View Full Version : A Talk With Concerned People(closed Xazor, Sia Lan)

Bunny Rourke
Jun 20th, 2002, 10:05:14 AM
Bunny hadn't been here since she had left to finally meet her sister a few months. Things hadn't gone well for her then so she had left, saying that she will come back at a later date to try things again. As she walks into the B&G, she hands over her two blaster's and her pouch full of throwing knifes before she is even asked to hand them over. Still wearing her all black atire from top to bottom, she scans the room with her ice blue eyes which are hidden from view with her black shades. She walks over to the bar and orders a Corellian Ale. After a moment it's there and she pays for it. She walks over to an empty table in the back and sits down.

First things first girl, you need to sort things out with the Knight Xazor. She is after all, overly protective of my little sis. After that, I shall find my sister and talk to her where she doesn't have the influence of others around her.

Bunny then takes a sip of her Ale, a slight smile on her face at the thought of seeing her sister again, especially seeing as how she has the family trademark and doesn't even know it. Unfortunatly, it is a symbol of ther Father's family. There is alot which she has to tell her little sister. She has to try to get her to understand that she did her best to help her when she was younger. But first she will have to convince the Knight Xazor that she means her little sister no harm. That may be difficult though since her ppl skills aren't the greatest.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 20th, 2002, 11:54:16 AM
The figure of a woman seemed to appear out of no where....bathed in the shadows and the light did not seem to touch her but rather it came from her. Smiling softly, she walked across the bar, her red robes flowing behind her like ocean waves. The Garou Warrior Braids in her hair swung in time with each step she took.....and the gold coins woven into them clanged together softly until she stopped behind another familiar face. Gently, the Knight removed the hood of her cloak and touched the woman on the shoulder.

"Greetings.....how do you fare this day?"

Xazor asked gently, smiling as she spoke so that the light reflected off of her elongated canines. It was not a threat, of course....just a mere trait that the Garou possessed. A soft smile remained upon her lips as she sat down on the empty stool beside the woman. Of course now, Xazor was no longer a Padawan, but a Knight of the Order and a lot more....grown up....since the last time they had spoken. Many things had happened to her, and now she was ready to listen....

Bunny Rourke
Jun 20th, 2002, 12:05:28 PM
Bunny glanced up at the person who had just spoken to her. A slight smile appears on her face as she recognizes the lady who had just put her hand on her shoulder. After Xazor has taken a seat, she takes another sip of her Ale before speaking.

"Greetings Xazor. I trust you are well right now. I am doing well, but I will be doing better if I know how my sister is doing. So how is little Natia doing right now??"

Bunny takes another sip of her Ale as she thinks for a moment. She then removes her black sunglasses and looks over at Xazor again, her ice blue eyes searching for any hint of mistreatment of her sister.

"I hope that you have been making sure that no harm falls upon her because if harm has fallen upon her"

Bunny shrugs her shoulders, leaving the threat unfinished.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 20th, 2002, 12:41:58 PM
Xazor smiles and bows her head as a sign of friendship.

"All is well with me, and your sister. She and I are so very close...and I adopted her. I can assure you that no harm has befallen her at all...I keep close watch over her and if anyone even makes a threat....well, they do not get far at all, and if they are lucky, they may even meet the edge of my saber blade...."

The Knight pushed her robes back revealing a great variety of weapons...her shiny silver saber hilt with ornate carvings hung at her left hip.

"So do not think to threaten me, my friend...for I am taking great care of Natia....."

The woman said in a calm voice, then ordered herself a flask of Corellian Whisky...

Bunny Rourke
Jun 21st, 2002, 08:09:35 AM
Bunny glances over at Xazor again when she mentions that she has adopted her little sister.

"And what may I ask, gave you permission to adopt my sister??"

Bunny seems unconcerned about the weapons which Xazor has since the only reason why she puts up with Jedi is because of her sister.

"Xazor, I am only looking out for my sister. If you do not like the manner in which I do that, then that is your problem. As for threatening you, I don't threaten, I promise. And it's not a good idea to do either of those to me because I don't take kindly to promises of injury"

Bunny keeps her ice blue eyes on Xazor, blinking them only once while she mentally curses Jedi in general. The look on her face clearly tells her she does not want to be here.

"Look, don't mistake me being here because I want to. I'm here to make sure that my sister is kept safe and make sure that the pathetic Jedi here can manage that and if they can't, well, I will have to step in and take her to a safer spot. She is staying for now because that is her choice and I know Jedi don't harm ppl intentionally"

Bunny takes a long sip of her Ale before talking again.

"And please, be kind and don't go flashing your weapons around. Somebody might think that you are giving them away and take them from you"

Xazor Elessar
Jun 21st, 2002, 09:18:49 AM
Xazor growled deeply as the woman spoke. Her elongated canines gleamed in the light letting others know that she was to be taken seriously.

"Here, m'lady...you are nothing to me. You are lower than the rank of Padawan and hence, I am above you. Your sister...who is my daughter now, requested that I adopt her. Therefore, under intergalactic law, I have custody. It is very much like the "IMITYFOHAND" code on a ship. I am giving you that code, regardless of whether you know what it means or not...."

The Knight turned to face the crowd of people entering the bar. Several of her friends walked in and she gently waved to them before her deep blue eyes met those of Bunny. She seemed to bore holes through the woman's soul...

"And making promises of bodily harm to me won't get you very far either. I guess you must break your word often if you say those type of things to an experienced Jedi Knight. I'm surprised you're not dead yet...but I suppose that would go along with the fact that when you promise something as such, you can't get it done...it is very much impossible by someone of your stature."

The Knight took a sip of her drink and looked out the window, unbothered by the fact that "Bunny" was trying to take back Natia and in the meantime hurt her. It was clearly a waste of this woman's time to even attempt such an absurdity.

"Oh and another thing...don't even think about taking my weapons. It is a known fact that I take hands as well...."

Bunny Rourke
Jun 22nd, 2002, 12:02:59 PM
Bunny narrows her eyes slightly as she continues to look at Xazor.

"Look lady, I care not that I am nothing to you. The only Jedi I care about is my sister. All other Jedi, I couldn't care less if they were dead. As for me being a lower rank than Padawan, you know nothing of me and the training I have recieved. You may be a Knight of the Jedi, but I am a Knight of a different sort. But I unlike you, don't try to use it to imtimidate ppl.

As for your intergalactic law, I care nothing of it, if it conflicts with the safety of my sister."

Bunny looks away from Xazor for a couple of moments while she reorganizes her thoughts. She had come here to check on her sister, not to get into arguements with the Jedi. After a couple of minutes, she looks back at Xazor.

"Truthfully, I have never had to break my word. Every job I have accepted, I have completed. As for coming across experienced Jedi Knights, never happened before and you may be the first slightly experienced one I have come across.

But let me guess, your probably thinking that I am here again to take my little sister away from the place where she has chosen to stay for awhile. I will only do that if she is in danger here which if you have adopted her as your daughter, then you will not let anything happen to her.

The only thing I care about in the life that I have right now is my family. That includes Natia. She does not know this, but I am looking for her other sisters and her brother still. I am just taking a slight break in that search to make sure that my youngest sister is safe and if you do not like me making sure she is safe, then hand over my sister and I will be on my way with her."

Bunny can't believe how stubborn Xazor is being right now. She is only here to make sure her sister is safe and to perhaps get on better terms with the ppl she trust so much.All I want is for my sister to be happy and safe. And once I know she is truly happy, safe, and nightmare free, then and only then will I be able to get any rest or happiness in my life

"I am going to ask this once and only once. Please stop with the insults because it won't due any of us any good. If you stop with your insults, I may stop forgetting my manners around you.

I want my sister happy and safe."

Bunny pauses for a moment and then speaks up in a rather serious tone

"And besides, I will be able to help her out. I came back now, at this time because I felt my sisters pain when I was a few systems away. You may not know this, but she is being tormented by what every member of my family gets tormented with when the are children. The nightmares. She is a tough girl, but I must help her deal with these night mares or they may end up killing her. They will get that bad without my help. But I will let you decide. Since you have taken her life into your hands, do you decide to let her die, or let her live"

Bunny obviously doesn't like having to say this last little bit, but she knows and remembers how bad they can get. It is a curse of there family, but her own Mother, years ago when she was still alive taught her how to handle them so they won't bother her any more. It is now her responciblity to pass it onto her little sister.

"It is your choice Xazor, and please, choice correctly for Natia's sake."