View Full Version : Looking for Xazor(Xazor)

Tomak Ohara
Jun 21st, 2002, 04:52:50 PM
Tomak walked into his room, and wondered when Xazor would arrive. This was very interesting, hopefully he would have a master soon, but he would wait. Tomak waited and while this happened he prepared dinner for his arriving guest. A meal of turkey, potatoes, and a dessert made from the finest red pineapples in the galaxy. Tomak waited for his guest to arrive.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 21st, 2002, 05:38:44 PM
A light knock came at the door of Tomak Ohara, as Xazor Dawnstrider stood in the hall waiting for him to answer. A smile danced upon her lips and a black satin pouch rested in her hands. Inside was a magnificent gift that she had prepared for this Padawan....

Tomak Ohara
Jun 21st, 2002, 07:57:44 PM
OOC: WHAT IS IT!!!! *bounces up and down like a small child on christmas* Tomak invited her in and took any robes or coats she handed him. "Please sit down and enjoy the dinner I made. I hope you like it." Tomak said as he pulled a seat up for her. Tomak sat and looked at the small pouch Xazor had. "May I ask what that is Master Dawnstrider? May I ask another question? May I call you Xazor or would you prefer me to call you Master Dawnstrider?" Tomak continued to stare at the pouch curious as to what was in it.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 21st, 2002, 09:05:34 PM
ooc: :mneh


Xazor smiled and entered Tomak's room. It was very nice inside, and the smell of a delicious dinner filled the air. She was a bit surprised that he had gone through the trouble of cooking for her, when all she wished to do was give him a simple gift.

"This is for you...."

She said softly, handing him the black satin pouch. It was heavy in the hand for inside lay a beautiful weapon. It was a lightsaber....and would be his first one. The hilt was of pure silver and had ornate carvings of another language running down the flanks of the shaft in black lettering. On the base of the saber hilt, a solid ring of black rested with an engravement in silver:

"I am strong in the Force for it is the core of who I am....."

The words would hit home for Tomak, she knew. His full name was engraved in the center of the hilt, running horizontally. Inside was even more delicate and intricate than the shell. There were four crystals laid tightly together in such a manner that the blade would be an incredible color. Two pure white crystals....and two deep black ones laid at adjacent angles down the shaft, connected to two main wires that powered the beam through the top of the hilt. Due to the unique combination of crystals, the blade would be a whitish/silver color....truly beautiful to the observer. The weapon would take time to learn how to use, but it had three settings.....training, stun, and battle....all fit for every need he had. She smiled thoughtfully, for it had taken her quite some time to build....but it was worth it. She waited in anticipation to see his reaction....

Tomak Ohara
Jun 21st, 2002, 09:15:20 PM
OOC: Is it double bladed? It seems so.


Tomak activcated the blade. He loved it. It was incredible, perfect in every single way. "Thank you very much, Master. You have put so much time into this, I know. You did not need to go through all the trouble. It is truly stunning. This weapon is so incredible. I thank you very much Master Dawnstrider. This is a wonderful gift. Now then, shall we continue to eat?" Tomak sat down and smiled happily as he ate his food. This was great right now everything was perfect. A new lightsaber, his force training was magneficent, he might be getting a new master, and there was no Dios within miles, not to mention his relationship with Azhure. This was incredible. He loved it here with the jedi. They protected him and made him feel safe....just like his father. Tomak began to cry. Home made him very tired and sad. This was odd, how one thing could make you cry and another could make you feel so good.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 22nd, 2002, 08:54:12 AM
ooc: It's not duel-phase....not yet. :lol


Xazor smiled, glad that he enjoyed the gift. She continued to eat the delicious food and then noticed that he was crying. Lofting a brow, she set her fork down and looked at him curiously.

"Why do you cry Tomak?"

She questioned, knowing that she could probe his feelings and his thoughts....but that it was better to let him speak. Thinking back, she recalled that she had neglected to answer a question.

"Oh! You may call me Xazor or whatever you like while not in training or in formality...."

She said with a gentle smile, taking some more food on her fork to consume. It was very good...

Tomak Ohara
Jun 22nd, 2002, 12:39:15 PM
Tomak looked at Xazor. "I cry because I am thingking of home. I recently discovered I can not save my race in the past, because you cannot change the past. This means I will never see my family or friends again. So I only cry now when I think about it. May I ask a question? Did the jedi ever hear of a visitor from the past? I feel as if everyone already knows me, and I have not even met most of these people." Tomak looked at Xazor. Most of the tears were gone, but something still troubled him. Blade Ice seemed a wothy foe. He was making as many enemies as he was friends.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 22nd, 2002, 01:38:37 PM
Xazor thought hard for a moment and shook her head.

"I personally have never met anyone from the past...as far as I know. But then again, it is not something everyone just says..."Oh hello, I am from the past..." I guess one never can be too sure..."

She said as she thought about the possibility for a moment. It was conceivable....