View Full Version : Life Lessons - Cold Eyes and a Cruel Master
Live Wire
Jun 18th, 2002, 05:44:30 PM
As the TSO spokeswoman her duties often took her off of Corellia to other places. Now once again her duties were taking her away from home and to that dreaded center of the galaxy, Coruscant. Her droid R7-D9 rolled by and beeped at her indicating the techs had finished all their repairs from her last trip to Coruscant and they were ready to take off.
This trip, however, she wasn't going alone. She was taking her apprentice and another one of the TSO apprentices with her. It would be good for them both to get away from TSO and actually see what kind of duties the higher ranking members had to undertake.
She finished her final prep's for take off while her two guests came aboard the ship. She had told them to pack lightly in the event they had to stay around for a couple of days. It was supposed to be a quick trip but whenever she said that it never was.
Leaving the cockpit she got up and headed down the ramp to see if they were ready to go.
Jun 18th, 2002, 05:51:50 PM
Krieg stood around not knowing exaclty what to do. Live Wire appeared out of the cockpit to see if the two apprentices were ready. "Master, I am ready." Krieg said, and hoped his fellow apprentice was as well.
Jun 19th, 2002, 07:05:47 AM
He was ready. He had made it known to Lady Live Wire in a recent conversation that he was interested in traveling, if ever possible, and she had given him the opportunity. Of course, he had spoken with his master, requesting his support to leave his training for the time it would take to go, and it had been granted.
He stood near Krieg, the other apprentice he had met only a day or two ago when he'd introduced himself. They lived only a few rooms down the hall from one another.
As LW walked down the ramp towards them, he straightened his shoulders just a bit, and his violet eyes flickered to the floor, and then back to her in a respectful gesture.
He was, of course, quite ready for this trip.
Live Wire
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:06:20 PM
"All right then lets go"
LW gave them time to make sure their stuff was safely stowed away in the back. After getting clearance from the tower she expertly manueverd The Strike off of the landing platform and headed into space. As soon as they were clear of the plantets gravity well she made the calculations for the jump into hyperspace. It was all routine, she'd done it a million times. Though the memories of her last failed trip to Coruscant were still fresh in her mind. This time however The Strike had upgrades and Ariel was safely on planet under the watchful eyes of her father and Lady Vader.
As soon as the computer sent back the coordinates for the hyperspace jump she made sure that both Sasha and Kreig were strapped in safely before making the jump. As the stars went from being stationary points of light to the familiar lines and swirls of hyperspace travel she sat back and relaxed.
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:56:53 PM
He stowed his bag, and then followed Lady Live Wire into the ship. He took a seat where she indicated, and when requested, strapped himself in for the jump to hyperspace.
As they made the jump, he sighed slightly. It was a content sigh, for he rather liked flying, and as much as he tried to conceal it, he was both excited and nervous about the trip. LW had told him little about it, and hoped that soon she would fill them in. Until then, he would be patient. Though it didnt come easily - being patient, that is.
Jun 19th, 2002, 03:52:30 PM
Krieg sat pateintly in his assigned seat. As the ship lurched into hyperspace he became very anxious. Sasha looked extremely patient but Krieg had no understanding of patience. Krieg became tired of waiting and stood up and made his way to the cockpit.
"Master, may I be bold and ask, what our mission is?"
Live Wire
Jun 19th, 2002, 04:03:47 PM
The two apprentice's were vastly different. Sasha was quiet and seemed introverted and was perfectly happy waiting until she gave him something to do. Krieg on the other hand couldn't seem to sit still. They would be a good influence on one another.
She turned and gestured for him to sit down. It was appropriate for them to know their mission.
"We're on our way to coruscant for a meeting of senators. For many years there has been a greater anit-sith sentiment growing through the general population. Even on Corellia we had some major problems with them until we were able to squash the rebels. My sources have informed me that this movement is again trying to take hold on Corellia. We're going to take part in the meeting. As spokesperson Im the one who has go and put forth a good face diplomatically to keep people happy. However the leader of the Corellian faction will also be there and its our job to assassinate him."
She watched for each of her apprentice's reactions. This was a serious mission and one of great importance. It was a heavy burden for an apprentice to be taken along on this type of mission but LW was known for throwing them into the fire while they were still fresh.
Taylor Millard
Jun 19th, 2002, 06:07:38 PM
The missile gunboat and the TIE Advanced came out of hyperspace above Coruscant, settling in the heavier traffic above the Imperial Center.
"Imperial Center this is Missile Boat 022A bound for Coruscant reporting," the black clad fighter pilot spoke, "Request permission to land."
"Missile Boat 022A this is Imperial Center. Permission Granted."
The pilot nodded, then began his descent into Coruscant.
It had been about 6 months since Grand Admiral Taylor Millard had taken the Dark Jedi Quellin Vos as his apprentice. Since then, he'd begun training the young man in the Force, but also in non-Force using skills. This was a test for Vos, as it was he who pilotted the TIE Advanced.
Lord Viscera is moving plenty of troops, The Dark Jedi thought as he began heading towards the landing platform, He is planning something immense.
"Mister Vos," Millard spoke as he dove beneath a transport of stormtroopers, then started his landing sequence, "You are here to observe. While you are here you are to be silent, and listen. Is that understood?"
Quellin Vos
Jun 19th, 2002, 07:19:03 PM
"Yes, Master," Quellin sighed as he exited the agile fighter. He had to face the facts; Jeseth had selected an Imperial to be his master, not a Dark Jedi. When he had first encountered this Taylor Millard he expected something other than the pearly white uniform, but he was dearly wrong. And there Quellin stood, concealed behind a jet-black face plate brandishing the Imperial insignia. How hypocritical, he thought as removed the ebony helmet. But Millard was now his master, and nothing could change that. He had to follow every one of his master's whims; whether he liked it or not.
After sliding the last bit of the claustrophobic uniform off, Quellin now donned a pale tunic, another one of Millard's ideas. But there was something that had intrigued Quellin during his "debriefing" with his master. Politics.
Once changed, Quellin proceeded to rejoin his master on this most curious endeavor. "Master, forgive my interruption, but what are we doing here?" Quellin questioned, knowing full and well that this wasn't the average flight drill.
Taylor Millard
Jun 19th, 2002, 07:34:37 PM
"Your thoughts deceive you Mister Vos," Millard spoke as he changed into his Imperial Grand Admiral Uniform, "You ponder your duties here. Why I am forcing you to come on this boring mission."
Taylor began walking from the locker room, his black boots clunking on the floor as he did.
"You are here to learn, Mister Vos. I have sensed in you much nervousness about your abilities. You will realize your talent soon enough."
The two Dark Jedi boarded a transport bound for the Imperial Center.
And while we are here, Mister Vos, Master said to Pupil through the Force, I am Grand Admiral Taylor Millard...not your master. Is that understood?
Jun 19th, 2002, 09:31:59 PM
Krieg sat and couldn't help but notice a slight smirk cross his face, finally he thought. Krieg had waited too long to back down now and became even more anxious. Hmm, Krieg thought, I will need intel gathered on the target and an escape route, maybe make it look as if it were Jedi's, yes that would definatley tilt the favor of the Senate in the Sith's favor.
Quellin Vos
Jun 19th, 2002, 11:00:09 PM
Yes, Ma-Grand Admiral Millard, Quellin hastily responded through the Force.
Turning his attention away from his master, Quellin examined the shuttle that carried the two to their destination, Imperial Center. The ship seems so sturdy, yet so fragile; and, with a precise blow, could be destroyed in an instance, so similar to the Empire, he thought. Indeed, resentment to the Empire had formed within Quellin, partly due to Taylor's strict training regiment.
15 minutes later...
Quellin could feel the ship shutter as it descended towards the landing pad. His muscles tightened, which was strange since this mission was merely an observation, nothing more.
"Sir, we're here," reported the captain.
Taylor Millard
Jun 19th, 2002, 11:16:02 PM
Millard nodded, "Very well. Come Mister Vos, it is time we departed to our quarters for preparations."
The Imperial Grand Admiral walked down the ramp, then pulled a larger box out of the cargo hold.
"Sir," a technician started to say, "I can get that..."
Millard gave a look, his cold blue eyes staring down the technician.
"It's quite all right. I have some personal effects in there. My assistant can get them," he handed the case to the younger Quellin.
Millard began walking away, then paused.
Quellin. You have passed one of the most important tests I have given you so far he said in the Force, Continue, and you will indeed go far in The Black Hand.
The Dark Jedi felt Quellin's elation as the two began walking towards their quarters on Coruscant.
Live Wire
Jun 20th, 2002, 12:14:22 AM
Krieg seemed extremely eager for this mission. She had chosen to take them along on an assassination for the very reason that someone was going to die. It was a part of the job they had to get used to and one that they might as well see now and get used to it.
Guesturing to a box behind one of the chairs she told them to open it. "I know you have a saber already Sasha but inside you find a blaster as well as a saber and blaster for you Krieg."
While she didn't expect to have any problems she didn't want two apprentice's going in unprepared. She'd never lost an apprentice and she wasnt about to now. It was always better to err on the side of caution especially if you were going to be on Coruscant.
She handed both of them data pad's containing schematics on the senate as well as information on their target. The metting was not to be held in the giant sentate meeting room, instead this matter was being kept quiet and held in a smaller conference room.
"The meeting is scheduled for the day after tomorrow. So we'll have time to plan as well as let you both get a feel for what Coruscant is like."
Jun 20th, 2002, 08:39:29 AM
Krieg seemed rather impatient to Sasha, for he'd gotten out of his seat to ask about their mission. This had prompted Lady Live Wire to speak with the two of them about it.
As she told them of it, he had mixed feelings. He wasnt an assasin, or at least, he hadnt been up to this point. He'd only killed two times in his life - and both times had been in self defense. But with each time, it had gotten a bit easier. The first time he hadnt had regrets, but it had shaken him up to take the life of another. The second time, he'd felt none of the sympathy. Little by little, the dark side was finding its way to him.
His expression was thoughtful for a moment as he considered the things she had told them. This wasnt a mission that could be screwed up. Clearly, she had confience in him, and in the other apprentice, Krieg, to handle the task. And this gave him the determination he would need - for the moment, at least.
Her earlier words to him, The good of the group must always come first in each of our lives. It's the only way we can function He had promised himself that he would live these words, for they had taken him in, given him a home, a family, and training, and without this group, he had nothing. He owed them this much. To put the good of the group before himself. And if the assasination of another would be for the good of the group, then he would have to put his personal feelings and opinions aside to accomplish the task.
As LW motioned to the weapons box, he unstrapped himself, and reached for the blaster. He examined it for a moment. It was different than his, but much more powerful. He switched his blaster to another clip on the other side of his belt, and replaced its empy holster with the new blaster. Right beside his lightsaber.
When she handed him the data pad, his violet eyes looked to her for a moment, reflecting both his determination, and perhaps the anxiety as well. Hiding his emotions was certainly something he would have to work on, for those eyes of his gave it away everytime.
And then he looked away, turning his attention to the data pad. He knew a little of the senate, for he did make an effort to keep up on the events in the galaxy from time to time, but the data pad held a wealth of knowledge more, and he studied the material quietly, trying his best to commit it to memory, lest he need it over the course of their mission.
He found a bit of information on Coruscant on the data pad, but not all that he wanted to know.
"What is the most important thing to understand about Coruscant?" He asked as he looked up from his data pad towards Lady Live Wire.
Jun 20th, 2002, 12:42:08 PM
Krieg took up the lightsaber and blaster and attatched them to his belt. The datapad had many useful bits of information from what he could tell. Hmm, he thought to himself, maybe kill a couple guard and take their posts, rush into the meeting with the blasters only and take out all of the members in the room. The amount of information on the datapad all of a sudden seemed like too much when Sasha asked his question. Krieg sat intenlty waiting for his masters answer.
Taylor Millard
Jun 22nd, 2002, 03:51:29 PM
The meeting with Lord Viscera had been rather routine. The Diktat was worried about the condition of the Empire and had called both Millard and Grand Admiral Thrawn in to discuss its livelihood.
Millard and Thrawn both agreed there were problems within the Empire. However, something else was bothering the Diktat that neither Millard nor his mentor could figure out. After an hour of reports, the meeting broke and the Officers made their way back to their quarters.
"Tell me, Mister Vos," Millard said as they passed by one of the many squads of stormtroopers guarding the Imperial Center, "What is it you've learned from this meeting? Do you now see the difference between Imperial Soldiers and Politicians?"
Quellin Vos
Jun 24th, 2002, 10:46:13 PM
"If I may be frank, Grand Admiral," Quellin spouted, "The difference between a politician and a soldier is simple. Nothing too complex. Politicians are the brains behind the operation, and are the ones pulling the strings. The soldiers, however, are the puppets; mindless creatures designed only for one thing: destruction. Take one away and the other is helpless; they counter balance each other." he declared. Quellin's tone was rather a remarkable one, he had never spoken in such a manner, well, not to a grand admiral at least. Maybe my stringent training with Taylor isn't such a waste after all, Quellin thought.
Live Wire
Jun 25th, 2002, 12:35:06 AM
"The most important thing to remember about Coruscant is it's dangerous. The nature of the planet itself provides great anoynymity to anyone who wishes to hide. The black market and underground run rampant and if you don't know where you are going or how you should ask you can find yourself in a world of trouble."
She let the two apprentice's ponder her words as she took the ship out of hyperspace. Coruscant traffic control was expecting her arrival and she had clear passage pretty much any time she wished so clearance wasn't a problem. Maneuvering the ship to the planet itself was the tricky part but she had done it many times and so it was second nature to her.
Something about that many people crammed in the way they were made her uncomfortable. However she did like being able to come and go relatively unnoticed and for this trip staying underneath official radar would be crucial.
The Strike landed safely on the platform and they disembarked without incident. Live Wire kept a resident on planet and her own personal people taking care of it. She never stayed in a public area or left her safety to rent-a-gaurds. There were too many people eager to take out any sith and would jump at the chance to have a crack at her. It was a chance she was making sure no one would ever get.
Their air taxi was waiting for them and her chauffer bowed in acknowledgement as they boarded. Once their belongings were on board safely the took off for her apartment.
"So what do you think of Coruscant?"
Jun 25th, 2002, 06:53:50 AM
Sasha took in her words and pondered them in silence. He wanted more than anything to get a chance to wander around and see some of the city, but his past experiences with exploring on his own had gotten him into worlds of trouble, and he knew better than to even consider such a thing on this trip. Instead he contented himself with the data pad, and the rest of the information it contained about the planet.
Their ship set down onthe planet under the expert command of Live Wire, and they disembarked to an air taxi. As they sped through the city, he looked about. As if reading his mind, LW asked what they thought of it.
He raised an eyebrow slightly. It was busy and bustling with traffic and people. And while it appeared quite clean, there was a dirty underlying feeling about the place.
"My first reaction is that it looks like any other city, I guess." He replied, his voice perhaps a bit quieter than normal. He hadnt traveled all that much, and he certainly wasnt the expert.
"But it would be unwise to assume that it was just any other city." He added, referring to all of the information and warnings she had given them.
"Is there a map to understand the layout, or certain areas of the city we should familiarize ourselves with?" He asked. He hadnt seen one while scanning the information on the data pad, but then, he'd only looked quickly in the time they'd had. He'd tucked the datapad she'd given him safetly away for the moment, and didnt want to pull it out until they were somewhere more permanent. He didnt want to lose it and all of the information it contained.
Jun 25th, 2002, 09:50:23 AM
Krieg liked the idea of causing trouble but he wasn't here on his time and needed to complete the mission. Maybe next time he said to himself. The city looked fine from where he was and he anxiously wanted to explore it.
"Master, this planet is amazing. I've never seen so many people in one place before."
Taylor Millard
Jun 25th, 2002, 05:26:54 PM
Millard turned his eyes to Quellin's. They burned of fire and ice at the same time, sending a chill down the younger man's spine.
"You are partially correct, Mister Vos," his voice retained its calmness, "Politicians need a military or a good press agency to keep themselves in power. They need the people and the military's support.
"On the other hand," his eyes blazed, "If a military is united under a single bond...a single goal...then...they can survive without the politicians. It is how I sur-"
Suddenly he stopped, his eyes wide as he sensed a presence. Dark. Evil. Followed by two other just as dark but muted.
"Do you sense that, Mister Vos? And if so, what is it you sense?"
Live Wire
Jun 26th, 2002, 02:37:01 PM
The air taxi pulled up to her apartment quickly. She never docked her ship very far from where she was staying if she could help it. Her apartment was the top floor of one of the taller residential buildings. The higher the floor the more important the person and LW always demanded the best.
"As long as your familiar with the layout of this building and the building where the meeting is being held then you should be fine. I don't want either of you wandering off alone."
As she said those words she felt a tingling in the back of her mind. Taking a glance out of the clear elevator she saw nothing out of the ordinary but still her senses went on alert. She really did hate this overgrown apartment house of a planet, there were too many places for people to hide.
"You're not likely to ever see this many people crammed into so little space anywhere else. Its a unique experience but one I personally prefer to limit."
They entered her apartment and her assitant greeted them and bowed respectfully before taking their bags.
"This will be home for the next couple of days so get comfortable. You're rooms are down that hallway to the left. Anything you need can be provided by one of the house servants."
Jun 26th, 2002, 02:50:05 PM
As they rode in the elevator, Sasha looked outside to see the city. It truly was a bustling place, and he wanted nothing more than to check it out. But he caught Lady Live Wire's words - that they were not to wander alone, and he knew she was likely referencing the trouble he'd gotten into the last few times he'd been out alone.
Once inside the apartment, the asistant took their belongings and carried them off. He waited in respectful silence for anything further that LW had to tell them.
He was excited about being on the trip. It was a chance to travel, and a possible opportunity to get some experience, and perhaps prove himself a bit to the order. He hoped, anyway. But he wasnt going to get cocky about anything - he knew he had a long way to go in his training.
Jun 27th, 2002, 10:22:43 AM
Krieg knew that she would say not to travel the city alone and realized that it was probably for the best. The apartment was decent sized.
The servents took the bags and Krieg set off for his new room for the time. It was also decent and he approved of it.
Taylor Millard
Jun 28th, 2002, 03:09:37 PM
While Millard waited for his apprentice to decide what it was his master sensed, Millard himself was trying to figure out as well.
He sent a mental probe through the Force, singling out the dark signatures. After almost a minute, he found the signatures travelling into a hotel. Almost instantly he was berated with anger, death, and destruction. Emotions he was used to, but not on this sense.
Live Wire.
His eyes darkened at the thought of the Sith Mistress from The Sith Order. It had been almost a year since he'd last enountered her. She, along with Lady Vader, had kidnapped Vice Admiral Serena Laran in an attempt to exact revenge on the Dark Jedi for leaving the Sith Order. The two were one of a handful of people who knew Millard possessed Force Ability.
I believe it is time to see how Live Wire teaches her students. Now...if young Quellin can only discover who it is.
"So..." he said again, "Have you figured out who it is?"
Quellin Vos
Jun 28th, 2002, 09:10:10 PM
"Do you sense that, Mister Vos? And if so, what is it you sense?"
Quellin, feeling rather smug, began to answer his Master’s calling but quickly refrained. He found this inquiry to be more difficult to answer; unlike the other question, this one required the usage of the Force not just one’s wits. Quellin still doubted his own ability in the Force, but had no other alternative.
Focusing deeply, Quellin probed the surrounding area for anything suspicious; suddenly Quellin came upon three Force adepts. He was unsure of their identities, but he could feel that one of them held a severe amount of power. But what were they? Sith or Jedi? More importantly, were they friend or foe?
"So..." he said again, "Have you figured out who it is?"
Quellin could tell his master was growing impatient, but there was still one piece of the puzzle missing. With failure staring him in the eyes, Quellin struggled to identify the three unknown Force users. And then it happened. The three were Sith; things had finally clicked for Quellin or so he thought.
“Master, I believe that there are three other Force adepts amongst us, specifically Sith. But I’m unsure of their identities.”
Taylor Millard
Jun 28th, 2002, 09:29:24 PM
"Good, good," Millard nodded, "Come we must make haste. I belive it is time for you to prove what you've learned so far in training."
The two slipped through the crowds, Millard noting where he'd sensed Live Wire. They made their way up to the apartment where Millard was staying.
"Grab your gear. It is time you put your training to use."
Live Wire
Jun 30th, 2002, 12:47:55 AM
Live Wire put her things away in her room and had a brief talk with her assistant who had her schedule. Taking the papers she went back out to the living area of the apartment and sat on the couch. It appeared to be the standard itenerary till she saw an additional meeting scheduled an hour from now. Her life was a never ending list of meetings and catering to pompous burearucrats who thought they were doing you a favor by letting you be in their presence.
She tossed the papers down next to her and sighed. Leaving the apprentice's alone while she went to a meeting was not what she had in mind but duty called and they shouldn't be able to get into to much trouble if they stayed here.
Getting up she put her cloak on and strapped her blaster onto her belt. The apprentices' were familiarizing themselves with the layout of the apartment when she found them. "I have to go out and I can't take you both with me. Read over the rest of the data I gave you and if you need anything my assitant will be able to help you. I should be back in a couple of hours. Try to stay out of trouble."
Her speeder was already waiting for her downstairs so she quickly headed out.
Jun 30th, 2002, 09:30:19 PM
Krieg almost laughed when she said "Try to stay out of trouble" he wanted something to do and wasn't willing to sit aroudn and wait for it. Maybe Sasha would like to spar.
"Sasha, would you like to spar?"
Quellin Vos
Jul 1st, 2002, 01:22:38 AM
Quellin stared blankly at his master for a moment. Just the idea of combat sent chills up his spine, and no, not chills of fear but of excitement. There was something about the hiss of a saber, the beat of the heart, and the danger that excited him. And it had been months since he had been in a real fight; the spars with Taylor were only child’s play, or at least that’s what Quellin believed.
Jerking his head a bit, Quellin proceeded towards his quarters to retrieve his belongings.
It had only been a few minutes since Quellin had entered his quarters and exited. His promptness was an effect of the rigorous training Taylor had so “politely” enforced. Now Quellin was donning rather grim attire of the cliched black robe and other assorted garments. Even though so many others used it, this “look” seemed to adapt to Quellin’s dismal approach on life perfectly; not to mention his whole “tampering in the Dark arts” thing.
Without a word, Quellin rejoined his master and began to prepare himself for what lay ahead. He was unsure of the future, but he did know that if he was quick, stayed focused, and used the Force appropriately (like Taylor had taught him) he would do fine or so he hoped.
Jul 1st, 2002, 07:25:45 AM
Try to stay out of trouble....didnt he always try ?
But he responded with a respectful nod to indicate that he understood what was being asked, no...demanded of them. And then she was gone.
He and Krieg had looked to each other, doubtful for a moment of what to do next. The last thing he really wanted to do was to read more information from the holopad. Not right now, anyway.
Sasha, would you like to spar?
Sasha grinned.
"In here?" He asked, a bit doubtfully. He wanted to - he just didnt want to destroy the apartment. Destroying the place was likely on Live Wire's list of things that fell under the category of 'trouble'.
"Is there a roof or anything that we can climb up to instead?" He suggested. At least there, there would be less chance of damaging something important.
Jul 1st, 2002, 01:25:48 PM
"Okay, after you." Krieg said as he took out his lightsaber and ignited the beam. He swung it around lazily and turned his attention back to Sasha.
Jul 1st, 2002, 02:16:28 PM
sasha left his lightsaber where it was for the moment, attached to his belt, and the two began to walk through the halls. In one of the back halls, they foudn what they had been looking for, a stairway that led up to the roof.
It was well protected with waist high stone walls, and the view of the city distracted Sasha for a moment. He had never seen so much activity in one place at one time.
Despite his inexperience, he could feel the presence of many others, here and there a pang of sadness, or pain. But he soon tired of this, and turned to his comrade in crime.
He pulled his saber from his belt and ignited it, the orange flame sparking to life.
"No cutting any limbs off..." He joked, setting some sort of boundries for the two of them.
"That would probably count as trouble." He added, a bit of a mischievious spark in his violet eyes.
Jul 1st, 2002, 03:03:54 PM
"Since you insist, no cutting off limbs then. And try not to destroy the saber, we will be needing them soon to complete our mission. Ready?" Krieg asked as he swung his lightsaber around again. The hum and red blade seemed to make a music in his ears. Krieg took off his cloak and prepared to attack.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 1st, 2002, 11:52:18 PM
The two shadows leaped from one building to another, their ropes holding fast to the smooth textures of the metal and stone. He preferred traveling this way when he was on Coruscant. Although it was a rarity, given his position in the Empire, to web-swing (as Quellin called it) was something he enjoyed. He was almost certain the smuggler Loklorien s'Ilancy would find it entertaining and exhilarating as well.
They landed on the roof, just north of their destination. The Dark Jedi and his apprentice watched as the Sith, Live Wire, took off in her speeder heading for parts unknown. The older man's cold, blue eyes scowled as he watched the Sith leave.
Maester Wargrave turned to his apprentice, "Quellin...I want you to follow her. Keep your distance, then when the time is right...attack. She is quite powerful though, a strong Sith, but remember her anger will lead to her undoing. We...the Dark Jedi do not let our anger control us. Instead, we use it to fuel our power
"One other thing, The Force is indeed your ally, but it is also a tool. In this test, I want you to rely on your own abilities. Trust yourself, you have trained hard and trained well."
Wargrave removed something from under his cloak. It was a sniper rifle, long and thin.
"I am leaving this here for you. If Live Wire gets past you, she will return here. I need you to return to this spot. She will undoutable attack me. Your job is to keep her from causing too much damage. Is that understood?"
A nod from Quellin told him it was so.
"Good, go now, follow her. Be fast, be quick, and be smart."
Wargrave turned back towards the two Sith Apprentices who were beginning their spar. He would wait for them to be distracted in the dual, then he would see how well Mistress Live Wire had trained them.
His blue eyes shone as he watched them from the darkness of the building across the street.
Soon...very soon...
Jul 2nd, 2002, 06:57:21 AM
He nodded, in agreement with the rules, and raised his saber to a comfortable defensive position. He had been training with his master, Lord Dyzm, with the saber, and while it was still new, it was becoming more and more comfortable to use.
He liked it here on the rooftop, with the breeze blowing. It was a perfect place for a spar.
And when they were both ready, Sasha did something relatively uncharacteristic of him - he made the first move, swinging the orange saber in a semi aggressive attack on Krieg.
Slowly, little by little, the dark side was embedding itself in his character. His anger had always been tucked deep down inside, but here, among other Sith, it had been allowed to surface, and as he became more and more comfortable with the others, with his elders, nature was taking its course, and the anger was allowed to flow freely from him, giving him a bit of an aggressive streak that would likely grow with time and training.
Jul 2nd, 2002, 09:30:07 AM
Krieg was stunned with the first attack but quickly regained his direction. Their sabers clashed and Krieg lept up in the air swinging his saber so it would come down towards Sasha. Hopefully this will knock Sasha down, Krieg thought to himself.
Jul 2nd, 2002, 10:10:23 AM
Krieg had been surprised by the attack, but had handled it well, coming back with a leap in the air and a vicious downswing Sasha managed just barely to block. His own blade, as it defended off the attack came dangerously close to him, and he cursed in surprise.
He let his blade fall as he turned away from it, and then came back with a level swing about waist high towards his fellow apprentice.
Jul 2nd, 2002, 11:04:57 AM
Krieg lept back at Sasha's attack and lost his step. He fell to the ground and almost hit his head on the corner. He leapt back up and began to savagly attack Sasha with attack after attack.
Jul 2nd, 2002, 12:58:16 PM
When Kreig stumbled and fell, Sasha stopped, allowing Krieg to regain his footing. This was, afterall, only a spar.
And he didnt have to wait long for the attack. Krieg came after him with blow after blow and it took effort and concentration to block. He backed up a step or two with each blow, until he was able to find a chance to squeeze in a blow of his own.
As they battled, Sasha could feel the aggression building. There was something about the hum of the saber, and the hiss as it clashed with another blade that was irresistable.
Jul 2nd, 2002, 01:53:52 PM
Krieg was becoming addicted to his dueling with his Saber and and enjoyed the sound as the two sabers made contact. Sasha was an excellent duelist he thought as he blocked one of Sasha's attacks. Sasha was begining to attack with fierce power as Krieg struggled to block the onslaught of attacks. Krieg again began his own attack on Sasha.
Jul 2nd, 2002, 02:50:18 PM
The nice breeze Sasha had felt when he'd first come up to the roof felt as if it had disappeared. A drop of sweat trickled down his forehead, stinging his eyes, for he had no chance to wipe it away as Krieg blocked every swing of his saber, and then retaliated. This attack was different from the others, it seemed to be fueld by an honest love of deuling, and Sasha came close to a vicious gash. As it was, his shirt was torn, and his violet eyes widened slightly at how close he'd come to having to search out a medic.
This seemed to surprised both of them, and for a moment, they paused, both steppnig back a bit and putting a hold on their spar.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 3rd, 2002, 11:40:32 AM
*Clap Clap Clap*
The sound of applause caused the two fighting apprentices to stop and turn.
Wargrave had made the leap from one building to where the apprentices were fighting about two minutes prior. He'd learned all he wanted, was the time to test them.
A smile came to his face, "Well well well, what have we here?"
Jul 3rd, 2002, 11:50:58 AM
At the sound of the voice, he turned. It didnt have a friendly tone to it, and it seemed to be mocking both he and Krieg. He cursed himself for not having noticed another presence so close to the two of them. He would have to work a bit harder on this skill.
The man's presence was imposing, and without noticing he'd done it, Sasha had taken a step back, putting a bit more distance between he and Wargrave.
Jul 3rd, 2002, 03:17:59 PM
Krieg turned at the clapping and noticed another man there, Sasha had taken a step back. Krieg swung up his saber with renewed vigor having a feeling this was going to become violent very quickley. "What do you want?" Krieg asked.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 4th, 2002, 01:15:42 AM
Wargrave's head shook, "Are you Sith always so apt towards violence? A pity, I would have suspected the both of you to be more intelligent than your master."
His cold blue eyes flashed at the metion of Live Wire.
"Very well, if it is violence you seek..."
Wargrave's right hand shot out, knocking Kreig back with a Force Push. As quickly as the push ended, the Dark Jedi's focus was on Sasha.
The Sith Apprentice rose into the air, as Wargrave closed Sasha's windpipe. His saber suddenly flew from his hands, hurtling towards the cloaked man.
Maester Wargrave caught it, then smiled a dark smile.
"Enjoy the trip."
Then he let go, sending Sasha off the roof, plummeting 30 feet to the ledge below. Sasha lost conciousness as his body hit stone.
"Now," Wargrave said, activating the lightsaber, "Let us see how well you can fight."
The saber flashed and Wargrave attacked.
Jul 4th, 2002, 11:13:01 AM
Krieg's anger and hatred built up in him as he leapt in the air. He blocked Wargrave's first attack and began his onslaught of revenge. His saber began to be a blur as he attacked the cloaked man hoping to gain an advantage.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 4th, 2002, 11:33:46 AM
"Good, you fight well," Wargrave chided, as he blocked the onslaught from Live Wire's apprentice. He felt the hate and rage from the Sith Apprentice. While it fueled the Dark Side and his power, it also left Krieg open to a mistake.
And he made it.
Wargrave jumped out of the way of a deadly swipe, then shot his foot out. The boot connected with Krieg's stomach, sending him down. A gloved fist then connected with the back of Krieg's head.
The Dark Jedi Knight backflipped away from the Sith Apprentice.
"Surely you can do better than that..." Wargrave searched for a name, "Mister Krieg."
Jul 4th, 2002, 02:02:56 PM
"I prefer if you call me Sir!" Krieg yelled as he jumped into the air. Blood trickling down from his head, Krieg's vision began to become red with blood. He lunged at the cloaked man and swung his saber at the man's throat. The cloaked figure blocked the swing and Krieg took a step back
From Krieg's viewpoint the cloaked man seemed to be tireing. He blinked away some of the blood in his eyes as he contined to dodge and block. His Zabrak blood was coming in handy as the pain from saber burns and getting punched was barely makeing contact with him. However, he was tireing.
Krieg took up his lightsaber and charged the man again.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 4th, 2002, 02:19:59 PM
Wargrave's hand shot out. It was a gesture of power, one the Dark Jedi tended to shy away from. Not that he did not have power, mind you, but hand movements and signs were nothing like not moving and showing power.
The vocal chords in Krieg's throat closed as Wargrave choked him with the Force. The Zabrak continued his charge though, forcing the Dark Jedi to apply more force to the man's neck.
"Ah ah ah. You have to earn the right to be called, sir."
Jul 4th, 2002, 03:16:40 PM
Kriegs vision started to blur more as oxygen was being stripped from him. Blood still pouring into his eyes Krieg made one more attempt.
Krieg through the saber at the man hoping to distract him long enough to get free. Krieg tried to make a retort to the man's words however all that came out was a cough and some gurgling noises.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 4th, 2002, 04:34:42 PM
Wargrave smiled, then stepped aside as the saber soared past him.
Apprentices...they always need to learn more.
As Krieg's saber swooped around to hit him again, Wargrave deflected it towards the ground. It sent stone chips flying across the roof, shutting itself off as it glanced off the roof.
He lifted the Sith Apprentice up in the air, about 25 feet by his estimate, then let go.
Wargrave smiled at the fallen apprentice, kicking the saber towards him, "If you can reach your saber then you will have a bit of my respect. If you can still fight, you will have more. All you hav to try."
Jul 4th, 2002, 05:16:02 PM
Krieg layed there pain overcoming him. The words of the cloaked man seemed distant. "...saber...respect...fight...more respect...try"
Krieg closed his eyes and concetrated looking for his saber. He found it, on the ledge. Krieg chuckled as he planned his new assault.
He slowly pushed himself up and smiled at the man. His face bloodied from hitting the ground he charged at the man with his bare hands. He swung with his right and made contact with the man's face. Krieg lunged for the ledge to use what force powers he had to bring the saber to him.
It worked...the saber flew into Krieg's hands and at the same instant ignited the blade. With all the strnegth Krieg could muster he charged the cloaked figure swinging his saber towards the man's head.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 4th, 2002, 05:38:40 PM
Wargrave stumbled back for a second, as the fist connected with his face. Krieg had potential, indeed.
The Dark Jedi blocked Krieg's saber as it swung towards his head. Using the Sith Apprentice's movement against him, Wargrave sent him to the roof.
"You are not ready yet, Mister Krieg. Not ready at all."
Wargrave swung Sasha's saber at the ground, sending chunks of stone flying. Using the Force, he caught them...then stood back a few paces. The stones whizzed towards the fallen Sith, threatening to rip him to shreds if he did not act quickly.
Wargrave flexed his jaw and watched.
Jul 4th, 2002, 06:14:33 PM
Krieg saw the rocks and rolled away from them. This man was begining to tire Krieg as he leapt to his feet. His saber blocked the rocks and Krieg fell back to his knee.
His face bloodied and his eyes playing tricks on him Krieg knew if Sasha did not awake soon he would be dead soon. Krieg regained his footing and looked down upon the man. Krieg took a breath and jumped. The air rushing at him pushing his robes back. Krieg drew his saber and swung with all his might. The man blocked it and Krieg fell to the ground.
The Zaborak kicked out the man's legs and punched Wargrave's stomach. Krieg stood and put his saber at the man's throat. "Is it your wish to die today? If so, do something, I dare you!" Krieg yelled spitting blood onto the roof.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 4th, 2002, 09:17:01 PM
Wargrave simply smiled.
"So young yet so much anger. Tell me, young one. Can you kill me when you cannot see?"
Krieg flew backwards, across the roof his head slamming into the edge of it. Wargrave's hand flew out, and a dark smile came on his face.
The Sith Apprentice suddenly saw nothing but dark, as his vision was taken from him. He swung his saber left and right, attempting to block anything that came towards him. But nothing did.
"You have potential Mister Krieg," The Dark Jedi Knight smirked, "But you have much to learn. Tell me, what has your mistress taught you?"
Jul 4th, 2002, 10:13:46 PM
Krieg took a breath...just like his training against the remotes. Use the force. "Why don't I show you," Krieg said as he relaxed himself and felt the force lead him to his target.
Krieg walked toward Wargrave. "I thought I told you to call me sir!" Krieg yelled as he charged the man using the force to guide him. Krieg sung his saber at the man but it was blocked . Krieg let his right leg come up and kicked the man in the chest, the force seemed to tell him that his opponent was on his back. Krieg lept in the air and came down on the man with his saber ready to go into the man's chest.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 4th, 2002, 10:33:59 PM
The Dark Jedi rolled out of the way, watching as the Sith Apprentice's blade went into the roof. Wargrave was on his feet, then pressed the attack himself.
The two locked blades, then traded quick blows. Wargrave sliced Krieg across the chest cutting his tunic, while Krieg landed a blow on Wargrave's leg sending him to the ground.
The Dark Jedi then landed an upper cut on the Sith's chin, sending him to the ground.
"Your fellow apprentice cannot help you now. And you skills are passable, but lacking in some areas. Have you been taught to let your anger take control of you? I assure you...that is not the way to go."
Wargrave landed a kick on Krieg's back, sending him down again.
"Letting your anger take control of you leads to mistakes. Let it fuel your power, but not take over. I know this as fact, young one."
Jul 5th, 2002, 09:21:43 AM
Krieg waster no time in regaining his footing. The nature of this man seemed to come to Krieg as he came back to his footing....Dark Jedi ....Krieg picked his saber up and brought himself to a defensive stance as Wargrave came in with and attack. Blocking the attacks from his opponent, Krieg found a gap in the Dark Jedi's attack and went on the offensive.
Krieg's saber dashed through the air becoming a blur. Krieg's first attack came towards the legs of the man and as he saw Wargrave's block head in that direction, he changed his target to his enemies throat. The Zabrak kicked the man in the stomach and watched him fly to the ground. Krieg glanced his saber against the length of his leg as he hit the ground. "What you know does not interest me."
Maester Wargrave
Jul 5th, 2002, 01:04:36 PM
"Then I fear you will never learn," Wargrave ignored the pain in his leg as he stood up again.
"It is my experience that learning from ones own mistakes, eventually, helps them in life. If you do not learn, you will never succeed."
He smiled, channeling the Force as it reduced his pain, "If you are so certain you can defeat me. Then attack now. Stirke at me. You have proven some of your skills, yes. But I am still standing.
"You are alive, simply because your death would not suit me at all. And if you've noticed...I have yet to draw my saber yet.
"So come...attack me. Relinquish all of your anger on me. Let us see, how powerful you are indeed."
Jul 5th, 2002, 01:39:47 PM
"I never said I would never learn from my mistakes. If my death would not suit you then why fight me?" Krieg said as he charged Wargrave. His lightsaber in the air struck down at the man. The cloaked man picked up his saber and they clashed.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 5th, 2002, 01:46:47 PM
"Because," Wargrave said as he continued to use Sasha's saber instead of his own, "I am learning all I can about you."
He swept around Krieg, the red saber catching the apprentice in the back.
"You do not think. You act only. It is a pity...most Sith I have encountered have a bit of intelligence in them. You are proving yourself...less than worthy."
Krieg rose to his feet and clashed with the Dark Jedi again. The blades mixed, throwing sparks as they collided. The Apprentice ducked a blow to the head, then sent his own towards the cloaked man. Wargrave ducked as well, then swept the feet out from under Krieg.
It was then he acted. The red saber, Sasha's, the one he'd taken from him as he fell flew towards Krieg. The Sith ducked then watched as it flew away in a straight line, not coming back.
Krieg swung his saber down at the Dark Jedi, hoping to end his pitiful life now. But a blue-red blade stopped him. Wargrave's own lightsaber, now ignited.
"I told you, I had yet to draw my own blade."
Wargrave smiled, then pushed Krieg back...towards the path of Sasha's flying saber, as it returned towards the Sith Apprentice.
Jul 5th, 2002, 03:18:41 PM
Krieg swung his saber back as Sasha's blade came near him. His blade knocked his friend's saber to the ground sending bits of rock into the air. The beam shut off and the weapon sat still.
Krieg grabbed the dark jedi's collar. "I do learn, more than you will ever know," Krieg said as he punched Wargrave in the stomach. Using all the strength he could muster, Krieg grabbed the man's arm.
Krieg began to smash Wargraves arm into his knee hoping he would drop his own saber.
He did.
Krieg smiled as he continued punching the man until his arm felt heavy. Using the force to help move the body Krieg dragged him to the ledge.
"Can you fly? Killing you suddenly has a purpose," Krieg said as he began to push him over the edge.
Wargrave's leg came up and kicked Krieg in the chin. Krieg stumbled back and fell. His body sudden;y remembering the pain Wargrave had caused him in this fight. He began wondering when Sasha would awaken, if Live Wire would show up or if his training will end before it's over. Wargrave's Red and blue blade came down at Krieg as he brought up his own to parry his attack.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 5th, 2002, 03:44:03 PM
"Oh you do learn? Then tell me young one," Wargrave's arm snaked below the blades, connecting with Krieg's chin. The Dark Jedi then grabbed Krieg then threw him to the ground.
Wargrave called Krieg and Sasha's lightsabers towards him.
"What have you learned from this then...Mister Krieg?"
Jul 5th, 2002, 03:46:06 PM
"I've learned I should have killed you when I had the chance, Live Wire is gonna kill me for losing that light saber, I take it you won't just give it back right?" Krieg said as he slowly crawled away.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 5th, 2002, 03:56:56 PM
Wargrave smiled. Indeed, the young on had learned something.
"Congratulations, Mister Krieg. You indeed have learned something."
The Dark Jedi took several steps forward, to where Krieg was crawling. His boot collided with Krieg, knocking him senseless.
Wargrave smiled, then saw something which intrigued him. A star pendant around Krieg's neck. He snorted, then took the pendant.
He threw Krieg's saber on the ground.
"If you wish to have this back, you will have to take it from me. Come...draw on the Force. Let it heal you...Or have you not been taught that?"
Jul 5th, 2002, 04:05:36 PM
Krieg grabbed his saber and stood up. His pendent was important to him, it was in his family for many generations.
Krieg used the force to try and heal him, it worked to a point, being a Zabrak pain was a rare thing and now that he could feel it it meant a lot of pain. He stood and ignited the blade. His red eyes locked on his pendent.
"Now I will try to kill you," Krieg stated as he charged the man with his saber leading the way. The sound of the sabers clahing was similar to ancient swords clashing. KRieg was fighting with renewed vigor as his hand went for the pendent only to be knocked down by Wargrave's hand.
Krieg swung his saber around yet again knowing the old man would eventually make a mistake.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 5th, 2002, 04:12:45 PM
"Good, there is some life left in you," Wargrave continued as he knocked Krieg back again, "This is of great importance to you isn't it? Why?"
He ducked a saber swing, then blinded Krieg again.
"Why is this important to you, young one?"
Jul 5th, 2002, 05:28:13 PM
Krieg focused in on the force again and located his target. Krieg charged the man and flipped over him, begining to fight again with Wargrave as he blocked Krieg's first attack. Their sabers locked again Krieg smiled. "Why shouldn't it be important to me?"
Live Wire
Jul 5th, 2002, 08:46:58 PM
Live Wire had been on her way to the meetings when she felt the change in the apprentice's demeanors. She had purposely kept her senses in tune with them after she had started to feel uneasy on the way to the apartment. Suddenly her senses lost Sasha and ran back to her speeder. Her hand had been ready to open the door to the meeting room when she turned and broke into a flat out run. People looked at her nervously, the sight of a force user running like that was usually a sign of grave danger and thus they stayed out of her way. She blasted through the doors that opened up into the docking platform and quickly thumbed an emergency button that was with her keys to her apartment. Security would go to see what the problem was and hopefully that would buy her time to get there.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 6th, 2002, 12:04:51 AM
Wargrave sent a mental probe, out searching for Quellin. He still hadn't encountered Live Wire...why? His eyes darkening, the Dark Jedi answered Krieg between lightsaber blows.
"Because, young one. Everyone needs a reason. What is yours?"
Jul 6th, 2002, 01:24:04 PM
"My reason is related to my family," Krieg said as he struck back at Wargrave, this was at least easier than fighting him with the force.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 6th, 2002, 01:38:45 PM
"Ah," Wargrave blocked a saber attack, then pressed forwards with two of his own.
The sabers collided twice, then Wargrave thrust forward, knocking Krieg's saber blade to the ground.
"Family is important to you then? Why?"
Quellin Vos
Jul 6th, 2002, 02:48:48 PM
This was the first time Quellin had been on his own. Usually he was tagging behind his schizophrenic master, but now he was on a mission… alone. Quellin enjoyed this new sense of freedom as he leaped from building to building; it was a rare moment indeed. For the past six months he had beckoned to his master's every calling, trained tirelessly, and followed every one of Taylor’s orders; but now he could do things his way.
The experience was a double-edged blade though, and Quellin would have to rely on himself for a change.
Quellin hadn’t seen a trace of this Live Wire for awhile and he was growing rather impatient. Ever since Millard had mentioned the usage of combat in this mission, Quellin had been salivating from the glands. His chance to fight would come sooner than he thought.
Shifting his head quickly, Quellin felt a presence in the Force nearing him. It was identical to Live Wire’s. She was back and heading for Millard.
Dropping down, Quellin took position to fire with the rifle Taylor had graciously given him. He had been told to do whatever it took to stop the woman from returning, but he’d also been told to use his own abilities. Feeling arrogant Quellin decided to take Live Wire out his way.
After tucking the rifle away in his robe Quellin prepared to jump. He wasn’t a fan of suicide, but he was more confident in his Force abilities now. He could pull this off, as long as the timing was perfect. “One,” Quellin began to rock himself, “Two,” he could feel Live Wire speeding closer, “THREE!” He screamed, thrusting himself off the building into the bustling horde of speeders. It was an experience like no other as he drifted like lightening through the speeders barely escaping death each time one zoomed by his head.
Whether or not Live Wire had sensed Quellin beforehand it was moot. He had he landed upon the front of her speeder perfectively. Not wasting any time, Quellin ignited his crimson saber and cut into the hull of the speeder hoping to make contact with the engine. As soon as the energy blade made contact an explosion occurred, launching Quellin from the doomed speeder.
Jul 6th, 2002, 06:22:26 PM
"Because, I am all that is left of my family," Krieg said as I pairried another attack and set forth on his own attack.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 7th, 2002, 11:04:33 PM
Wargrave deflected it, knocking Krieg to the ground again. He grabbed the apprentice in a Force Grip again, holding him over the edge of the building.
"If you are the last of your family, then why should I not kill you now? Answer quickly."
Jul 8th, 2002, 07:28:07 AM
Choking to death was a bad way to go. But then, so wasnt hurtling towards the ground without the power to stop it. He was nearly unconscious as the dark jedi tossed him over the edge and the 30 feet to the ledge below had come quickly. Pity he hadnt learned any sort of lesson that would have protected him.
His shoulderblades took the brunt of the fall, but his head did not escape a rather solid thud, either. And then there was blackness, and he felt nothing.
Until a bit later. Slowly, the pain in his limbs brought him back to consciousness and he groaned. His head was pounding and it took some time before he came to enough to even open his eyes. When he did, the sun was too bright, and so he closed them again.
He didnt understand where he was, or how he had come to be there. And at the moment, he didnt really care. The only thing he cared about was the splitting headache, and the dull ache of his bones and muscles from the impact of the fall.
Slowly, carefully, he tested each limb. The limpness in his body as he fell was almost a blessing in disguise, for it had likely prevented him from fighting the landing and breaking something. As he finally reopened his eyes, he sat up, blinking several times in the brightness of the sun.
And then it came back to him. He had been on the roof with his friend and fellow apprentice. They had been sparring when the stranger had appeared. And before he had known it, his breath had been halted, and there had been only darkness.
He struggled to his feet. He had to find Krieg. Or alert Live Wire. Somehow. He moved away from the edge of the ledge toward the building. There were doors leading to patios, and so he walked toward them, his breathing shallow and his steps crooked with dizziness. Finding the first door locked, and then the second, he leaned on them, his fear and frustration building. His left hand, out of habit, came to rest on the blaster he always carried at his hip. And slowly, he was able to find some bit of focus. He pulled the blaster from his hip and fired at the lock of the glass doors. And then he pulled them open and stepped in. The apartment was vaguely familiar. He had been there before. Of course he had - it was Live Wires. They had climbed to the roof from her apartment in the first place.
Still not completely with it, he stumbled through the apartment to the back hall, and with much effort and little thought, climbed the stairs to the roof.
Jul 8th, 2002, 09:13:00 AM
"Because, like you said "My death will not suit you," Krieg said as he struggled in the force grip.
Jul 8th, 2002, 11:37:29 AM
As he stepped onto the roof he saw Krieg being held in some sort of force grip - over the ledge of the building.
He had no weapons, other than the blaster given to him by Live Wire for the mission, and his own that he normally carried. His lightsaber, he realized, as he reached for it, was not with him. And he had no idea where it was. But there was no time to think of these things.
"Why cant you pick on someone of your own ability?" He asked, his voice oddly calm as he raised it just loud enough to be heard across the roof.
Hardly was he of any more ability than Krieg when it would come to battling this dark jedi, but the for the moment, at least, perhaps this challenge would be distraction enough to prevent his friend and brother, as they were now part of a family, the Sith Order family, from hurtling to his death.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 8th, 2002, 01:49:37 PM
"Ah, the other apprentice," Wargrave smirked as he heard Sasha's voice, keeping his back to Kovalev, "You have recovered from your injuries. Or enough to function.
"Playing the part of the hero are we? Coming to rescue your fellow apprentice who is at the mercy of an unknown, cloaked attacker?"
He slightly loosened the grip on Krieg's black robes. The wind around the building began picking up, as the traffice below increased.
"But...your friend's death is not my concern. He is correct," Wargrave was still talking to Sasha, "His death does not suit me today.
"But if you are playing the part of the hero...then, please, save your friend."
He smiled, then hurled Krieg towards the other Sith Apprentice. Suddenly, a red blade ignited behind the flying Krieg. It was Sasha's lightsaber.
"If you can get both the lightsaber and your friend I will be impressed. Then...we will see how much ability you truly have."
Jul 8th, 2002, 02:18:36 PM
Hardly had he recovered from his injuries. In fact, he felt like death warmed over, really, and playing the part of hero had been the last thing on his mind. It had been more his foolish youth, and his loyalty to the Sith Order that had caused him to speak up in the first place. His violet eyes narrowed as the man spoke, clearly speaking down to him, mocking him, even.
But there wasnt a chance for a reply. Before he'd had time to collect his wits, and move his aching bones, both Krieg and his own lightsaber, with its brilliant orange blade, came hurtling towards him.
There wasnt time for him to think, for his first concern was to slow the lightsaber, or deflect it somehow. His blaster, still in hand from blasting the patio door open, took quick aim. He'd owned a blaster from the age of seven, and it was second nature to him to use it. The blast caught the hilt of the saber, spinning it off in another direction where it clattered to the stone floor.
Had he been more with it, he might have had a slight grin of satisfaction on his face. Mu, the woman who had given him his saber, had done it with the lesson that blasters were useless around force users. But this moment, this one moment, he had proven her wrong.
He used a force shove, as his master had shown him, to keep Krieg from barreling into him. But he was weak from his fall from the roof, and hardly strong enough to do much more than that. As Krieg met the shove, he toppled to the ground, and Sasha himself stumbled back just a bit.
As he regained his footing, he looked wearily in the direction of the dark jedi, any thoughts of recovering his lightsaber far from his mind, forthe only thought he had at the moment was survival. Unsteady on his feet, still dizzy from the blow to his head from the fall, his hand reached out for one of the chimneys on the roof, using it to steady his balance for a moment as he stared at the attacker, his violet eyes accusing in the silence between them.
"What do you want?" He asked. It wasnt a challenge, as he would have liked. Instead, the pain he felt came through in his voice, weary and tired. He was, afterall, only an eighteen year old kid, and as much as he tried to hide it, he was scared. He was no challenge for this man, and he knew it.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 8th, 2002, 02:30:53 PM
"What is it I want?" Wargrave raised an eyebrow, "Order in the galaxy. That's what I want."
He smiled as he stared at Sasha, standing there holding a shaking blaster in his hand. Wargrave was tempted to remove the blaster from Sasha, taking it as he did the pendant from Krieg. But no...he owed Sasha a bit of respect. He had, for the moment, shown the ability to use something other than the Force to use things.
"Now, as for you, Mister...Kovalev isn't it? You are hearby being tested, to your usage in the grand scheme of things."
The Dark Jedi pulled Sasha's fallen lightsaber towards him. He then tossed it, unlit, to the Sith Apprentice.
"Are you as good of a fighter with your saber as you are with your blaster? It isn't even yours is it?"
Jul 8th, 2002, 02:43:22 PM
Order in the Galaxy? Sasha's violet eyes widened. He had nothing to do with order in the galaxy. He was merely a kid with no home, save for the sith order, and hell of a lot of anger, trying to make it.
The man knew his name, and instantly Sasha's temper flared, frustrated with himself for having allowed his mind to be so easily read.
He caught the saber as it was tossed at him, mulling the words in his mind. He was being tested. Ah, wasnt life just one big test, it seemed?
As the dark jedi taunted him, asking him if the saber was even his, his emotions flared. It was his, and the entire scenario of how he'd received it flashed in his mind for a moment, unprotected.
"It is mine. It was given to me." He retorted angrily, almost protectively. This saber had a high sentimental value to him. He ignited it, the orange blade directed toward the ground as he did so. He had no doubt in his mind that this man intended to fight with him, and he was going to be ready. It woud be his only chance of survival.
Jul 8th, 2002, 03:14:45 PM
"Sasha, it's so nice of you to join us," Krieg said as he got to his feet, he ached from the tip of his toes to the top of his horns he ached. Now, Krieg thought, were is my saber...he went for his belt and felt the blaster that Live Wire provided him at the start of the mission, that would stay there he decided.
Krieg let himself go to the force, looking for the was around here somewhere. He called to it, the hilt of the weapon shot out from where he had landed and came to him. Its metallic feel seemed to comfort the sith for a moment and the hum and crackling of energy calmed his nerves.
Krieg knew that his death was meaniingless and unimportant to the man howvere, Krieg wanted to prove himself even if it meant his death.
Krieg drew his blaster and gripped his saber strongly. With a start he ran towards the cloaked jedi and Sasha as they duelled.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 10th, 2002, 05:45:28 PM
Wargrave sighed, So much anger, yet so young.
Anger was far from a bad thing, as far as Wargrave was concerned. He, himself, used anger to power his Force powers. But, as a member of the Sith Order, the Dark Jedi knew quickly enough that too much anger, too much rage, led to destruction. Wargrave's path was a slow one, and he prefered to stay alive.
He concentrated, allowing the Force to take command of his thoughts, pouring a steady stream of anger out. Anger towards Live Wire for kidnapping Serena Laran and making her a pawn. The Dark Jedi kept the anger in control, using it to give the Force what it needed to work its magic.
Suddenly, Live Wire stood there, in front of the Dark Jedi. Her eyes flashed as she faced her two apprentices. Her yellow lightsaber was lit as she faced her students.
"You fools!" she snarled, "You've let only a Knight defeat you? Krieg, what in the hell were you doing with your saber fighting? I've taught you better than that. And Sasha...where were you when Krieg needed help?
"Where were you!" she screamed at the two.
Jul 10th, 2002, 06:01:20 PM
Krieg stood there for a moment. Happy to see his master but scared at the same moment. Why did she have the saber lit and looking at them?
"What do you mean where were we?" Krieg asked dumbfounded at his master. He had put his blaster back in its holster when he saw her and lowered his saber.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 10th, 2002, 06:10:42 PM
"I was attacked, my speeder destroyed," Live Wire kept staring at the two, "I expected to find you at my side, making sure I was allright, not fighting with someone who is of no concequence. If you are to be my apprentices you must be your best.
Jul 10th, 2002, 06:20:37 PM
Krieg stood there his hear skipped a beat as he heard that her speeder was destroyed. "Master, I am sorry, I was fighting for my own life," Krieg said bowing. Then he remembered what she said:
Krieg realized he was her own apprentice, unless she was taking another, but that was doubtful. She must have just made a mistake he said to himself shaking it off.
Jul 11th, 2002, 02:35:50 PM
Sasha had stared at Live Wire. He had seenthis side of her once before - when he had been in a bit of a sticky situation in the cantina. She had hauled a man outside and demanded that Sasha kill him. And now, as she stood there before the two of them, she looked every bit as powerful and angry as she had looked then.
He had stood in silence, unsure of what to say. Where had he been? He'd been unconscious on the stone patio 30 feet below. His head pounded, his bones ached, and all he could do was to stare at her, his own saber ignited in his hand.
He wondered by what she meant about him being her apprentice, for officially, he wasnt. He belonged to Lord Dyzm. Although, he did know that Dyzm was out of town for quite some time, and that another would be continuing his training for some time. Perhaps it was Mistress Live Wire.
"I wasnt where I should have been." He answered, his violet eyes flickering to the ground. If she was this unhappy with him, apparently he had made a mistake somewhere, and he was not looking forward to the punishment for that mistake.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 12th, 2002, 06:25:45 PM
"True," Live Wire said, her eyes blazing, "You were not. And for that..."
She was cut off as suddenly a group of security personal burst onto the roof, numbering in the ten.
Wargrave (and the apperition of Live Wire) glanced up, turning towards the threat.
"More assasins! Prove your worth!" Live Wire shouted, "If you wish to find a way to redeem yourself...kill them!
Jul 12th, 2002, 07:14:41 PM
Krieg looked up, and saw the security guards on the roof. He drew his blaster and fired quickley taking out one of them as his saber came up to block two blaster bolts meant for him. He charged one of them putting his saber to the hilt into the man's chest before moving on to the next.
One must always obey their master he said as he blocked another blaster shot.
Jul 15th, 2002, 08:02:24 AM
Sasha did quite the opposite of Krieg. He hesitated, just as he had at the cantina that day. He was not one for needless killing, and his worth, he felt, would hardly be proven by killing men who carried only blasters. Men who reacted on orders and orders alone. These men were not like the bounty hunter he had battled - crafty and full of surprises. These were men with little armor, wielding pathetic looking pistols, attacking ebcause they had been told to do so.
His violet eyes had moved to gaze at Live Wire once again, and he grit his teeth in pain as one of the shots from the guards grazed his thigh. And then he turned from her, and his saber moved on instinct to defend himself from the attack.
As the men advanced on him, half of them going for Krieg, and the other half coming for him, he backed up, and moved to stand behind the chimney. And then, he concentrated, pulling his anger to him, reaching out to the dark side. This wasnt about senseless killing, this was about self defense - survival. As the men advanced on the chimney, he took one of them by surprise by peeking out for a moment, and firing his blaster. The man fell to the floor of the roof, the life taken from him. Another, one brave enough, or perhaps senseless enough to come around the chimney, fell to the blade of his lightsaber. The bright orange flashing as the young Sith fought for his life.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 15th, 2002, 06:59:26 PM
Wargrave (with the image of Live Wire reflecting) smiled at the destruction before him.
But Sasha's reluctance to fight made him raise an eyebrow.
Interesting...interesting indeed...
He waited watching as they fought. This was their battle not his own.
Wargrave then saw the security official drawing a bead on Krieg.
"Krieg behind you!" Live Wire yelled at Krieg.
Jul 16th, 2002, 07:52:25 AM
Krieg only to see a blaster bolt hit his arm, the pain started to find his way to his brain but Krieg's anger was able to put that aside for know as he turned and charged the man.
The man's face seemed frightened as Krieg's saber went through the man's gut. Krieg was glad Live Wire warned him and was hoping he was proving himself to her.
Jul 16th, 2002, 08:21:23 AM
He heard the image of Live Wire call out to Krieg to look out, but he didnt bother to look - he didnt have time, for he was busy with his own battle.
He could hear the blaster shots of the guards as they hit off of the chimney he stood behind and he knew that they were getting closer.
Oddly, he felt an almost sense of calm within him. This feeling of self defense, battle, was becoming more familiar to him, for he'd been place in these situations often lately. And with each one, he gained just a bit more confidence, was able to think just a bit more clearly.
He reached out, searching, trying to feel just how close the guards were. And then he reached around to fire once more on them, this time feeling for the presence of one, using the force to find his target. Another fell to the ground, and though he couldnt see it from his sport behind the chimney, he could faintly feel the disappearance of a small force of life. Be it the man he'd fired at, or those that Krieg was battling with, he couldnt know. These were abilities he still needed to fine tune.
As the remainder of the men came around the chimney, he swung his saber, the orange blade being put to use for the very first time to actually kill a man. He was surprised, briefly, but how easily it cut through the flesh. For a moment he almost felt sick, but as quickly as it had come, it disappeared nad was replaced by a feeling of awe and power - it had been so easy. Too easy, almost, and the power of the saber was heady. It fueled his attack on the remaining guards, and then he turned to look for Krieg, only to see him spearing the last of the men he was dealing with.
Slowly, he turned to look at Live Wire and Wargrave.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 16th, 2002, 01:11:45 PM
"Excellent," the image of Live Wire cackled as it viewed the carnage, "You have redeemed yourself well. If you were facing non-Force users."
Live Wire walked in front of the two apprentices and smiled an evil smile.
"But I fear you have something more to worry about," Live Wire's voice grew deeper, transforming into Wargrave's. Her image wavered, then like smoke disappeared.
"You now have to face me."
Wargrave shot his armoured leg out catching Krieg in the chest. His red-blue bladed lightsaber went infron of Sasha.
"So tell me young one. Now you have tasted battle. Are you ready for more?"
Jul 16th, 2002, 01:39:57 PM
As Krieg stumbled, the full force of Wargrave's kick connecting with his chest, Sasha was left with the fact that Live Wire had been an illusion, and Wargrave was still here, and still ready to make quick work of him.
So tell me young one. Now you have tasted battle. Are you ready for more?
Sasha took a step back, trying to put a bit of distance between them. His orange blade, he raised once again, but only in defense.
"I dont think I have a choice about being ready for more." He replied, graveness in his voice as he spoke. His violet eyes looked to this master of the dark side, the expression in them almost questioning.
He knew nothing of why this man would come after him, or after Krieg. Most Sith wouldnt have thougth of this, wouldnt have cared. Conflict was something most desired. But he was still young and impressionable, with many questions. He wasnt soft, for he was more than capable of anger and aggression - when pushed far enough - but conflict it wasnt something he sought out.
Jul 16th, 2002, 02:14:44 PM
Krieg layed on the ground for a second, the cold roof top soothing his pain. Krieg slowly got to his feet, he was no longer in the fighting mood and new that Wargrave would not kill himself or Sasha, but soemthing in him made him want to fight, it wasn't his anger, it was his need to please someone, his father had hit him as a child but no longer, his body would not be found for years, or ever if the reptile digested it correctly.
His red saber came up as he took a position near Sasha facing Wargrave, Krieg felt almost reluctant to face this man again as he had neaerly killed him dozens of times but had also learned about himself in fighting Wargrave,
Maester Wargrave
Jul 16th, 2002, 02:30:11 PM
"I am almost certain the both of you were not taught how to create illusions in your training," Wargrave held his saber up, almost daring the both to attack.
"Tell long have you two been training?"
Jul 16th, 2002, 02:48:52 PM
Sasha didnt reply, and continued to stare at Wargrave. But he wasnt all that great at hiding his feelings or his anger, and it was likely that Wargrave could feel the anger and frustration Sasha felt at not having received much training. His master was often out of town, and the young sith had been left alone to do much of his training on his own.
This upset him to no end, for he was young and wanted so badly to have a master that would take him under his wing and teach him - for there was so much for him to learn.
Jul 16th, 2002, 03:14:43 PM
Krieg just stood there, if he really wanted to know he coud just out himself. He looked around at the security guards, Live Wire will probably be mad at him, now anger purged his system as he spun his saber around once more preparing to fight but hoping he would not have to.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 16th, 2002, 03:20:16 PM
"I believe I asked you two a question," Wargrave kept the saber up, staring from one apprentice to the other, "How long have you been under the tutelage of Madame Live Wire and the Sith Order?"
He paused, as if sensing something...
"You..." he gazed towards Sasha, "You have not been trained by the Lady Live Wire have you? Tell me...which TSO member are you under? Lady Vader? Darth Vader? Perhaps Lord Dyzm?"
Jul 16th, 2002, 03:28:45 PM
Sasha's shoulders were tense with the anger that he felt towards this man that questioned him.
"Lord Dyzm is my master." He replied, almost stubbornly. Lord Dyzm had begun his training, and was officially his master, but he had been out of town often, and occsionally Lady Vader had been the one to show the furstrated young Sith a new trick or two. He took to her, she was a mentor to him, and he would have willingly been her apprentice had she wanted him to be. He admired her and respected her immensely.
Jul 16th, 2002, 08:30:12 PM
"You already know who my master is, or you can find out very easy," Krieg said playing games with Wargrave, he knew that at any moment Wargrave could tell Kreig's deepest secret but Krieg knew that as the man aged Kreig wold become stronger than he. His powers with the force would surpass many as he had the heart and dedication along with the anger which seemed to never leave him.
Maester Wargrave
Jul 25th, 2002, 09:53:56 PM
"Yes I saw how you responded to Mistress Live Wire," Wargrave's stone-like face smirked as he stared at the two.
"You two have fought well, but I fear it is not enough. You may attack me if you wish," he waved his blue-red lightsaber, "If not...then know I will attack you.
"Come...attack. Use the Force to draw on your foolish anger."
Jul 26th, 2002, 09:49:03 AM
He eyed Wargrave warily. He wasnt going to attack. He was sure Krieg would, for his apprentice counterpart carried much anger with him, and wore it on his sleeve like a badge of honor. Sasha's anger was a bit more subdued, arising more out of frustration with himself and the situations he found himself in than anger with others, or anger at the galaxy for the cards that had been dealt.
And if Krieg attacked, Sasha would certainly have his back. Krieg was part of the Sith Order family, and Sasha would not leave his brother to fight this battle alone.
"If you choose to attack one of us, you choose to attack us all." Sasha stated, his violet eyes never leaving this master who wished some sort of evil upon them.
"Perhaps we are not the ones with foolish anger." He added. His statement was perhaps a bit cocky. And it didnt come from some hyped up assurance in himself or his abilities. It came from the fact that they were being taunted, and little by little, his anger at feeling so inferior to this master was building - making him just a bit bolder in his words.
Jul 26th, 2002, 02:29:34 PM
Krieg stood there, he was tired and his attacks were losing strength, he thought Wargrave would leave soon, hoped for it really. He knew if Sasha didn't attack they would be attacked first and the offensive position would be useful.
"Wargrave, when this is over, I recommend you get something to deal with your anger," Krieg said as he began his charge at Wargrave.
Maester Wargrave
Aug 4th, 2002, 08:28:59 AM
Wargrave smiled as Krieg charged him again.
"I find it interesting," he blocked the blow with his own blue-red bladed lightsaber, "You say I need to deal with my anger...yet you charge first."
He pushed Krieg back, pressing his attack just a bit. The roof was still littered with bodies of the security agents, most of them dead.
One still lay alive, and he removed a thermal detonator from his satchel. He didn't have long to live, but he would make his due and protect the building he was supposed to protect. Even if it meant destroying most of it.
He rolled it across the rooftop towards the trio of Force users battling for supremacy.
Aug 4th, 2002, 08:54:41 PM
Krieg thought about Wargrave's statement while they duelled, sure he had anger problems, but name one Sith that didn't, and wasn't the Dark Jedi supposed to not use anger? Krieg put more and more effort into his attacks to thwart Wargrave. Going for Wargrave's knees Krieg swung his saber at the man.
Aug 7th, 2002, 08:47:02 AM
The detonator, it seemed, went quite unnoticed by all three force users - they were too caught up in their battle. The blast rocked the roof, collapsing a section. The rest of the roof threatened to collapse beneath the three of them, and a section of it did.
Sasha could feel his footing give way, and he reached out to grab something, anything to stop the fall. His fingers clutched tightly to the surface, pieces crumbling away as he sought a firmer hold to pull himself back up to safety.
(ooc: Im leaving town on friday until the end of the month, so I thought this might leave it open for you guys to be able to continue without me if you want)
Maester Wargrave
Aug 28th, 2002, 08:28:04 PM
Wargrave blocked the lightsaber blow, then sent Krieg back again as the thermal detonator went off.
The Dark Jedi staggered, then fell into the room below. He felt a sharp pain in his ankle, then absorbed it as he felt it twist.
Wargrave leaped up, heading back towards the roof...aiming himself for where Krieg lay.
He brought his blue-red lightsaber blade down towards the Sith Apprentice, threatening to end his life where he lay...
Aug 28th, 2002, 10:44:54 PM
Krieg layed there, his ears ringing from the explosion, he could not move, or did not want to move, he couldn't decide which it was. He heard Wargrave coming towards him and could feel the presence of the saber near his face. Opening his eyes the sun seemed to sting them or that could be the blood and sweat...
"You're not going to kill me, if you were you would have done it at the begining."
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