View Full Version : Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman ? [Open Challenge]

Eve Siren
Jun 19th, 2002, 06:47:45 PM
"To really love a woman,
To understand her,
You've got to know her deep inside ...
Hear every thought,
See every dream,
And give her wings when she wants to fly.
Then when you find yourself lying helpless in her arms ...
You know you really love a woman ...."

The Sith Knight's fingers pressed on the piano keys softly, her voice just seemed singing like she was actually nice.

"When you love a woman,
You tell her that she's really wanted.
When you love a woman,
You tell her that she's the one.
'Cause she needs somebody, to tell her that it's gonna last forever.
So tell me have you ever really ... really, really ever loved a woman?"

The song became more serious, slowly, it looked like she was almost sadened by the song.

"To really love a woman,
Let her hold you,
Till you know how she needs to be touched.
You've got to breathe her, really taste her,
'Til you can feel her in your blood.
And when you can see your unborn children in her eyes ...
You know you really love a woman."

She continued with the chorus, then finished the song. Sitting on stage in a bar, she smiled gently at a few couples snuggling, and others applauding at her performance. It was the first time she sang a soft song, instead of a depressing rock one. She bowed her head, then went down the stage, exhaling slightly of exhaust.

Daegal Murdoch
Jun 19th, 2002, 09:05:26 PM
Cloaked in both Darkness, and his large, flowing, black overcloak, Daegal Murdoch was a figure shrouded in mystery this evening. He had come to this small, outlandish planet in search of a new weapon, but had immediately felt a Dark presence upon his arrival. Through a combination of time and concentration, he had finally found the build that was the source of the disturbance. He entered the bar just as Eve Siren, someone he knew only by reputation, was walking down from the stage.

Moving with a combination of speed and finesse, he had managed to make his way through the cloud to where the woman was sitting after her most impressive performance. Sitting next to her without so much as a word, Daegal spoke, though his gaze was straight ahead.

"Most wonderful performance, Miss Siren."

Eve Siren
Jun 20th, 2002, 07:51:49 AM
Eve turned her head to the side, surprised. She spoke, but turned her head back towards the center stage, where other singers and bands have taken the place.

"Ah, Murdoch. What brings you here ? Surely not just my singing."

She ordered a small glass of milk and a glass of JD. She drank the milk in one shot. Unfortunately, she ran out of Tryptophan pills, so milk was all she could rely on before heading back to the HQ's medbay to steal some more pills.

Jun 24th, 2002, 11:12:55 AM
Trouble seemed to follow him wherever he went. His last visit to a club had resulted in a scuffle with a bounty hunter – one that he’d been lucky to get out of alive. After that incident, he had avoided going to clubs alone for a while. The elder members of the Sith Order had suggested it, and for some time, he’d listened. And this night, it wasn’t that he was ignoring their wishes on purpose, it was more that he was a restless eighteen year old kid, and when adventure called, he listened. That and the fact that is was a Friday night, and the thought of spending it alone in his room at the castle had been the last thing he really wanted to do. Not that there was anything wrong with his room, in fact, it was quite nice, but he didn’t want to be staying in by himself. He wanted to be out having a good time.

So he had come to this club. He’d arrived in time to catch the end of the last song. The woman had a nice voice, and he wished he’d been able to get there just a little earlier. But he didn’t dwell on it. Instead he made his way through the crowd towards the bar and ordered a drink. When it was safely in hand, he leaned back against the bar waiting for the next band. It was at this point that a woman came up beside him to the bar to order her choice of beverage. Being an eighteen year old kid, he couldn’t help but look at her, his violet eyes remaining for perhaps a moment longer than they should have. He was usually pretty good about being subtle, but the comment on her performance by the figure cloaked in black had distracted him.

Eve Siren
Jun 24th, 2002, 05:10:26 PM
Eve looked at the man from the corner of her eyes with a cofused look. He had been staring for a while ... Umm, violet. She finally turned and cocked her head to the side, looking back at him.

"What do you want ? My picture ?"

Jun 25th, 2002, 07:29:14 AM
His cheeks flushed a deep shade of red as the woman turned to face him. It was then that he realized he'd been staring and she had caught him doing it, and certainly, he was embarrassed.

He opened his mouth to answer,and then shut it again before he looked more like a fool. His violet eyes looked instantly away, but then back to her, almost shyly. She was expecting an answer, it seemed, to her question.

"No." He replied, somewhat unsure of himself for a moment. And it showed on his face. It was an honest answer, for he hadnt been staring at her with the intent of asking for one. But he hadnt been able to pull his eyes away before for a reason - she was an attractive woman, and if he'd been a bit smarter about it, perhaps he would gotten a picture of her.

"I just heard the last song and thought the woman singing had a...a haunting sort of voice." He admitted, and realizing his words perhaps sounded insulting, he quickly added.

"In a good way, I mean." By this point, he'd stopped leaning on the bar and had straightened his healthy 6'2" frame. His mother had ingrained in him a respect for women, and lounging against the bar while speaking with Eve would have been on the list of unacceptable behaviors. In all the things she hadnt been able to give him or teach him in raising him a a single mother, this was one thing, at least, he would always take with him.

"I didnt realize that you were her until I overheard him," He nodded in the direction of the cloaked figure, "say something about it."

Slowly, the flush faded from his cheeks a bit as he spoke with her.

"Do you sing here often?" He asked. It sounded like a pick up line, and as soon as the words came from his mouth he took a good drink of the beer he'd ordered. He'd only been here 10 minutes or so, but already he was considering turning around, walking back out the door and heading back to the castle.

Eve Siren
Jun 25th, 2002, 03:43:59 PM
Eve was surprised she didn't hear the words 'honey', 'baby' or 'bed' in the sentences the man just said. Umm ... Polite. She noticed his light blush then noticed it faded after a little minute.

"No ... It's my first time. I don't usually sing in bars, but I just felt like it, today." She said, her gaze slowly turning towards her drink.

"And you ? Come here, often ?"

Dios Kane
Jun 25th, 2002, 04:00:31 PM
:: Dios stood up in the back and moved toward the front with a glass in his hand::
Excuse me Miss? Are you going to be singing again tonight?
:: He visited bars often and had never heard someone sing in a bar for a while. This person was good and he wanted to know if he was priviledged to hear more while he drank::

Jun 26th, 2002, 07:48:36 AM
His violet eyes focused on her as she spoke. He was surpised to hear this was her first time singing in a bar, for she'd sounded as if she was quite used to it, from the little he'd heard at least.

He shook his head in answer to her question.

"No..." He replied, "This is my first time at this place. It was the closest planet to where I'm living, and I pretty much just followed the crowd on the streets once I got here. Everyone seemed to be coming here." He added in explanation.

"I'm Sasha." He said, introducing himself.

"And Im sorry, but I didnt catch your name after your performance. The crowd was screaming so loudly..."

It was at this point that Dios joined them. Sasha had met the guy once before in an alley - at odds for a brief time, then settling the matter over a round of drinks.

He wasnt surprised that this woman was attracting all these admirers to her. She was beautiful, and if the rest of her performance had been as good as her last song, it wouldnt be long before the rest of the men in the bar had gathered around her.

Dios Kane
Jun 26th, 2002, 09:26:32 AM
:: Dios looked over and noticed Sasha talking to the singer and he raised his glass to him, he didn't want to interupt anything so he went back and sat down at his table and refilled his drink.::

Eve Siren
Jun 26th, 2002, 12:16:39 PM
"I ... don't think I'll be singing anymore tonight." Eve asid, replying to the other man's question.

She then turned her head back towards Sasha and exhaled slightly, taking a small sip of her drink. She closed her eyes, staying silent for a minute then re-opened them, looking back at him with her light brown eyes.

"They call me the Dark Angel, but the name's Eve. Eve Siren, Sith Knight of The Sith Empire."

Dios Kane
Jun 26th, 2002, 12:20:53 PM
:: As Dios walked away he overheard her say "Dark Angel" and laughed as he compared himself the "Drinking Angel." He sat down and drank. This was gonna be a long night and he had the time.::

Jun 26th, 2002, 12:46:27 PM
The Dark Angel. The nickname somehow seemed to suit her, though he knew nothing of her with the exception of her voice, and now the fact that her name was Eve, and she was a member of the Sith Empire.

His violet eyes watched as she closed her own light brown ones and exhaled after answering Dios's question. She seemed to be collecting herself, as one does when they count to ten in an effort to keep from losing their cool.

He liked her eyes. There was soemthing in them that told him she was dangerous, yet the soft brown of them was alluring. He felt the heat of a slight blush rise to his cheeks once again, and he looked away for a moment, before his eyes met hers again.

"Are you from around here?" He asked. He knew that as part of TSE, she likely had a place to call home with them, but he wondered what had brought her here to this planet.

Eve Siren
Jun 26th, 2002, 01:36:00 PM
"No ... I just need to get away sometimes, you know ? Go somewhere where I won't be spotted and recognized ..." She almost murmured the last words.

"Guess I gotta check this planet off my list." She went back to her normal tone, her comment aiming at the crowd she had sang to, earlier.

Jun 26th, 2002, 02:15:16 PM
Her words were murmered at first as she responded to him. He cocked his head slightly as he listened to her. He wasnt sure if she just preferred to be left alone, or if her words meant that there were people out there looking for her. If that were the case, she wouldnt have been up on stage, he figured. Perhaps she just liked having peace and quiet every now and then.

As she continued speaking, her voice reached its normal tone, and he couldnt help but grin and look out at the crowd as well. It wasnt the most impressive bunch of people, at a first glance. But then, the lights were dim, most people there were drunk, and the band that followed Eve just couldnt compare to her. In fact, they paled greatly in comparison.

"I dont know, I'd maybe give it a second chance at another bar..." He commented, his grin reaching his eyes finally, in the form of a mischievious sparkle as he responded to her plan to check this planet off on her list of places she'd visited.

To see him smile was somewhat of a rare occurrence. He was an easy going kid who loved more than anything hanging with friends and having a good time. But he'd been raised by a single mother, and he'd worked most of his life to help the two of them get by. This had given him his serious, practical outlook on life, and he carried that in his countenance unless he was having a good enough time that for the moment, he could forget the things that bothered him.

Eve Siren
Jun 27th, 2002, 08:05:13 AM
Eve chuckled and shook her head. She stook another sip of her drink, and shrugged. "Just a thing the 'Dark Angel' does. I never do it at the same place, twice. Soon, I'll probably run out of planets ..."

She shrugged her shoulders, then took out orange-lens glasses from her jacket's pocket, and put them on. She gave a light smile to Sasha and stood up. Her glass was only half-empty, half-full. Then again, she rarely finished her drinks ... Umm.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, Sasha."

She then leaned down and whispered in his ear.

"Next time you see me again, there's big possibility that I won't be this nice. You know ... My Sith role."

She then grinned, and walked towards the exit/entrance. Aurora, Evelyn, Eve Siren, Dark Angel, Sith Knight ... Class-A B*tch. Heh.

Jun 27th, 2002, 08:40:30 AM
He watched as she put her sunglasses on. It was night. It was dark out. And certainly, it was dark inside as well, save for the annoying flashing of the spotlight as it played on the band.

As she leaned to whisper in his ear, his lighthearted expression faded and was replaced by a more brooding expression. Why was it that Sith women felt the need to be so damn confusing. Mu Satach had taught him a lesson or two about them - just when you thought they had a soft side to them, that you somewhat understood them, they showed you just how utterly fake and deceiving they could be. Her words had reminded him of how innocent he sometimes was, trusting in others perhaps a bit too easily. He hated that he did it - he considered it a fault - and he hated being reminded of his own faults. And though she likely had had no intention of doing so, Eve had just reminded him of this.

Next time you see me again, there's a big possibility that I won't be this nice. You know ... My Sith role

It was, perhaps, hypocritical of him - for being a Sith himself, he was the same way. He could be a sweet, relatively innocent eighteen year old one moment, or a brooding, confrontational ball of anger the next.

His jaw clenched slightly, and his violet eyes followed her as she walked towards the door. He could feel anger rising with each step she took.

He hadnt meant to project it, but he likely did. He hadnt quite learned to control or channel his emotions as well as he would have liked.

"Why not just be her all the time? Why bother pretending with anything else if thats the case..." He cursed under his breath. He hadnt come to the bar with any purpose other than to have a drink and relax. But her comment had put him in a bad mood. He set his drink on the bar, and like hers, it was still partially full.

He made his way to the exit as well, not intending to follow her, though there was no other way to leave the establishment.