View Full Version : Tomak

Liam Jinn
Jun 21st, 2002, 11:58:10 PM
Liam waited patiently for his new padawan in a medium-sized training room.

Tomak Ohara
Jun 22nd, 2002, 12:19:17 AM
Tomak entered the room and saw his new master awaiting him. Tomak had his new lightsaber in hand, and felt great. He had been waiting forever for this moment. This was great, Tomak came in and bowed to his master. "Master Jinn, I am ready to receive your instructions." Tomak bowed again in respect. His wings spread in appreciaiton. He held his lightsaber to his side, and felt the power of the force flow through him.

Liam Jinn
Jun 22nd, 2002, 02:45:29 AM
Liam smiled at the new padawan.

"Alright Tomak, have you been taught anything yet?"

Tomak Ohara
Jun 22nd, 2002, 12:52:49 PM
Tomak answered, "Some things in force class, and I have sparred some, but I do not really know that much Master." Tomak looked at Liam and awaited his orders.

Liam Jinn
Jun 22nd, 2002, 02:35:10 PM
He looked at Tomak thoughtfully for a moment then nodded.

"Alright, first thing. Always stay calm, don't let anything get to you." Tomak nodded and Liam unclipped a lightsaber.

"Let's start with a spar, that way I can get an idea of how to train you."

Tomak Ohara
Jun 22nd, 2002, 02:41:27 PM
Tomak took his lightsaber from his side and activated it. Tomak set his saber to training, and then came at Liam. He went to strike him from above, and at the last moment faked for a leg shot. Both shots blocked. Tomak came in for another arm shot, but tripped. He was still getting use to the weightlessness of the blade. He quickly stood back up and went back in for a few more hits.

Liam Jinn
Jun 22nd, 2002, 03:00:14 PM
Liam stopped his padawan for a moment.

"Make sure that when you fight, you use more than your saber. Ok, keep up the attack."

The Jedi Master took a defensive stance and motioned for Tomak to attack.

Tomak Ohara
Jun 22nd, 2002, 03:11:26 PM
Tomak took the words of the master in and came back at him. Tomak came in for a couple hits to the arm and then a strike toward the top of the head. When the master blocked above Tomak put his foot behind Liams and tripped him. "I am unsure what you meant, but is it something like that?" Tomak helped Liam up, and awaited to be either yelled at or told his actions were right.

Liam Jinn
Jun 22nd, 2002, 03:18:46 PM
Liam laughed. "Yes, that is somewhat what I meant. Good, now let's see how well you defend yourself."

He flipped backwards, easily landing on his feet a few feet back. Tomak was pushed back by the force as his Master ran towards him, his saber comming down in a diagonal slash. The padawan was caught off gaurd yet managed to block the oncomming blade. Liam spun around on one foot and delivered a well placed kick in his stomach. Tomak flew back and landed on the ground.

Tomak Ohara
Jun 22nd, 2002, 03:22:57 PM
Tomak got back up. "Wow, that was unexpected." He got in a ready stance and waited for Liam's next move. Tomak was ready. He had more than one trick up his sleeve. Tomak began watching every move Liam made.

Liam Jinn
Jun 22nd, 2002, 03:35:11 PM
The saber in Liam's hands began moving rapidly, it was almost hipnotic as it sped up more and more. Soon, the blurred blade flew out of his hands and toward the padawan. It stopped a foot away from Tomak's throat, the grey blade hovering, distracting the padawan. Liam rolled underneath his saber and kicked out, taking Tomak's feet out from under him. Getting up and giving himself more room. The saber flew back into his hand and he waited for Tomak to come back with an offensive.

Tomak Ohara
Jun 22nd, 2002, 04:09:03 PM
Tomak jumped in the air and came down on his head. He was blocked, but then he flew behind Liam and hit him in the back with his saber. When Liam got distracted Tomak delivered a few punches to his back. Flew back in front of him, and then hit him with a few kicks and saber strikes. "Is that enough to prove myself?" Tomak looked at Liam and awaited his response.

Liam Jinn
Jun 22nd, 2002, 04:20:38 PM
Liam stretched a little after the attack.

"You're not trying to prove anything here. But you do have a few things to work on." He deactivated his saber then looked back at Tomak. "Force Push; let the force flow through your body easily, but build up some of the energy. When you feel you have enough built up, release it."

He demonstrated by pushing Tomak back a bit. "Now your turn."

Tomak Ohara
Jun 22nd, 2002, 04:37:52 PM
Tomak nodded, "Alright, here goes." Tomak pulled the force energy from the center of his body. He could feel the energy flow through him. He held it in his palm, and waited. A few times it came out far too early, and others too late. Tomak tried many times, and then it happened. He let it build up in his body, and then forced it through his body. He aimed it at Liam and he moved. Not much, but Tomak knew he had done it. He still had a lot of work to do though. Tomak looked at his master, "Next."

Liam Jinn
Jun 22nd, 2002, 06:04:10 PM
"Force Jump, same basic principals, only jump."

Liam bent down then shot up 10 feet or so, then came back down, landing on his feet gently.

"Your turn, just watch your landing."

Tomak Ohara
Jun 22nd, 2002, 10:36:18 PM
Tomak put the force under his feet, and then tried to jump, and once again he failed a few times, but continued to try. Tomak put all his force underneath him this time and jumped. He flew up very high. Almost double his master, but he did not mean to. He came in for a landing hard and slowed himself down using his wings. "Whew....Thought I was going to break my leg there." Tomak started laughing at himself.

Liam Jinn
Jun 23rd, 2002, 03:50:25 AM
Liam again studied his padawan, rubbing his hands on the stubble forming on his chin.

"Alright, lets have a lesson in concentration."

He stretched his arm out towards a bench and out from underneath it came four stones. They floated towards the padawan until they came to a rest in front of him.

"Heh, this might seem silly now, but it is tricky nontheless. Juggle the four stones through the force. Reach out through the force and pick each one of them up first."

Tomak Ohara
Jun 23rd, 2002, 11:18:57 AM
Tomak sat there. This could be very hard. Tomak could pick up the stones, but making them move. Tomak easily pulled them into the air. He tried to get them to move. He moved his hand and tried to push the force out to get them to move. This only resulted on the stones being on the floor. Tomak turned and started picking them up, "I am so sorry master. This is not really my expertise. I still have a lot to learn." Tomak placed the stones and then he thought for a moment. Concentration? He needed to concentrate, but on what.....then he remebered. Force class, before he had a master they were lifting stones. They said to imagine the stones rising from the ground. Tomak closed his eyes, and picked them all up with the force. He imagined the stones revolving, some making diffrent arrangemnts. He put the force into his thoughts, and opened his eyes. He concentrated on that picture and put force in to it. He tried doing the same thing he did when he lifted the rocks. Only he said they were moving instead of floating. Some rocks would fly off in little spasms, but nothing big. Tomak put all of his concentration into that one thought, and he used the force to power it. Then the stones began to revolve. Tomak arraned them into orders, smallest to biggest, biggest to smallest, most scratches to least. This was to cool, but Tomak tried not to get overconfident as he slowly placed the stones down right where they came from. He came out of his meditative mood, and asked Liam, "Was that it Master? Did I do good?" Tomak stood there, and awaited Liams next orders.

Liam Jinn
Jun 24th, 2002, 08:22:05 PM
"Very good. Now learn to use the force to speed up your movements, it's not all that hard and you can apply it to everything. Now, run and speed up until you can no longer keep up the pace."

Tomak Ohara
Jun 25th, 2002, 09:15:17 PM
Tomak looked at Liam, "Yes master." Tomak went running as fast as he could. This one kind of confused him. Tomak thought about nothing, but getting faster. Tomak sped up going faster and faster. He looked around and thought it was time. He jumped into the air and glided using his wings. He looked around and saw that everything was a blur around him. Tomak was doing it! Little by little he was learning the force and becoming a jedi. Tomak kept flying as long as he could until he had to stop himself. This was a diffrent matter. Tomak could not stop well. He flew until he hit the wall. He fell to the ground and got up and said, "Hey, next time Master teach me how to stop. That would have been helpful."

Liam Jinn
Jun 26th, 2002, 09:07:40 AM
Liam laughed.

"You'll learn, don't worry. Alright, I want you to go and spar with a couple of padawans, then come back here when you're done."