View Full Version : Step Out of Your Comfort Zone (Spar-Chance)
Xazor Elessar
Jun 22nd, 2002, 10:06:25 PM
Xazor had dropped off a note at Chance's room. She requested that he meet her in the Jedi Academy early that day for a great challenge awaited him. Smiling, she sat in the center of the room and waited for her Padawan to arrive. The hum of her duel-phase saber, Love, echoed throughout the room and in her ears....breaking the silence that had engulfed the room. Today would be a real test for young Chance....but he needed it....
Jun 22nd, 2002, 10:15:23 PM
Chance read the note that Xazor left the boy that morning. A look of surprize on his face, placing the note down in his room he gathered his vest and threw it over his white shirt. Grabbing his weapon's belt and throwing it over his shoulder. Chance started out for the Academy at a breakneak running speed.
Soon, After dodging several people and helping one pick up papers. Chance rushed into the Academy, glancing back and forth with energy he spotted Xazor off to one area with her saber activated. Dashing to her position, Chance tried at the same time to equip his weapons belt on properlly. But in the process tripping close to Xazor, Chance fell and hit the floor with a solid 'Thud' and 'oof!'.
Standing to his feet, and seeing what tripped him; a training saber that had been left-out from a spar or something. Jogging this time, Chance quickly closed the gap between him and his master.
"I'm... Here.." he breathed out, panting heavily in bow...
Xazor Elessar
Jun 22nd, 2002, 10:24:45 PM
Xazor looked up and smiled gently when she saw that her Padawan had arrived. Nodding in approval, she jumped down from the boulder and stood in a defensive stance, her saber parallel to the ground at waist level in front of her. Looking right into his eyes she spoke.
"This day we shall spar. It will be a great challenge to you Chance....but give it your all. Use everything that you have learned and learn things you have never seen before. I am confident in you, now be confident in yourself..."
She said, nodding in agreement to her own words. She was happy with him, of course, but her words held a bit of an edge....a seriousness. This needed to be done, he was ready to spar against her. The first move would be his, though...for she had invited him. Smiling slightly, she motioned for him to draw his saber so they could begin...
Jun 22nd, 2002, 10:31:44 PM
Chance nodded, his confidence at it's maxiumum capacity. Drawing out his saber with his right hand, Chance ignited the lime green blade with it's tall-tale snap-hiss.
"You'll be proud of what I've learned in the past few days, Master."
Taking a stance; right leg out stiff and his left knee bent, left arm up in the air bent at the elbow and hand outspread over his head, right arm locked streight out with the wrist cocked downward angling the blade of the saber down. Chance studied his master's position before striking forward with a stab, Knowing already his master would coutneract agaist the attack against her, Chance halted just before the blade could enter her defence and spun to the left and tried to deliver a slash to her midsection...
Xazor Elessar
Jun 22nd, 2002, 10:35:09 PM
Xazor smiled but was quickly caught off-guard as her Padawan faked her with a jab. She was defending when he was already slashing for her mid-section. Rotating her wrist quickly, she brought her saber down and barly blocked the strike. Spinning on her heal, she delivered a heavy spinning back kick into his solar plexis. As he fell backwards, the Knight set up a Force wall behind him that he would be sure to crash into...
Jun 22nd, 2002, 10:46:22 PM
Breath rushed out of Chance's lungs as Xazor landed a blow on his chest. Stumbling back and then wincing as he struck a force wall from behind. Regaining his breath and footing, Chance dashed forward again, He made it pretty obvious he was about to preform the same maneuver he had done before.
As he neared Xazor, the force alerted him that she was putting up a defencive for the jab and fake, Instead of following through with the previous attack, Chance slid into a crouch and lept high into the air with aid of the force. The boy jumped up and over Xazor's head and landed behind her in a crouch. Immeadeatly, Chance struck out a foot and sweeped Xazor's legs out from under her. Summoning a force wall to halt her fall secondly..
The boy danced back and regained his stance, sences open to the force and awaiting Xazor's counter...
Xazor Elessar
Jun 22nd, 2002, 10:49:34 PM
Xazor grinned to herself when she felt Chance's leg sweep her feet. She fell into a Force wall he had constructed, and then hit the ground. Her shoulder seemed to bruise instantly, but it was little price to pay for seeing her Padawan in action. Getting up to her feet, she eyed him for a moment as she loosened some rafters from the ceiling. Suddenly, using the Force, she brought down several. They fell at different angles but at the same rate of speed. He would need to act quickly if he was to avoid being crushed....
Jun 22nd, 2002, 10:55:09 PM
Chance gasped as the rafters raced to crush his form. Disengaging teh saber in his hand, Chance crossed his arms over his chest and crouched down. Around him a force wall/dome intergrated into reality. The rafters slammed into the dome and fell to the ground around the boy, One sliver of wood penetrated the force dome and nicked the padawan across his cheek.
Beads of red blood popped out were teh wound was delivered. Standing back up and pushing the remaining rafters away and off the dome, Chance prepared himself for the worst Xazor could bring...
Xazor Elessar
Jun 23rd, 2002, 05:41:34 PM
Xazor grinned as she witnessed her Padawan use the Force rather than his body. He needed to to that more now. Smiling, she lifted some sand in her hand and blew it at him, creating the image of a hundred throwing knives flying toward his body. With that she took four of her own throwing knives and sent them along with the illusion. This was nearly unfair for not many people could tell the illusion from reality....but he had strong Force sense. She crossed her arms over her chest....watching to see what he would do....
Jun 23rd, 2002, 07:28:27 PM
Chance halted, his eyes awide in horror as the hundreds of illiusioned knives came into focus. Then something 'hit' his mind, there was a strong trace of the force in the group of knives.
Feeling out with the force, Chance located four knives without a force trace around it. Switching off the saber and clipping it to his belt in one fluid motion, Chance held up both of his arms and outspreaded his fingers. Concentraing on sending the force down his arms and from his finger, Chance sent four blasts right into the horde of Knives..
The four real knives halted in air and dropped to the ground with a think! Chance took a deep breath as the rest of the illusioned daggers passed through his body without harm..
Xazor Elessar
Jun 23rd, 2002, 08:28:29 PM
Xazor stopped and clapped. It was the best defense against that illusion she had ever seen!
"Well done my Padawan!"
She said with great approval. That was just the beginning though. Smiling impishly, she gathered some more sand from the ground and walked over to Chance, then blew it into the air. Thousands of butterflies appeared and furiously flapped their wings.....blinding him from her actions. Quickly she made a high arch with her saber from his right to his left shoulder, then made a sweeping motion across his body.
Jun 23rd, 2002, 08:55:02 PM
Chance smiled as Xazor gave her approval, but had a smig'n of doubt as the Knight began to walk torward him.
Then the butterflies exploded into life.
Chance stumbled back, lost his footing, and fell. Just as Xazor's saber ziped infront of his eyes, her saber passed harmlessly from his shoulder to his midsection, but clipped his right shoulder instantly numbing the area.
Summoning a force wall and pushing it torward's Xazor to allow the boy time to regain his position. As soon as the boy was on his feet and stanced, the wall dropped. Chance lept forward, jabbed in three times in succesion before delivering a spin slash aimed for the Knight's abdomen...
Xazor Elessar
Jun 23rd, 2002, 09:03:45 PM
Xazor was a bit shocked by the Force wall and as she fell back from it, Chance blinded her with his saber's light. Suddenly she felt a burning sensation cross her abdomine as his saber made contact with her skin. Wincing in pain, she pushed it aside and regained her footing. She bent over and picked up some sand, then threw it into his eyes. It would sting and blind him for a good while....but he did not need his eyes to see her. Quickly she moved in and delivered a series of strikes. The top end of her saber slashed at his legs and she moved the other side to attack his upper body....
Jun 23rd, 2002, 09:19:57 PM
Chance yelped as the sand contacted his unprotected eyes, instantly he was blind from the irritant pain. With one arm, Chance covered his eyes and tried to rub the sand out but to no avail he ended up irriating it much more.
Then his hearing picked up Xazor's saber's humming from a swing, taking a backstep and unknowingly keeping his legs protected. He felt out with the force instinctively and located Xazor. Even though his sight was disabled, his force sences and hearing were not.
Manervering his own saber up then rotating the blade down with a quick flick of his wrists Chance deflected Xazor's duel saber from coming into contact with his stomach.
Pulling back his saber, and doubling his grip on the hilt. Chance felt out once more, hearing and force, before striking forward with an awkward slash..
Xazor Elessar
Jun 24th, 2002, 09:50:30 AM
Xazor smiled and continued attacking, but she was blocked each time. He was doing well but he needed to see her with his mind's eye.
"Use the Force, Chance! You don't need your eyes to see me...."
She called out to her Padawan before spinning around and landing a heavy side thrust kick into his stomach. Just as he fell, she set up a Force cube around him, then called on the water from the man made fountain behind him. Using the Force, she covered the cube with the water and then ran over to it. With one touch of her hand to the water, it was frozen due to her talent of controlling all things that are cold. Now he was locked in the "Ice Cube" and if he did not act soon, it would begin to internally damage the young Padawan....
Jun 24th, 2002, 10:43:55 AM
Chance was doing well parrying Xazor's blows, but the thrusted kick into his stomach toppled the boy over and he found that he was stuck in a 'cube'. Feeling out with the force, Chance 'saw' Xazor call the water to the cube and then freeze it.
Panicky, Chance felt all over the cube with his hands. Then realised he could cut the ice with his saber.. But it was gone.
Muttering a curse, and shivering a bit due to the drop in temprature. Chance contemplated a escape route..
Ice.. need something to cut ice.. melt... fire! his mind raced, concentrating on his hands. Chance felt out with the force, summoning the flame to his hands. Beads of sweat that instantly chilled ran down his forehead, a spark jumped from one tip of his finger to the other.. then more sparks. Suddenly flame ripped into life around the boy's hands. Grinning, and still blind, Chance placed his hands on the cube around him and felt the ice turn to water...
Soon, there was a hole wide enough for Chance to escape. Letting go of the flames, He jumped out and shot for the lightsaber that his mind 'saw'. The force directed him to the saber and back at Xazor. Flicking the blade on yet again, Chance stood ready...
Xazor Elessar
Jun 24th, 2002, 10:51:45 AM
Xazor was really impressed with how well her Padawan was doing.....especially with lack of true sight. Smiling quickly, she opened her free hand and sent a heavy Force blast toward him. It hit his chest and sent him flying back into a wall. A crack could be heard and she hoped it was not his ribs like in most other cases. Disengaging her saber, she clipped it to her belt. Now she would get even more serious....this would be hard for her to do. The Knight walked over to the boy and looked down at him. She would imitate a Sith...and he would have to react. Against what her heart wished to do, she slapped the boy across the face and glared at him.
"What do you think you are, a Jedi? I can feel your anger now! You're truly a Sith...give into it!"
She yelled in his face, then grabbed onto his wrists. Using the Force, she powered her strength and bent his hands backwards. If she had gone a little harder, his wrists would have snapped, but that was not her goal.
"It is hard to stay calm under pressure, isn't it? How do you feel right now, Padawan?"
She questioned with a firey look in her eyes. It was all show though, in her heart she was still the same loving person....but this had to be done to test him. His sight would be just returning and he had a few choices in the way he could react....
Jun 24th, 2002, 11:16:58 AM
Chance slid down from the wall, something inside his body had broken. He knew it.
The slap across his face awoke him fully from the pain, giving his nerves a new source. The boy growled in pain as she bent his wrist's back to the point of fracture.
"It is hard to stay calm under pressure, isn't it? How do you feel right now, Padawan?" he faintly heard over the pain..
"I feel... you just..made a big mistake!" He shouted over the pain, behind Xazor. The saber that had yet again fallen out of the boy's grasp slowly lifted up by Force use via Chance. The blade hissed out of the hilt and pointed at the Knight.
Using the force to power his body, Chance slowly got to his feet. With Xazor still gripping his wrists, and the immeance pain from it, Chance began to push his wrist down, overcoming the pain slowly.
Then he jumped forward and squarely headbutted Xazor in the upper part of her chest right under the neck..
The saber behind Xazor shot to life as it lept forward via the force and made it's course at the Knight...
OOC: Um.. Kinda crappy description :( but it's all I can do to accurlately do that action
Xazor Elessar
Jun 24th, 2002, 12:05:33 PM
Xazor smiled, her Padawan had done the right thing and very accuratly too. She was a bit surprised when she heard the hum of a saber right behind her. Turning around she engaged her weapon and blocked the blade from touching her skin. With that it flew across the room once again. Spinning around, she disengaged her saber and clipped it to her belt once again and glared at Chance.
"You are the one that has made the mistake, boy! You're nothing more than a'll never be a Jedi!"
She yelled at him, then grabbed his neck with one hand and slowly raised him into the air....more with the Force than her own physical strength. She looked right into his eyes and then slammed him into the wall once again. The pain and pressure had to be getting to him.....she wanted to make sure that he would not react out of anger as she had once done...
ooc: Tis alright, it looked great to me! :lol
Jun 24th, 2002, 12:38:09 PM
a slave... no.. never... not anymore....
Chance felt himself being hoisted into the air by his neck, The pain was blocked away into the back of his mind. Anger began to boil, Chance slammed his forearm into the crook of Xazor's arm. Then using the wall as a brace, Chance shoved forward in a tackle of some sorts.
As they both fell, Xazor thrown off-balance by Chance's now added weight. Forcefully pulling Xazor's hand off his neck and to the floor, Chance planted his forearm on her neck. His golden eyes stared without emotion...
Xazor Elessar
Jun 24th, 2002, 01:26:23 PM
Xazor smiled wickedly as she continued in the "Sith imitation mode". Nodding silghtly she looked into the boy's eyes.
"Yes.....feel you anger and hatred...harness it! You hate me now! I feel your anger! You have learned nothing from Xazor, nothing!"
She yelled out at him and then began pinching a pressure point on his back with the Force....
Jun 24th, 2002, 01:42:59 PM
"I dont hate anybody." Chance growled, feeling the numbing sensation from the pressure point being activated. He stood up and backed away slowly. Forming a force wall infront of him.
"Hate and Anger are not Jedi ways..."
Xazor Elessar
Jun 24th, 2002, 02:21:58 PM
"Indeed you speak the truth, but the Jedi are weak, you should know that! Look at you, unable to hide the fact that you are live a life of lies, Chance!!! Strike me down with your anger and make yourself more powerful....."
She growled deeply, twisting the pressure point in his back harder with the Force so that he would collapse to his knees. This was nearly too much for her to bare to do to him.....and her heart ached because of it, but it had to be done.....
Jun 24th, 2002, 02:33:16 PM
Chance fell to one knee. The pain was nearly unbearable, he couldnt concentrate.
"Stop..." He mummbled, trying to hold his anger. Already, his rare ability given to him by his father showed; His lime hair glowed with an inner light and slowly switched color to a pale blue. "I wont do it.. never.."
The pain began to increase. It took every ounce of will power to keep the boy from falling completely to the ground, he summoned his saber to his hand but didnt activate it.. "Stop..."
Xazor Elessar
Jun 24th, 2002, 05:30:52 PM
Xazor let go of the boy's wrist and smiled to herself. She let the "Sith imitation mode" fall from her presence and her eyes became soft. Kneeling down beside him, she placed a hand on his shoulder.
"You have done well did not fall to anger, and you have shown some great abilities through the Force. I could never be more proud."
Her eyes sparkled with approval. He was a great Jedi already...and he would do honor to the Order, and someday, the rank of Knight.
"Now, you know how to heal I suggest you do so. You have proven yourself so worthy of this Order. I apologize for going so hard on you, but I wanted to test you. You have passed with flying colors young one...."
She said with a gentle smile. The Knight hugged her Padawan and helped him to his feet.
Jun 24th, 2002, 05:56:34 PM
Chance smiled with Xazor's approval. Already, after the pain had subsided, begining to heal himself with use of the force. The broken rib would take it's own time to mend, but it would provite Chance with a 'training device' to practice healing on.
"Xazor.." He spoke, his eyes glimmering and hair shimmering. "Our spar is over?"
Xazor Elessar
Jun 24th, 2002, 06:04:39 PM
Xazor nodded gently and smiled.
"Yes, I cannot bare to put you through any more this day. We will spar once you are completely healed."
She had other ideas though, this would have to be brought before the Council. Smiling to herself, she took down a small holo-video that had taped the event. Reviewing it quickly, she slipped the holo-pad in her robes and turned back to Chance.
"Perhaps you should visit the med-bay....or rest in your room. Do you wish for me to take you to one or the other?"
She questioned gently, knowing that he had a broken rib and it would take time to heal, unless he experimented on his own healing.
Jun 24th, 2002, 06:16:15 PM
"My room would be good, this rib that broke will help me try to advance on my healing.." He responded, his hair that shimmered a pale blue returned to it's lime green color. Often, Chance would attempt to activate his EX ability just for fun... anyway. "Interesting spar.." he commented as they began walking torward the exit..
Xazor Elessar
Jun 24th, 2002, 06:34:51 PM
Xazor smiled gently and laughed a bit.
"I'm glad that you liked it."
She said in a teasing tone. The Knight opened the doors with the Force and lead the way out of the Academy. They walked for a minute or so and soon reached the Living Quarters. Again she opened the doors with the Force and made room for her Padawan to go in first.....they then made the journey down the halls until she found the room he shared with Kanji and stopped, gently opening the door.
"Here's your room.....I didn't know that yours was so close to mine! If you need anything....don't hesitate to find me."
She said with a reassuring squeeze of his shoulder.
Jun 24th, 2002, 09:11:59 PM
Chance winced each time he took a step, the pain wasnt great but enough to remind him. Soon they came to Chance's and Kanji's room where Xazor opened the door for the boy.
"You know I will." He responded to her statement.
Chance smiled up at Xazor as she placed a hand on his shoulder, then he embraced her in a hug. "Thanks for being a friend." He whispered...
Xazor Elessar
Jun 25th, 2002, 04:30:12 PM
Xazor smiled and took Chance in the hug.
"Of course....that's what I'm here for. Your friend first...then your teacher."
She said with a gentle smile, the words were heart felt and true.
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