View Full Version : Seeking Dios......

Danya Van Derveld
Jun 17th, 2002, 01:00:58 PM
A young woman of the age twenty four, stood outside of the Jedi Recruitment Center. A wicked smile danced upon her lips as she looked at the doors, waiting for a young man by the name of Dios. Crossing her arms over her chest, her bright cyan eyes set themselves on those doors.....waiting, as she stood amongst the pathetic Jedi.....

Dios Kane
Jun 17th, 2002, 01:10:37 PM
Dios stumbles in gasping for air and immediatley straightens up as he senses a power that reminded him of the raw power that belonged to his master. He was badly hurt from a previous fight and the broken link between his sword and him and hurt him deeply. He looked up and saw a strong woman standing in front of him. "Hail woman, you flow with a righteous power." He looks down for a moment, putting away a few thoughts as he looked up again. "My instinct tells me my search for a power to purify the jedi and kill Tomak Ohara is over."

Danya Van Derveld
Jun 17th, 2002, 01:14:54 PM
Danya grinned to herself and walked over to the man who hailed her with power. Smiling coldly, she lifted her hand to his face and gently touched him.

"Oh indeed....you seek to kill this, Tomak Ohara, and purify the Jedi? Why do you wish to have anything to do with the Jedi? They are weak and lack the power needed to rid the galaxy of such a man. They would never let you do such a thing, besides. Weak religeous people that fill your minds with lies..."

She paused a moment and looked him up and down before her eyes met his once agan. The young woman thought he was quite attractive...and he would make a nice addition to her Order....

"The power you seek is not far from here....I will take you there if you wish. The Sith Empire...it will fulfill your needs and train you properly. Then you shall be able to kill Tomak....I will lead you there if you so choose...."

She said with a playful smile. Hopefully he would decide to join.....it would be most pleasing to the Council if she was to recruit someone so soon....

Dios Kane
Jun 17th, 2002, 01:40:15 PM
"Lead on, the only thing I will involve myself with the jedi from here on is that I will see them suffer! I must kill Tomak, but he has tricked the jedi and he has learned how to utilize their abilities. I must learn of your power, it flows much stronger than the jedi's. I must use it to replace my sword to cut deeply to Tomak's life and everyone around him. I believe that you are the key to open the gateway of this power and I will follow." Dios stepped back and admired the stature of the woman before him. She resembled everything of the Knights long ago that charged into battle and cut down everything in their path but were never scathed a bit. Dios knew he had lied to himself, she was more than what he expected and far more than just his key to leading him to Tomak's demise. He would join these Sith and he would wreak havoc among the weak minded and corrupted jedi of Tomak! He kneeled for a moment as he remebered his goal and thought of his family and stepped up to meet his destiny, Danya Argent

Danya Van Derveld
Jun 17th, 2002, 01:59:02 PM
Danya grinned to herself as he spoke. His words were the truth....he was a lot smarter than the Jedi that was for certain.

"I am glad to hear of your decision.....to the Sith Empire I shall lead you. There, you will face your destiny and embrace it!"

An evil laugh resounded from the woman's lips as she led him toward the Sith Base....

ooc: you have to get an EZBoard account to register there. I'll start the thread in the RC there once you let me know you have an account. :)