View Full Version : Just so everyone knows....

Live Wire
Jun 24th, 2002, 01:34:41 AM
This has been pretty common knowledge out there for awhile but just so everyone knows, I will be leaving for Japan on the first of July. Thats a week from (look at the clock) today, seeing as its now after midnight here. So this next week is gonna be really hectic as Im doing last minute shopping, working, and packing. I dunno how much online time I'll have this week but I'll try to make it on at least once a day to post to whatever I need to post to.

When Im in japan I'll have net access but I dunno how often I will have time and what the time will be like in relation to the time in the rest of the world. My brain just doesnt like to wrap itself around time zones. But again I will try to make it online at least once a day to email and update people and do all the posting that I need to. If theres something that needs my attention while I'm gone PM me and I'll get to it asap. There will be pictures of wonderful japan for everyone to see when I get back which won't be until the 6th of august. Yes Im going to be gone for five weeks.

Then once I get back Im leaving for palm springs and I'll be there for three weeks. But when Im in palm springs I'll have plenty of net time because thats all I plan to do. Swim, sun, watch tv, sleep in, eat and post. So after august 6th you'll see a lot more of me online.

Anyway I just wanted to update everyone that I RP with and that knows me. So wish me luck on my flights. I've never flown before and Im scared to death. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Lord Gue
Jun 24th, 2002, 01:38:41 AM
*Big Hugs*
We'll all miss you!!!!

Have some good ol Jap fun now!

Sith Ahnk
Jun 24th, 2002, 01:52:41 AM
I'd get on and wish you well but I'll be too busy getting bozared in honor of my country

So enjoy

Sanis Prent
Jun 24th, 2002, 06:21:37 AM
Bring me pictures. I wanna see if used panty vending machines actually exist :lol

Jun 24th, 2002, 07:17:43 AM
Yeah, Engrish pictures! :)

BTW, for a rough timezone guide. You are eight hours behind me right now. When the World Cup is on, 7.30AM here is afternoon in Japan, and 12.30 is evening :)

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 24th, 2002, 07:21:10 AM
Oh it's so close now. Well don't drain yourself before your trip - I wish I was going - Japan is amazing and you'll have a ball! :)

Try not to worry about the flight, travelling by air is the safest way to travel and I'm very happy to hear that we'll be seing more of you from August 6th. Yay! :)

Emily Rochette
Jun 24th, 2002, 12:24:30 PM
Have fun! :D

Pick up lots of nifty things!

And taste the candy!

...OH! If you're lucky enough to find some, buy Super Cola candies. :D They're great!

Live Wire
Jun 24th, 2002, 02:05:55 PM
lol yes sanis I heared from a reliable source that they really do have pany vending machines but I'll see if I can actually get a picture of one for you. Im taking a quick break to get online before I go out and do even more shopping. Dont be envious you dont want to know how much this trip is costing and Im not even going to have to pay for food and lodging. *sighs*

And I will be bringing back trinkets and candy. I love japanese candy. Anyway thats all I have to say on that right now. *hee hee*

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 24th, 2002, 02:22:16 PM
Have fun! Be safe! *hugs!* :):):):):):):):):)

Ilyn Pyke
Jun 24th, 2002, 08:15:20 PM
Good luck LW and enjoy!!! Sounds like awesome fun! :D

PS. Pictures please!

Lady Vader
Jun 24th, 2002, 10:32:02 PM
Bring me back a present!!! :D


Jun 24th, 2002, 10:57:53 PM
Have a wonderful trip!!

(Airplane breakfasts are scarey) :)