View Full Version : Silence Can Be Deafening....

Danya Van Derveld
Jun 21st, 2002, 01:53:23 PM
A young woman approached the establishment of "Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill". A small smile crept across her lips as she pushed the door open and made her way in....but then was stopped by a few members of the NRSF who told her to hand over her weapons. With a great sigh of reluctance, she gave them her two lightsabers, Energy and Dragon Spirit. Looking around, she spotted an empty table in the back corner of the bar...dark and quiet, waiting for her.

The place crawled with Lightsiders and dripped with goodness. It made her sick to see the Jedi hiding behind their trueselves.....but there was nothing she could do. Sighing slightly, she sat down, enshrouding herself in the shadows. Her bright Cyan eyes peered out from the back corner as she looked around.....watching. Everywhere people were talking, but the silence around her was deafening.....how she longed for some real friends....

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 21st, 2002, 01:59:49 PM
A light voice spoke from above:

"Is there something troubling you, miss?"

Danya Van Derveld
Jun 21st, 2002, 02:09:58 PM
Danya nearly jumped when she heard the voice of a man from above. Looking up, she nervously shook her head and smiled weakly.

"Nothing is troubling me....what would give you that idea?"

She questioned curtly, wishing she could take back the rudeness in her voice. Something inside of her just told her to be that way...she could be a nice person. Perhaps now that she was away from the Empire for a little while, she would have the chance to explore who she really was.

"I'm sorry...would you care to join me?"

The woman questioned, motioning for the empty place in the booth. A server droid approached their table and she looked at it for a moment, suddenly recalling what their purpose was. It had been embarassing when she spoke with Vega...and did not even know what a droid was. Now she would be fine....

"I'll have a JD.....and you?"

She looked over at her unexpected "guest" as he took a seat across from her. He too held the same aura as the place...a lightsider. Perhaps now, she would understand exactly why she hated the Jedi, besides the fact that they too had rejected her....just like everyone else.....

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 21st, 2002, 02:12:08 PM
The anger in the woman was evident; she was a Sith undoubtably, though not a very experienced one. With a curt nod and smile Dasquian took the offered seat, reclining comfortably whilst at the same time managing to sit up very straight.

"Just a water, please," the Jedi said, "But thank you for the offer ... ?"

His voice trailed off, quizically - he did not know what to address he as.


Danya Van Derveld
Jun 21st, 2002, 02:16:40 PM
Danya smiled slightly as the droid rolled away with their orders. Turning her attention back to the Jedi, she noted that she had not even properly introduced herself.

"Oh...I'm Danya Argent. You are...?"

She questioned curiously, knowing that he was the first Jedi she had ever said more than a few words to. A meeting she had has in Rama's with a Rogue Jedi did not go so well.....for Danya was flippant in her words and did not follow the teachings of her Master. That would all change now...she would show what a real Sith was all about....

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 21st, 2002, 02:27:43 PM
"Dasquian Belargic, Jedi Padawan, a pleasure to meet you Miss Argent," the Jedi replied with a bow of his head.

Danya Van Derveld
Jun 21st, 2002, 02:31:06 PM
Danya smiled slightly and nodded.

"It's always a pleasure to meet a Jedi...."

She laughed slightly and took the drinks from the droid's tray when it returned. The woman handed Dasquian his water, and she took her JD. It was alright over here, but not nearly as good as at Rama's.

"I'm a Sith Apprentice at the Sith Empire...."

She added, noting that he had revealed his rank, and it would be safe to do so herself. Looking around for a moment, her eyes slowly wandered back to meet his.

"So, do you come here often?"

She questioned in a sad attempt to make conversation with the Jedi.....

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 21st, 2002, 02:32:57 PM
"But of course, it is the best place within the Order to meet other Jedi, as well as others like yourself," he said gesturing towards her.

"There are not many places in the galaxies where a Jedi and Sith can converse so freely as here."

Danya Van Derveld
Jun 21st, 2002, 02:36:24 PM
Danya nodded as she eyed the place once again. It wasn't that bad, she had to admit....but it still dripped with the Light.

"I suppose you're correct....not to many plesant things go down at Rama's when the Jedi and Sith try to converse..."

She said with a feral grin. Taking a sip of her drink, she set it back on the table and looked at him for a moment. He was a Jedi, and she was Sith...and they were speaking with one another and no one seemed to mind. It was odd, yet in the same, pleasant...

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 21st, 2002, 02:37:44 PM
"Ah, Rama's Corner. A most interesting place... I have only been there once myself, and I would not care to go back," he said with a soft chuckle.

"The welcome there was far from hospitable," Dasquian added with a wink.

Danya Van Derveld
Jun 21st, 2002, 02:53:02 PM
Danya smirked at his words. Of course it was not hospitable....the Sith did not care for the Jedi, especially the nosey ones.

"I apologize for the actions of my Order...but many of them have their own reasons for disliking the Jedi...."

She said softly, taking a sip of her JD. So far, this Jedi had done nothing to deserve her anger or hatred....so she would be decent to him as he was her. He had welcomed her warmly into the Jedi bar, and she could at least converse with him peaceably while here.....

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 21st, 2002, 02:54:30 PM
"Of course. A Jedi cannot hope to walk into the Sith Empire and be greeted with open arms,"

Dasquian laughed quietly.

"Though I find that when Sith come here they seem to be less on edge, as if once out of the confines of their order they forget they are at odds with us."

Danya Van Derveld
Jun 21st, 2002, 02:59:43 PM
Danya laughed a bit with him, but then nodded in agreement with his words.

"There is no one to watch me here.....I feel so, restrained....when I speak with the Jedi in the presence of another Sith. I don't know how I'm supposed to act, I guess. I know what my heart tells me and that is to be myself....but I can be a nice person.....I'm just so angry and frustrated. Impatience is my middle name.....I just know that I'm Sith....that's all. So how about you, what made you decide to become a Jedi? Don't you find it something terrible...having to hide behind who you really are?"

She questioned curiously, wondering how they could live lives full of lies.....

Dios Kane
Jun 21st, 2002, 07:20:59 PM
:: Dios entered and felt another sith in the room, spotting Danya talking to the jedi. Sits down next to the two and holds out his hand to the jedi::

Dios Kane, purger of the light, how are you jedi?

::Looks to Danya::

You know as well as I do, you never walk far from the darkside before your shadow catches up to you.

::He grins, letting his words sink in after he had overheard what she had just said as he entered.::

I have to disagree, to ask him if he finds it terrible to hide behind who he really is is to ask if he denies his order or not, how perplexing, he is blind to the truth, how would a padawan know of the truth that the masters keep from their apprentices?

Xazor Elessar
Jun 21st, 2002, 07:41:18 PM
Xazor had watched the Sith enter the bar...the one who had attacked Tomak. Growling to herself, she kept her anger under control and rose from her seat.

"It is not wise of you to speak so highly of yourself when you cannot even get accepted into the Sith Empire....a sad excuse for a living being, you are. We hide nothing from our students and Dasquian here is up for promotion to Knight, so speak to him and anyone else in here with respect....or do not speak at all."

She said sharply, her eyes piercing into Dios's soul. It would be extremely foolish on his behalf if he were to try anything in here.....

Danya Van Derveld
Jun 21st, 2002, 09:32:54 PM
Danya looked up and glared at Dios.

"What do you want? You're not my keeper, and you're not even part of the Empire! How can you call yourself Sith? Save your preching for someone who's stupid. I can come here and speak with the Jedi if I choose, and I don't have to worry about someone breathing down my neck!"

She growled deeply, exposing her own elongated canines along with Xazor. It was good to see another of her kind....even if she was a Jedi. Turning back to Dasquian, she smiled slightly.

"I apologize....I took him to the Empire in hopes that he would bring honor to the organization...but instead, he made a fool out of both of us."

The young Apprentice said curtly, taking a sip of her JD before setting it back on the table. Sighing to herself, she shook her head and looked out the window...

Dios Kane
Jun 21st, 2002, 09:37:04 PM
:: Dios stood up and recognized the jedi that had confronted him at the recruitment center and put on a face of mocked shock::

Was that anger I sense Xazor of the light, I would think someone as strong as you in the light side would not turn to such remarks. I am merely stating my opinion and you appear to mock me. You know I would never try to harm anything here, I looovvvee this place, it teems with Tomak's disease, I am only here to help the diseased along their way to purification. I am deeply hurt that you would think that I would treat anyone with disrespect, I have not said anything that I would have hoped would have offended you or anyother jedi. I come here with no weapon and have just come here to sit and drink with fellows, Danya was just saying that this place was nice because we could come here and drop our holds, right Danya?

::He smiled and sat back down and took a swallow from his drink::

Congrats Dasquain on almost reaching Knight, much time must be put into the order to reach there I'm told, congrats indeed. I'm sorry if my opinion offended you, you must realize that I'm truly innocent, my ideals are just stretched beyond the limit.

:: He laughed at the irony in his own statement::

Tomak Ohara
Jun 21st, 2002, 10:09:03 PM
Tomak walked in and saw Dios sitting down, he quickly turned away and moved to the closest bar to the door.

Dios Kane
Jun 21st, 2002, 10:15:28 PM
:: Dios noticed Tomak walk in and realized he had places to be::

This is no longer my place to be friends

:: Dios smiles and walks out as he passes Tomak::

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 22nd, 2002, 01:21:56 AM
Dasquian smirked somewhat, allowing the trio to converse before falling into silence. It was a moment after this that he spoke.

"I can assure you that I do not hide my real self, what you see here is who I am, and what I stand for."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 22nd, 2002, 09:06:42 AM
Xazor shook her head at Dios, a smile danced across her lips.

"No anger here....I have had no anger for some time now. I think that you should re-evaluate your assumptions before you speak on such matters..."

The Knight said calmly, then watched as he left. Looking to Dasquian and his company, she smiled.

"I must be going.....have a lovely day....."

She said gently and then left the bar after Dios.