View Full Version : looking for a man (Tomak Ohara)

imported_Blade Ice
Jun 20th, 2002, 02:18:38 PM
blade walked into the jedi bar and the stench was unbearable but blade was here for a reason a specific reason not to fight with the stupid jedi. There was a padawan here by the name of Tomak Ohara that was who he was seeking. blade walked up to the bar and ordered so JD and waited for the man or in this case the vamp.

Tomak Ohara
Jun 20th, 2002, 04:00:42 PM
Tomak walked into the bar and saw a stanger sitting in the corner. He looked evil, but Tomak was curious so he asked the man, "Hello dear sir. My name is Tomak Ohara. May I ask your name?" Tomak pulled his grandfathers ring from his pocket, and put it on. He could not understand why, but the ring made him feel comfortable. "Excuse me sir, but do you mind if I sit down here? I will buy your drinks for you if you wish." Tomak stood in wait for the man's answer.....

imported_Blade Ice
Jun 20th, 2002, 06:02:24 PM
"you are tomak, I'm blade Ice and you can sertainly have a seat you are the one I'm looking for."

Blade pulled a familiar saber to tomak out of his cloak.

" I believe this is your weapon is it not stolen from you by an energtic sith wanna be. "

blade laughed a little.

" I could give it back to you but first I wish to know who your master is? "

Tomak Ohara
Jun 20th, 2002, 06:15:55 PM
Tomak coughed some blood up and then wiped blood on a bandage from his pocket. He looked at the saber for a moment and then looked at Blade. "There is no doubt that he belongs with your kind. He fought with all his strength and cunning to get this sword from me and try to kill me. Fortunatley he left me to die, I didn't. He will be sourly disappointed to know I'm still alive. I would first like to know how you came about getting that from him. It was his trophy, he would not give it up so easy. I myself have no master but the force at the moment, I take force lessons with the academy." He was unsure of Blade, this man was dangerous and had to have an angle. Tomak tried to drink some water and it only resulted in him almost choking. Tomak sat there waiting to see what Blade would say.

Sanis Prent
Jun 20th, 2002, 06:29:20 PM
(I took a seat beside the pale-skinned guy, watching the exchange between the two of them as I ordered a double of Maker's, straight and neat)

imported_Blade Ice
Jun 20th, 2002, 10:01:08 PM
blade laughed at the man's clearly weakened state. blade enjoy tormenting jedi but this made it even more exciting.

" You would be surprised I just asked him for the saber and he gave it to me but then again I was hoping you would have beat him it would have thought him not to think he is king crap."

blade looked to the man who came and joined them at the table.

" what happens to be your problem sir."

blade then turned his attention back to the vamp

" I would like to know how he beat you he isn't even a sith yet."

Tomak Ohara
Jun 20th, 2002, 10:23:50 PM
Tomak looked at the stranger, "I was touched by him, and because of the holy water touching his skin it burned when he touched me. After that all he had to do was attack me. I was cornered, but I know that thats the way you sith work. Such dishonorable fighters. Anyway, after he slashed me enough to think me for the vultures he just threw me to the grond and left me for dead. I was then rescued by the small man Grey Riftblade. He saved my life. Now then, why is it that you have come to find me out?" Tomak looked at the man and gave him a queer look. "By the way about the saber, give it back to Dios, as proof that I still walk this earth. He will be very dissapointed that he failed. Dios does not think he is what you call "king crap" it is just the fact that his vengenace blinds him. He cannot tell the difference between what he know's as true and what we know as true. The darkside of the force blinds him, just as much as it blinds everyone else who falls into its pit of hatred." Tomak looked at the man and saw the darkside burning within him. This man was strong and Tomak knew he would not win this fight. So he tried to avoid one as much as possible.

imported_Blade Ice
Jun 20th, 2002, 10:44:30 PM
blade laughed at the jedi's comment.

" you are fool, jedi say they are here to protect and save humanity or any other living race. Yet they forsake every emotion they have there for shedding away there own humanity. Jedi are hypocrites unlike the sith who show there emotion and do hide there purpose just like the sith are the jedi they want to control the universe the only differences are the means by which the do it. Sith are not pure evil as you so think and jedi are most definitely not goodly people they claim to be."

blade tossed the vamp his saber.

" it is your weapon and if you wish for Dios to see you alive go to him yourself. "

Tomak Ohara
Jun 20th, 2002, 11:08:15 PM
"Are you telling me that as corrupted as Dios is he could not make it as a sith. That is pathetic, maybe he will not kill me as he planned. As for the sword problem, thank you for returning it to me. But, it is useless to me. You see the crystal that makes the blade has broken and I do not wish to buy another. It would not be the same. My father gave me this blade and to replace it would make it to me worthless. I am sorry. I have disrespected you. Forgive me. You may be a sith, you are still powerfull and I respect anyone with power. You may be evil, but the light will one day bring you to justice. Ponder that my friend." Tomak turned and left, but then he turned again and said, "By the way, Xazor Dawnstrider has a gift for me. I beleive it is a new saber, but thank you for returning my old one." Tomak continued to walk down the hallway his limping getting better as he continued.

Sanis Prent
Jun 21st, 2002, 06:21:15 AM
(I finished my double without a word, following Tomak out of the bar & grill)

imported_Blade Ice
Jun 21st, 2002, 11:07:55 AM
blade sent Tomak Ohara a message via the force

" don't let me catch you alone I may just have to kill you. "

Liam Jinn
Jun 21st, 2002, 03:39:57 PM
Liam had sat quietly in his seat watching Blade and Tomak. Tomak got up and left, and Liam stood up and took his seat.

"So what's with the Sith picking on the weaker Jedi?" He said before giving a grin. "Does it make you people feel powerful?"

imported_Blade Ice
Jun 21st, 2002, 06:44:19 PM
blade smiled and looked at the jinn then promptly gave him the finger

" I wasn't picking the jedi I was just telling him the truth. I don't need to insult people to show my strength. "

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 21st, 2002, 07:22:51 PM
"What a strange definition of truth you have"

A cloaked stranger, pipe in mouth but with a hidden face sat at a table, boots on the table.

"It is strange you claim truth when it is known the Dark Side is strong in deception"

Liam Jinn
Jun 21st, 2002, 09:09:43 PM
The Jedi Master couldn't help but laugh when the one at the table spoke up.

"Ah, he has a valid point there, now doesn't he?" Liam nudged the sith with his elbow slightly. "Luckily for you we're in a no fighting zone or that finger of yours would be food for my cat."

imported_Blade Ice
Jun 21st, 2002, 09:53:23 PM
blade's smile widened as he the jedi began to put down what he said.

" what lie is there in what I said?"

Blade then repeated his former statement.

" jedi say they are here to protect and save humanity or any other living race. Yet they forsake every emotion they have there for shedding away there own humanity. Jedi are hypocrites unlike the sith who show there emotion and do not hide there purpose just like the sith are the jedi they want to control the universe the only differences are the means by which they do it."

blade looked at each jedi individually

" tell me the lie in that. "

Liam Jinn
Jun 21st, 2002, 09:58:49 PM
Liam listened to Blade then laughed again.

"Jedi do not wish to control anything. Where is there any proof that we do?"

imported_Blade Ice
Jun 21st, 2002, 10:14:49 PM
blade just laughed

" do not tell that if the jedi have a problem with the way a planet is run or is being treated they will not interfere that is control you can call it keeping the peace or diplomatic relations but there both words and reasons for control. "

blade took a sip of his JD.

" you work along side the New republic do you not?"

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 21st, 2002, 10:25:26 PM
"How low and shallow is your understand of the Jedi my friend. It is a understanding that is blinded by your own self delusion. We are not here to save anyone. We do not work alongside the Republic, nor do we take it's orders, for the real Jedi is a servant. To be first, first you must be last"

He took a puff on his pie.

"And do not bore me with a lecture on why you think that would be weak. You have no understanding of such a concept. You seek power.... but the Jedi seek something else different. It take more strength, more patience, more willpower to seek what a Jedi does. The Dark Side is a path for the weak, because it is fast and there is no need to truly master or understand The Force. True power is not anger and hate. True power is knowledge and wisdom and the Dark Side encourages neither"

imported_Blade Ice
Jun 21st, 2002, 10:48:35 PM
Blade looked at Q'Dunn

" I do not think the jedi are weak, pathetic yes but not weak. I believe the jedi are strong but the views and lies are more deceitful then even the siths but then the siths lies are known but not the jedi's they have hidden them for millions of years."

blade started to tell a little story

" let me tell you a story of the sith of old they once had a great empire and kept expanding and growing and they could have taken over the whole universe but in respect for the jedi and the old republic they stopped at there boarders. why would such beings out to control everything do such a thing to there most hated enemy the Jedi."

blade then went on

" you say through having no emotion you see the right path. I think you through you forsaken your emotions you give up who you truly are you become nothing more then a pathetic soulless corpse. "

Liam Jinn
Jun 21st, 2002, 11:49:33 PM
"I don't know if that's how the story really goes, and I really don't care. If it's true then why else would they stop at the borders? Fear." Liam ordered a drink, shaking his head at the sith's ignorance.

"Marcus is right about your understanding of the Jedi, boy." The drink arrives and he takes a few sips before setting it back down.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 22nd, 2002, 04:06:43 AM
There was a pause, then the claoked being took his boots off the table and placed his pipe on the table. With one hand he pushed back his hood. A weatherbeaten face, unknown to the Sith, unshaven for weeks, long hair... but eyes that seemed to shine with their light, intense and with a stare that could cut through steel.

And the voice that was now powerful as he spoke again.

"Are you nothing more than an apprentice? Do you like insulting my intelligence with your lies and deceptions? Do not try for I am not some Jedi Padawan or a Jedi Knight. I KNOW you lie. My fellow here is a Jedi Master who could snuff you out before you moved. And I..... "

He considered.

".... know what the Dark Side is and the history of the Sith better than you do. Each and everytime the Sith arose, they were their own worst enemy. There was no Sith Empire that like what you speak. I have now seen in my life 8 so called Empires that held no more than a handful of planets on each attempt and each time all I had to do was wait for the fools the Sith are to self destruct. Always they have. Always nothing needed to be done to set this self destruction off. "

He picked up his pipe and began to smoke again.

"My assesment stands. You know nothing of the Jedi and I am now becoming unsure if you know much of The Dark Side. If you are more than a Apprentice, you should strike your Master down for teaching you so badly."

imported_Blade Ice
Jun 22nd, 2002, 11:29:11 AM
" your powers are wrong I'm not an aprentice as you seem to think I am a sith knight and my story is truer then your eyes will let you see. I did not say that there where not sith against the stop at the old republic and the jedi's boarders and that it did not start any internal fights. It would seem you know very little of the sith you probably think we should travel in packs of two as some sith cults did and how for the longest time jedi believed that the sith where that way. but your histories of the sith are not as complete as you seem to think. "

from with in blade came a voice only speaking in Q'Dunn's head a voice that came from blade yet the sith did not seem to know it was.

" I need no master to show me these things I have seen them just as I have seen the fall of the jedi and the rise of empire and then the empires fall to the new republic. I have seen farther beyond your eyes. but the soul only lets the mind see what it needs too."

(ooc: the story I told actually is a story of the sith. If you have ever played the pen paper version of SW there is a whole book devoted to the sith and that is where I got the story from even though there might be a few changes in it the reason they really stop was for respect that jedi's powers where greater at the time.)