View Full Version : The life of an apprentice (Darth Krieg)
Jun 18th, 2002, 04:20:14 PM
He was on his way back to his room when he noticed the door down the hall from his was open. Since he'd been at the castle, the door had been shut, and he hadnt thought anyone lived in it. And then he saw a droid go by, delivering what appeared to be a few personal items.
It had been quiet around here, for there werent any apprentices that had begun at the same time as he had. Back home, he'd been used to hanging with his pals, drinking and playing cards - whatever seemed to be a good idea at the time - and he half hoped that this new guy might be close to his age - or at least halfway friendly.
As he passed by the room, he rapped on the door, thining he'd at least introduce himself to the guy.
Jun 18th, 2002, 04:48:43 PM
Krieg stood up from his desk and walked to the door. He steadliy tended to stay out of the limelight in the palace, being a Zabrak it didn't make it easier. Krieg stopped just short of the door and asked: "Who is it?" and then continued to the door.
Jun 19th, 2002, 06:50:59 AM
As Krieg came to the door, Sasha answered his question.
"I'm Sasha." He replied. He was just barely eighteen years of age, and while he had some filling in to do, he had a sturdy frame to support his full 6'2". He had a serious expression on his face, which broke slightly as he introduced himself.
"Im an apprentice to Lord Dyzm...I live down the hall." He added in explanation.
Jul 8th, 2002, 03:19:44 PM
"Nice to meet you, come in. I'm Live Wire's apprentice and I live, well, here," Krieg said as he motioned to the room. Sasha was taller than Krieg, by a full 4-5 inches but Krieg had the horns.
Jul 9th, 2002, 08:36:39 AM
He couldnt help but give a curious glance at the horns. His home planet had been a training base for Imperials, and he had seen little beyond soldiers in uniforms and pictures in books in school until he'd joined the Sith Order. But then he cast his glance away, knowing it was rude to stare, and stepped into the room as Krieg invited him in.
He couldnt help but grin - the room looked about the ways his did - quite bare and not truly moved into just yet.
"Where are you from?" He asked as he leaned casually against the wall.
Jul 9th, 2002, 07:50:25 PM
"Me?" Kreig asked almost laughing. There was only one place he knew of that the Zabrak came from. "Iridonia, you?" Krieg asked keeping the conversation going.
Jul 10th, 2002, 07:48:29 AM
He could almost hear the disbelief in Krieg's reply, and briefly, Sasha felt his cheeks flush with a bit of embarrassment. He hated the fact that he knew so little of the galaxy.
Iridonia echoed in his head. Later, he would perhaps go to the library in the castle to read more about this homeworld of Kriegs so he didnt ask such stupid questions again.
He shrugged.
"Siberia." He replied, not really expecting anyone to know of it. It was a tiny planet with little natural life on it, and had the Imperials not used it for some time as training grounds, it was likely they would have been left to die out. The economy there existed because of the imperials. Without them, the inhabitants of the planet probably wouldnt have survived much longer.
"How'd you decide to join the Sith Order?" He asked. He hoped he wasnt asking questions that Krieg considered too personal, but it had been quiet around the castle, and someone to hang out with was a welcome change.
Jul 10th, 2002, 08:15:20 AM
"Truthfully," Krieg asked knowing he could give a story that made no sence, "My family was killed, and I dound myself in the doors of the castle three weeks later. And anger and, hatred had a role in it too.You?"
Krieg was having a ball with these questions, he was being honest for the first time since his family's death, it would take Sasha a while to find out how his parent' died however.
Jul 10th, 2002, 09:00:20 AM
So Kreig, too, had come here because he didnt have a family.
Sasha shrugged in answer.
"Pretty much the same." He replied.
"I never knew my father." He admitted, "And my mother passed away about a year ago. And with all my friends leaving to join the army or the navy, I guess I figured it was time I did something with myself, too." He didnt offer extra information, for he wasnt sure it really mattered.
"Have you met Mistress Live Wire yet?" He asked, thinking briefly about his conversations with her. Krieg had been fortunate, he thought, to get her as his master.
Jul 10th, 2002, 02:37:56 PM
"Yes, she is my master. and a good one at that," Krieg said smiling, Live Wire had proven to him that strength only takes you so far and the force can take you much farther.
"Who is your master?" Krieg asked knowing if he didn't he would still probably get a reply.
Jul 10th, 2002, 02:54:05 PM
He moved over towards the window of the room, the bay window structure providing a windowseat, and he sat down.
"Lord Dyzm is my master." He replied.
"He seems fair enough...." He shrugged.
"But he's been traveling a lot lately." He added, the frustration at having to wait on his training written clearly in his features. He stood once again and paced slightly.
"I've been catching flights here and there to visit other planets while he'd been gone." He looked to Krieg.
"Have you traveled much?" He asked.
Jul 10th, 2002, 05:26:27 PM
"Just here after my family died," Krieg said as he took a seat.
"What about you?" Krieg asked intereseted in Siberia Krieg wanted to get a general idea of where it was.
Jul 11th, 2002, 07:08:31 AM
Sasha shook his head.
"Naw, I never got to travel much. I had to look out for my mother, so there wasnt really any chance to." His features clouded for a moment, a mixture of sadness and frustration before they returned to a more curious expression.
"If you have any time off of training and want to check out a nearby planet or something, I'll go with you." He offered.
"If you're interested..." He added, for not everyone loved to travel all that much, and he wasnt sure where Krieg fell on this matter.
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