View Full Version : Facing demons again.(open)
Azhure Darkstone
Jun 19th, 2002, 03:41:27 AM
::A face with a solumn expression looked at her accusingly. Murderer. Three faces now looked at her. The president of a far off planet she had been sent to to kill by a resistance group. The face of a young woman who had threaten the clients fortunes. The face of someone who had supposedly killed someones lover. One of the many who had died, not even a twentieth of one who had died. Her saber flickered in the air and roughly went through the three figures of her imagination, anf the images faded, but not soon enough. As two more came she did the same until a small child looked at her through wisened old eyes, accusing her and making her unable to look away. She could not send the saber through the child, could feel the shame. Almost angrilly she swept it through the child and as the child screamed a slient sound that somehow her ears still heard she looked away.
Sometimes there were good days, sometimes there were bad days. Sometimes she just couldnt sleep or have any peace. These were the days she spent most of the time by herself, blcoking herself from emotion so that she did nto feel that deep regret, that deep helplessness and feeling of hopelessness that the darkness took when she let her mind think too much.
Emotions could kill you if you let it, or overtake you so deeply you could never come back.
Azhure took care of herself, she didnt need anyone and that was that. She could feel people behind her, all accusing the same word. Murderer. Assasin
The endless drone she blocked again, knowign it would come back. Her saber was turned off now, her eyes were closed.
Why didnt it ever end? She tried hard but sometimes it came back. It always came back. And half the time her emotions she could not pinpoint for she did not have a name for them.
The demons always came back, but some days they left her alone, and when others were around they left her alone. Perhaps that was why she liked spending time with people, though her communication skills were not up to standard::
Go away, go away...
Sene Unty
Jun 21st, 2002, 09:27:56 PM
Sweet dreams awaited the young boy, just at the end of the hallway. A tall glass of milk, a nice book, and a comfortable bed were all that weighed on Sene Unty's mind. It was all that he had to now that he was a Jedi. Sene smiled......he liked the sound of that.
In his head he hummed a tune as he neared his door......
"What was that?" Sene whispered to himself as he turned around feeling the disturbance in the force. It was slight, but Sene could tell someone was upset. But who.....
Sene looked to the right and stared at a door. The disturbance seemed to be coming from there.
Someone must be having a bad dream.
He almost turned around when he realized that wasn't what a jedi was supposed to do. He had to help and that had to start with him waking the person.
With a small hand he tapped against the door and waited......
Azhure Darkstone
Jun 24th, 2002, 02:20:41 AM
::Azhure woke up, her hand immedietly took hold of a weapon and she opened her eyes, looking around the room, her eyes weighing every part of the room for an enemy, almost as if expecting the accusing faces. Looking confused she put down the weapon on the bed, still holding it when she heard the knock on the door. Putting the weapon down she moved over to the door and opened it slightly to see who it was, and was surprised to see a boy standing there::
Hi. Did you need anything>
::She was almost glad for the disturbance, the nightmares had taken hold of her again. She silently thanked the boy::
Sene Unty
Jun 25th, 2002, 07:35:59 PM
"He-lll-o." Sene was struck by the older womans beauty, and it caused him to studder.
"I was uhhhh just ummmm passing by and i felt a uhhh disturbance in the I decided to knock and see that everything was okay."
Sene stared down at his feet.
"I'll just leave now."
He turned to walk away.....
Azhure Darkstone
Jun 26th, 2002, 05:15:15 AM
::Azhure looked at him for a moment, wondering why he had bothered, it was a kind motive. She allowed a curious look on her face and shook her head, feeling the kind thought deserved kindness in return, this was a revalation, she had never had that thought before. You dont need anyone.
They abused your skills, your talent, but a boy was different. Different from an adult, innocent, still largely uncorrupted by darker thoughts.
A jedi child could be trained to be very peaceful a person. A child untouched by crimsonsun had never abused her confidence.
She could trust the child.
Allowing a smile to become more genuine, she stopped the boy with a strong tone in her voice, or mind voice.::
Your thoughts and disturbance is appreciated. it was just a nightmare. What is your name?
Sene Unty
Jun 26th, 2002, 06:18:33 AM
Her words caused him to pause an turn back around.
"Sene." The name jumped from his mouth on an air of happiness. He didn't really want to leave. His curiousity over the disturbance caused him to knock on the door, and now it carried over to wondering what she had been dreaming about. If there was one thing Sene was always consistent about, it was his need to meet new people.
"A nightmare huh? I've had a couple of those."
Sene smiled.
"Was it the one where your falling and wake up just before you it the ground? Those are always the worst."
Azhure Darkstone
Jun 27th, 2002, 02:20:15 AM
::Azhure laughed half heartedly and shook her head::
You can get worse. Are your family here?
::She had noticed a few children around, though didnt know if they were here with parents or not::
Sene Unty
Jun 27th, 2002, 06:30:44 AM
Sene quickly wondered why his parents would be here. Well....I guess he was pretty young.
"No. My parents are dead. Oh and by the way my name his Sene Unty."
He offered his hand to the woman.
"Pleased to meet you." Changing the subject like that helped ease the pain of his parents death.
Azhure Darkstone
Jun 28th, 2002, 01:57:13 AM
::Azhure noticed the subject change, but understood. it may eb hard for one so young, for anyone in that matter. She took the hand and shook it. How old was the boy exactly?::
Azhure. How old are you?
Sene Unty
Jun 28th, 2002, 07:00:15 AM
Sene thought about answering. People always seemed to judge you negativly when they found out they were older than you....but Azhure seemed nice enough so he took a chance....
"I'm 12."
Sene smiled at her, "Yeah, I probably look older."
" long have you been with the order?"
Azhure Darkstone
Jun 28th, 2002, 09:57:05 PM
::Azhure nodded, age did not make the person who they were, but experiences.::
Two months, three weeks. depending on the day it may feel like a shorter or longer time.
How long have you been here?
Sene Unty
Jun 28th, 2002, 10:02:33 PM
Sene thought about much had already happened that it felt so long.
"I think it's something like a little more than a month."
Sene really didn't have a clue.
"Yeah I guess that sounds right. So where are you from? I'm from Coruscant."
Azhure Darkstone
Jun 29th, 2002, 12:53:09 AM
::Azhure stopped and thought about that. She had many homes, depending on Crimsonsun's purpose for her being there. Though she was a jeid she still had a value of not telling where Crimsonsun's home base was::
Everywhere really. I have never had what you call a home. I have spent quite a lot of time in Coruscant though, a logical city.
::She did not specify what she emant by city, let it lie as where it was spoken. You could dissapear in Coruscant and if you never came back, no one would be able to find you anyway.::
Why did you come to the jedi?
Sene Unty
Jul 4th, 2002, 08:01:16 AM
Her last question stopped a smile from forming on his face. The question was difficult to determine. He really had no idea why he came to the Jedi. Or did he....
"Well. At first I came because I had no where else to go. I had been told I had Jedi potential when I was younger, but my father put an end to my dreams of defending the galaxy. He had no intention of letting the heir to his fortune go off on what he called 'unsafe enterprises'."
Sene stared at the wall behind Azhure, it was easier than looking at her eyes.
"After my parents death...I was sent to live with my grandmother. She was a nice enough lady, but I could tell I wasn't wanted. I left her and came here."
Sene let out a breath.
"I have been struggling with the reasons for becoming a Jedi and I think I have one now. I want to help people. People are my thing. I have never met a person I wasn't able to make laugh. I have always been able to talk and have people open themselves to me."
Sene chuckled, "I guess that is where my Jedi abilities lie. I have a way with people that I want to use to help them."
"So why are you here?"
Azhure Darkstone
Jul 6th, 2002, 05:59:26 AM
::Azhure looked at the window, where freedomlay and you didnt have to face facts, but life wasnt about that::
I came here to throw away the chains, perhaps to find out who I am, not what I am. To seek redemption I suppose
::She looked at the boy with hardly a smile, and then looked away and laughed::
We will see how life turns, you are in control of your own destiny. You can be anyone you want to be Sene.
Sene Unty
Jul 7th, 2002, 06:45:48 PM
Sene stared at Azhure. Her words made sense in a way that transcended normal conversation. She seemed to speak directly into his mind, as these were the words he wanted to hear.
"I like the idea of that, you know. I like to think that I'm in control of my own destiny. Its true. I can be anything I want."
Sene stood.
"And I want to be a Jedi. I want to be the best Jedi ever."
He smiled as he looked into her eyes.
"I can be this....and so can you. You can't let your past get in the way. You can't let it taint your present. Heal your wounds and grow from them.''
"Let your past make you better."
Azhure Darkstone
Jul 8th, 2002, 06:52:34 PM
:;Azhure smiled at nothing as she looked at the window, but what kind of smile, you could not tell. It seemed to hold a lot of emotions::
You can only try, and if all fails you know you have tried.
:;She looked at Sene, as if nothing was wrong and laughed::
Much needs to be learnt before the past can be put away, much. As all things there needs to be a proper ending and a finale. The finale must be found by everyone.
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 9th, 2002, 11:04:01 AM
Lion had just been passing by Azhure's room on his way back up to his room when he noticed that the light was on.
"It must be, what, 1:00 AM? You'd have to be crazy to be up this early..." he said to himself. Then, he looked down at the drinks he had brought up from the bar, and added: "Unless you were getting hot chocolate..."
Then, Lion heard voices. One definitely sounded like Azhure, the other sounded like a child.
"Awww, what the heck..." he said, and he pushed the door open to Azhure's room.
Inside, Azhure was sitting on her bed, speaking with a boy. Sene was his name, Lion thought; he had seen him around on the academy grounds. Still holding his drinks, he smiled and said:
"Hi Azhure, haven't spoken to you in a long time...what's happening, pajama party?" he asked, trying to be cheerful, but he noticed that something was on Azhure's mind...
Azhure Darkstone
Jul 10th, 2002, 07:31:52 PM
::Azhure let out a small laugh at the image of Lion standing there with more than one hot chocolate::
Your planning on throwing a party yourself? Or are you extra thirsty? No, we were talking. Please, sit down.
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 10th, 2002, 08:48:23 PM
Lion laughed before sitting down...
"I get some weird chocolate is one of them. Then there's the Pickle and Peanut Butter Sandwich, though I try to stay away from those now...don't ask me how I used to eat them."
He took off his green cloak and laid it down on the chair, then turned towards Sene.
"You're Sene, right? I saw you when Xazor carried you inside the Bar...that was pretty scary stuff...."
Then, Lion remembered what had drawn him into Azhure's room...
"Hey, what happened? I'm pretty sure something's on your mind, most people I know don't start conversations at 1 in the morning...By the way, hot chocolate anybody?!?"
Sene Unty
Jul 11th, 2002, 06:00:06 PM
Sene was startled by the sudden presence of Lion El' Jonson, but he quickly his it behind a wall of confidence. He must not be affected by a changing situation. He must allow himself to go beyond it and adapt.
"Sure I'll take some hot chocolate."
Azhure Darkstone
Jul 12th, 2002, 02:21:15 AM
::Azhure shook her head, she was not thirsty and perferred water. You could see the clearness in it and it had a distinct smell from anything else, not that she suspected anything from her friend, but she was considered a bit overly cautious. Smiling softly she laughed::
I'm not most people. It was only a nightmare. It is strange to think that people care if you have one. Something I am unused to.
Thank-you for your concern.
:;She nodded at leon and Sene, her thanks genuine.::
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 02:11:16 PM
Lion laughed and handed Sene a hot chocolate, then took a drink from one of his own cups.
"GAHHHHH! HOT!!!!!" Lion danced around the room for a few seconds waving his hands at his tongue before he realized that Sene and Azhure were watching him with weird looks...
"Eh-hem..." he said, his face flushed...
"Hey Sene, are you going to the formal? It sounds like it's gonna be interesting. How 'bout you, Azhure? Has Tomak asked you yet?"
Azhure Darkstone
Jul 13th, 2002, 03:02:36 AM
::Azhure looked at him curiously::
Is the knowledge about Tomak a public thing now? Things spread quickly here.
::Still, she shouldnt be surprised. It did in CrimsonSun as well::
No, he has not yet. The formal will be an interesting event indeed, time to see people out of their usual jedi clothing.
Sene Unty
Jul 13th, 2002, 07:55:06 AM
Sene considered the question for a second.
"No, I don't know anyone well enough to be asked and I'm much to afraid to ask"
Sene left the last word to hang in the air as he looked down at his hands. It was not easy to put something like that out there, escpecially with those you didnt know so well.
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 13th, 2002, 08:41:09 AM
Lion took a seat, then said:
"Tomak was quite...defensive...of you. I'm sure he'll ask you."
He leaned back into the comfy chair, then turned to speak to Sene.
"Still, you might want to come. There's free punch, and most people in their don't have dates."
(ooc: Wow, me and Zeke ain't DJing anymore, but there's still a party! We really need more people in there, right now there's only Xazor, Marcus, and a few other peeps. I think the party began in the wrong time zone, or something...)
Azhure Darkstone
Jul 14th, 2002, 02:53:42 AM
::Azhure looked at Leon, confused::
Everyone refers to that but how and where and about what? What did Tomak do?
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 14th, 2002, 09:22:07 AM
"Basically, he screamed '"AZHURE IS ALL MINE!!!!MINE, YOU HEAR ME?!?!?! NOBODY SHALL USE THE NAME OF AZHURE, BECAUSE I WANT TO TAKE HER MORE THAN YOU!"' or something like that, much to the disappointment of the elligible males in the room."
Lion took another sip of his hot chocolate, leaned back into the chair, pulled out a sign that said: Do Not Disturb, and...fell asleep. Unfortunately for him, he turned the sign the wrong way, and instead it said: Maid, Please. A cleaning droid came in and dusted off Lion's face, and he woke up, coughing out dust...
"Gah, I hate droids sometimes....."
Azhure Darkstone
Jul 17th, 2002, 01:49:41 AM
::Azhure smiled at him falling alseep and shooed the droid away::
Good morning. It's a dark morning
:;She attempted a bad joke as she got his cup before it dropped, jokes did not come naturally to her::
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 17th, 2002, 01:27:32 PM
Lion laughed.
"I don't usually wake up under a feather duster..."
Azhure Darkstone
Jul 18th, 2002, 03:36:01 AM
::Azhure looked to see how sene was doing, wondering if he too had fallen asleep. it was late, and though she wasnt tired, she had a lot more stamina than most people and did not expect as much from others as she did herself. Getting up she looked at lion and threw a feather duster at him in a light manner::
It suits you.
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 18th, 2002, 01:44:41 PM
"Hah , is that supposed to be a compliment?"
Lion got up, walked around a bit, then sat down, accidentally crushing Sene...
"Oops, dude didn't see ya there."
Lion moved to another seat that was devoid of any living beings and took another sip of his hot chocolate.
"I should probably leave now. I've got to run 5 miles, then check on my ship and my weapons locker before I go to sleep...Any idea what happened to Sene?"
Azhure Darkstone
Jul 19th, 2002, 01:16:55 AM
::azhure shrugged, picking the boy up carefully.::
He has fallen asleep. Im surprised you didnt wake him up. If I knew where his room was I'd take him there, but I'll let him sleep in my bed and I outside. Sleeping in the night air is pleasant.
Goodnight Lion, run well.
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 19th, 2002, 10:19:33 PM
"Ya know, I'll take him back to my room. I got one of the corner rooms, so mines a lot bigger than most. It's a shame to see you have to sleep outside. At least come back to my room for a few minutes."
Azhure Darkstone
Jul 21st, 2002, 02:55:58 AM
::Azhure laughed::
I usually sleep outside, it doesnt make much difference.
If you want to take him to your room I have no objections, my bed is hardly of use most nights anyway.
What is in your room?
::She wondered the use of going to his room unless she was taking Sene there, she did not know where his room was in the map in her head so she shrugged an 'I suppose so'. It was always useful to know where you stood in a place, besides she wasnt in the mood to sleep anymore tonight. After this she would spend the rest of the night at the waterfall, training::
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 21st, 2002, 11:30:11 AM
"Okay, I'll take him back to my room, then."
Lion leaned down and plucked the sleeping child off of the couch and threw him onto one shoulder.
"And my room? Ahh, nothing fancy. I got 3 beds, a bathroom, a kitchen, a living room, a dining room, some cool colored lighting, a personal theatre system...and a Playstation 814. It ain't a bad place ta' live."
Lion walked towards the door and opened it with his one free hand:
"Ladies first."
Azhure Darkstone
Jul 22nd, 2002, 04:29:55 AM
::Azhure nodded, that had not been what she meant but it would do. She walked into the room, looking around and nodding, taking the image into her mind and put it with the rest of the GJO mental map. Smiling she looked at Lion::
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 22nd, 2002, 11:28:13 AM
"Thanks. I think I need some new furniture, though."
Lion carried Sene to one of the beds, then placed him under the covers. Then, Lion moved to a section of wall that was empty, next to the bar, a marked difference from most of the room since there were viewscreens, speakers, and a few paintings covering most of the wall.
"Gimme a sec. Don't tell anybody about this, okay?"
Lion spoke to the wall: "Everybody has secrets..." and a smooth female voice chimed out Voice ID confirmed. A panel slid open and a handprint scanner slid out.
Lion placed his hand onto the scanner, and a second later it flashed green. The device slid back into the wall, and he wall folded itself back, revealing Lion's private arsenal.
There was at least 40 different weapons in the compartment, as well as 80 power packs and a generator for charging them. There was even a recharge socket for his lightsaber. Lion took out his lightsaber, as well as his small distruptor pistol. All of the arsenals were from his days as a mercenary, and they would be useful if the academy was ever overrun. Lion dropped the weapons into his cloak, then turned back to Azhure.
"One more thing, k?"
Lion hit a button, and the massive theatre viewscreen flashed on against the wall. A woman with blonde hair and blue eyes was on the screen...Lion's idea of the perfect woman.
"Hello, Lion. Code, please?" The woman's voice was the same as the security system.
"Hello, Delphi. There once was a girl..."
"Confirmed" the figure voiced. "Your stocks are up, there is rioting in the Pantolomin system, and New Republic Fleet Command still doesn't have anything to do."
"Thank you, Delphi."
Lion made sure everything was locked up, that Sene was still sleeping, and that he didn't have to go grocery shopping. Then, he walked out the door with Azhure.
"That was Delphi, my ship's AI. I programmed her with a sense of humor, though it's a bit inappropriate during combat.
(ooc: Sorry for the long post!)
Azhure Darkstone
Jul 23rd, 2002, 07:09:59 PM
:;azhure looked at all the balsters on the wall. it reminde dher of her well stocked stell weapon collection and limited balster collection. Only two balsters, still in all she wasnt a fan of guns.
The collection was impressive and she wondered how long it took for him to collect all these.::
No, not all the time. I have heard humour helps spirits a keep going.
::Running her hand around the wall she nodded, it was a good idea. Sene seemed to be sleeping well. She looked around and looked at him in a friendly manner::
You are a fan of guns? What steel weapons do you have?
OOC:Long is good =) I'v been lazy this string, and getting lazier in a lot of strings ><.
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 23rd, 2002, 07:29:26 PM
Lion walked alongside her.
"True. As for the guns, I guss so. They're dependable and more practical for general combat. But I do own some steel weapons, for assassinations and close combat."
Lion thought back to his fairly large collection of swords, knives, maces, and lances. It had taken a while to get those...
"They're all inside my ship, secured in a blasterproof display case. Only me and my ship's crew can open it, and they take care of them. I've got a few swords and knives, a mace, a few staffs and lances...but my favorite weapon is Ayashi , my Katana. I found it a few years ago while I was working a job, and its been with me ever since. I should show you some day, but I don't want to keep you awake..."
Lion thought back to one last thing that had been nagging his mind since he had barged into her room...
"Were you really an assassin? For one of the Sun Crime Groups? I'm sorry I have to ask you, but somebody told me, and I have to know if it's true..."
(ooc: lol, kinda opposite from me...I was really lazy two months ago, but now I'm getting better...a bit....:lol)
Azhure Darkstone
Jul 26th, 2002, 12:52:23 AM
:;They were on opposite sides of taste then. She almost dissaproved of guns for they could be used with less skill than it took to control a blade, but that was her view. The challenge of a straight and silent wrist was part of the interest in swords.
She walked over to near the window and looked out, an empty surrounding full of darkness. Azhure looked at him when he poke again, consideringly, then nodded, her eyes carefully watching his face. So it had been going around::
Who told you?
::She didnt like the feeling of it going around but it was to be expected. An assasin was generally disliked among the people, unless you were sith. She had heard there were a few sith that were assasins. Killers of the night. She had left most of that world behind, with a few problems that should fade with time, somehow. Continuing to look at Lion she smiled softly::
Assasin yes. CrimsonSun if you have heard the name. I went by another name but that name is dead.
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 26th, 2002, 10:32:55 AM
Lion considered what he had it was true...
"I hear happened to come up, somehow...I thought it wasn't real, the guy was half drunk...but, wow."
Lion ended lamely, since he didn't know what to say...
"Yes, I've heard of the Crimson Sun...a powerful, if relatively unheard of, crime group. So, your name is the people you hunted..."
He realized that he was being unfair, and that he had said something wrong...after al, he had had the same job...kinda.
"There's nothing to be ashamed of, I must've killed 30 times as many people as you have...there's a story about me and a military installation...though I guess te kills weren't as personal..."
Lion clamped his hands over his mouth...
"Oh my kami-sama, I just didn't say that, did I?
Azhure Darkstone
Jul 27th, 2002, 02:59:32 AM
::Azhure did not reply with any angry or surprised remark, only a small smile that was barely visable on her lips::
Yes there is. My job was to kill, and Im sure every galaxy has heard my name. Your way of killing would have been different, and I have killed more than three hundred if you really want to know, but that is to no avail now. I am a jedi, not an assasin Lion. I will pay to redeem my deeds as will anyone who works for the jedi cause. I will pay during the rest of my life and death. There are some who will never see the light and for them I feel sad, they were comrades in some ways.
:;Her words held no boast or joy in it, they were facts and not particularly nice ones to her own ears. She did not like being reminded of how many she had assasined, but that was something she would have to deal with. She remembered words a client once said. 'As deadly and dangerous as you were beautiful'. Never judge a book by it's cover. he hadnt been able to pay up in the end so he had experienced the deadliness personally. She shivered visably at the thought. Those days were gone and there was no need to look to the past....::
We all have our personal demons.
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 27th, 2002, 10:53:44 AM
Lion just stood there for a secnd, taking it all in..
"Yes, we do...I joined the jedi order for life has never been easy, either...almost 700 people are dead because of me..."
Lion leaned against his wall, then said in a more cheerful tone:
"I'm glad you joined, Azhure...many people are."
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