View Full Version : Whispering Statues

Gabriel Xeanos
Jun 18th, 2002, 08:09:35 AM
(OOC: Continuation of origin/story I put in the OOC forum)

“He is dead and so is the world around me…yet the tears that roll down my cheek are not for sorrow or care like a Jedi’s would be, no, they are of hatred…”

Fire flickered the room of elegant marble and worn columns. A single figure lied on a stone altar setting, his robes consenting to the flame that engulfed him. Obviously dead to the plain of life and the force, one who knew it well and chambered it within his heart and soul as well as his mind. Several men and women stood there, their hoods bringing a perpetual feel of lifelessness and lost thought. Mourning for the Jedi was like the rest, loving and caring to the loss. Though very few had time to do anything like that anymore. So the few masters and knights there watched on with their indifferent eyes of calm ease, but hearts that weighed on them heavily.

One of the few there may not have looked different to the naked eye, his brown burlap robe falling to the ground in grace like any other Jedi. His hood was down however, exposing his sharp and pale young face along with his long black hair that at the time had been tied behind his head and a small section braided like a Padawan’s would be. Telling of his ascension to the Trials. This one was close, but had obviously not gone through with them yet. The most protruding likeness of this young man however was his eyes. His eyes were not blue, hazel, or even a rare green. No, this young man was different; his red eyes scanned the altar that the body lied upon like a hawk.

Under his robe was a fairly basic Jedi gi. It had a reddish brown leather V that went down into a lone like cloth with a heavy black sash over it. Near that was his belt, his black and sliver standard lightsaber hanging amongst the clothing. Beneath that was another layer of clothing that was a slight shade of black with rather big robe like sleeves that led out to his brown gloves. His pants were a black as well with his boots another deep black. He could be mistaken as a Sith at first glance, but those who knew him had known, without a shadow of doubt, that he was caring, yet very quiet and dark to his proceedings. That was why when one of the masters saw him crying, his eyes narrowed with wonder. It was not normal for this young learner out of all to be crying. He had ascended so quickly and was already fairly known. However, the master still had something to give him, requested by the Padawan’s former master, Ko-Hai Dune.

When the ceremony was over it seemed still in the room, the body had been moved away and most of the others were gone. There still was the young man, sitting against a column that surrounded the altar. His robe pushed away and his hands lazily strewn over his knees. A shadow flailed over him slowly as he looked up to see Keppa-Dar Lowe, master of the force like any other. The Jedi pulled his hood back revealing his sleek ebony skin with several blue tattoos painted along his face. He looked down at the learner who did not bother to do anything but stare at the altar that still was solemnly placed in the center of the four columns there.

“He wanted you to have this Gabriel. As much as the normal Jedi code calls for not doing anything like this, I see it fitting at the moment,” Master Lowe said the words with a humble and deep care as he outstretched his hand.

Gabriel Xeanos
Jun 18th, 2002, 08:11:17 AM
Gabriel didn’t look up at first, his red eyes strewn upon the patterns of the marble flooring. He was trying to understand why it happened, and if it was destiny or the fate that all Jedi were so high on. Fate that he still didn’t understand and what made him come close to failing the trials. When he did look up however, what he saw astonished him for a moment. The lightsaber handle in Master Lowe’s gloved hand sparkling with resonance of the sunlight that came from the entrance to the hall. Gabriel was always jealous of Master Dune’s lightsaber handle. Only because of its indifferent design and small tassel that ran down at the end with a very small gold medallion on it.

Gabriel was in awe, it made very little sense, and usually the lightsaber would go with the body, especially with something as personal as that. He looked up at Master Lowe who had a smile. Gabriel let the lightsaber float of out of the master’s hand and slowly transverse the air to his held up hand, the sparkling medallion twisting along with the tassel that it hung from. He then clenched it lightly while speaking. His voice was very dark but had a sound of care and light within it as well,

“What did I do to deserve this...I…don’t understand…I,” Gabriel said, his words holding astonishment and wonder within them.

Master Lowe sighed as he knelt down in front of Gabriel to speak. “Master Dune told me before he died that if you ever passed the trials to give you his lightsaber. So far you were the best pupil he ever had. When we went on that mission together and he had fallen to the blade, those were the last words from his mouth,” Master Lowe smiled then patted him on the shoulder. He got up putting his hood back on, the cloth of his robe fluttering to the small movements as he turned.

Gabriel sat there his eyes were bright with a new beginning as he looked at the lightsaber. He then realized something.

“Did you say if I passed the Trials? But Master Lowe, I didn’t pass the trials!” he yelled the words as the Master was rather far by now.

Lowe stopped, the clicking of his heels along with his halt as he spoke to him in a light voice that seemed to travel just as well as yelling. “We have decided because of this eventful death, you’re training could have been effected, and that save for some inconsequential, you are now a true Jedi Knight. In fact I believe they are going to put you out on your own for a while rather than with another…they have high hopes for you Jedi Knight Gabriel.”

Within seconds Lowe was gone and Gabriel stood alone, strapping the second lightsaber to his side. In all actuality he did not know if this was good or bad. The light that controlled some of his anger at himself was gone, burned away in ceremonial form. Yet, he was free of mind, a true Jedi set on his own, which was rather strange and unusual for the council. Only time would tell of his new beginnings.

Gabriel Xeanos
Jun 18th, 2002, 08:58:15 AM
One year later….

Two figures stood atop a rather large ship that was on a landing platform. One had on the usually brown Jedi robe with his layers of clothing beneath. A leather Reddish V went down in a lone cloth and a heavy black sash, the rest was a black, each of the layers of clothing, including the long robe like sleeves. Save for his pants that were a dusty white, his clothing indicated he had been on travel for some time, as if the Jedi Order sent him out on a mission that would take half a lifetime to accomplish. The strange thing was that that assumption was rather on target. Gabriel wasn’t given an apprentice, even if he didn’t want one he was supposed to take one. He was only given his lightsabers and didn’t even have a ship. He later found out, on his travels away from the council. That he was sent out because he was a potential for the dark side, and if that were so, and he turned, they wanted him nowhere near home. Seeing as how several Jedi of the order had turned to this already.

On the other side, only a few feet away, but enough for fair distance, was a man roughly of the same age. He had short cut black hair with fairly tanned skin and green eyes. A fair amount of stubble formed around his lower face. He had on baggy black pants and a top similar to Gabriel’s only it was all black. His robe of black tucked around him tightly as he clenched it for comfort from the heavy winds around them. The sky was blotted out by the darkness of the gray clouds and the forest beyond was only illuminated by lightning from time to time. The ship they stood upon was of custom design. Ranging fairly large, it had bent wings, most likely for landing. Thrusters were seen on the bottom as well as the sides and it formed almost a sharp and flat triangle shape in the middle.

Raising a subsequent eyebrow, the one in black looked at Gabriel, his eyes piercing and intoxicating to those who did not know him. It was most likely why he was such a potential Master at the Force, his tactics being able to manipulate those around him with ease of thought. Though his physical combat strategies were strong and simple, it was his cheap mind tricks that made him powerful. Even though he did not necessarily have a standing in the sight of the Jedi Council, only being recognized as rouge and no harm. Although, Gabriel had found him, and he was not the harmless being he was made out to be. The man in black lowered his eyes from the sky beyond and looked a Gabriel with a smile as he spoke in a raspy deep voice.

“Tell me, do you enjoy the dreams I made for you? The haunting perpetual hate that flows within your body? It’s like a virus isn’t it? One that has no cure and has no ends and you ask yourself if you will survive to kill me. If you even remember my name. You think the cure is my death, the vengeance you want to rain upon me. But your wrong, it is only me winning. Your turning and my ascension, almost as high as the most powerful Dark Jedi there could be, you cannot understand to fathom the possibilities I hold for you child. I will not ask you to join, no, I will kill you instead. Why waste my time, you are nothing special. You are the same lost soul as the rest of the Jedi Order, the same order that is being eaten away as we speak this very moment…”

“Quiet…” Gabriel spoke the words with meaning. As if the Dark Jedi had been within his mind. It was difficult for him to understand, he may have been Knight but his understanding of the force was rather dulled to the simple occurrences of combat. The only thing he truly exiled in when in training. Gabriel could use the Force, but never could truly understand it for its true reasons of order.

“Well for just cause that is the truth of the matt—“

“Please…quiet, I don’t want to fight you Kormun, it’s hate that will drive me, not the true understanding of being a Jedi. I’m not like you.”

“Well, if it means I must initiate the formal conflict then by all means I have no qualms with that.”

With that Kormun spun around on the hard steel skeleton of the moderately sized ship as he let his lightsaber handle be pulled with the force into his immediate right hand. It activated with a heated hum as he came around from the finishing revolution, the red searing blade of energy aimed for the head of Gabriel. His footsteps were fluent, as expected with a Jedi Master turned Dark. He probably could have simply brought Gabriel to his knees in pain by a simple movement of his hand, but it was the shear excitement of combat and the fact that he could finally die that drove him to sink to the level a pure breed Padawan just turn Jedi Knight.