View Full Version : And Riftblade entered

Grey Riftblade
Jun 18th, 2002, 11:07:49 AM
A young man standing at 4'7" entered the center. He looked around for a minute then brushed his hand through his red spiky hair. He came expecting a bunch of serious warriors but he was very surprised. He looked around to see many people just relaxing and many looked friendly. He let out a sigh of relief, this would be better than he had expected. He walked by people that greated him kindly or would wave at him as he passed. This was nothing like he had assumed it would've been. He casually said hi back and looked for the reception desk as he walked on. He walked up to the counter and had to stand on his toes just to see the other person at the counter, "Hi, how are you, my name's Grey, Grey Riftblade, and I'd like to sign up to be Jedi. A recruiter came to my planet looking for kids with talent and he said I did because I can make my small iron sword move with my mind. So I got a ticket to here and... well... here I am!" He smiled and stood back. He went over to a couch and casually sat down, trying to look more adultlike like the rest of the people in there.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 19th, 2002, 11:59:32 AM
The figure of a woman appeared from the shadows behind him. Smiling to herself, she pulled the hood of her cloak from her head, and let the light consume her....casting a cheery gleam on her face. As she walked toward the newcomer, her red robes flowed behind her like the waves of the ocean, and the Garou Warrior Braids in her hair swung gently in time with her steps. The gold coins woven into them clanged together softly until she stopped a few feet from the young man.

"Greetings.....I am Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Dawnstrider. You are new here, yes? You seek the Jedi...."

She said softly with a graceful bow. Rising to her normal stature of five foot six inches, she surprisingly had to look down for once. The silver in her deep blue eyes caught the light for a moment, as did her elongated canines. He appeared to be an interesting newcomer.....hopefully she would get to know some things about him.....

Grey Riftblade
Jun 19th, 2002, 12:49:12 PM
Yeah, I seek the jedi, I was told my destiny was here so I came. I hope I'm not too young. And I don't think height has anything to do with it either. I'm okay with a sword so I shouldn't be too bad for stopping the dark side. I'm confident in my abilities to become a jedi knight.

::smiled up at the lady and grinned::

people here sure are tall ya know?

Xazor Elessar
Jun 19th, 2002, 12:53:53 PM
Xazor listened intently, wondering about the newcomer's age. Though, height and age mattered nothing to her or the rest of the Order....she couldn't help her curiosity.

"How old are you?"

She questioned with a silly grin. She was not that tall herself....but she guessed that to someone of his height, she would appear as almost a giant...

Grey Riftblade
Jun 19th, 2002, 01:00:27 PM
::He looked around and then tried to get on his tip toes to whisper in her ear::

I'm 16, but I don't want anyone to know because they might talk differently to me. I hate that.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 19th, 2002, 01:04:59 PM
Xazor lofted a brow once again. He's only four years younger than me...and so short! She thought to herself. Sighing gently, she knelt down to make him taller than her...and hopefully so her felt better.

"No one will speak differently to you....are you of a different race that causes the difference in your height? I am only tall and built so muscular because I am Garou...a werewolf. No one will judge you here, I promise...."

She said with a gentle smile, hoping he understood what she was saying...

Grey Riftblade
Jun 19th, 2002, 01:12:26 PM
You talk funny lady, but I think I understand, sorta. Hey, I'm just a short human I guess. Well, are you the person that signs me up? Because I've been here and I understand the patience thing and all but I liked to know when I can begin my training. Wait, I haven't even been accepted have I? Oh well, when's that?

::He smiled at her and sat back down. He was glad she was nice enough to kneel for him, most adults were to "adult-like" to come down to him instead of him coming to them. This person was nice, not friend nice, but she seemed motherly nice.::

Xazor Elessar
Jun 19th, 2002, 01:16:59 PM
Xazor smiled gently and couldn't help but laugh to herself. No one had ever mentioned anything about her speech...but it was always a possibility. She had a strange accent....something like British and that of a beast. Thick at times, but elegant, nonetheless. Smiling once again, she nodded.

"Well, your acceptance is right now. I welcome you to the Greater Jedi Order. We have a shortage of Masters and Knights who are able to train Padawans at the moment....but if you wish, you may join the Force class in the Academy and wait for a Master to train you personally...."

She said softly, smiling as she spoke. He was a very nice young man...and so open about things. The galaxy needed more of it....

Grey Riftblade
Jun 19th, 2002, 01:32:45 PM
::Grey jumped off the chair and yelled::

I'm a padawan. Woo hoo!
Let's start the training already!

::he pulled out his iron sword respectivly and swished it around::

I guess I won't need this anymore, it's a little sad, but I'll keep it because I think it's got a force power to. Can it Xazor? I think it could have my grandfather's soul in it. He was a great swordsman. This used to be his. Well I guess I better get going. Bye Xazor, thabks a lot, you're a nice lady and all but I'm pretty tired and I wanna go find a room. bye!

::And Grey walked on down the living quarters hall way::

Xazor Elessar
Jun 19th, 2002, 01:38:08 PM
Xazor couldn't even get a "good-bye" out before the happy young man was bouncing down the halls toward the living quarters. She grinned to herself and waved slightly.

"May the Force be with you....."

She called out after him and disappeared into the shadows as she had come....