View Full Version : Kanji - A Flicker In The Darkness
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 24th, 2002, 12:19:57 PM
The grounds of the Jedi Academy had become bathed in a soft orange glow as the now setting sun of Yavin IV passed over them. It hung low in the sky, mottled with pale clouds. The soft twitter of birds floated on the breeze as, down in a small courtyard, the Jedi Knight Dasquian Belargic sat cross-legged. He was perched upon a small pillar, admiring the setting around him as he awaited the arrival of one of his Padawans - Kanji.
Jun 24th, 2002, 01:00:47 PM
A heavy robed figure shuffled down and out of one surrounding building and into the fading light. The black robe covered all but a tip of a snout of the figure, it shuffled out into the clearing surrounded by pillars and one soul on a pillar.
"Greetings" It spoke..
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 24th, 2002, 01:06:43 PM
At the sound of the voice the Knight turned quietly to nod in greeting to the one who had spoken. A slight smile appeared on his lips as he regarded the robed figure.
"Greetings. You are Kanji, I presume?"
Dasquian rose up to his feet, giving a light bow, and without waiting for a reply spoke again:
"Dasquian Belargic - good to meet you, Kanji."
Jun 24th, 2002, 01:26:37 PM
Kanji returned the bow,
"Pleasssure to meet you, Dasquian. Or... should I ssay, Masster Belargic."
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 24th, 2002, 01:32:22 PM
He nodded lightly then retook his seat on the stone pillar which had been sat upon, gesturing for Kanji to do the same on one of the other totem's in the area.
"Now then Kanji, I confess I know very little about you. Perhaps we should begin with you telling me a little about yourself, your past,"
He paused, then added:
"Just an overview if you wish, but I would rather learn a lot about you than a little."
Jun 24th, 2002, 02:45:14 PM
Kanji easily climbed the totem and positioned himself atop it comofrtably. Removing the hood and showing his 'face' Kanji began speaking;
"I was born on the uncharted planet Azaroth in the Ansalon star system, one of a three clutch born by Mother. One of my brothers died during the day of life gift by dragon hunters, fiendish humanoid creatures with wings of a bug. Our mother and father were able to evacuate us to a safehouse of the Drakans in the eastern continent of Kryn, The dragonslayers couldn’t reach us there and that was good. I grew and matured in peace until the Dark Wars. A demon by the name of Rimril created a Life-pact between himself and his mount Aroh. Aroh was the largest and supreme ruler of all dragonkind and slowly becoming one with the dark side.
The day the Dark Wars began, I was training as a Dragoon Knight (A Drakan half-breed Warrior) and our entire sect was called to the war. I could not make the journey by flight, so Father bore me and Mother to the battle. I had heard that the great warrior Rynn and the Dragon Arokh were bringing a great sword known as the RuneBlade, hours after the battle began they arrived bearing a glowing blue Rune Sword. Rimril fought Rynn blade to blade as I watched, too scared to fight after watching Father and Mother fall into the rift, A glowing vortex of nothingness. Rimril struck Rynn down, I couldn’t watch while another I knew was to die.
Gripping my own mithril sword, I slew Rimril by decapitation ending the war. Arokh bore Rynn away whilst I fled to the human city of Nargoth which had been overrun by wartox. I snuck into the city and stole a star ship. I fled system to system until I had arrived at Yavin. Here I petitioned to become a Jedi and stop wars and bring Justice around. And here I stand."
Kanji finished his story, taking a quick deep breath; "Is there anything else you wish to know?"
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 25th, 2002, 09:55:57 AM
Dasquian listened intently as his apprentice recounted his past, giving a nod at the end of the tale.
"A most curious background, Kanji, however what I find even more interesting is you."
The Knight paused.
"That is, your race, your species. Could you tell me of that, also?"
Jun 25th, 2002, 10:47:05 AM
"The Drakan?" Kanji rubbed his 'chin' with one cloth wrapped hand.
"Well.. We are half-breeds, that is; Half Draco and Half Terran, most can become airborne, while a few select types cannot. Drakan's have a natural breath weapon depending on what type the father or mother draco was. Agility, Strength, stamina all are increased over time..." Kanji paused for a moment, "I belive that is a over-veiw.. please, ask any questions."
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 25th, 2002, 10:49:37 AM
"And you can phase from one form into another?"
Dasquian asked, his head canting with curiousity.
"You will have to pardon my ignorance, Kanji, I am not well educated in much of the galaxies."
Jun 25th, 2002, 10:53:24 AM
"Aye, shapeshifting is a certain talent of mine." Kanji chuckled, "Not everyone is full of knowlege, Master."
"For your reference, I belive a demostration is in call?" Kanji 'smiled'. Concentrating lightly, His form began to shrink, his head took on more humanish features as the rest of his body. Soon, He was nearly a direct dupilcate of Dasquian in every feature but one, his eyes remained the cobalt blue..
"Only drawback to this phasing, is one feature is left out. Usually the eyes."
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 25th, 2002, 11:39:11 AM
A grin came over the Knight.
"Very impressive," he said as he stared back into the dark eyes of his 'clone'.
"I imagine this talent of yours will be useful in the future, however for now I think the basics would be more apt to work on."
He turned, and in looking across the vastness of the grounds, smiled.
"Have you had any experience with the Force yet? I know there was Force class going on, but I do not recall whether you were present or not."
Jun 27th, 2002, 02:35:07 PM
"I was present through some of the class, but had to leave on a urgent matter." Knaji replied, shifting back into his draconian shape.
"Lifting is mostly what I have learned in the class.."
(OOC: Ung! :x I've been reallly seriously busy RL. I'll try to post more now :) )
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 30th, 2002, 05:45:01 AM
"Ah, so you can manipulate small objects?"
He questionned, but did not wait for an answer.
"Show me this."
Sep 5th, 2002, 08:59:06 AM
Kanji gave a small nod before removing a luminicent vial from within the folds of the robe. Holding the vial out in his hand, Kanji concentrated on lifting the small thin twine around the vial up into the air as if it was held by an invisible hand.
Slowly, the vial rose into the air tentativly, pivioting left and right on a small axis. The crystalline cylinder twirled in the air before dropping out of the air into the reptile's open hand.
OOC:My net is down, I can only post at school or libary. Will try to respond as quickly as possible.
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 5th, 2002, 11:10:43 AM
"Well you seem to have a good degree of control over that. What say we try a more direct skill - saber skills."
Folding his arms over his chest, he grinned.
"You can use my saber to begin with if you wish, that is unless you have your own."
A pause, "If you do not, we will need to construct you one soon."
Sep 5th, 2002, 02:34:41 PM
Kanji stood up from his sitting posistion and balanced dextriously on the small top.
"I have no 'saber of my own, as of yet." Kanji spoke, catching the tossed hilt from Dasquian. The hilt felt comfortably in his worn hands and nearly short enough to be ungulfed if gripped in two hands.
Kani examined the weapon quite throughly but very quickly before thumbing the activation switch and jerking his serpintine neck back as the blade issued forth with a hiss and hinting at his novinceness with such weapons.
Blinking, The Draconian pulled the blade up in a oriental katana stance. Body streight, ankles touching while the weapon held paralell with his massive torso.
"May we begin up here, or down on the ground?"
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 6th, 2002, 10:17:53 AM
"Down here,"
Dasquian smiled and dismounted the pillar and landed with a barely audible thud. He unholstered a blaster from his belt. Holding up the pistol for Kanji to get a good view, he continued.
"Have a few good swings with the weapon to get used to the weight and leverage required.."
He nodded as his apprentice did so, continuing on quickly.
"... and now all I want you to do is bring the blade into the line of this blaster fire."
Aiming the rifle upwards, he trained the aim onto a little to the left of the Padawan's body, and depressed the trigger twice.
Sep 6th, 2002, 03:16:28 PM
As Dasquian removed the blaster from it's place at his side, Kanji examined it with the accolated time after taking a few practice swings with the unfamiliar weapon ontop of the pillar.
As the Knight instructed his Padawan in the task, the dragon quietly listened. Kanji returned to the oriental stance as Dasquian lifted up the blaster then two red bolts laced forth with a screech as Kanji manuvered the blade up then down with guidance of the Force.
The first bolt was diflected down into the soft earth, while the other struck the Padawan in the upper scales of his forearm and caused a hiss of shock to escape from Kanji...
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 11th, 2002, 10:03:01 AM
"Don't watch the butt of the blaster or the bolts of the weapon with your eyes, Kanji. Watch with your mind. As a Jedi, you can foresee their direction ... trust your instincts."
He smiled slightly and nodded that he was going to begin again, before firing off a volley of four more shots at three second intervals.
Sep 12th, 2002, 08:04:39 PM
Kanji relaxed his form before the shots were fire again, centering his mind on the task. Feeling the kindling Force within him, the large dragonian took the stance again.
The Bolts laced out and Kanji repeated yet again the first run, deflecting the first bolt into the air this time, along with the second and third with great effort. But on the forth, Kanji lost concentration when a furry creature skittered across the clearing in panic and caused the hulk of scales and flesh to miss. Although not being struck directly by the bolt, Kanji did become knicked in the shoulder.
"Ach! This is harder than the text's read!"
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 20th, 2002, 11:08:20 AM
"... Kanji, as a Jedi you must be able to concentrate in the most chaotic of situations. Your focus must be completely on the task at hand, and nothing else. Now - again."
Once more, he began firing, intent and making the Padawan grasp this.
Sep 20th, 2002, 07:26:21 PM
The reptile steadied himself once more, grasping thightly around the cold hilt and focusing only within the Force. He could see the bolts arching at him in a slurred motion, he felt his muscles constricting as the first neared and then shot up into the air.
The second followed suit, somewhat to the left. While the third slamed into the soft dirt with a spray and the continuous hum of the saber in Kanji's grasp. The Draco came back to the stance as the final bolt arched from the blaster. Swinging the saber forward then pulling back for a stab-like manuver, Kanji concentrated keenly on the point of the bolt's apexing form before thrusting out and meeting the bolt head on with a loud rebounding sound.
Pushing the saber up like it was a heavy object, Kanji set the bolt back at his Master unintintionally..
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 19th, 2002, 08:54:54 AM
Dasquian passed the blaster he held into one hand and called his spare blade to his hand, igniting it at the last moment and causing the bolt to dissipate into nothingness. He smirked, disengaged the beam, and nodding. He held out his hand to Kanji who relinquished his saber. The Knight offered a smile.
“I think now it would be wise to work on some sensing abilities. I want you to close your eyes, and after thirty seconds have passed, try to find me.”
It seemed childish, but it would be an excellent way to test Kanji. Without waiting a moment, Dasquian took to his heels and ran from the small courtyard off into the thick trees ahead. He cleared the ground in a Force-enhanced bound and landed within the canopy of a tree, before skipping on to the next.
Dec 19th, 2002, 09:27:19 AM
Kanji closed his eyes, puzzled at the instructions. Dasquian wanted him to play.. hide and seek? A weathered warrior and a Jedi Knight playing a mere childs game..
"Million-one." Kanji started, his confusion growing. After a moment, he had counted up to million-29 and opened his eyes on millionth-30. Dasquian had dissapeared into the woods, leaving Kanji in the pillared clearing..
Moving his head back and forth, Kanji took a deep breath.
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 23rd, 2002, 04:28:40 AM
A voice called into Kanji’s mind.
… Use the Force, Kanji. It will guide you to me.
The Knight moved silently and effortlessly to another tree and moved into a safe hiding place, watching his apprentice from afar.
Dec 23rd, 2002, 12:09:04 PM
"Okay... just like with the floating ssstuff," Kanji assured himself. Closing his eyes, the drakan cleared his mind of any thoughts... feelings... or outside stimuli. The two instructors of the class instructed the padawans attending to clear their minds, relax totally..
Kanji opened his eyes slowly, scanning the forest. He still couldn't trace anything in the green wall of life. Stepping into the forest, hoping over a few fallen trees and such, Kanji tried again.. no avail..
"Damnit," He cursed, calming himself again from the sudden flair of aggrevation...
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 26th, 2002, 04:00:09 AM
With his hand outstretched down at the forest floor, Dasquian sent out a small wave of Force energy, displacing some of the leaves on the green carpet below. This done, he moved slowly across to a tree that flanked where he had created the disturbance.
Search for a zenith. Everything has a signature here, but you will notice that as Jedi we have stronger presences in the Force.
Dec 29th, 2002, 02:51:43 AM
Had Kanji not been looking directly at the fluctuation of the force, he would've plainly missed it. The barely visible waiver of air and the hissing of leaf scraping together tipped it off. Beaming slightly at the newfound stimuli, he cautiously stalked up to the disturbed spot and crouched, resting his arms on the knees as his tail swished back and forth calmly.
The advice stuck into his head firmly, as thus Kanji repeated the mind clearing process again. The forest lit up in an array of accented edges and bright lines this time, catching the dragon-kind off guard. His head turned back and forth quickly, ‘scanning’ experimentally. He saw nothing extraordinary yet, nor anything of difference…
'Master.. fortunate to say, I think I got the thing working... um... sssenssse to work..'
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