View Full Version : The Vow

imported_Corin Zetith
Jun 24th, 2002, 12:46:43 AM
Corin had been locked away in his room for nearly two days now, not even stopping to eat. he had worked straight throught the night and most of the following morning to complete his lightsaber. he owned a saber but it wasnt really his, it was a family heirloom and he wanted his own to train and fight with. he was sick of trying to explain to people why he couldnt fight with his saber and he figure if he was to ever be a jedi he would have to know how to use a saber. he cried out in triumph when he had welded the last of the smooth platelets to the casing. unlike most traditional sabers this was a dual phase-meaning it could change length through a compensater modification he had set up himself. the compensater and the switch were all on the inside of the casing, this way only a force weilder could operate it. he turned it on and a deep deep blue almost black blade shot forth with the familiar snap/hiss of any saber.

"Yes! now i have a weapon and now i will learn to make it not only my weapon but an extension of my very being. and sense it is far more than just a wepon i will give it/you a name. you shall be called "Elise" since it is through my nieces birthstone that you get your deep ocean blue blade."

Corin played with the length compensater through the force nd found he could make it extremely fat and short or long and narrow, whichever he preffered.

Corin then ate an energy bar to stall his hunger for at least a little bit and went to find a sparring partner to train with.

"I vow upon my mother's and niece's graves that Elise, my new weapon and tool will become a part of my everyday life and training from now on. and i swear that my mother and niece's deaths shall be avenged."

This was the first time Corin had actually spoken of revenge without all of his welled up anger coming forth. he wanted revenge put not through hatred. he no longer wanted to kill Uhlen just to kill him, but also to rid the universe of his evil deeds forever