View Full Version : A new haircut a completly new look

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 20th, 2002, 08:09:12 AM
:: Lance was walking through the streets of Corsucent which he had came to visit for a short time on a cruiser ship. He was eager to visit the very different exciting places he was told there were here. As he walked the streets he tilted his head at every shop untill he saw a Radical Barber Shop. Lance rested his hand under his chin pondering on the fat that the time for a new haircut was now. He walked in into the Barber at a slow pace as he walked he looked over at all the people waiting for their turn and was creeped out by all the different haircut styles, some had blue spikey hair some other had half of their head shaved other even had only one hair on their head. He then dashed a gazed towards a poster. What did he see a man with yellow and spikey hair but somehow this haircut caught Lance's attention. He then thought momentirally to him-self::

" A new haircut...hmm..this one seems appropriate to me...plus I'm also gonna buy new cloths...to go with it."

:: He then sat down on the chair waiting for his turn, during the time beeing Lance crossed his legs and started reading some Magazines.::

"Hmm...Intergallactical Porn.."

"Ahh you shouldn't read that one it has cheesy girls!!" A radical looking man said

"Take this one!"The same man said as he gave Lance another magazine.

"Corsucent...Playboy?...Looks.....odd..." Lance said with a rather serious tone.

:: As Lance is gonna open the magazine suddenly::

"Hey you Black Spikey head over here."
"Yes..." Lance said as he walked over to the barber

"What ya gonna have kid?"The barber said laughing.

"Just...make it like the man over there" He pointed to the poster as he spoke.

"Ohhhh that! ahhh easy as hell kid you already got the spikey head now only need the color hey bitch! come over here" He said as he spoke in direction of a woman standing at the end of the salon.

:: The woman walked over to them head low and said::

"Yes sir?.."

"Make a B special and fast"
"Yes sir...come over here youngin"

:: Lance followed the woman untill they reached some sort of capsule with a device that simply goes on his head::

"Step in there and put that helmet on...you'll sleep for 30 minutes and it's gonna be done"

"Alrighty" Lance responded rather excited.

:: Lance stepped in the capsule and grabbed the helmet with his two hands.::

"Let's see if this is worth it"

:: He put the helmet on his head and then fell asleep on the shot.::

:: Thirty minuted later some sort of noise went through Lance's ears::


:: Lance quickly took of the helmet and got out of the capsule::

"that'll be 300 republican credits"

:: Lance walked over to a mirror and looked at his new hair::


:: Lance handed 350 republican credits::

"Some extra for your great work sir"

" I was also wondering is there some sort of product that I can use to partially bring it back to it's original color?"

:: The barber handed him a bottle::

"Yes take this one i'll be100 republican credits"
:: Lance handed him to money and slided out of the barber shop::

"Ahh now need new cloths!"

:: Lance continued to walk through the streets of downtown corsucent untill he finds him-self in frotn of a clothing store.::

"Seems appropriate" He says as he walks in.

"Oh my god!!!!!! what a beautifull face!!!" Says a man running towards Lance, the man touches Lance's arms and face watching him closely.

"Dude came for cloths not for you"

"Coths! Oh my god I got exactly wat you need!"

:: The man starts to bring a series of odd cloths and tongues and other things that were similar to gay clothing::

"HEY!! I said cloths!!! Not gay cloths!!!" Lance said rather irritated

"Oh excuse me...I see your a warrior then I shall bring you what you need...Yellow spikey hair... beautifull but not too big but muscles I guess..about 5"9 hmmm....your eyes...so mysterious...green eyes...shiny...and...like crystals...I think I got it..."

:: The man ran unto the back of the store and then came back with all the kit: Shoes, Shirts, Pants, Belt, wrist accesories and even accesories for his lap.::

" I'll take these dude" He says pointing at the blue set of cloths"

"very nice choice!Try them on" The man said pointing at the changing room

:: Lance walked over to the changing room and stayed there for about 10 minutes trying to figure out how to put them::

:: As he walked out Lance had a completly different look he wondered what he would say to Master Leia after this one::

"Err this good?"

"Wonderfull!!" The man said clapping his hands

"1000 Republican credits" The man said even happyer.

:: Lance walks over to a mirror where he saw a completly new figure.::


:: Lance handed him the money watching as his wallet was much emptyer, he the walked iut of the store and started walking his way to the ship::

OOC: you might join in but I didn't create this thread to actually rp with someone else only to rp out Lance's new look :)