View Full Version : A Lost Soul

Gabriel Xeanos
Jun 18th, 2002, 10:00:50 AM
((OOC: Just a note, he was with his deceased Master for only a week or two but has a strong bond with him. Hence why he got his lightsaber, so he really doesn't know much at all, he can only pretty much swing the lightsabers, that's it. So he is not uber.))

"It is very hot on Yavin 4,"is all Gabriel focused on at the moment. Compared to the cold space he was born in, this place was a heat wave. His arms were crossed as he looked over the sky and let his eyes rear down slowly. His long black hair draped over his face as he did so, a slight smile (something that rarely happened) came over him as he looked at every fine detail of the outside of the Jedi Temple. It would be very intimidating to most, a building of that size and hailing of some of the wisest, if not the wisest beings that were within the galaxy. Though he anticipated such about the Jedi, learning the ways of intelligence and wisdom, his love was combat. A natural at it so far, but if amplified by training to be a Jedi and actually doing something with it…well then that was probably what his life would be.

He pulled his threaded hair gently away from his face revealing his very odd and bright red eyes and smooth pale skin, his skin could be accounted for being in space for most of his 18 years, the eyes were unknown, even to his father. And his deceased Master, Ko-Hai Dune, had no clue of it either. Yet, his dead Master, Ko-Hai Dune figured him special, along with the battles he was able to fight with his bare hands as well as lightsaber. He may have been a Padawan, but some things were already evident in his early training. For instance his cold emotions and lack of understanding in that of faith and the defensive capabilities of the Force. However well his offensive may have been, before his death, Ko-Hai told another Master to have Gabriel sent here and to give him his lightsaber. Gabriel with held two lightsabers now, his own and would never give up his former Master’s lightsaber, and rarely used it for that matter.

Gabriel began to tie his hair back as he entered the Jedi Temple. His hands trailing over it, as he seemed focused on the ground at the moment. So many stories he had heard about the place, but even though excitement was within his emotional seclusion somewhere, his face did not show it. It only showed a darker personality of loneliness and a subsequent patience, something he was always use to but the people around him tended to be less then comfortable with his eerie eyes and quiet personality. All he wanted for now is to finish the training he had started, seeing as he was still very lost in the ways of the Force and probably not become a Jedi till taught properly.

His clothes were no different, almost resembling that of what a Jedi would wear already, except very dark. A black leather vest that went down to knee length was over a baggy and loose black shirt tied with heavy belt that held the handles of two lightsabers. He had on black boots along with rather constraining white pants that tucked heavily and almost militarily into his boots. Over all this clothing was a brown robe with a hood off and behind it. His dark gloves were shifting in and out of light as he was still tying behind his scattered hair, his face showing a slight sense of frustration, but not straying very much from his original demeanor. Clicking, his boots finally came to a stop as he looked up. A face of awe might have been a rather common expression, seeing all the Jedi, and the beautiful layout of the temple, but instead he found the nearest wall.

Then as usual, he waited.

"No need to be a bother to them, I rather wait then initiate anyway..." Gabriel said.

His voice was rather musical and calming to those who listened, but most didn't.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 19th, 2002, 12:32:41 PM
The figure of a woman stepped away from the wall and out of the shadows, allowing herself to bathe in the light of the sun's rays that filtered through the large windows of the temple. A gentle smile played upon her lips as she walked toward a newcomer. Her red robes flowed behind her like the waves of oceans...and the Garou Warrior Braids in her hair swung in time with each step she took. The gold coins woven into them clanged together softly until she came to a stop nearly a foot behind the newcomer. Gently she touched his shoulder and moved her hand back to pull down the hood of her cloak. He turned around and the first thing his eyes met were hers....the silver in their deep blueness gleaming in the light that they caught......in contrast to his odd red eyes. She paid her curiosity no mind, and instead bowed.

"Greetings....I am Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Dawnstrider. You seek to Jedi this day, yes?"

She questioned with a gentle smile, her elongated canines caught the light momentarily, hinting to those who did not know, that she was not of the human race....but of a culture filled with rich history and pride....the Garou. This fellow was interesting indeed, and captured her curiosity. Crossing her arms over her chest, she eyed him, waiting for him to speak once again.....

Gabriel Xeanos
Jun 19th, 2002, 01:02:14 PM
Gabriel was slightly startled by the appearance of someone behind him. His hand went to the side of his robe about to draw attack, but let it settle. It was a rather obvious movement as well. If this were not a Jedi temple he surely would have pulled to attack by such a sudden appearance. When her hand touched his shoulder he immediately turned and knew that it was of course a Jedi of prominence. He gave respect to those of higher authority or age, as he would not argue with someone who had seen or experienced more then he had. She revealed herself with a smile as Gabriel bowed to a knee and with elegance in his stride and his brown robe settling slowly in his descent. His red eyes rearing down as he spoke lightly but calmly. The glowing radiance of his red eyes never changing from its cold emotional stature, even when in praise.

“It is an honor to meet you Madame Jedi Knight. I…um… apologize for my rear to attack…and yes, I am here to continue my training, my master has passed and I wish to continue what he started…”

It was funny to him how he seemed weak to any Jedi of higher order to him, but was told of his arrogance and inability of patience in combat and having too much of that when out of it. He chuckled to himself while still on one knee and looking to the ground. He was taught respect to all that deserved it and who better then a true Jedi?

“I hope it is not an inconvenience at this time to join in the ranks of Padawan Learner, I do not wish to adhere to another’s time by my inability of waiting…it is a curse I suppose,” he said the words almost as soft as before, making it difficult to hear him at times.

Although, what he was like was the opposite of what he said he was sure she would have caught it by now, most Jedi could feel his sense of combat and eerie demeanor a mile a way, at least he thought that.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 19th, 2002, 01:11:28 PM
Xazor noted his level of respect and thought it very nice of him. So many came in without any knowledge of self-discipline...and oftentimes, outright arrogance. Gently she placed a hand on his shoulder once again.

"Rise my friend....we are all equal here. I can sense a bit of anxiousness in you...as well as a desire for combat. The Jedi do not seek these things, but with time and patience....you too shall learn this. So you seek to join the Jedi and continue what your deceased Master began with you? That is good.....you have pure reasons and committment. What are your other reasons...I sense you may have some....."

She questioned with a tone of foreshadowment. He possessed an eerie demeanor...but she had met a few of such stature before and it did not phase her now. He was interesting....perhaps he had more to tell than what met the eye.....

Gabriel Xeanos
Jun 19th, 2002, 01:30:53 PM
He looked back up as he slowly rose with a slight adhered sense of wonder at her question. He only said what he felt, he was taught that hiding anything to Jedi was only a way to lock yourself into a perpetual and inarguable hold on negative being rather than the positive.

“Life without the expectance of living…madam Jedi…” his words were sincere as they were complicated, he spoke as if he understood them but didn’t want to.

He still kept his face down to the ground. Her equal statement he heard, and heard well, but he did not want to show any dishonor to another. That was what he taught and he rarely strayed from doing anything that was opposed to that. His eagerness for battle was more in his heart, which worried him as the Jedi would try to weed that out, and he was sure it would be difficult to do such, both for him and whoever his Master may be.

“What life has brought me so far is nothing to note in my mind or to tell another without feeling a trail of unnoted prominence and lost being. But what I seek here is to find an alternative rather than becoming secluded in my own mind. I am sure, like many things that is another ultimate path to the dark side. I have seen the dissension of such; I do not wish to see it again. That is why I seek to learn, there is more I can tell, but whether you wish to hear it or not is on your mind at the moment, not mine madam Jedi,”

He wrapped his robe around him slightly tighter as he was looking to the ground. Whatever he could say was a choice to her. The only thing that plagued his life was being surrounded by death, so seeing that in the future is not something he feared like many would. It was the way it came and the fact he couldn’t choose how that destroyed his confidence. Seeing his mother die and knowing his father was dying slowly even as they spoke only enhanced that by ten fold.

“I am just one that wishes to make things right again,” Gabriel said with an adolescent nod to the Jedi Knight before him.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 19th, 2002, 01:42:19 PM
Xazor searched his heart for a moment, noting that his intentions were pure, but other things clouded his mind and path.

"Many things are yet to come, young one.....but if you keep looking straight ahead, you will accomplish your goal....and become a great Jedi. I welcome you to the Greater Jedi Order. Though we have many Masters and Knights, there are few available who are able to train at the moment. Patience is key...and if you wish, you may join the Force class in the Academy. There you shall learn much..."

She said with a gentle smile, noting that he still had not risin to stand among his now, fellow Jedi. He was quite interesting....she would keep a close eye on this one....

Gabriel Xeanos
Jun 19th, 2002, 01:59:34 PM
“Thank you madam Jedi, I appreciate such intentions without giving full aspect to who I am. And I am sorry for not mentioning earlier, but my name is Gabriel Xeanos. I will do what you say, as your words are well wiser than mine madam Jedi,” he said with a musical tone that he never truly admired or noticed himself.

He finally got up while letting his hands cross over his chest and bowing in the same instance. Before he continued on he inquired.

“And, madam Jedi, I need to know something…”

He unclipped a lightsaber handle form his side. An aged yet sparkling lightsaber handle with an indentation of a strange language on its side. A small bracelet wrapped around the safer end, it dangled with a small half-inch medallion at the end. Its etchings were too worn to understand, but it still had a great amount of beauty in it.

“This is my deceased Master’s lightsaber…I have my own...but... I wanted to know if I can keep it with me? Many other temples object to having two lightsabers, but I find this more of sentimental value then anything else. It would be disrespectful if I did not ask you…”

Jun 19th, 2002, 03:06:04 PM
Anduril, who had been lurking in the shadows, emerged into the light. Walking up to the pair he nodded in greeting to Xazor and turned to the newcomer. It was nice to see someone of his age (or at least near it) around the place.

"Greetings my friend. My name is Anduril. Please excuse me for my interruption, but I couldn't help overhear that you wanted to know whether you are allowed to carry two lightsabres. I have heard, correct me if I am wrong Master Xazor, that this is permitted here."

He moved his black robe open slightly on both sides revealing his sabres; Anor and Ithil.

"I carry two myself. If you wish, you could come to my sparring area in the Academy and we could train in some ambidexterous lightsabre training together. Or if you do not wish to use it then I understand, of course."

Anduril turned to Xazor, hoping that his interruption was not out of place.

Gabriel Xeanos
Jun 19th, 2002, 03:35:17 PM

Gabriel’s eyes lit up like rubies for a moment when he heard the word. The one thing he loved and his master did so rarely was lightsaber training. So far he had excelled in this the most, the uses of the force were weak within him, but the manipulative qualities it could be used for in combat were not. It was a early fear to Master Dune that Gabriel might be too ambitious and rear to the dark side, but he was too wanting in helping people that he would never do such a thing. Gabriel knew this himself, as killing was not within his being unless it was for cause like the Jedi code said.

“Of course, I would not mind to train with someone, I am rather latent with using my Master’s lightsaber since the handle is so much heavier, but I make occasions. So I see no need to not make one for a simple spar,” his words were rather cold, as was his look. Yet deep down he was rather anticipating combat.

He turned to the woman before him with a bow and looked back down to the ground, as opposed to straight into her eyes. Most of it stemming for respect and shyness to others. He probably said more to her then he did his Master.

“As long as that is accepted by superior authority. I am sorry for all the conformations, but my Master and former temple were rather avid about when to train and what you used…a more constricting atmos…”

Gabriel just trailed off; knowing by now he was talking too much. His red eyes let their illuminated excitement dim as he looked to the ground and waited to go off sparring.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 20th, 2002, 03:38:53 PM
Xazor smiled when Anduril entered the Recruitment Center. He was a good student and was doing well in training. Gently she placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled once again.

"Greetings young Padawan....indeed, you are not mistaken. You may carry two sabers as Gabriel may as well. If you wouldn't mind sparring together for practice, that is fine in my eyes....."

She said softly, bowing to the two before she turned to part. The Knight looked back at them with a grin.

"If you need any help, I'm always around somewhere. May the Force be with you....."

With that, the shadows covered her and she disappeared into them as she had come....