View Full Version : Double Helix of Disaster

Sanis Prent
Jun 23rd, 2002, 07:16:11 PM
(I'd never met a Kaminoan before, and I had to admit...it was a bit hard to arrange this little run-in. Ever since the clone wars, it seemed their race had become more isolated and aloof, and while their work was high in demand, they didn't advertise. Therefore, it took weeks of searching before I was able to find who I was looking for. Her name was Taun We, one of the original architechts of the old Clone Army. It was an impressive resume to say the least, though she'd find that my needs were much less grand, but probably equally bizarre.)

Taun We
Jun 23rd, 2002, 08:19:50 PM
Taun We looked at her chronometer. The one called Sanis Prent would be meeting with her shortly on her sleek Kaminoan ship. He had not given her much information as to why he wanted to meet with her, but the price he'd offered her for just making the trip to Arcan IV was enough of an incentive to leave her planet for this meeting.

A series of short beeps sounded from her console. Sanis Prent had arrived. She concealed a small hand laser in her dress in case of trouble. As a Kaminoan, one could never be too careful in this universe. So many people sought her species for the knowledge they possessed of DNA and cloning.

The main sliding doors to the ship opened to reveal Sanis. Her large beady eyes studied him. She was a towering figure next to his. "Welcome to 'The Kamino Star' Mr. Sanis Prent." Her words to him were soft and soothing. She opened her arms in a gesture of invitation. "Please, come this way. I have prepared some refreshments in the meeting room."

She lead him through some spotless white corridoors to the meeting room. As they walked in, Sanis noticed that it too was spotless and white. She motioned Sanis to one of the chairs. "May I pour you a glass of some of the finest ale in this universe?" Again, Sanis nodded to her. She noted how he had not spoken to her since his arrival. He was probably trying to assess her, as much as she was trying to assess him. He would speak to her soon enough she knew. Obviously this meeting was enough of importance to him to have gone as far as paying her to come to Arcan IV.

She handed him a glass filled with the crystal blue ale from Kamino, and took her seat across from him. "Now Mr. Prent, how can I be of service to you?"

Sanis Prent
Jun 23rd, 2002, 08:42:08 PM
(I took a sip of the blue drink. Its taste was remarkably crisp and manacured, and entirely pleasant. Setting the glass down, I smiled, trying to make myself comfortable around Taun We's imposing presence)

I contacted you because I require some...alterations...to be done to a...um...pet of mine.

(If one could call a ysalimir a pet, then I was straightforward enough. Hell, the idea sounded crazy enough in my head. How it might sound to an expert in the field was another thing entirely)

Taun We
Jun 23rd, 2002, 09:23:14 PM
The long necked Kaminoan eyed Sanis. His features were quite striking for a human male, but they did not give away his intentions or motives. "Alterations to a pet? Sounds intriguing." She leaned back in her chair pausing to take a drink of her ale, then slowly looked back up at Sanis. "What kind of alterations did you have in mind Mr. Prent?"

Sanis Prent
Jun 23rd, 2002, 09:37:00 PM
(I gestured to the small cage on a repulsorsled that I had brought in. Within it, an orange-colored reptilian creature was clinging to a branch.)

Well, I have a ysalimir...a creature from Myrkyr that's known to repulse the Force. However, thats about all it does. It hardly ever moves, and thus, doesn't really look after itself. I was hoping to make it...more survivable. Maybe allow it to move around, maybe even allow it to think. Is there any way you could...I dunno...cross a ysalimir with some other kind of creature?

Taun We
Jun 23rd, 2002, 10:04:50 PM
Taun We leaned forward and looked at the creature contained within the cage carefully. "It does indeed appear to be very docile. Altering it's DNA should not be a problem. It is a procedure I am quite familiar with. However, splicing the DNA's of different species together to form an entirely new creature is a more delicate matter. It is not an easy process, but with the right equipment, it can be done."

She set her glass down on the glass table in between them and continued to speak. "It is possible to make it more resilient and more intelligent. There are many creatures that would be compatible with its DNA structure. The question now would be,
what kind of creature would you like it to be? Do you want it to remain small, or would you like it to be big? Do you want it to have an individuals personality, or do you want it to remain obedient to your every request. These types of questions need to be answered before any type of procedure can begin."

Sanis Prent
Jun 23rd, 2002, 10:06:59 PM
Hmm...well, I guess the best bet would be to keep it pretty small, and somewhat obedient to me.

(I laughed, thinking idly)

Like maybe crossing a yuzzum with it, or something.

Taun We
Jun 23rd, 2002, 10:16:33 PM
"Yes, a Yuzzum would be a good choice. It's DNA structure is not a complicated one. And it is a creature of some intelligence. Now, this procedure as I mentioned before is costly, requiring the right equipment and time." She paused letting her words sink into Sanis's mind. "How much would you be willing to offer me?"

Sanis Prent
Jun 23rd, 2002, 10:18:37 PM
(The subject of money got the wheels in my head turning. I glanced from Taun We, to my ysalimir Roddy 2, and back.)

If it works, I could pay up to fifty thousand.

Taun We
Jun 23rd, 2002, 10:33:41 PM
Taun We thought a moment as she considered Sanis's offer. "Mr. Prent, I consider myself to be a fair and honest Kaminoan. Your offer of fifty thousand credits would be a fair price if I were just cloning your ysalimir. However, there is much more involved in the splicing of DNA from two separate creatures. I think it would be more fair to set the price at Seventy-five thousand credits. As a token of my sincerity, you need not pay the full price up front. I only require forty thousand now, and you may pay me the remaining thirty-five thousand upon completion of the job. Is this offer good for you Mr. Prent?"

Sanis Prent
Jun 24th, 2002, 05:50:53 AM
(I thought about it for a moment)

Perhaps. Lets see how it works first. Depending on that, I could pay as much as seventy-five.

Taun We
Jun 24th, 2002, 09:10:14 PM
She tilted her head and blinked her large, dark eyes at him. Apprantly, he had not understood her words. She was a patient and intelligent creature though, and had no problem in communicating her words to him so that he would understand. "Mr. Prent, perhaps I have not been clear. The manipulation of two separate DNA's is not a cheap procedure. Yes, there are no guaranties that the creature will turn out as you expect, but I am sure you will be satisfied with my work."

She paused momentarily and leaned slightly forward before continuing to speak to him. "It would be in your best interest to accept my offer, for I can assure you, no one else knows how to do these types of procedures better than I."

Sanis Prent
Jun 24th, 2002, 09:28:44 PM
(I mulled it over in my head. After all, she had credentials. You don't go and create clone armies without developing an imposing reputation)

Alright. Seventy-five it is.

(I glanced back at the Ysalimir)

So, uh...what do we do?

Taun We
Jun 25th, 2002, 05:22:18 PM
She smiled at Sanis. "We have a deal then. Now, you will leave your Ysalimiri with me, and I shall escort you back outside." Sanis seemed to hesitate a moment. Perhaps it was from worry for his pet, but as far as Taun We could tell, it didn't seem as if he had much attatchment to the animal. "Do not worry Mr. Prent. No harm will come to your ysalimiri. I will only borrow his DNA." She stood her slender figure towering over him. "He will be returned to you in the same condition he is in now." Sanis nodded and stood to follow Taun We, but not before downing the last drops of his blue Kamino ale.

She continued to speak as she escorted the one called Sanis back to the main doors of "The Kamino Star". As for aquiring a Yuzzum's DNA, I have a databank full of creatures who have volunteered their services to me in return for a small fee."

Taun We turned towards Sanis when they came to the doors. "Now Mr. Prent, I do not wish to keep you any longer. I am sure you have other duties that require your attention. As for myself, I will now return to Kamino to begin my work on this new creature you have requested me to create for you. I will remain in contact with you, and inform you as soon as my work is finished."

Sanis Prent
Jun 25th, 2002, 10:02:30 PM
Thank you very much.

(I exited the ship, somewhat awestruck by the cloner's cult of personality. Maybe it was her imposing stature, but she had an effect on me...and even though I felt a bit rushed, I was not uneasy. It all seemed to go as planned)