View Full Version : May God have mercy on their souls...
Lady Vader
Jun 18th, 2002, 11:44:51 PM
cause I won't!!!
I pray that this never happens to any of you...
Yesterday, when I came home from work, the sight that greeted me was one you hope never to see. My house had been burglerized. I'm still seething mad, but I'm calm and unhurt. No one was home when this rape of our privacy happened, save for the cats. Poor dears were scared beyond belief. All three were huddled in the farthest corner under my parents bed.
The police came and dusted for prints and did the whole thing of asking twenty questions to us and the nieghbors. But, chances are they won't be able to pin anyone for this.
And yet, we have suspicions we know who the perpetrators are. Not more than maybe two months ago, our neighbor went on a psychopathic controling rage that he wanted our side tree cut. He said it was obstructing his view. Bull$hit. That tree only obstructs his view of the inside of our living room! He's just on this whole control thing where he has to have all the neighbors cringing. The others have already called him a psycho, having had similar or other problems with him.
Anyways, today was supposed to be the hearing at city hall concerning the whole tree bit (but it was canceled until a month from now.)
We think he may have hired someone to break into our house to scare us, possibly into moving. And the fact it happened yesterday, the eve before this meeting, makes him look really incriminating.
And, to top it off, he has been conviniently not home for the past few days.
Of course, that's speculation, but hell, even the other neighbors are pointing fingers at him.
Well, at least we're all safe and alive. Yeah, we're missing a few things like jewlery and music/game CDs. But it's weird the way they went about doing stuff. It's as if they wanted to distrub rather than steal. Drawers from the bedrooms were in the living room. Drawers from the living room were in the bedrooms. Bathroom stuff was thrown in the living room. Stuff from downstairs was upstairs and vice versa. They even took the hand held phone but left the cradle. They didn't touch any of the TVs, VCRs, or computers. They didn't even take the laptop which is easy to conceal. Hell, they didn't even take my sister's $80 lieing out in plain view!! I give them the Dumb A$$ Award for being so damn highschool diploma deprived.
Ok, well, there it is. And to think a few days ago I was thinking how dull my life was. Boy, I'm keeping my mouth shut next time!
Anyways, I'll most likely be on and off of my posting schedule for the next few days. Gotta straighten my life out again.
On a side note, I kept thinking it was a good thing I really wasn't Sith. For if I was, my unbridled anger I felt yesterday would have most likely backfired, turned into a raging Force storm, and wiped out half the block. Yeah... I was that angery. (At least they didn't touch any of my SW collection. Oh man... if they had so much as disturbed one curl on Yoda's balding head.....)
As it is, if ever we find the crooks, I will not be responsible for my actions. God save them when that day comes.
And there it is. Sorry bout the monologue, but I just had to get this out of my system before I exploded and took half the hill with me.
Live Wire
Jun 18th, 2002, 11:48:26 PM
*Hugs her sis*
Im so sorry this happened. And if you ever find out who did it I'll be right by your side. when I heared I was so mad I wanted to gut whoever did it with a butter knife and string them to the power lines by their entrails!!
I'll help out anyway I can. Hug the cats for me, the poor things must be scared out of their little wits.
Lord Gue
Jun 19th, 2002, 12:21:55 AM
Im tellin ya, the worlds endin...
Sorry to hear bout your misfourtune there LV, im sittin on a ton of new house stuff for when I was gonna move a while back but never did, if ya ever need something say the word :D
Ryla Relvinian
Jun 19th, 2002, 12:28:27 AM
LV I am so sorry this had to happen to you. Look on the good side, at least all of your expensive stuff (TV, VCR, Laptop) wasn't taken. I pray that the authorities find whomever did this and beat them with moldy hot dogs. :]
Lady Vader
Jun 19th, 2002, 12:36:53 AM
LW: Thankee sis... how bout you make me a batch of those nummy cookiees to make all the booboo go away? :lol
Gue: Thanks... I'll be holding ya to that. :p
Ryla: Moldy hot dogs? :lol The mental imaging from that sent a smile sprawling across my face, and goodness only knows I need it. :)
Lord Gue
Jun 19th, 2002, 12:40:25 AM
u do that, all im worried about is how to get'm across country, lol
Ilyn Pyke
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:04:28 AM
I am sorry you had to go through such terrifying experience of having a stranger break in and invade that part of our lives we hold so dear. I hope the cops bust the responsible person (or people) and make them pay. What REALLY blows my mind is that nothing much was stolen... meaning this concerned other ulterior motives. Not simply a thief targeting your house, it was something else. Just glad to hear y'all safe and hope this thing gets resolved quickly. Take Care!
Live Wire
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:15:38 AM
lol okay if I have time before I leave I'll bake cookies and send em your way. If not you'll have to settle for pink spoon consolation.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:23:42 AM
Oi, that sucks... but still, does your phone have a pager button on it? You know, like you hit the button on the cradle and the phone itself starts beeping so you can find it... If the guy next door paid someone else to rob it, and judging by how stupid he is. You might just try punching the button and listening to see if a beeping sounds comes from his house. If the phone was made in the last 2 years, it should have the strength to pick up that far away.
Jun 19th, 2002, 03:31:47 AM
Yeah, we tried paging it but no use. They did take valuable stuff, just not the stuff you think they'd take. The only valuables they took were jewelry. My graduation ring, a gold watch my mother had given me, my pearl necklace and earings just to name a few. Oh! And I'm really pissed cause they took a small gold crucifix that my father had when he was a child. It was the only thing he was able to take out of Cuba when he left.... Bastards! :verymad
All my music CD's... gone. Anyone who knows me knows how much I value my CD's. GRRRRRRR!!!!! I had most of my cd's in a couple of carrying cases cause I drag them with me wherever I go. I'm serious. I always have my cd's with me. And I just happened to leave them at home yesterday. Dumb... dumb... dumb. But then again, how was I supposed to know that someone was gonna come in and take them... Bastards! :verymad
Most of our computer games are gone. Some are still here. Don't know why. Guess they didn't like them. :lol Oh, and the dorks took this really old camcorder. It was a Beta one. That thing is so ancient it's probably not worth much now. :lol And they left the laptop. ....Dorks! :lol Not that I'm complaining.
They tried to get into the tower of the old computer. Probably trying to get to the DVD Rom drive, or the floppy, but there's a covering on the outside. The only way to actually get it out is to go inside and unscrew it. They're so STUPID they couldn't figure out how to get it. :lol ....DORKS!
Some of my sister's jewelry is still here cause it was in her clothes drawer. For some reason they didn't go through our clothes. Guess they were running out of time. Only thing is I'm starting to wonder if I'm missing underwear. I need to go through the dirty clothes basket and make sure it's all there. ....Perverts! :verymad
They went through some things that were just pointless. Like a very old diary of mine that had a lock. They busted the lock to open the diary. Why? I have no clue. I wrote like 4 pages in it when I was about 8 years old. I mean, what did they expect to find in a Hello Kitty diary?! ....Pedifiles! :verymad
And they scared the cats half to death. One of the kitties had an accident in our room he was so scared. Poor baby. And another one threw up downstairs. I'm glad they didn't hurt my poor little kitties. ......A$$HOLES!!! BASTARDS!!! DORKS!!! PERVERTS!!! PEDIFILES!!! :verymad
No one comes barging into my house and takes my stuff. If I ever see their faces.......... :wings
Sanis Prent
Jun 19th, 2002, 06:11:12 AM
Just be careful! Please! I've already lost one person close to me in a petty burglary. I can't bear that again.
Jun 19th, 2002, 07:26:24 AM
Ickie, hope everything gets better
Loki Ahmrah
Jun 19th, 2002, 07:33:26 AM
That's terrible. I'm very sorry to hear that, luv. You take care of yourself and I hope you catch those scruffy little so-and-so's and get your stuff back. :(
I'm just glad to hear you're alright.
Arlenia Tavira
Jun 19th, 2002, 10:01:33 AM
Did they steal the CDs I sent you? If so, you can add my pissedoffitude to your own-it took me 4 hours to burn all those 20 cds and what not. I hope they're caught.
Lord Gue
Jun 19th, 2002, 11:54:08 AM
Do ya's still think its your neighboor, i mean, a little renegade justice doesnt hurt. Either way, any other clues or anything?
Arya Ravenwing
Jun 19th, 2002, 11:56:50 AM
*group hug!*
*with just LW LD LV and Tatiana*
*kicks the men away from them*
No hugs for you! :mad
:( *hugs more*
So, ready for a vacation in September, eh LV? I hope you guys stay safe. Don't be stupid. Remember, the downfall of the Sith is thei blind rage. *hugs*
Jun 19th, 2002, 12:20:42 PM
eesh... sorry that happened to ya.
Khan Surak
Jun 19th, 2002, 12:35:11 PM
Jeeze.. these are the kinds of things that we think will happen to somebody else. I hope everything turns out alright, LV.
My friend was almost robbed at night. But his house alarm started blaring like an air raid, and his dog barked "with foam at the mouth". Scared the lousy bum away.
Ryla Relvinian
Jun 19th, 2002, 12:41:47 PM
LV, If I knew where you live, I would come and give you a big hud right now. And your graduation ring??? awwww. Well, you can always re-order them through jostens, but the loss dosn't go away. It sucks to loose family heirlooms like that. :[
Virtual moldy hot dog for crooks: ( : : : : : : : ) so THERE!
Lady Vader
Jun 19th, 2002, 01:49:58 PM
Thanks guys. Your support and freindship is greatly appreciated right now. *group hug* :)
Visc - I think they did make off with the CD's you made for me. :( I haven't found em yet, so it's a good bet they did. I'm lucky I still have a handfull of some game and music CDs, but the majority of them are gone. And some of em aren't even replaceable (here's hoping I can find em on eBay). :\
Lemme tell ya... ever since this happened, my sis has been sleeping with a nasty looking dagger under her pillow, and I'm thinking of getting myself a suitable weapon of sorts. Hell, I'll beat the crap out of them with my house slippers, rubber bands, and paper clips if I have to. Gawd, I'm so pi$$ed! :mad
Live Wire
Jun 19th, 2002, 01:51:41 PM
*hugs her other sis*
if you ever find out who did me....I'll be there with my baseball bat and butter knife.
Sanis Prent
Jun 19th, 2002, 01:53:23 PM
If it comes down to it, your stuff can be replaced. You can't be. Just when you think somebody won't do something drastic over a few CD's, just know that I've seen the worst of humanity...100 feet from my house, and in my church, no less....over a handful of quarters.
Don't go and try to be a hero.
Lady Vader
Jun 19th, 2002, 01:56:56 PM
I'm not trying to be a hero. But that doesn't mean I won't take the neccessary precautions to protect myself and what's mine. I'm not going to sit around and be helpless. I am no damn damsel in distress, and those that know me know that.
Don't worry... I ain't going looking for trouble. But if trouble finds me, I'll do all in my power to survive and make sure it doesn't.
And I know this is probably not the thought to have after all this, but after this whole fiasco, I have seriously thought about purchasing a gun. Call me crazy, but in this world, day, and age, what else would you expect me to have thoughts on? Especially after this rape of my haven.
Sanis Prent
Jun 19th, 2002, 01:59:30 PM
A knife under your pillow doesn't stop a bullet, Rie.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:02:58 PM
You need to train one of them Cats to attack. Go stright for the eyes! Cats cam do some series damage if they wanted to.
Or, get a dog, and raise it around the cats. Never let the dog chase the cats, slap him if he does, and when he grows up, the cats and dogs will live in peace. Like my Dog and sister's cat. My dog never chases the Cindy, but will chase all other types of Cats.
Live Wire
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:09:36 PM
alarm system
and charley is right.....stuff can be replaced, you can't. Im just like you I get pissed and want to rip peoples arms out of their sockets wookie style...but when it comes right down to it I'd rather lose stuff then my life or the life of someone I care about. Now of course if the bastard is unarmed then you beat the $hit out of him :D
Sanis Prent
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:15:19 PM
I know you can't see it the way I do, and I'm actually a bit glad you can't. If you did, you'd know how something like that feels. Its the worst feeling in the world to have that happen to somebody you care about.
All I have to offer is my advice from experience. I've seen bad stuff where I'm at. I know what people are capable of.
Live Wire
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:31:44 PM
*hugs charley too*
Sanis Prent
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:35:28 PM
Irony is a country bumpkin from Alabama teaching girls from Los Angeles about crime and human nature.
Arlenia Tavira
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:39:37 PM
Son of a snitch. Replacements I will send you. As a matter of fact, they will be better than the last CDs. Please contact me on AIM.
Live Wire
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:40:15 PM
Trust me you dont need to teach me anything about crime and human nature. :(
Sanis Prent
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:41:06 PM
:\ yeah, I know...
Live Wire
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:43:09 PM
okay thats it we need more happy threads around here!!
Lady Vader
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:57:04 PM
:lol I totally agree, LW. :)
Ok, ppl, don't freak. I promise I won't do anything rash. I may be angery, but I'm not blind and stupid.
Visc, I replied to your PM. :)
Arlenia Tavira
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:59:02 PM
I am on Yahoo as well. generalnorys
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 19th, 2002, 03:50:08 PM
My heart and prayers go out to you.
That and I hope the sunumab***h who did it gets what's coming to him. I have one word: KARMA.
Jun 19th, 2002, 05:19:10 PM
Oh, I totally agree with Charley. If I had the option of running or staying to fight, I'd run and get help. There's no way I'd go up against them. You never know what kind of weapon they might have and stuff. Like Patton said, a dagger is no use up against a gun. Still, it's nice knowing the dagger is under my pillow where I can reach it. :)
I'm very thankful none of us were hurt though. I mean, I could have been home. I've been home almost everyday since I graduated last year. I finally got a job about 3 weeks ago, otherwise I would have been home by myself. It's kind of a reality check.
And Audra dear, here's a hug.
Live Wire
Jun 19th, 2002, 05:54:16 PM
awwww I get a hug too???
I feel so special! :)
Tempist Opps
Jun 19th, 2002, 08:54:30 PM
::makes a rare appearance in the OOC forum::
Damn, I feel really bad for you LV. I hope the party responsable for this will have the rare distinction of being duct-taped to a tree with their face covered in molasses. Watch the bees and bears come lookin' for them... besides, if these people were stupid enough not to take a lap top and $80, then they are probably going to get caught for somthing else (like indecent exposure or driving under the influence), and then be brought up on charges for this as well.
Arya Ravenwing
Jun 20th, 2002, 12:30:58 AM
You know I'd be more nervous sleeping with a knife under my pillow. I just know I'd cut my throat by accident.
*hugs again for Rie and Tine*
Zasz Grimm
Jun 20th, 2002, 03:17:35 AM
Holy Crap. I'm so sorry for this LV. Charley is right though, no need to put yourself in harms way. I have gone through a burglary experience, I was 8 years old I believe, we had gone out to eat and came back to find our place in shambles and stuff gone, but let's not go through that horrible experience of my child hood.
And there is no need for a Knife under your bed, that doesn't have a distance. Get a baseball bat, perfect distance. But if the situation calls for it, run. Which is a good idea, no need in getting hurt...
I hope they catch these little bitches who did this and they are put away. No one deserves to go through that. If only I could catch them, they would have a good meeting with my fist.
My prayers are with you, and your family Rie.
Arlenia Tavira
Jun 20th, 2002, 12:21:53 PM
A rifle or carbine would be good, something with a clubbed butt, so long as you know how to use it.
Oh yeah, and 10 CDs mailed.
Jun 20th, 2002, 12:43:53 PM
That wouldn't fit under a pillow
Sanis Prent
Jun 20th, 2002, 01:00:06 PM
And also wouldn't work well if fired by a 90 pound girl.
Ilyn Pyke
Jun 20th, 2002, 01:44:36 PM
Originally posted by Arlenia Tavira
A rifle or carbine would be good, something with a clubbed butt, so long as you know how to use it.
Oh yeah, and 10 CDs mailed.
One of the dangers of a knife or gun is what it can provoke if not properly used. I say invest in a golf club and mace or stun gun. If a gun is chosen, choose a nice slim line .38 revolver designed for women or a .380 automatic with the same user friendly design. Take shooting lesson at a local range. Become a proficient shot with the gun and intimately familiarize yourself with the weapon backwards and forwards. If that is done than you will no difficulties with the automatic's safety feature and slide chamber-loading. However, the revolver is much more simpler.
Oh yeah, never forget there are parts of the male anatomy that are very vulnerable! ;)
Jun 20th, 2002, 01:53:27 PM
I think a firearm is the worst thing to use.
Jun 20th, 2002, 01:58:17 PM
Aw, LV, sorry to hear about this. *shakes head. Man, people suck, sometimes.
Just glad to hear you're ok and werent around when the jerks showed up. Hang in there, Lady. Karma will visit them eventually, and they'll be sorry....
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 20th, 2002, 02:01:37 PM
Ah yes, Pyke; who can forget about The Grand Equalizer
Lady Vader
Jun 20th, 2002, 02:24:09 PM
Thanks guys! Your love and support are always welcome and appreciated! :)
:lol Charley, I'm not 90 lbs! I'm 110!! Get it right! And I'm anything but frail, though I may look it. :p
I may not get a gun, but I'm still considering it, or at least taking some lessons. Hell, I'm thinking of taking some self defense lessons as well (though I know a few good moves against guys that can incapacitae them but good... and I have no qualms about using my nails and tearing their eyes from their sockets... I ain't no squimish female).
Right now, I'm actually seraching on eBay to see if any of my stuff is there. Hopefully they're REALLY stupid and will put it up, allowing me to pin em. Even though we still suspect our neighbor being behind this, there's also a good chance it was kids, seeing as how it was jewlery (one of em being my mom's wedding band) and CDs stollen (we also found some silver, as in like salt and pepper shakers that my parents got as a wedding gift).
Damn ruffians! :mad
And Visc, thanks a punch. Hugs to ya. :)
Ilyn Pyke
Jun 20th, 2002, 02:25:10 PM
Originally posted by s'Ilancy
Ah yes, Pyke; who can forget about The Grand Equalizer
Oh yes, I worked for a security firm based in Highland for 1.5-2 years that worked in commercial districts, supermarkets, etc. A quality made golf club is a potent weapon. Especially if used on knees, shins, and upperarms. As far as a gun being the worst solution, not necessarily, but do prefer they invest in stun guns and mace. I have a collection of guns and my sister has Sig-Sauer P-226 9MM. A knife is a big no-no in my book as it is a gruesomely intimate weapon to be armed with. The squeamish should refrain and never pull a knife if you don't intend to use it. You don't want someone to snap. Anyways.. I felt these details needed to be put forth. I don't want the rash and the foolhardy. Best wishes for our gals in LA!
Lady Vader
Jun 20th, 2002, 02:29:16 PM
I am thinking of getting myself a can of mace. Heard the stuff is naaaaaaaaaaaaasty and works wonders.
Jun 20th, 2002, 02:44:19 PM
Id get a can of Ki-Adi myself :)
Think this way. someone breaks in. You have a gun, you're an instant threat. They wont be thinking run or surrender if they have a gun too.
Tempist Opps
Jun 20th, 2002, 02:52:03 PM
Sling shots are nice, get the aim right with a few steel pellets... ouch.
Lady Vader
Jun 20th, 2002, 02:58:21 PM
Bad Joke, Fett. That deserves a :headbash!
I'm really good at aiming rubber bands. Is that about the same? :D
Jun 20th, 2002, 03:35:33 PM
Was it so bad? :)
Arlenia Tavira
Jun 20th, 2002, 03:35:49 PM
The bad thing about a handgun is that it has only one use. What if you forget to load it with ammunition? Then its only use is that of a close-range weapon (for pistol whipping, which is not a good means of definitive self-defense by any means).
With a rifle, you have to something to fall back on, since the weapon also acts as a lethal club if you turn it around. Moreso if you have a bayonet on it.
LOL. Looking back on all of my suggestions, you're now packing as much heat as a Sonoran elite mescal bandito :lol :lol
And I agree with everyone else, there's also the argument that a gun WOULD provoke the fiend. I don't suspect I could argue my way around that.
A few suggestions:
1. Get an ADT sign and put it on your lawn, even if you don't have an ADT security system.
2. Get automatic sensor lights. When a person comes within a certain distance of your house, they'll automatically activate, and the dear-in-headlights effect.
3. Put a male voice on your answering machine.
These are a few things that my mom learned and told me to do over here. I've procrastinated, of course.
Lord Gue
Jun 20th, 2002, 03:41:54 PM
just a note on mace, some idiots it dont work on...
I remember this really tough lookin guy on cops, they wanted to get him in the car but he kept resistin arrest. He demanded to know what he done and wouldnt get in unless he knew. They spraid him square in the eyes with mace and it didnt phase him, he didnt have his eyes open as much anymore but he was still tough as can be
oh and to the lights thing, man almost got in an accident in my old neighboorhood cuase of those things, car drives by, lights go off, AHHHHh, swereve wreck
Mu Satach
Jun 20th, 2002, 05:40:52 PM
Aw man! I feel for you two. I know the feeling. I'm just glad your guys's family is safe.
You two take care and don't over react... most of the time a hand gun ends up being used on the owner. I personally I'd go with the self defense classes. Plus they are fun.
The place I live now has ADT and sensor lights and such.
Azure Regalia
Jun 20th, 2002, 06:15:38 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll definitely take em to heart.
We're already talking about the whole security system, hidden cameras, sensor lights, yadda yadda yadda. Hell, we'll probably have preassure sensitive floors that when activated release attack dogs or something.
I still light the idea of a good solid kick to the knee caps.
Jun 20th, 2002, 06:24:31 PM
Something useful to invest in is a Tazer-Gun. Some local gunshop's have em (in my town atleast.) and are veeery useful for the adverage burgular or *cough*dog*cough*.
Mace will work also. :)
Another intresting idea if you want to 'booby-trap' your doors try a wire runned from the nearest electric plugin to the doornob. Someone touches it they are in for a sure shocker of a surprize.
Azure Regalia
Jun 20th, 2002, 06:32:27 PM
OOOO!!! Boobytraps! I like it! >D It'd be like having LW attached to the door nob!! :lol
Jun 20th, 2002, 06:41:49 PM
Another intresting idea if you want to 'booby-trap' your doors try a wire runned from the nearest electric plugin to the doornob. Someone touches it they are in for a sure shocker of a surprize.
And what happens if there is a fire and you need to leave in a rush? BZZT! :)
Mu Satach
Jun 20th, 2002, 06:47:54 PM
Originally posted by Azure Regalia
OOOO!!! Boobytraps! I like it! >D It'd be like having LW attached to the door nob!! :lol
>_< Oh, that's just baaaaad :lol
Jun 20th, 2002, 07:34:59 PM
Sorry...*shuffles away*
Jun 20th, 2002, 07:36:44 PM
Let's out a couple of chorkles, following Threepio.
Ilyn Pyke
Jun 21st, 2002, 12:41:25 AM
Originally posted by Threepio
Sorry...*shuffles away*
LMAO... that was bad threepio!
Back to the subject, pepperspray offers natural irritants not only effect the eyes but the nasal passages, mouth, and skin as well. Get this substance in your mouth or inhale up your nose .. and you be in a world of hurt. When I was in-between job transitions as security guard they trained me to attack the thighs, knees, and shins. Excruciating pain can be delivered to these parts and also knock the perp's legs out from under him. If you still feel threatened, this technique allows you beat him on the upper arms. A golf club is very well balanced and light, not as cumbersome as a baseball bat. Especially since you gals are small!
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