detail exactly why it is secure."
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 26th, 2002, 11:19:40 AM
Lion didn't know Yavin's forests very well, since he usually just exercised at the academy, but he wouldn't give up till he found a good spot..his Merc skills took over, and Lion finally found a good the top of a mountain...they had been climbing for hours and hours...
..wiping some sweat from his brow, Lion layed down on one of the numberous rocks...they were now inside a crater, which led Lion to believe that this mountain is an extinct volcano...there were numerous rocks and some trees growing inside the crater, and there was one way out...a fairly large opening that must have been created when the volcano erupted...
"Well, Master, I think this would be a good camp...almost every side is nearly vertical, so you'd need climbing gear to get down...the only way out is through that opening, and it would be easy to hold...the only thing it lacks is an escape route...there is also a lot of vegetation and some rocks to provide us with cover from blasters..."
Lion thought that this was the kind of place he'd have camped when he was a mercenary...not the most easily defensible place, but much better than camping out in the open...
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 27th, 2002, 02:03:28 AM
Dasquian paused to survey the area, then nodded.
"Excellent, Lion. Now as we do not have our own camping gear, we will have to construct a makeshift tent, a barricade for that opening, and also start up a fire."
Another pause.
"And find some food."
He grinned - this would be interesting.
"Which do you think we should do first?"
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 27th, 2002, 11:16:12 AM
"...No idea, master...Maybe the shelter, since we'll need to sleep and we can survive a night without food is we really have to...I haven't thought of what to built the barricade out of..."
Lion looked around the crater...some trees, some rocks, some grass....
...wait a minute, rocks...They could build a barricade out of rocks...
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 28th, 2002, 02:41:55 AM
"That's right, we won't need food at all, however we should perhaps scout around for some water."
He grinned.
"Let's work on the barricade first though. I want you to lift the rocks into place, Lion ... but I want you to do it with the Force."
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 28th, 2002, 09:53:11 AM
...Lion was surprised and a bit worried. Before he had the force, Lion had worked out everyday, and he still did...learning to rely less on your muscles was hard. He had learned to lift small rocks with Mistress Xazor and Mistress Navaria, but every time he moved, the rock scattered and usually hit him in the foot...
"Okay, Master...I'm not very good at lifting things, you should ask Sejah one day...he'll tell you some stories; still, I'll try it if you'll teach me."
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 29th, 2002, 03:09:41 AM
"All you need to do is visualize what you are doing, Lion. That is the simplest technique for everything with the Force. Visualize and push all of your energy into making it come to pass,"
He paced forward and extended one hand, pointing it to a large boulder. Then, upturning his palm, the stone hovered into the air. He swept his hand out to the side, and the rock moved with it before landing in the large opening infront of them.
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 29th, 2002, 08:13:15 PM
Lion took it all in, and then moved to a fairly small boulder...he didn't think he could lift a huge boulder like his master....
"Okay, Master. Is that hand gesture necessary, or is it just for demonstration?" Lion asked, as he closed his eyes and tried to move the rock.
"Okay, forget the eyes closed thing..." he told himself, and visualized moving the kinda quivered, but not much...Lion was wondering what he was doing wrong, then thought back to what Xazor had said..."pretend that rock is the the only thing in the universe..."
Lion cleared his head, seeing the boulder and where he wanted it in his mind's eye. Then, he applied a bit of concentration, and opened his see the rock floating in midair...he visualized the rock moving to a dead tree stump, and it moved...slowly, but it was moving...after 10 minutes, the boulder finally set down on the stump, and Lion sat down...he was sweating, and the work he had just done seemed twice as hard as climbing the mountain they were on right now....
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 3rd, 2002, 11:11:41 AM
Dasquian waved some more rocks over into place - the gesture was not needed, but it gave him better concentration.
"Try more than one at once, now, to get the job done quicker."
[OOC: Sorry about the delay ^_^;]
Lion El' Jonson
Aug 3rd, 2002, 01:03:37 PM
Confident in his newfound ability to lift rocks, Lion visualized two fairly small boulders liting in the air and closed his eyes.
"Okay, master, I think I can do this...."
He moved his hand and opened his eyes, and to his surprise, the rocks were both in the air.
"Yes...." he thought to himself....mistake...
The rocks had started to wiggle in the air.
"Oh, crap."
Lion fought desperately to keep them steady, and all of a sudden, they both changed direction and started zooming towards him...his intuition took over and he did a backflip right before the rocks hit him, avoiding a concussion.
A second later, the rocks charged towards each other and collided, turning each other into dust...Lion was a bit embarrased, but he smiled and said:
"Well, master, that didn't go to we have any need for fine powder?"
(ooc: NP, life hapens, :lol)
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 8th, 2002, 04:15:24 AM
Dasquian chuckled at Lion's last remark.
"Perhaps we should gather some wood, I can always tend to the rocks later,"
The Knight retrieved his saber from his belt and jogged towards the edge of the small crater. With a quick leap, he'd bounded up onto the plateau above, and igniting his saber. The aim of this task was to practice precision saber skills, by cleaving the trees into even shapes and formations to create fire wood.
Lion El' Jonson
Aug 8th, 2002, 11:19:45 PM
"Okay, sure, Master."
Lion walked over to the rim of the crater and then looked up...
"Er, can I have a bit of help, please?"
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 17th, 2002, 03:10:56 AM
"I want you to jump up yourself, Lion. Use the Force, pump your muscles with it and spring up here," he replied with a slight smile.
Lion El' Jonson
Aug 17th, 2002, 04:14:37 PM
"...okayyyyyy......" Lion said, a bit unsure...
He focused all of his control into his legs...he could feel the force pumping through him...and then, crouching a bit, he jumped...
He immediately went flying up towards the rim of the crater and he threw his hands out to grab onto the edge...he had done it...he was panting heavily, but was smiling anyway...
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 18th, 2002, 03:02:45 AM
Dasquian extended a hand to Lion and pulled him up onto the edge of the dip. He smiled broadly.
"Excellent, Lion! Now, for the wood,"
He ignited his saber, sending a brilliant orange beam into the air. Turning to look on the thick patch of trees to his left, he approached them and then cast a glance at Lion expectantly.
Lion El' Jonson
Aug 18th, 2002, 05:42:48 AM
Lion followed his master, then reached inside his cloak for his saber...Lion pulled it out and ignited it, and a very wide blue beam lept from the yellow handle...
"This is my lightsaber...I named it Deathwing, after my planet's legendary elite guard...I found it in the rubble of my grandfather's projects its blade like a broadsword...something to do with the crystal positioning, I guess..."
Lion walked towards the cluster of trees alongside his master...
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 23rd, 2002, 02:56:44 AM
Dasquian smiled. The saber was indeed unique, and looked incredibly broad in comparison to the thin-blade that he bore. Turning, he approached one of the younger trees. It had not yet begun to grow fully, and stood at around four foot tall, though it would provide enough wood for the evening. Lowering his saber to it, he slowly cut off a small piece - a branch - and floated it with the Force to his hand. It was around 2 inchs square.
"Alright, we need lots of these."
Lion El' Jonson
Aug 28th, 2002, 07:20:20 AM
Lion takes his massive saber and looks for a tree a lot like the one that his master had cut a branch off from. Lion decided to use the one his master had cut from, and moves closer to the short tree. With one small movement, the bright blue blade cuts into another branch, but by accident, Lion goes too far and slices off a few more pieces of the tree.
"Erm, oops..." Lion says, with his eyes closed. He was concentrating extremely hard on keeping three of the branches from falling to the ground, and after a minute or so, manages to float them to his hand, though it took a lot of effort.
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 2nd, 2002, 03:38:17 AM
Dasquian nodded, pleased. He cut a few more pieces then hopped back down into the crater, mounting them up in the center. He placed a few stones around the sticks, and looked up to Lion.
"We have no matches, so we'll have to start the fire ourselves.. can you think of a way of doing this, using the force?"
Lion El' Jonson
Sep 2nd, 2002, 04:00:13 AM
Lion smiled, before jumping down the side of the crater, applying as much force power as he could muster so that he didn't end up breaking both of his legs when he landed...he still hit the ground hard enough to rattle his knees, and limped over to his master, placing the sticks on the pile as he went...
...Lion was straining his mind to think of ideas...he had always used a firestarter, but now...
"...erm, bash rocks together, Master?" Lion was just was the best idea he could come up with...
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 4th, 2002, 10:06:41 AM
"A practical idea," he replied with a laugh,
"But there is a way that we can create friction and thus heat with the Force. This is a little above both of us at this time however and favoured more often by those of the darkside, so we will stick to the more primitive methods," he added with a smile.
"Whilst I'm doing that, do you think you could set up a small camp? I'm expecting a visitor to our session soon, and we need to have our living quarters ready in time."
Lion El' Jonson
Sep 5th, 2002, 02:57:59 AM
Lion also smiled as he walked away...a visitor, eh? And he guessed that his master was referring to lightning...although he had once seen Hobgoblin create fireballs with his hands...
He had started towards the rocks when he realised he didn't have any idea what he was gonna build a camp with...embarrased, he walked back towards his master.
"Erm, Master? The biggest thing I've got to make a tent out of is my cloak..." he said, beginning to take the dark green cloak off of his back...
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 5th, 2002, 11:08:35 AM
Dasquian's eyes rose upwards to the trees that still stood standing. Some of the plants around them bore huge canopies of leaves that would make for excellent cover when the rain came - for surely this evening it would.
"We don't have much time before he arrives, quick quick," Dasquian said as he ushered Lion towards the trees whilst clicking two pebbles together, sparking the fire alight.
Lion El' Jonson
Sep 6th, 2002, 06:25:25 PM
Lion ran over to the site again and looked around...trees...they'd make a good cover, If he could figure out what to do with them...maybe he'd just build their encampment under the trees.
Lion walked over to a particularly thick grove of trees...there was one ideal spot, near the middle, but it was blocked by a cluster of giant rocks...
"Oh well..."
Lion shrugged and started concentrating on moving the rocks, one by was extremely slow work...
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 11th, 2002, 10:09:20 AM
He helped Lion as the two set up camp for the evening, arranging a canopy of leaves above them and a large sheet beneath them. The small makeshift tent was set close to the fire, and looked out at the barracade they'd created on the entrance of the crater.
Beneath their canvas, Dasquian sat cross-legged, with Lion at his side, as the two warmed themselves on the fire. It was not a particularly cold day, but as the night drew inwards it was evident that the temperature was dropping fairly rapidly. Dark clouds in the west told of rain to come; the evening was going to be very bitter indeed. This, of course, did not stop the visitor that the Knight had been anticipating.
Barely an hour after their completion of their habitat for the evening leaves rustling could be heard. Then up above, a twig cracked. Something sniffed at the air, then popped its muzzle over the edge of the pit - a grey timberwolf, with three pups in tow. The mother picked up the smallest of her children by the scruff of its neck then snuck down onto the flat with Lion and his Master, whilst the other two young ones followed with boisterous bounds.
The wolf dropped her pup and trotted across to the two Jedi, where upon Dasquian reached out and gave the beast a light pat on the head. The wolves seemed somewhat wary of Lion.
"Calm them," he remarked quietly to Lion, "Try to gently affect their minds into trusting you."
Lion El' Jonson
Sep 11th, 2002, 04:47:21 PM
"Wha?" Lion asked, quietly, as the wolves trotted over to Dasquian. The mother was big, and could probably tear his arms off in one go...
Lion sighed...oh, well...when the universe decides your time is up, it's up......
Going into the deepest trance he could, Lion tried reaching out towards the presences in the clearing...Master Dasquian's were walled off, and the cubs so curious and full of energy that they made Lion's head spin...shaking the feeling off, he reached towards the mother.
It was a weird feeling, almost like being in two places at once with the same body...Lion brushed the female's curiosity, trying to push it away, and he felt it loosen a bit...
Got it... Lion thought..oops...lost it.....
The mother growled at him, seemingly from hundreds of miles away, but Lion took no notice...he went back to work, trying to sweep away the sense of distrust and caution in the animal's head...
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 20th, 2002, 11:10:56 AM
Dasquian watched, impressed. Though Lion was still learning, the excercise was a promising one and although he had not tested it out yet on other Padawans, Lion seemed to be utilizing his skills to accomplish it as best possible - and of course, this was all that he could ask of him.
Lion El' Jonson
Sep 25th, 2002, 06:52:49 AM
Lion was concentrating...he was dimly aware of the sweat beginning to bead up on his forehead, and yet, he still couldn't calm the wolf mother. It seemed as if she had built up a resistance to him, like his probe was a virus that her body was keeping out...
...and still, he continued searching for a way in, trying to brush away the mother's thoughts of fear and anger.
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 29th, 2002, 03:38:11 AM
"Just relax and it will come to you Lion. Strain, and you are only making it a larger obstacle."
Visibly, the wolf was less wary of the Jedi, though still she held back now from him, nuzzling her pups into staying at a good distance from him.
Lion El' Jonson
Oct 2nd, 2002, 06:03:21 PM
Lion took his master's advice, though he made little visual indication that he had heard him. He eased back, letting his mental probe recede, and relaxed, then tried again, barely pushing this time.
Surprisingly, it was much easier. The animal's mental barriers didn't seem to notice him, and didn't think of him as a battering ram anymore.
"Ya know, I think I'm getting the hang of this..." Lion thought...
Dasquian Belargic
Oct 10th, 2002, 11:58:30 AM
The wolf warmed to him and approached, nuzzling her muzzle against the Padawan's hand in a friendly fashion.
"Well done, Lion. The creature, she can speak too. Everything speaks, it's only a matter of getting the right frequency."
Smiling, he leant back and looked up at the sky.
"It's dark... we should get some sleep..."
And so they did. The pair fell sharply asleep by the light of the fire, with the family of wolves as company. It was only as dawn rose did they noticed the beasts had departed. The cinders on the fire were still warm and glowed dull, but gave off minimal heat. The rain from the night before had thickened the soil about them into a faintly paste like mud. The first to wake, Dasquian stood up, and shook himself off, casting away some dust and joy-riding insects with the brush of a palm.
The sound of a lightsaber cutting through the air was heard, as the beam swept down towards the still waking Padawan.
Lion El' Jonson
Oct 11th, 2002, 10:34:57 AM
"Uhh....gah!" Lion yelled, as he tumbled forwards in his sleeping bag to avoid the saber, his hand instinctively reaching down to his side to grab his own saber. He rolled over, but accidentally got stuck in his makeshift blanket, resulting in a hard landing on his extended arm...he winced a bit...
"Well...that was unexpected..." Lion thought, trying to extract himself from his cloak which he had been sleeping under. He had waken the wolves when he had yelled, and tried to send soothing thoughts towards them, but they were too agitated.
"Ugh..." Lion said as he stood up, trying to extract his coat from the muddy ground..."A good morning to you too, master..." Lion uttered, though he was smiling.
Dasquian Belargic
Oct 12th, 2002, 03:20:58 AM
Flicking the tip of his saber downwards, he pointed it at Lion's stomach.
"A Jedi must be prepared for anything at any time. You could be asleep in your own quarters and Sith could attack, or you could be out with a comrade who suddenly turns upon you for one reason or another. For this reaosn, you must always keep your wits about you... and if you cannot do this, then have lightning reflexes."
The beam of his saber was disengaged and he clipped it to his belt. He motioned for Lion to go and stand opposite him, about 6 or 7 foot away. Then instructed him to face away from his Master.
'I'm going to send projectiles at you, and your job is to stop them before they pass you. You will, therefore, have to sense from which area they are coming and spin around in time, possibly moving also, to catch them."
Kneeling, he scooped up a handful of rocks and lobbed the first one just to the right of Lion's shoulder.
Lion El' Jonson
Oct 13th, 2002, 05:04:33 AM
Lion nodded and turned away from his master, then prepared to try and take down the rocks.
He reached into the force as best he could, slowly trying to sense everything around with his limited abilities. He sensed something coming, a second before it actually happened, and spun around, slashing one of his hands out...
...the rock hit him in the chest...
"Well...I stopped it, anyway...good thing it wasn't a bullet..."
Lion was embarrased, but he was determined to get this right.
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