View Full Version : Beaten and bruised.

Hoshi No Shikyo
Jun 22nd, 2002, 12:45:52 PM
:: Hoshi walked unsteadly down one of the halls of the Sith Order's palace, the one side of her head caked in her own blood from a slight wound she recieved in her first fight with a Jedi. (see-Bloodlust) Her sword was in one hand, the blade also covered with blood, as she looked for the Med-bay ::

Lady Vader
Jun 27th, 2002, 04:40:04 PM
*One of the guards that was hidden in the Palace relayed to LV what he had seen. In moments, LV was at the exact hallway Hoshino was slowly walking in. She blinked as she looked on the young Sith before speaking.*

Come, Hoshino, the med-bay is in the underground command facility below the Palace.

*She walked with the young woman, not helping her, but letting her deal with her wounds and learn from them. This didn't make LV cold-hearted towards her fellow Sith. On the contrary, this was good for the young ith as it would strengthen her.*

*When they reached the med-bay, the medical droid treated Hoshino's cuts and wounds. It was during this process LV spoke again.*

Tell me what transpired.

Hoshi No Shikyo
Jun 27th, 2002, 05:10:34 PM
:: Hoshi looked at LV and smiled weakly ::

I'd prefer not to talk about it......Let's just say I hopefully didn't make a fool of myself in front of the Jedi...

Lady Vader
Jun 28th, 2002, 12:06:55 AM
*LV nodded solemnly as the droid finished it's work. She looked at the young woman.*

The only fool is one who does not learn from their experiences. And I'm pretty sure you learned from this experience. Therefore, you were not a fool.

*LV turned to leave, gesturing to Hoshi.*

Come. I will walk you back to your room. You will need rest and time to heal. And a bit more practice of your fighting skills would also be in good order, but only after you are mended enough.

Hoshi No Shikyo
Jun 28th, 2002, 01:24:31 PM
:: when Lady Vader said room Hoshi eyes got a wild look in them ::

I'm find Ma'am, no need to waste your time escorting me places....I can get there on my own, but thank you anyways...

:: she stood up and walked past LV and out the door of the Med-bay ::

Lady Vader
Jul 1st, 2002, 01:23:11 PM
*LV watched as the young ith walked hurridly past her in the direction of the lift that would take her to the level that held her quarters. It made LV smile a bit. Either the Sith was intimidated by her, or wished to show she could handle things on her own. Either way, LV let the woman go, and instead turned in the opposite direction to a different lift that would take her to the level of the gardens.*

Hoshi No Shikyo
Jul 1st, 2002, 02:20:11 PM
:: Hoshi breathed deeply ::

Stupid castle, stupid walls, stupid droid.....I hate it....

:: the door to the lift pened to the floor with the disciple's quaters, Hoshi walkled out quickly, not heading for a room but looking for an outside door ::

That was nice of Lady Vader to show me were the Med-bay is, but how come it had to be UNDERGROUND! Damnit....Stupid walls, get outside and be all better...

:: Hoshi found a way outside finally and left the palace, she breathed really deeply ::

Much better.....

Jul 1st, 2002, 02:25:51 PM
He'd been walking across the grounds, about to head back into the castle when Hoshi had come out through the door. Hed met her twice before, but she hadnt looked quite as she did now. Though the droids had taken good care of her, she still looked as if she'd been to hell and back again.

Sasha paused for a moment.

"Hoshi..." He stated in greeting. His violet eyes stared at her for a moment.

"You ok?" He finally asked. They had the same master, and he felt some sort of responsibility towards her.

Hoshi No Shikyo
Jul 2nd, 2002, 01:01:23 PM
"I'm fine..." She growled through clenched teeth. She walked right past Sasha and headed in the direction of the woods surrounding the Palace. "I just need to rest abit and then I'll be fine." she said over her shoulder, while reaching up and taking the bandages off her head. "Yup, I'm juuuust peachy." she tossed the slightly bloodied bandages to the ground and continued on her way. "Oh." She turned around so she was facing Sasha. "If you run into Master Dyzm before I do tell him I fought a Jedi like he said I should."

Jul 2nd, 2002, 01:38:52 PM
She was decidedly cold to him, and instantly, his relaxed posture stiffened. What was it with these Sith women? Friendly one moment, and cold as ice the next. He shook his head in confusion and was about to walk off when she turned back to him, something in her voice telling him he ought to listen.

If you run into Master Dyzm before I do tell him I fought a Jedi like he said I should.

His violet eyes stared at her from the distance away they were from one another. He nodded.

"As you wish." He replied, an odd expression crossing his features briefly before he pulled open the door and walked into the castle, headed for his room.