View Full Version : Saber Quest

Dios Kane
Jun 22nd, 2002, 10:11:22 PM
:: Dios was sitting aboard the public transport on it's way to the planet Dantooine. He was traveling with two others but he didn't know where they were or if they had even come for that matter. He was sitting in the cheapest class of travel, the cargo hold. A few others were here but he didn't worry about them. Money hadn't been a worry until now::

Oh well, I need this, I think. Where could the others be?

:: Tomak had money and Grey and him had taken a better ticket so they could go anywhere there ticket could get them, Dios could not even make it to a bathroom but he had tried the hibernation trick he had read about in the archives, it sorta worked but he kept waking out of it when a box would move and nudge him. He still wasn't sure if Tomak had come, his sense was disturbed by the lightspeed travel.::

He better have come, I'm gonna need him and the squirt...

Chase Starwalker
Jun 22nd, 2002, 10:52:40 PM
He hadn't seen his mother in ages since he had left Tatooine. His thoughts dwelled on her, so much that it took up most of his meditation at the Acedemy. The cargo hold of a public transport was no way for a Jedi to travel, but on little money, and the fact he didnt want to be reconized, it was his best bet. He sat in the corner, a dark hood and cloak concealed him from recongnition. He had been masking his force signature as well....untill he felt another. Judging by him, he was a keeper of the light.

Chase walked up behind Dios and put a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see a young man standing behind him.

"I am Chase Starwalker of the Greater Jedi Order. I believe I have seen you around the Acedemy. Nice to meet you Mr.....?"

Chase had no idea what another Jedi Padawan was doing on this public transport, let alone the cargo hold. Pehaps he too was hiding something...

Tomak Ohara
Jun 23rd, 2002, 12:28:01 AM
:: Tomak walked down the stairs into the hold and saw Dios and another man, he was jedi too, he could tell. He was tired from finding the hold where Dios was so before he entered any further he sat next to the door, too far to be any part of what was going on with Dios::

Dios Kane
Jun 23rd, 2002, 12:39:33 AM
:: Dios stood up and faced Chase and smiled as he recognized the face and matched the name::
Dios Kane, padawan of the jedi, recently joined but been... hanging around the area for some time. I am glad you talked to me, this place is very dreary, without much life.
:: Dios let out a force probe and sensed two light force users in the area and didn't worry about the other because who ever it was would show up when they wanted as had this one::
So, Chase, why might you be on this ship headed to Dantooine? Waypoint, or staying on the planet?

Chase Starwalker
Jun 23rd, 2002, 12:58:22 AM
"Just a waypoint I'm afriad...."

Chase shifted his weight and took the cloak from off his head. He stood in his Jedi robes, shadowed by the darkness.

"My destination is Tatooine,...I have family there." Chase's voice softened.

"And what about yourself?"

Dios Kane
Jun 23rd, 2002, 01:24:51 AM
Me, I'm also going there as a waypoint. I have to build my light saber, I'm trying to build a very complex saber but it's parts are very hard to come by. Mine own broke and I want one made by myself with much dedication put into it. I'm also going to Tatooine, but that also as a waypoint.
:: Dios ran a hand through his hair thinking for a moment::
Do you want to help me? I need any help I can get and this quest will take a little while to complete, but we could stay at Tatooine longer then I had planned so you may visit your family. Family is very important I believe. Mine is lost to me but that is not something to talk about here, it is good to know that people would travel the stars to see their family.
:: Dios slumped back against the crates and relaxed::

Chase Starwalker
Jun 23rd, 2002, 01:33:20 AM
"I would do anything for them. I haven't seen them in so long..." Chase's voice trailed off.

He re-gathered his thoughts and spoke up.

"I'll go with you, just as long as we make the stop in Tatooine..."

Chase sat on a create nearby, he tried hard to relax himself, but with all that had been going on lately, relaxation was not easy to come by.

"So what exactly are we looking for in Dantooine?"

Dios Kane
Jun 23rd, 2002, 01:44:14 AM
:: Dios grinned and then stopped abruptly, looking very serious::
You are a padawan, I'm a padawan and the other two I'm waiting for are padawans also. The full plans for the saber are in a temple in the jungle... a sith temple. Completely abandoned though, not much to worry over. Just keep your gaurd up there, the dark side will be very strong and very tempting. Grey is only sixteen but his innocence will keep us slightly more protected, Tomak's willing to care will keep us in a benevolent nature, and my experience with sith will keep us hopefully educated enough not to get hurt. This is very serious to me, Tomak and Grey came along, if they even did I hope, because they were my friends. I ask you to come along but know this is no joy ride, we will quickly go in, get the plans and then quickly leave for Tatooine where it is much more simple from there on I hope.

:: Dios grinned again, hoping Chase would come along, this was not an easy choice but he would like to have another jedi with him. Sith were a delicate matter and best not messed with unless truly neccessary::

Tomak Ohara
Jun 23rd, 2002, 02:07:37 AM
Tomak walked up to Dios, "So where is it we are heading, friend?" Tomak spread his wings as though he were stretching. Tomak looked at the strange man beside Dios, "Hello. The name is Tomak Ohara. Vampiric Padawan to Master Liam Jinn. So then, whats the plan Dios? I would very much like to know what you want with me. I would like all the details....I've had enough suprises for the rest of my life." Tomak laughed at his last statement. What did not kill you only made you stronger....or more skiddish. Tomak looked Dios in the eye, "So, anybody up for a glass of water?"

Dios Kane
Jun 23rd, 2002, 02:48:33 AM
:: Dios smiled as Tomak walked up and spoke::
welcome Tomak, our group is almost complete, did Grey come with you? I need my own special drink you know.
:: He reached inside his jacket and pulled out a flask of JD and took a swig and winked at Chase::
about these details Tomak... Well, the details... Trust me, if you can't stand surprises, I would not have told you to come along. You're traveling with me, expect em. We'll do the details one planet at a time okay. The details for Dantooine won't be that bad, the sith temple is rundown and is probably teeming with dark energy. There should be no one inside, absolutley no one, the New Republic deemed it under their control. I've done a few deals and got us free passage to it though. Inside are the plans for the light saber of the Sith Lord Exar Khun. The lightsaber was his before he became the Sith lord. He was a jedi apprentice before he turned from the light and he had an exquisite light saber. I've seen a vague plan of it but I need the rest of the details and I have my own modifications. So the plan for it is to go in, copy the plans, and get out and head to Tatooine. Easy enough, no... expect trouble. But now I'm tired and I'm waiting for Grey. Sleep well.
:: Dios took another swig and fell into his uneasy meditation::

Chase Starwalker
Jun 23rd, 2002, 11:47:00 AM
Interesting plans. Chase smiled as he watched Dios take a drink of JD.

"I've encountered the Sith before as well. You don't have anything to worry about, I'll protect you."

Chase smiled again and nodded to Tomak.

Dios Kane
Jun 23rd, 2002, 12:00:17 PM
:: Dios took another swig as he watched Chase answer::
Thank you, thank you very much Chase... I don't seem to be able to go to sleep now... I think Grey will be coming along soon.

Grey Riftblade
Jun 23rd, 2002, 12:05:34 PM
:: Grey entered the hold and let the place air out for a minute, it stank! Grey had been told to meet Dios and Tomak here so he walked down the stairs and looked around. He saw the two in a corner and another that he didn't recognize. He searched for the force and knew the guy was a jedi.::
Hi, how's it goin? My name's Grey Riftblade, padawan of the GJO. You comin with us? Is he, Tomak? Hey Dios, can I have some of that water ya got there? Oh yeah, anyways, what are we doin again?

Dios Kane
Jun 23rd, 2002, 12:16:33 PM
:: Dios laughed under a fake cough that everyone could tell except Grey::
You can drink my water when you're older Grey, good timing though, we're not goin any place special and it's better you not know right now, Tomak will fill you in later okay. Chase Starwalker meet my good friend Grey Riftblade, known for eating more than his stomach could hold and saying more things than his mouth could hold also.

Tomak Ohara
Jun 23rd, 2002, 05:28:23 PM
Tomak looked at Dios, "Your mean. So then, well if anyone needs me just call for me, oh yeah and Dios here is a gift for ya from me." Tomak handed him a small bag. Inside the bag was money, and lots of it. "Ya see this whole trip is on me. I am cooking and if we have any fun thats for it. Well I am going to go and nap." Tomak flew up to a pipe in the ceiling, and then fell asleep. This was going to be fun. A couple weeks out with the guys. This will be loads of fun Tomak thought to himself. He then took his thoughts off of such foolishness and then realized this was a life or death situation, and he had to have his wits about him. Tomak fell asleep with the thoughts of the mission in his head.

Dios Kane
Jun 23rd, 2002, 06:11:42 PM
:: Dios felt Tomak's feelings go with him and tried to send a force emotion of a "don't worry about it" feeling. It wouldn't be that hard. Though the money would make it a lot easier and Tomak's cooking was pretty good. Money, for fun, that was good. Dios had a few things in mind for it but he'd like to spread it out ampng the others. :: He looked up at Tomak who was dozing and Chase having the same problem as he with trying to sleep, Grey standing there with nothing but a feeling of resounding hunger coming from him. Dios thought, maybe with a girl in the party, we'd be a good party, but I guess it will do::
Chase, what is your family like?

Chase Starwalker
Jun 23rd, 2002, 07:09:48 PM
Chase shook Grey's hand. "A pleasure."

He readjusted himself on the create, prying for better comfort. Public transportation was not something a Jedi should travel in, Chase thought it above him. He eyes raised at the mention of his family.

"My mother and two brother's are there. She works for a shipping yard not too far from Mos Eisley. It's been several years since I've been back..."

It was funny how things arose the way they did. Chase was orginially trying to keep a low profile, now he was on a hunt for an ancient saber in Sith ruins. He himself did not have a lightsaber, although he practiced his skills almost every day with one. He was about 3 weeks into the process of creating his own. This trip could maybe give him some ideas as well. Chase leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes. It was obvious his thoughts dwelled on his family.

Dios Kane
Jun 23rd, 2002, 07:43:25 PM
Well... I hope they are well and you have a good time seeing them again. We should almo-
:: An announcement came on just then saying they would be coming out of hyperspace soon and then landing afterwards.:: Hey cool, we'll be leaving soon, everyone get ready to leave.

Tomak Ohara
Jun 23rd, 2002, 08:29:06 PM
Tomak heard the announcement, "Huh....they always wake you up when your just falling asleep. This os going to be loads of fun. I am out here with you people on a quest to build a lightsaber. You owe me Dios. When I go on a quest I expect you two to come along." Tomak laughed he was not very good at influencing people so he figured this would not work. "Well, shall we get going. I wanna get this over with quickly." Tomak spread his wings and just kind of hovered for a moment.

Grey Riftblade
Jun 24th, 2002, 12:06:17 AM
:: Grey listened to em talk then heard what Tomak had just said. Did he mean Dios and him or Chase? Oh well, he'd find out later like Dios said. He was ready for trouble, he had his iron sword in it's sheath on his back and his lightsaber by his side. No one would harm his friends, that's right.:: So, what's to eat? What meal is it for that matter? If it's breakfast, I'd like some bacon. Well, anything with meat will do. I'm hungry... Hey Dios, what are we doing again?

Dios Kane
Jun 24th, 2002, 12:42:16 PM
:: Dios stood up as he ignored Grey and put his flask back in the jacket pocket. Another annoucement said that they were entering the atmosphere. Dios looked out a window and only saw orange fire::
We'll be there in about five minutes. Be wary, our signatures could attract too much attention to some unwanted guests. Not that we're strong enough to matter anyways.

Dios Kane
Jun 24th, 2002, 12:57:31 PM
:: Within a few moments they had landed and the cargo bay doors had opened. Dios started walking out in to the afternoon sunlight.::
That feels so good! Being stuck in that ship for so long! Man. I feel like I just got out of prison. Okay guys we got two days to get to the temple and back before the ship leaves. Let's go get a transport over there.

Chase Starwalker
Jun 24th, 2002, 02:29:43 PM
Chase walked down the cargo ramp and passed Dios. The sunlight glared down upon them, hinting into Chase's eyes. He slightly lowered his head to shield them from the afternoon blaze. The four of them walked to a rental transport station. The price was a bit hefty. Chase was the first to arrive at the counter.

Ahhh Ahh Greetings! What can I do fer you?

He was a Quarren, short, but fat. He carried himself well, and walked to the window. Chase eyed him slightly.

"I need a transport for 4, the fastest speeder you have."

Ahhh yes...yes...I can do that, but...it's going to cost you. He gave a slight chuckle before disapearing in the back.

Chase gave a glance back at the other three. Tomak shoved some money his way. Chase shook his head in a definate "no." He turned just in time to meet the alien as he returned from the back.

250 dactarians and the blue one over there is yours. He pointed to a newer speeder, that sat four occupants. It was perfect.

"You won't be needing any money for that speeder." Chase said in a hinted tone of voice. His hand gave the slightest gesture of a wave.

The Quarren looked confused for a moment before slightly shaking his head.

I won't need any money for that one,. . .go. . .take it.

Chase gave him a slight nod before turning back to the group. He wasn't sure if they approved of his methods of not, but it saved a few bucks. Chase leapt into the driver's seat of the speeder as the rest followed in.

"Now where?" He said turning to Dios.

Grey Riftblade
Jun 24th, 2002, 02:38:07 PM
Hey I'm still hungry :: Grey ran inside a food market and came out with a bag of food later:: We can go now.

Dios Kane
Jun 24th, 2002, 02:53:50 PM
:: Dios jumped in the speeder, he wasn't sure what to say about Chase but it worked. He pulled out a holopad and laughed as Grey came back with a large amount of food. He jacked the holopad into the computer and pulled a map up on the screen.::
That, Chase, is where we want to go. Above the tree line wo that we can see it from above.

Chase Starwalker
Jun 24th, 2002, 03:09:57 PM
Chase switched on the twin engines. They hummed to life as the speeder pulled a 360 and sped off into the horizon. The terrian of the planet blurred by them as Chase used his pilot skills, and the Force to guide the speeder at incredible speeds.

The destination was a look-out point above the tree lines. This way they would have a better chance on scoping out the place before hand, which was a good idea. Judging by the distance on the map, it would be several hours before the reached the look-out. The engines hummed a high pitched noise as the speeder rode on through the day.

Tomak Ohara
Jun 24th, 2002, 03:22:34 PM
Tomak looked forward from the back seat. "Hey do you think you could slow down a bit. I am getting dust in my wings. Hey, where did you learn that trick anyway. That was really cool. So Dios what do you want me to do anyway? I can't wait to get to this temple. I love old things." Tomak sat back and waited to see what Dios would say. Chase was really cool. Someone Tomak could learn to like. This was going to be a very interesting trip.

Chase Starwalker
Jun 24th, 2002, 04:27:50 PM
Chase cocked his head back to reply to Tomak, his hair blowing in the wind.

"Mind tricks can be used for great advantage, I learned that lesson a long time ago, as a child."

The speeder zigged around a uprising of rock and continued it's path toward the tree line.

Dios Kane
Jun 24th, 2002, 04:31:25 PM
:: Dios took another swig and eyed Chase::
A small child? Cool. So where's your lightsaber?

Tomak Ohara
Jun 24th, 2002, 10:03:32 PM
Tomak sat back and sighed for a moment, "How long is this going to take?" Tomak sat back again and looked at Chase,"So what made you join the jedi anyway?" Tomak stretched his wings and thought for a moment, he dreamed of the stars and the day he would see his people again.

Chase Starwalker
Jun 25th, 2002, 11:44:47 AM
Chase continued to guide the speeder throughout the maze of rock and sand.

"I am currently building my own, it's almost complete."

Chase paused.

"But I practice with one everyday, I've become quite handy with it..."

Chase slowed the speeder in between two large pillars of crusted rock. The tree line was not far off. Chase gave a nod to Tomak.

"Because were I come from, there are no truly good people. I wanted to make sure the innocent people have protection from those that would wish to harm them."

Dios Kane
Jun 25th, 2002, 01:18:26 PM
:: Dios liked Chase, he had the same feelings Dios had felt 117 years ago. Dios sat up as they neared the tree line. He could see the temple's clearing far off. Not much longer, This would not be hard at all it seemed. Easy, simple, go in, go out. Just like he had explained. Alright, this would be a sinch.::
Good Chase, that's what we're trained for. Protecting the innocent. All that, good stuff ya know.

Dios Kane
Jun 25th, 2002, 06:16:50 PM
:: They flew over the tree line as they entered the area. Dios pointed to a temple that stuck out, there were three::
Head for the tallest one Chase. Land in the court yard. Be careful and don't be caught offgaurd.

Chase Starwalker
Jun 25th, 2002, 06:51:15 PM
"Right." Chase said before taking the speeder over the huge over-hang down into the valley. They came to an abrupt stop in the courtyard. The temple was run down and had seemed to be crumbling. Vines and dust covered almost every tile of the ancient debris.

Dios Kane
Jun 25th, 2002, 07:00:25 PM
:: Dios smiled, perfect, deserted, nobody had been here in so long. He hoped... They came to a stop and Dios got out of the speeder. Tomak was flustered about all the debris in his wings and Grey was asleep in the back with food in his hand. Good, they needed someone to watch the speeder. Dios waved Chase and Tomak over as he walked into the temple entrance.::
C'mon, in and out.

Tomak Ohara
Jun 25th, 2002, 09:08:31 PM
Tomak looked around, "Something is not right. There is absoulotly nothing but evil in this mtemple. Do not let your hearts stray. I have a feeling we will be tempted to join the darkside. Keep your wits about you men." Tomak drew his lightsaber and activated it. "This could have very bad results my friends." Tomak followed the others into the temple and they walked ahead deeper into it. This was going to be a very big temptation indeed.

Chase Starwalker
Jun 25th, 2002, 11:12:09 PM
The old ruins gave a haunting to the temple. Tomak's lightsaber shed some light as they made thier way through the temple's vast cooridors.

Something here...was familar it seemed. Power lies within the walls of this place, and Chase could sense it. The Dark Side tingled upon thier minds, it was there.

Dios Kane
Jun 26th, 2002, 12:04:51 AM
:: Walked ahead of everybody and knew it was here, the darkside was everywhere here. He felt the dark side taunting him and calling him back to it. Phht, yeah right, been there, done that, got his arm cut off. Not worth it. He hoped that the darkness wouldn't become too strong that they would have to leave before they found the plans. Dios felt the darkside tugging. He wasn't immune, he just didn't like the feeling. He looked at his holopad, he had a map in front of him and he was heading towards the center of the temple, they were there.::
Almost a little further...

Dios Kane
Jun 26th, 2002, 12:52:47 PM
:: They entered a big room that had stairs and strange statues everywhere, this was the room that Dios was looking for but he could hear whispers now promising power. Power wasn't something he wanted to turn down but how could it help him now? It couldn't only his friends could help him. Dios walked over to a stair case in the middle and started to walk when he jumped back. Huge spikes had come up from the stairway. Not good.::
The sith are not fools my friends, they are clever and very greedy of their things, even if they are abandoned.

Chase Starwalker
Jun 27th, 2002, 01:07:06 PM
Chase's eyes darted over the Sith's ancient ruins. Darkness blew by them, tempting Chase. The Jedi Padawan was head strong, but not invincible. They pressed on.

"The boobytraps would certaintly be a problem, for the Dark Side clouds everything." Chase said as he walked forward further into the stone temple.

Dios Kane
Jun 27th, 2002, 01:34:36 PM
:: Dios took Tomak's lightsaber and waited for the spikes to come up on the stairs again. As they came up he sliced them down and had to continue to do so for every step thereafter.::
How fun.
:: They went up the stairs and found what looked like a museum::
Touch nothing until I find what we need. This could be really easy or really hard. I'd rather not bother with it.
:: Dios looked around until he found a stand with a box on it. He could sense a little bit of the lightside flowing from within. On the lid was written something in Masassi. He typed it in the holopad and it translated to, "Here rests the tool that led our master to us, for through this weapon, he was concieved in the darkness."
Dios was a little shaken by the words but he knew this was definitely Exar Khun's lightsaber case. Dios tried to sense for a trigger of some sort but found none. He opened the lid and heard a click, he jumped back and expected something to happen but nothing did. No way Dios could tell what that triggered but he'd figure out sooner or later. Dios looked inside the box and saw a lightsaber and a folded piece of cloth. This was it! They'd made it. Dios picked the saber up and the cloth and put it inside his jacket and turned to leave. They were done here. Hopefully.::
C'mon guys, on to Tatooine.

Tomak Ohara
Jul 2nd, 2002, 12:47:51 AM
Tomak heard the click and felt an odd presence, "Dios, I think we should run not walk. Somethiing is not right."Tomak saw the doors closing. "Its trying to shut us in! This is not good!" Tomak went running under the doors and Dios and Chase followed. They were running through the temple and then spikes began to shoot from the walls. They ran through the doors and they got to the last one. The door began to close and Tomak shot under it and held it open long enough for them to go underneath it. He rolled under the door and then started to look at Chase and Dios. They looked exausted and scared, "You guys owe me one." Tomak said as he began his journey back to the speeder.

Dios Kane
Jul 4th, 2002, 10:05:57 AM
:: Dios shook his head as he reached inside his flask and took a drink. He then walked over to Tomak and hit him in the shoulder.::
I don't owe you nothin, I brought you along just for that reason friend. We would've come along just as well.
:: He smiled at Tomak and turned to Chase.::
Chase, you wanna start up the speeder? We gotta get back soon.
:: Dios looked inside the speeder and Grey was gone. Oh well, the kid wouldn't have left without reason. He could take care of himself.::

ooc: Grey is gone, he probably won't be coming back on.

Chase Starwalker
Jul 4th, 2002, 09:46:10 PM
Chase did as instructed. The speeder roared to life as he climbed into the driver's seat once more.

Dios Kane
Jul 7th, 2002, 10:59:58 AM
:: Dios withdrew his prize he held it out and looked at it. It seemed to be covered in a dark side film but he could see a glimmer of the light side within. He placed that back inside his jacket and pulled out the cloth, he unfoldit and looked at it. The plans.::
Chase, we got it, set it on auto pilot back to the port and get some sleep, We head for Tatooine next, the ruby and your family, family first.

Chase Starwalker
Jul 7th, 2002, 11:35:13 AM
Chase was glad to hear the words...family. He hadn't seen them in so long, he needed his rest. Setting the speeder on AUTO he reclined in his seat. Settling his eyes, he began to doze off.

Tomak Ohara
Jul 8th, 2002, 09:27:15 AM
"Well guys I suppose I will see you when we get there." Tomak laid back and slept. Family....Tomak once had one, but they were gone now. He dreamed of them he could see his fathers wise face, and his sister so pretty. Then fire came from no where. There faces burned into nothing, and Tomak was helpless to save them. He began to shake and scream in his sleep.

Dios Kane
Jul 8th, 2002, 09:39:09 AM
:: Dios woke up to Tomak screaming and he hit him several times until the vamp woke up.::
Hey! Unfortuanatly, we are tired and your screaming isn't helping!

Tomak Ohara
Jul 8th, 2002, 09:42:28 AM
"Sorry I was dreaming about home. It really is sad. I wish I could change it all. When I become a jedi will you help me find a way home?" Tomak cried at the thought of home and wondered what Dios would say.

Dios Kane
Jul 8th, 2002, 09:54:02 AM
:: Dios didn't know what kind of mood he was in after hearing what Tomak had just said, longing, hope, anger...::
Tomak. You are jedi... and I would say that I can't help because I can't even help myself but know this. You are jedi, and you must let go of your family in the past. They died but so did mine. I can't save them because for one thing that would mean killing you in the past but what has been done has been done... We couldn't change the past if we tried, your father knew that... Maybe when he wanted you to save your kingdom that meant that you should become a jedi now, in the time when vampires aren't hunted dawn till dusk, where they won't go extinct. This is home now, as my sith nature is in the past, so is home. To keep these in your mind will draw you away from what we have become. I would like to go home, but how could I live with knowing that I could've done so much here where everything in the past has already been dealt with. So I don't want to go home. I want to live here, and drink. And now my friend... I would like to sleep.
:: Dios turned over and cleared his eyes, odd, they'd blurred up. But he wouldn't cry about it, this was the pain he couldn't heal with the holywater, only the force. He concentrated on it and fell asleep. No dreams.::

Tomak Ohara
Jul 8th, 2002, 10:06:33 AM
Tomak heard the words of his true friend. He was right Tomak had to learn to let go of these things. With his mind he told Dios, "Do not be afraid. It is okay to cry. We are your friends. Goodnight, dear friend." Tomak laid down and went to sleep.

Dios Kane
Jul 9th, 2002, 08:25:50 PM
:: Dios thought about what Tomak had said... then quickly went to sleep himself, no time to wate thinking when he could be sleeping right?::

Tomak Ohara
Jul 10th, 2002, 10:09:17 PM
Tomak awoke to the speeders engine humming loudly, it was overheating!!!!! Tomak reached for the wheel and woke Dios and Chase. "The damn speeder is overheating!" It was not long and the speeder just stopped. The engine blew up and then they were stranded. "Well, this could not get any worse could it." Tomak looked at Dios and Chase, "You guys just wanna leave the speeder here? I can get us there. My wings work pretty well." Tomak held out one arm for Chase the lighter one. "You grab onto my arm Chase. Dios you get on my back. I can use the force speed-up to get us there. So do ya trust me, or do you wanna fix this thing?" Tomak looked at them and shoved his wings out. The 10 foot wing span was amazing. Time to fly again.....

Dios Kane
Jul 11th, 2002, 01:27:03 AM
Ya know what? I'll pass... you can take Chase, if he wants and then speed up or whatever and you can bring back a trailer to pick up the loaned speeder.
:: Dios sat down on the side of it and waited for them to make his descision.::

Chase Starwalker
Jul 11th, 2002, 10:16:27 AM
Between the two carrying on thier conversation, the sound of a speeder came to life behind them. They turned to see the hood of the speeder slam shut, exposing Chase holding a pair of dactar goggles and a welding torch. A smile spread across his face.

"Not a probelm."

Dios Kane
Jul 14th, 2002, 07:31:17 AM
:: Dios smiled and nodded.::
Good enough, we're only about an hour away.
:: He jumped in and let Chase take off just as Tomak had gotten settled. They arrived at the space port and Dios took the two back to the ship after they returned the speeder. They were back inside the cargo hold now and the other two were fast asleep before Dios withdrew the cloth. He opened it and looked over the plans, he withdrew his tools and began to work on the prototype he had with him, it slowly came together to a beautiful piece of work. Masterful, it was created and finished without delay. He was done with the plans now and what was left of Exar Khun's old lightsaber was scrap, now he needed the crystal and the handle and he'd be done. He looked at the bottom of the cloth and read a final sentence before burning it. He got the gist but didn't really care much for it. He said it out loud before going to sleep himself.::
A man who stares into the Abyss doesn't realize that the Abyss also stares back into him...

Tomak Ohara
Jul 20th, 2002, 09:03:29 AM
Tomak heard Dios words and spoke up, "Very true my good friend. I have one for you, we were merely two stones a very distant time ago. When we made that jump across the time stream and came here one must wonder that if we were not there for me to see the genecidal war against my race and you never killed me, than was history alltered by my presence here on this land when I should be dead. Hard to understand maybe, but think on these words. History abhors paradox."

OOC: Sorry Dios. I had to throw that in for fun.