View Full Version : A Kaleidoscopic Sparring (open to anyone)

Gabriel Xeanos
Jun 23rd, 2002, 06:37:41 PM
Gabriel had found out early about the shortage of Masters and figured that training himself what he could in the arts of combat would be the best way to enhance some of his abilities. Although those of the Jedi Order were not suppose to embrace combat in its offensive form, Gabriel seemed to do the opposite at times. Combat being one of the few things he could understand without twisting a dark reliance on it in some way. Understanding his feelings, thoughts, and emotions were already contorted in that vision, which is what set him apart from most. And is also why Gabriel had not wanted to do much except learn from others and teach himself. Socializing was almost against his better morals, and he never found a reason do something as such.

He found the training room, his gleaming and eerie red eyes scanning over it. He was in his usual black leather like vest and three layers of reddish cloth that ran down to mid knee along with long sleeves, save for the final layer, which was a gray. He had on his white pants with black gloves and boots, and his long black hair was tied up and trailing in a ponytail at his back. He brought with him a small technological case, containing four seeker training droids. Of course the frequency on their blasters were toned down to giving a small shock of pain, but he found that simply training with an invisible opponent or rehearsing katas could only give you the memorization of the technique, it was the danger or the elegance of avoidance and adrenaline that would keep your mind in focus when the true time came.

For the last three days he had come here at the same time to train in combat generals. No Master made it difficult, but more free form then he ever thought it might be. The silence of the dark simple room was relaxing as he did not usually put on the lights and let his saber and ears guide him in that respect. The simple ceiling, floor and walls making a large black box almost. The day was special, as he would move up from three seeker droids to using all four of them, a challenge he had never accomplished. He probably should have had someone of superior authority with him, but he wanted to be in peace for the moment, he would find a day for someone to train him he hoped.

Without another thought the case lock snapped open as Gabriel used what little bearing he had on the force to activate them from a distance. All four slowly emerged from their sockets in the case and floated around the room, he walked up to the case and looked at a small console that was on the top, showing the droids readings and targeting reticules. They all focused on Gabriel like he wanted, and he set the rotation and movement to random and to them only being deactivated by his voice recognition.

He turned only to have them activating and preparing to fire, a bit sooner then expected, but Gabriel was rather paranoid to all surroundings so he was all ready for combat. His blue lightsaber was drawn quickly and activated with a hiss as he brought it up crouched and rolled forward. The first blaster shot deflected from the movement as the droids circled Gabriel. He then jumped up, using a little force pull to release his lightsaber from a socket to his side and into his other hand. It almost fell, showing how much control over the force he really had.

When he stood up his other blue lightsaber activated and immediately deflected a blaster shot as Gabriel spun around with it pointed out horizontally. His other lightsaber in his left hand reared over his head, the snap of the yellow blaster shot being hit away was heard as the droids now began to fire almost simultaneously instead of in turn. Gabriel adjusted his speed radically, now moving forward, with two droids in front and the other two on each side, all of them firing. Gabriel’s movements were fluent as he had one saber come down diagonally to the right and then shortly after having his right saber go up and to the left. He blocked two shots as he flipped back and another shot landed right at where his feet were. His charcoal black hair flowed elegantly behind him in pattern as he moved. However, regardless of his combat skills, he was already a bit bored and knew he would never get to the level of combat that many Padawans, Knights, and Masters would be at, but he would never give up.