View Full Version : The Continuance of Nightmares

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 18th, 2002, 10:30:25 AM
*Natia, asleep in her bed, starts to toss and turn again. It is a normal occurance for her to do, but it has never been this bad.

It is dark out and the sreams in the distance. No, not the distance, it is downstairs. Where am I?? I am home. No, not home, where I spent the first years of my life.

Something drops and breaks. A cup. Full of coffee. Who for?? My Father. Panic, fear. Have to get away before he comes to beat me again.

Screams increase. There are more. Louder. It's light out now. I'm downstairs and those screams are also mine. I'm angry. I want Father to stop. Stop what?? Hurting me?? Living?? Yes, I want him to stop living. I look at him. He starts to choke. I'm not touching him. Yet I feel like I am.

Natia bolts up in her bed in a cold sweat, a quick short scream comes from her, and there is fear in her ice blue eyes which gets there evey night. She carefully gets up out of bed, grabbing her crutches as she does so and hobbles out of her room in only her PJ's. She looks to her Mother's room, trying to decide on whether or not she should wake her up and talk to her about these nightmares she's having. She knows what they are of. A sad smile on her face, and she hobbles over to the door on her Mother's room and knocks, her mind made up*


Xazor Elessar
Jun 19th, 2002, 12:58:50 PM
Xazor had heard the scream from her daughter's room and was up and out of her bed before Natia had reached the door. The Knight flew out and picked her up in her arms, looking into her eyes with concern.

"What is wrong young one? I heard you scream..."

She said in a tender voice, love pouring out from her soul. Taking the little girl into her own room, she set her down on the bed and brushed her hair back, waiting for her to say something....

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 20th, 2002, 09:44:26 AM
*Natia wraps her arms around her Mother as she picks her up. Trembling slightly, she looks up and smiles weakly when she sees who it is that's picking her up. After a moment, she is set down again, this time on her Mother's bed. In a quiet shaky voice she says*

This is kinda silly for me to say Mother, but, I, um, I kinda had a bad dream, a nightmare to be more exact.

*Natia 'accidently' forgets to add the again which is supposed to be there since it is almost a nightly occurance for her to get nightmares*

It was worse then normal though. It wasn't like the ones I normally get. It hurt.

*Natia starts rubbing her left shoulder where there has always been a nasty looking scar and she starts to cry and holds onto her Mother tighter, with her left arm, as if she is really scared*

Mother, why do I get these dreams?? These horrible dreams. I get very little sleep at night now because of them.

*Natia wipes her tears away as she continues crying*

I was there, it was dark out and the screams. They were horrible like they always were. Then I broke a cup and spilled the coffee all over the floor.

*Natia starts crying even harder. She stopped speaking almost as if the dream had ended there, but her voice says otherwise. She just sits there, her head on her Mother's shoulder, crying like the little kid she is*