View Full Version : how many times have you seen EP II ?
Jun 18th, 2002, 07:24:17 AM
i saw AOTC five times at theatre and a couple of more times on the *.mpg.
Jun 18th, 2002, 08:35:14 AM
So far 6 times at the theater...
Jun 18th, 2002, 08:37:22 AM
*.mpg being a cinema, YES? ;)
I've seen it thrice
Sanis Prent
Jun 18th, 2002, 11:53:44 AM
8 times at the theater.
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 18th, 2002, 11:58:32 AM
I have seen it three times but plan on seeing it at least one more time hopefull twice for a total of 5, if I can make it to a budget theater maybe I will see it a couple more times.
Doc Milo
Jun 18th, 2002, 12:51:45 PM
I saw it six times -- five on film, once digital.
Jun 18th, 2002, 01:18:29 PM
Yeah - of my 6 viewings, one was digital.
Ilyn Pyke
Jun 18th, 2002, 01:31:03 PM
I have seen it 5 times and hopefully will catch it at least once on _digital_ before the film leaves the theatres.
Jun 18th, 2002, 02:28:42 PM
I've seen it 4 times, all in the theater, and I'm going again tonight!:crack
Jun 18th, 2002, 04:26:12 PM
twice in theatre and twice on mpg, I would kill to see it digital, but there is not digitheatre near me.
Jun 18th, 2002, 05:29:12 PM
Only 24 times BUT I'm off work three day's this week so I'll get a few more in :)
Nathanial K'cansce
Jun 18th, 2002, 07:57:25 PM
1 time... theater...
I've been busy!
Jun 18th, 2002, 08:19:08 PM
Just got back from #5.
Oops, wrong thread.:p
Jinn Fizz
Jun 18th, 2002, 08:41:02 PM
7 times, all on film. The closest digital theater is something like 3 hours away, I believe. :p
Jun 18th, 2002, 08:57:05 PM
I can go about 6 hours to Toronto where I think they had one for a while, I don't know if they still have it, or to NYC where they have to have at least a couple.
Admiral Lebron
Jun 18th, 2002, 09:08:04 PM
Twice on digital, once regular, half-less then on computer.
Doc Milo
Jun 18th, 2002, 10:15:25 PM
I can go about 6 hours to Toronto where I think they had one for a while, I don't know if they still have it, or to NYC where they have to have at least a couple.
Yes, NYC has a few. The biggest one would be the Ziegfield. Huge screen there -- if it's still playing there.... It's sort of like the NYC version of Mann's Chinese, I'd guess. It's where a lot of premieres take place...
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