View Full Version : Return Home, Dead or Alive

Tomak Ohara
Jun 20th, 2002, 12:20:57 PM
Tomak had been pulled in by the small man who picked him up in the hallway. Tomak finally began to wake up from the nightmares that haunted him after the fight. He had no sleep since the day he passed out. The nightmares of his people had been haunting him for so long. Also, now that Dios had arrived he had more than just his life to worry about, but now the lives of others. He did not know what to do. He would consult the Jedi at Temple Avalon. "Thank you. You have done well. May I ask your name. Anyways, my name is Tomak Ohara." Tomak said and then he looked out the window and then back at the boy, "I am sorry, but I have buisness to attend to. I shall return when I can. I am making an offer to you though. It gets lonely around here so if you would like you could room with me. I could use someone to talk to. I will return when I can. Until then make yourself at home, and think on my offer." Tomak turned and left still limping from the recent fight.

Grey Riftblade
Jun 21st, 2002, 08:44:05 PM
He had heard great of the powerful jedi and decided to be roommates with Tomak

::Grey was getting thirsty so decided to check the frige . To his amazment the jedi had koolaid so he poured a glass and started to drink, he relized that was not koolaid it was BLOOD. Spit it out as soon he could. After that he decided to drink water and wait forTomak to return::

Tomak Ohara
Jun 23rd, 2002, 02:31:03 AM
Tomak entered the room, and saw the blood on the floor, "Sorry should have told you. So what do you want for dinner?"