View Full Version : Working with the Tech's: Fencing (open)
Jun 19th, 2002, 07:40:37 PM
Chance sat crosslegged in the academy grounds, piddling with a sack of white/grey fencing armor. To his left rested a elegant looking rapier with wooden handle and swept steel hand guard and pummel, the blade glimmered in the complex's dull light.
The half-draekard boy reached into the sack infront of him for the typical fencing mask with a look of distaste on his face. The mask wasn't really what Chance would consider using in a spar with another but he placed it over his head anway. Chance winced as his elongated ears were compressed against his head quite painfully. The rest of the fencing armor fitted comfortably and provided the boy with a wide range of movement.
Earlier that day, Chance had visited the Archives and read up on styles of using the lightsaber. One specific style interested the padawan greatly; The art comprized of parries, blocks and thrusts. Just like fencing to the boy.
Stashing his jedi robes and weapons belt inside the bag, chance stood and trotted away from the back abit. Taking a stance; right leg out stiff and his left knee bent, left arm up in the air bent at the elbow and hand outspread over his helm, right arm locked streight out with the wrist cocked downward angling the blade of the rapier down. The half-draekard took a few swipes forward before bringing his sword arm back and thrusting forward.
Soon the boy was nearly becoming bored without a partner to compete against, 'The invisible man' had lost several times agaist Chance. "Ya!" He spoke, thrusting forward again and maneuvering out to the right with a slash...
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 20th, 2002, 07:30:33 PM
:: Lance had just got up and went directly to the academy for hisa daily spar, having his new look new hair new cloths and everything Lance walked towards a spar room as soon as he walked in he saw Chance training alone.::
"Well well young one...I wonder...maybe you want to exchange a few slashes with me?"
Jun 20th, 2002, 07:36:46 PM
Chance halted in his solo-fencing technique and removed the fencing mask. His golden eyes zeroed in on Lance, lifting up the rapier in his hand he spoke, "Sure, Do you know how to use one of these perhaps?"
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 20th, 2002, 09:14:30 PM
:: Lance laughed at his question::
"Of course youngin..I was trained from the age of 3 as a Strider I can use these as I can eat like a pig." he said with a smile
:: He then took out his blue lightsaber and ignited it watching as the blue light snapped out with a hum.::
"I might teach you a few things youngin for now ignit that saber and put it at it's lowest level show me your sparring me..."
:: he said as he swung his saber around showing Chance his extreme agility with it.::
Jun 20th, 2002, 09:25:22 PM
Chance smiled as Lance ignited his lightsaber, setting down the rapier ontop the bag Chance grabbed his own saber. Returning to his previous spot he held the saber out infront of him away from Lance and depressed the igiter switch
His weapon came alive with a snap-hiss sound and a lime green blade. "Lets see what you can do.." He whispered to the saber, he then turned to face Lance.
"If you dont mind, I will use a different style of combat." He spoke to Lance, taking the stance he used before; right leg out stiff and his left knee bent, left arm up in the air bent at the elbow and hand outspread over his head, right arm locked streight out with the wrist cocked downward angling the blade of the saber down. "Lets begin!"
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 21st, 2002, 06:39:07 AM
:: Lance nodded at Chance whom seemed not to know who he was going against but Lance stood calm and gentle towards him seeing that he Chance was younger then him.::
"Very well use whatever you may want to use Chance...we are here to learn from each other so let us begin"
:: Lance quickly summoned the force, he felt it filtred through his veins and body as it passed through him like a silent wind he then took a grip of his lightsaber and put the spot that is next to Chance in his mind he then ran towards the spot at an extreme speed since he was force powered. He was next to Chance and swung his sword on his a clash between the two sabers happend and Lance quickly pushed Chance's saber to the left and sent his hand forward. Summoning the force the young Strider-Padawan sent a force blast on Chance's chest and watches as he stumbled back on the floor.::
"Alright young on?"
Jun 21st, 2002, 11:42:49 AM
"It's gonna take more than that," Chance grinned as he picked himself up, taking the stance again Chance also summoned the force into his body. He could feel the force spreading throughout his body and mind.
Chance stepped forward and struck down the center with a quick jab. Then spun and came in with a downward slash torward Lance's arm. The boy's movement quickened and it seemed that he was moving so fast it looked like he was blurred, but it was a simple trick of the mentalist by Chance.
Chance parried a strike from Lance up and right and thrusted out his hand out and summoned a force push at the Strider-Padawan infront of him before spinning and backing away.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 21st, 2002, 12:45:57 PM
:: Lance ignored the fact he was going fast since he was a Strider he had a lot of knowledge about speed. He then watched as the force push came his way and came back on the ground, he then sent his legs forward to come back on his feet.::
"Hmm nice speed but you need more then that to impress me...I can go so fast that the only thing you'll see is gonna be the light of my saber. Hahah"
:: Lance send a round slash and a stab afterwards.::
Jun 21st, 2002, 02:15:21 PM
Chance ducked under the slash to one knee and returned to his feet parrying the stab to the left then maneuvering his blade under Lance's to spin the two in a circle.
The tatic, with rapiers atleast, was an attempt to disarm your opponent buy loosening their grip on the weapon and flicking it up into the air. But with lightsabers, where was no hand-guad to catch onto. Chance retreated from the tactic and took afew steps back and returning to the fencing stance.
Pulling his blade back, Chance struck forward again but added a extra leftward spin to the attack. Then he ducked under a swipe and struck forward aiming for the Strider's leg...
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 22nd, 2002, 05:58:56 AM
:: Lance felt Chance's mouvements and sent his leg backwards then sending his lightsaber clashing against his he pushed it leftwards watching as Chance moves a bit to the left and then sends his foot extremely fast towards Chance's stomach, he then backflips a few feets away.::
"I had predicted that"
Jun 22nd, 2002, 12:04:22 PM
The force alerted Chance of the kick before Lance began the attack. Jumping back Chance smiled as the boot flew past his stomach without coming in contact.
Chance saw his opportunity when Lance backflipped away and quickly conjured the force around his body. Slowly his body became opaque and then translucent and finally... transparent!
"Here's something worth a Striders time.." He laughed heartedly...
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 22nd, 2002, 05:08:59 PM
:: Lance laughs too::
"Striders are masters to sense Aura's and mouvements any singal move or breathing you do will only aid me in hitting you...and also you can't see YOUR body your in desadvantage here."
:: He then feels Chance's aura swing through the air as he takes a ghrip of his lightsaber he sends one round slash to his legs and spins backwards sending it back towards his stomach.::
Jun 22nd, 2002, 05:18:56 PM
"You are correct!" Chance acknoleged(sp?) Lance's statement.
Dropping the illusion as Lance attacked, Chance tried to jump over the low slash but winced as the second part struck his chest giving the area a numbing sencation. Staggering back, Chance struck forward with a series of six jabs and a spin-kick aimed for the Strider's chest..
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 22nd, 2002, 05:32:54 PM
:: Lance watches the series of jabs sent towards his way and simply grabbed Chance's hand extremely fast once he was given the occasion to do so. He then pushed his arm out and sends a force blast one his chest takling back his saber in a offensive stance.::
Jun 22nd, 2002, 06:44:43 PM
Chance caught himself from falling down with a summoned force wall.
"Your good." He congratulated softly, He brought up his saber once again. He conjured the force again into his body, then dashed forward with saber out to his left. As he neared Lance, Chance slid then leaped up into the air over and behind Lance. Before he could react, Chance delivered a back-wards roundkick to Lance's side before moving out of the return strike distance...
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 23rd, 2002, 07:16:51 AM
:: Lance is kicked in the back and almost falls but he quickly reacts to this and throw him-self on the floor rolling down and then jumps back up on his feet.::
"Thank you, I must admit your a very skilled padawan as well Chance"
:: He then takes back his lightsaber and dashes towards Chance this time he sends a half-slash and at the 1/2 of the action he turns his lightsaber to the other side and sends his right foot leftwards on his body::
Jun 23rd, 2002, 07:34:10 PM
Chance blocked Lance's slash as it reversed it's course and shot the blade up into the air. As the kick came in, Chance's free arm shot out and gripped Lance's ankle.
Locking the leg under his arm, Chance stabbed forward with his lightsaber and halted before coming into contact with Lance's neck...
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 24th, 2002, 07:49:16 AM
:: Lance's right arm was free when Chance stopped right before his neck he then swungs his lightsaber to Chance's left arm and watches as he made a small burn on it. Chance then automatically stopped gripping to him and walked away because of the suffering of the small burn. The burn wasn't powerfull but it hurt a lot.::
"..Don't worry the lightsaber won't kill me their at their minimal power...have no mercy..because I have none in combat.."
Jun 24th, 2002, 10:48:13 AM
Chance stumbled away, the burn on his arm fading as he ignored the pain.
"I know. But in a real combat situation, Mercy is a Jedi's talent." He spoke, smiling. Bringing saber up to ready, Chance darted in again. Striking left and right at Lance's chest/stomach area with increadable speed......
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 25th, 2002, 07:39:53 AM
:: Lance blocked all the slashes without problems let us not forget Lance's strenght comes all from his speed. He then slashed with more power on Chance's saber and clashed his saber against Chance's watching all the sparkles and blitz come out he pushes a bit and sends a force blast to his left arm as he pushed harder.::
Jun 25th, 2002, 05:59:30 PM
Chance's left side was pushed back by the force blast form Lance and forced the boy to retreat into more of a defencive position. It also gave Chance the element of suprize.
Stepping back on his right foot, Chance summoned the force to his hands and began to concentrate on creating fire in his unarmed hand. After a few moments, if Chance was able to keep his concentration, he would be able to unleash a elemental attack into the spar.
Pulling the saber back, Chance stabbed forward and kicked out when his saber was knocked to the right by Lance...
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 26th, 2002, 01:20:07 PM
OOC: -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-......Im sorry dude but I just realised this stupif -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR- >.< ate part of my last post and it's full of typos Im extremely sorry I will edit that cause it doesnt even tell what i wanted to >.<!!!
Jul 1st, 2002, 10:20:48 PM
That's cool, Just edit in what you wanted to do and I'll go back and re-do my post to fit what you edited. Then you can reply by editing what you just posted and then I can edit this post in a reply to that reply.. :)
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 3rd, 2002, 01:23:45 PM
:: Lance felt a force concentration and prepared him-self to do a gravity barrier like a Strider would do to block any kind of blast but still he was not sure of the true nature of this force concentration , Lance still swung his sword in rounds forming a shield in front of him advancing slowly towarded Chance.::
Jul 3rd, 2002, 07:08:28 PM
Chance slowly backed away as Lance's saber swung in a circle and kept his own blade from biting.
Waves of heat radiated from his left hand and he kept jabing with his right handed saber, he wasnt going to unleash a living inferno but do something completely different.
Jumping back and stabbing forward, Chance thrusted his left hand forward and unleashed waves of heat from the palm of his hand and thrusting forward in a gap in Lance's defence...
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 5th, 2002, 05:18:45 PM
:: Lance was prepared for it and released the gravity field he had focused making some kind of air in front of him the blazing energy stopped right in front of his arm as it vaporised through the air::
"Most impressive Chance"He says witha serious voice
"Controling elements is something impressive and powerfull but can you control other elements then fire?"
Jul 5th, 2002, 05:55:40 PM
"Other elements than fire, yes. Several elements infact.." Chance replied, also a hint of seriousness in his voice.
Dropping the concentration for the fire, Chance then concentrated on a element he had used in his spar against his Master, Xazor. A breeze picked up inside the Academy as the boy called the Element of wind to his aid.
Disengaging his saber, Chance clipped it to it's respective loop and fully concenrated on centering the wind on Lance. The boy's clothes flapped as the wind picked up to a hard gust...
"Wind is a interesting element," He shouted over the roar of the tornado force winds surrounding the two. Miraculsly, Nothing outside their spar zone was effected by the wind. But anything inside was flung around the 'eye'.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 5th, 2002, 09:24:51 PM
:: Lance wasn't a "Stormrider" for nothing he looked up at the tornado within their sparring zone and taking a deep breath he force jumped in the air and came back to his feet now on top of the cyclonehe started somehow to surf on it and dashed towards Chance now desingaged from the Cyclone he now looked over towarded the unarmed Chance and swinging his lightsaber on Chance's right arm a small burn appeared on it and Chance fell back as Lance had his blade just on Chance's neck::
"Nice spar" He said with a smile
Jul 5th, 2002, 09:34:09 PM
Chance gasped as Lance lepted back into the storm and rode it.
He then saw Lance jump from the storm and score a quick strike on his arm. Stunned from the sight and the attack, Chance felt himself falling to the ground. Then Lance was over him with his saber hovering over the boy's neck.
"Yes. Very nice spar indeed!" Chance replied, letting his body relax. "You rode the winds, how?" he then questioned, lofting a brow.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 5th, 2002, 09:37:34 PM
"Hehe let's say it's a family secret...My father...could do it..I can do brother..can do it" AS soon as he reached the word "brother" the tone of his voice lowered...but he then offered his hand to Chance helping him to get up.
"But you know it isn't really that hard it's all a question of Air Dashing and concentration I'm sure that with some practice you could do it as well"
:: Lance looked over to his watch::
"Thank you very much for the spar but I think it is time for me to go get something to eat at the B&G wanna come?"
Jul 5th, 2002, 09:45:32 PM
Chance nodded and took the offered hand. Standing up on his feet, Chance checked his chrono and sadly shook his head.
"I cannot join you for lunch, I've got some research I must do." He replied to the invitation, a hint of depression in his voice. "I'm working on trying to get myself a starfighter and it's a pain to construct a custom.. Thanks for the offer though."
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 5th, 2002, 09:49:23 PM
"A starfighter? Wow..I use to have a ship too...actually it had my name..."The Stormrider" my fahter nicknamed it like that..but now that BattleCruiser is nothing more then a big piece of Junk on Yavin IV when I came here...but oh well..too bad eh? If you need any help for your starfighter just ask me I may be of help." He said nodding to him.
"Well lunch time!" He bowed slightly
"Untill next time Chance" He said turning around and leaving the academy at a slow pace
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