View Full Version : A Lesson in Manners (Dios Kane)

Tempist Opps
Jun 24th, 2002, 09:57:34 AM
Tempist walked out onto the feild, waiting for the former hopeful of the Empire. Dios had caused it's membrers more aggrivation than almost anyone since Berserk Monkey joined, and most could remember that clearly. The Sith Knight sat down on a large stone off to the side, and waited for Dios. This would be a fun match.

Dios Kane
Jun 24th, 2002, 05:28:54 PM
:: Dios walked out from under a tree::
You summoned for me Knight?

Tempist Opps
Jun 24th, 2002, 05:47:42 PM
Tempist flipped off from his perch on the stone, to face Dios. He simply gave a nod first.

"Yes, it's time to follow through with your words in Rama's. Have at me."

Tempist's hand rested on the hilt of his black bladed long saber, Infinity, waiting for a response from Dios.

Dios Kane
Jun 24th, 2002, 05:51:53 PM
:: Dios frowned, he pulled out Tomak's slightly fixed lightsaber and flicked it on::
I will not strike first, i shouldn't even fight you... I wanted to defend myself back there, but a challenge... I can't turn away anyways, walking away from a duel... you wouldn't let me leave if i tried, would you?
:: He loosened his jacket and stood in his defensive stance his master had taught him so long ago::

Tempist Opps
Jun 24th, 2002, 06:00:32 PM
"I would let you levae, but you already said your going to stay. Congratulations."

He grabbed the hilt of Infinity with two fingers, and threw it into the air. He grabbed it, and gave a quick flick of the switch. It sprung to life with a snap-hiss, and black light spewed forth from the cylinder. He grinned at Dios, and held out his saber. Dios felt the backs of his legs giving in, as Tempist sent two carefully aimed force pushes to the backs of the jedi's knees. He then rushed at Dios with a lunging saber thrust, which would slice the man in two if nothing was done.

Dios Kane
Jun 24th, 2002, 06:16:03 PM
:: Dios welcomed the force push and dropped to his knees, he then threw himself aside, out of the saber's path and waited for the next move. Tempist was faster, stronger, and more experienced. So what the hell was he going to do? The red blade with the dark fringe wavered slowly. To die? Why not? ... What was he thinking. The Dark side was preying upon him, he had to turn away from his fears and let the force flow through him.::

Tempist Opps
Jun 24th, 2002, 06:22:21 PM
Infinity was brought around, back twards Dios' form, sprawled out on the ground. Tempist stabbed down with the black blade, aiming twards Dios' abdomen.

Dios Kane
Jun 24th, 2002, 06:31:50 PM
:: Dios rolled and and tried to bring his saber down at Tempist's hand as he came up. It was probably an old trick but he didn't know. He brought the saber back up and went for his shoulder as a modification.::

Tempist Opps
Jun 24th, 2002, 08:26:04 PM
With a sharp twist of his wrist, Dios' blade found itself blocked. Tempist gave a powerful kick to the jedi's chest, and brought Infinity back twards Dios for a left to right horizontal slash accross his chest.

Dios Kane
Jun 24th, 2002, 08:37:57 PM
:: Dios quickly brought his sword up to block the slash and flicked his own sword back at the knight. He tried an array of slashes trying to get an offensive reach on the duel, but he was getting tired and Tempist didn't seem to be slowing. He was gonna lose. Life sucked today, he was gonna need a drink after this.::

Tempist Opps
Jun 25th, 2002, 08:23:44 AM
Fed up with Dios's saber attacks, Tempist brushed Infinity against the jedi's saber, pushing them both away. At the same time, he gave a sharp kick to Dios' kneecap, followed by a powerful uppercut with his other arm.

Dios Kane
Jun 25th, 2002, 01:27:08 PM
:: It was time Dios took no more physical beatings, training for 117 years and chasing a person through time didn't make you weaker. He twisted his knee and took the blow to the thigh. He grabbed Tempist's wrist and flung it away. Not an easy task, Dios had stretched his wrist joint trying to throw off the uppercut. This man might've been a sith knight but he would not make it easier for him. He knew he would lose eventually to this superior fighter but he didn't have to give up yet. He took advantage of Tempist's fist when he cut in with a weak onehanded but fast slash to his side.::

Tempist Opps
Jun 25th, 2002, 03:00:50 PM
Having his arm pulled in a different direction threw Tempist off a bit, and his ballance almost went. Instead of catching himself, he droped down into Dios instead, tumbling over the man. Dios' saber grazed the side of Tempist's abdomen, but wasn't anything that he deemed worth worrying about yet. He flipped back to his feet, and started feeding off of the pain, converting it into dark energy, fuel for his force attacks. He augmented his speed with it, increasing his agility 3 fold. He sent another slash Dios' way, this one blazingly fast.

Dios Kane
Jun 25th, 2002, 03:15:08 PM
:: Dios had no time to defend or dodge, Tempist was incredibly fast, fast enough that Dios had blinked before he had realized what had happened. Dios had stumbled down and put his arm up to defend himself, like that would've helped, it was reflex. Dios looked at his arm on the ground. He had a smoking lump at the end of his elbow. He screamed in pain as the arm sizzled. This was not good! He couldn't concentrate. He had to focus. He could still fight he hoped. His sword arm hadn't been cut, but it would take time and no more injuries to regenerate faster. The holy water had dealt with this before, but not anymore after it. He let the force flow as he tried to focus. He needed to anticipate, not react to the Knight's attacks. He raised his saber slowly and slumped back into a shaky defensive stance. Hopefully Tempist had slowed down.::

Tempist Opps
Jun 25th, 2002, 05:56:48 PM
Tempist looked at Dios' severed limb on the ground, and looked back at him with disgust.

"Bah, weak. Next time you bring an attitude somewhere, also bring the power to back it up. I'll spare your life for now, but rest assured, I'm coming back for that in due time."

Within a matter of seconds, Tempist was gone, as if he had vanished into thin air.

Dios Kane
Jun 25th, 2002, 06:05:33 PM
:: Dios watched him leave. Dammit. Dios tended his wounds and watched the stump slowly become longer until it was a hand, wet, nasty, bleeding everywhere, yes. But a perfect hand when finished. He would be back. Good, Dios would be here to defend his life next time. He would be trained. And it would definitely end different. Dios pulled out a flask from his jacket and took a swallow. Definitely.::